two. The Gang

PCY really loves BBH.

Image result for xiumin, chanyeol, kris, kai sehun


In Study Hall, there were only about 13 students in the classroom. Most students would prefer to use their free time outside getting some fresh air or simply chatting with friends for half an hour before lunch rather than in yet another classroom.


Not Baekhyun, he loves studying and being an A+ student, it makes his Eomma proud and that's more than enough reasons to maintain good grades for him. 


Usually, Chanyeol would leave at this time especially since he wasn't hungry enough to stay for lunch and even if he did get hungry he'd just go to McDonald's or some .


Besides, lunchtime for him was usually spent talking to some random chick about "what she's getting into?" and "if she'd rather come Netflix and chill?", in which obviously she would. I mean who wouldn't? Dudes fell victim sometimes too. 


20 minutes of Netflix before whichever female or male it was this time was on the ground in between his legs with his down their throat which would eventually lead to them straddling his lap forcing him into them. He doesn't know anything about them but their name, who the cares anyway. 


But this time was different. 


Chanyeol made his way to the study hall rather than outside for a quick behind the school from Krystal which wasn't normal — at all.


"Ayo, Chanyeol!" a voice calls from down the hall. It's his best friend or as he likes to call it his "Right Hand Man" Jongin.


They have been best friends since freshman year, they've been through tough times together so when Chanyeol learned how to push drugs (a/n: sell drugs for those who don't know) he made sure his friends learned too so they can all make money together. That's what friends are for right?


Jongin caught up to his friend and they exchanged a complicated dap that only them and their gang members could reciprocate. How the even? Only they know.


"Minseok said he's been texting you all morning, he finished doing that thing today so he'll come by at 2." he said as they dropped hands. 


"I left my phone in the Beamer, tell him to go to Kris' place." School was over at 2:30 but he knows he'll be long gone before then. "I got some bud, I wanna smoke before I go back to the spot tonight." (a/n: don't drag meeee)


In Chanyeol's gang, there are five of them. Chanyeol himself, Jongin, Sehun, Kris and Minseok. The attractive teens called themselves "The Hearbreak Kids" HBK for short, courtsey of Chanyeol of course. The others don't have a tragic love story like their friend, but hey.. es, get money. (a/n: i'm lame) Literally. 


They all hang out in Kris' neighborhood, bag up their product in his basement and smoke joints till whenever they wanna go home. They formed a very close bond since they share the same hobby.



It all started freshmen year, for weeks they would all end up in detention after school together, sitting in silence for an hour before being dismissed and going their separate ways. Until one day, Jongin lit a joint upon exiting the school, the reason why they were all there in the first place. That damn scent stuck to their clothes invading their classmate's nostrils. Chanyeol being the pothead he is noticed immediately and struck a conversation with the tan male, pulling a joint from his sweater sleeve. The next day Kris and Sehun joins them. Then one day while walking home from school they bump into Minseok, who was doing what? Smoking a joint. Instant friendship, yeah it's that easy.



They are like brothers, that's one of the main reasons why they're so close and they keep each other motivated to either make money or get some education, whichever they choose today. That's how Kris ended up graduating (a/n:he's a year older than everyone, 19)and the others plan on doing the same, even though Chanyeol hates school and constantly has fantasies about dropping out and spending all day making money, then there's Minseok who will be the last to graduate (a/n:he's a year young than everyone besides Kris, 17 because why not he has such a sweet young face) but he'll do it. 


Kris is sort of the leader of their group, it was him who introduced Chanyeol to the drug dealing lifestyle since he was closest to him in age. It took a few months before the rest of the gang was bought in to sell drugs too so they could rotate and attend classes more but most importantly to pocket tons of money. They dream to sit on their asses one day and have their drugs sold for them with little profit handed to whoever sold it for them. 


Chanyeol doesn't want to call Kris a father figure because of how close in age they are but he IS the one who put him on to hustling. If he hadn't, Chanyeol, his mother and his little sister would've been homeless or taken from their mother's custody due to Chanyeols father abandoning them when he was in middle school. He left Mrs.Park with two children, no job after begging her to become a stay at home mother and a home to pay for. 


The hustle helped them all in a way which was why it was them who was recruited. Each one had their own struggles, days and nights where they wondered what they'll eat the next day and thoughts of why they even continue living in this poor lifestyle. Suicide heavy on the mind but never in motion, yet another reason why they're such best friends. 


"Hm, okay. I'm bout to go smoke before lunch, you wanna match or just smoke with me if you don't got none on you right now?" Jongin asks as he casually takes his joint from behind his tan ear and places it between his lips. Not like he's in school or anything.


"Nah, Go ahead. I'll grab you before I leave though so we can slide to Kris'.. Is Sehun here?"


Jongin shakes his head "no" searching his pockets for a lighter. 


"He's probably already there." the gang member shrugs, he knows his friends like the back of his hand really.


"Maybe, I'll see you in a few bro" 


The gangsters exchange their complicated dap and went their separate ways.


'Now to Study Hall.'





Okay, I'm terrible... 😂 it's so random but so is my imagination! Smoke Weed errrrdayyy 🤘 Okay no, I'm kidding! But I do live in the US where it's totally legal. 🤣 Sorry it's so short! Trying to introduce everyone in the gang quickly

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update