How come a champion racer never comes in time when you need to meet with her?

CY : "Hyung I'm sorry there was traffic on my way." You can see her catching her breathe from running.

JY : "I'm actually used to it Smol. You're always late hahaha, can't believe that you won so many trophies for coming in first but in real life you're always last."

CY : "Hahaha sorry hyung."

JY : "Gaja! I'm pretty sure those girls are already eating."

CY : "Arraso hyung, I bought some cheese cake."

JY : "Aren't you being obvious?"

CY : "Weeh?"

JY : "Hahaha why would you bring cake on the first day meeting them?"

CY : "I thought I should bring something since I'm going to bother you guys."

JY : "Okay, remember Mina is a introvert. If she doesn't talk to you doesn't mean she hates you."

CY : "Are you helping me with Mina hyung?"

JY : "You told me you want to be friends with her, she doesn't talk a lot so you might misinterpret her."

CY : "Arraso hyung! Thank you."

We arrived at the cafeteria everyone was already there eating and having fun. Momo and Sana was with them to.

JY : "Annyeong! How could you eat without me?"

JH : "Jeongie you're late you know we don't wait if it comes to food."

MM : "Oooh Chaeyoung-ah!"

JY : "You know her Chaeng?"

CY : "Hahaha I do and Sana unnie too."

SN : "What a small world. Chaeyoung, Momo and I made a commercial few years ago."

JY : "Omo this is my cousin Son Chaeyoung."

MM : "As expected of Doctors who don't open there TV."

DH : "Hi there Chaeyoung-ssi. I'm Kim Dahyun."

TY : "I'm Chou Tzuyu I work with Jeong :)"

JH : "I'm Park Jihyo nice to meet you."

SN : "The CEO."

JH : "Why do you guys always put that along with my name?"

TY : "Unnie you really are the CEO."

JH : "I know but no need to mention that."

CY : "Haha I'm Son Chaeyoung I work as a racer."

Everyone was busy talking while Mina was just focusing on her food. She didn't even turn around when we came.

MM : "Chaeyoung-ah what bought you here?"

CY : "I'm just visiting hyung."

JY : "Ehem! Dr. Myoui aren't you being rude? Not saying Hi to your sunbae?"

Mina then turned around and stood up.

MN : "Ohh I'm sorry Yoo Jeongyeon sunbae-nim." She said sarcastically.

JH : "Mina's busy eating her bowl of ketchup. Sorry Chaeyoung-ah she's always like that."

MN : "I'm sorry I didn't know we have a visitor."

SN : "Minari we've been talking for a while now."

MN : "Sorry my food was way too delicious. I was caught in my own world. I'm Myoui Mina younger sister of Park Jihyo."

CY : "Nice to meet you Dr. Myoui :)"

MN : "Wait you look familiar."

JY : "Does she look like your next girlfriend?"

MN : "Pabo! You're embarrassing."

CY : "I meet you last week. I saw you perform."

MN : "Ohh yeah. Sorry for being rude that day." 

MM : "Yah Mina-chan! What did I told you about your performance?" 

MN : "Sorry Momo I forgot :)"

JY : "Since you guys already ate, Chaeyoung and I will just share this cake."

I lifted Chaeyoung's hand that was holding the box of cake.

DH : "Hyung I can eat more."

JH : "That's right don't under estimate your friends."

JY : "Arraso then I'm going to buy my apple. Smol take a sit you're always welcome here like those two." I said and pointed at Momo and Sana.

TY : "Chaeyoung-ah you can sit with me."

CY : "Thank you."

JH : "You can come here anytime Chaeyoung-ah so feel at ease."

I waited in line to buy my apple. Everyone was having fun, Chaeyoung is already fitting in with those girls. While Mina started to talk more after eating.

JY : "Since Chaeng is already comfortable with you guys. I'm going now."

MN : "You know it's raining right?"

JY : "I have an umbrella in my office."

SN : "But the bench are wet."

JY : "That's alright I can stand in the corner."

CY : "Ehh?"

TY : "Well as you can see Dr. Yoo likes to spend most of her free time in the roof top."

DH : "No one can beat her stubbornness even CEO-nim here can't stop her."

JH : "I hate to admit this but she doesn't really listen to anything I say :("

JY : "Ehhhhhh? I do."

MN : "Sometimes haha."

JY : "Arraso I'm going Chaeng if you need anything call me. Mina can help you too she's not really busy."

CY : "Thanks hyung I'm not really going to stay longer."

JH : "Come visit us every free time you have Chaeng."

JY : "I'm off."

I went back to my office to pick up my umbrella and headed straight to the roof top. I bet she's not coming today It's raining after all.

As I was enjoying my peaceful time in the rain I heard the door open.

"She's probably just dropping by." I whispered to myself.

Then came in a little bunny in her floral dress without any umbrella. She started dancing, she really is a hard headed. How can she dance in this heavy rain? I watched her dance her heart out when suddenly she fell to the ground. I run towards her.

JY : "Yah! Are you stupid? It's raining and here you are dancing like there's no tomorrow." I put the umbrella on top of her head making me soak a little in the rain.

NY : "Ohhh Dr. Yoo! That's how you need to live your life, as if it's like your last. You need to go all out. By the way what are you doing here?" She then looked up at me.

JY : "How did you know my name?"

NY : "It's right there." *Pointing at my name tag*

JY : "Then I think it's right for me to know your name."

NY : "What for Dr. Yoo? You're not my Doctor and we're not probably going to see each other until we grow old. I liked how you call me little bunny the other day. You can keep calling me that :)"

JY : "Whatever. Gaja! I'm going to be burnt to death by our CEO if she see me letting a patient play in the rain."

She just sat there and looked away, how come this girl is so carefree? "Live your life as if it's your last" how can she say those words. 

JY : "Hey little bunny come on stand up."

I saw her catching her breathe the shrug of her shoulder grew bigger and bigger. 

JY : "Hey look at me." I kneel down to her and held her cheeks.

JY : "Are you okay, I'll take you to the emergency room."

She shook her head and smiled at me.

NY : "I'm okay Dr. Yoo, I have asthma. You're getting wet. Why would you let go of you're umbrella?"

JY : "That's not important right now. Come on lets go inside."

NY : "Hmm I know I'm asking to much right now but can you give me a lift? I can't gain strength in my feet."

JY : "Arraso!" 

I picked her up and carried her in my back. Both of us we're already soaking when we came back in. I felt her heart running fast as it pressed against my back.

I felt her heart running fast as it pressed against my back        

NY : "Dr. Yoo you can put me down I can walk from here. My room is in the end of this hallway."

JY : "I don't mind let me carry you until we're at your room. Next time if you want to have fun just do it in your room. Don't go playing in the rain."

NY : "Thank you but it's kinda suffocating in there."

I was surprise by the fact that her room is in the floor below the roof top. That unit is for executives only. As I thought this little bunny is rich. 

Suddenly Dahyun and Jihyo came out of her room with worried faces.

JY : "Looking for her?" 

Jihyo came running towards us.

JH : "Yah! Im Nayeon what do you think your doing?"

NY : "Jihyo-yah don't worry I'm okay I was just sleepy."

JY : "She was tired from dancing."

JH : "Nayeonnie I told you don't do that. Jeong can you bring her to that chair."

I put her down on the chair while Jihyo took a towel and gave it to both of us. Dahyun came after us and took out her stethoscope, checking her heart beat.

DH : "Dr. Park heart is stable, she's just likely tired of dancing."

JH : "Jeong thank you. I really appreciate it."

JY : "No problem, I'm going now."

JH : "You can go home Jeong, you're soaking. I'll tell Tzuyu to cover for you."

JY : "It's fine, I have some spare clothes in my office." I waved them goodbye.

NY : "Dr. Yoo thank you :)" She look very pale at the moment, I think she did her self so much.

DH : "Jeong let me take you the elevator I need to talk to the nurse in the station."

JY : "Arrsao."

I couldn't help but worry about her.

JY : "Dr. Kim what's her case?"

DH : "Hmm she's a special one, she have a heart condition."

Heart condition? That's probably why she's out of breathe earlier.

JY : "I always saw her in the roof top and I never thought she's that sick."

DH : "It's that why you always go there Dr. Yoo."

JY : "Part of it but don't get me wrong I never talked to her before."

DH : "Ahhh well Ms. Im is different even if she's sick you can't actually tell just by looking at her unless someone tells you. She lives by her own will. I'll see you later Jeong. I need to go this way."

JY : "Okay, thank you Dubu."

Im Nayeon huh? She must be a daughter of some business tycoon. That's why she's stubborn and carefree. I remember her smiling while having those pale lips. 


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Chapter 28: Just finished reading the story and this was very amazing. Great job author-nim!
Chapter 22: I'm loving the story so far hihi ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
bore_d1020 #3
Chapter 28: Wow!!! For a moment I thot the doner was Jeong. Thank you for not making it a cliche. Wow. Didn’t expect a ring hiding in the bunny. Happy ending for alll!!!
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 25: Oh man. Now the urgency. Is Nayeon’s starting to fail now?! Understand what Jieun said but it was not her place to say those things to Nayeon. I hope Nayeon won’t do anything drastic with NaJeong relationship after Nayeon’s recent hospitalisation.
Masyziyati36 #5
Chapter 25: Finally.. I feel it...
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 19: wow... its aldy 30 days? that's fast. huh... for a moment i thot the major surgery of Dr. Chou is on Nayeon. well... can they operate on Nayeon considering they know her personally? especially now that Jeong confessed her feelings for Nayeon too?
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 9: very cute story but y does the 3 sisters all have different surnames? their father have 3 wives?
the story is making Jeong a surgeon of everything.
phtnquyen #8
Chapter 4: Keep writing author-nim, i kinda like the story ?
Chapter 4: ahhhhh r u posting all the povs today ?? can't wait ^.^