eighteen. Medusa

PCY really loves BBH.

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"It was so perfect, so aggressive. I didn't sleep with him though.. too soon way too soon." Jongdae revealed as he and Baekhyun walked to Study Hall. "I'm so going to though, I can tell he's huge."


"Wow... I wish I had your confidence. I mean I've kissed Yeol but - he kisses me, you get it?" the platinum-haired sighs, taking a seat at his usual table. "and like.. I've never.. done..that.." he whispers although there were only 3 other students occupying the study hall. "But one day... I want to with.. him."


"I know you do, Bestie... that's why you have to prepare before it happens." Dae also whispers, wiggling his eyebrows before giggling into his hand. "and it after."


Baekhyuns' cheeks glow a bright rose and he widens his eyes, staring into his best friends. "Oh gosh! Don't say things like that.." he whines.


"I'm just being honest, if you plan on taking the you absolutely have to prepare yourself beforehand. I'm sure Yeol would love to see that." Jongdae giggles into his hand again. "I've been waiting forever for this conversation."


"Okay, so he'd like to see me..? Do what?" Baekhyun knits his brows together, clearly worried about embarrassing himself.


"Oh, you don't know what preparing is?" Dae stares at his best friend in awe, absolutely adoring how clueless he was on the topic.


"Well, I thought it was lighting a nice candle and dimming the lights.. until you said he'd like to see me do it."


The kitten-smiled boy laughs into his hand for a few before meeting his best friend's eyes again who was clearly not as giddy as himself. Trying to keep his voice low so only Baek could hear him, he scoots closer to the shorter.


"That's absolutely not what I meant by preparing." he giggles again. "I meant sticking your fingers in your mouth, shoot or maybe even his... then.. sticking it.. up your ."


Baekhyun flushes a bright red, flustered at the thought of Yeol watching him do such a thing. Clapping both of his palms over his warm cheeks, he feels his stomach swarm with butterflies. Anything that had to do with the gangster gave him butterflies.


"Awww. ~ Don't be shy, Bestie! That's gonna be your boyfriend soon, you're gonna be doing a lot of nasty ."


"Y - you think so..?" still flustered, he bites his lower lip too ashamed to admit he likes the thought of it.


"I know so, he totally checks you out every single time you're not looking. I noticed at Minseoks last night, he was sitting on the couch and you were standing, he couldn't take his eyes off you.. you woulda thought he found a gem... It's actually really cute, like he's admiring you or something."


Baekhyun blushes again before quickly glancing over at the clock. "Yahhh, Okay okay. I'm all caught up with homework today.. wanna go sit outside?"


"Hell yeah." the kitten-smiled boy agrees before he and Baekhyun made their way to the front steps. "First you're talking about having now we're going outside for study? Welcome to the club, Bestie!" he jokes, wrapping an arm around his laughing best friend.


The pair settle outside on the front steps of the building, watching others gossip and fiddle with their phones.


"Last night, when Yeol drove me home, we stayed in the car for a while just making out.." Baekhyun exhales lovingly, reminiscing about the night before. "I really like him, he's like - almost the guy of my dreams."


"I'm glad you found someone that makes you comfortable Baekkie! I can't wait for you to make things official."


"Yahh. ~ Me either, I hope he asks me soon."


"I'm positive he will, he's been proving himself loyal lately. I told you, you have him wrapped around your pretty little finger." Jongdae giggles.


The platinum-haired also giggles, nudging his best friend on the arm. "Then he'll definitely be the guy of my dreams... I'm happy you and Minseok made things official, you deserve to be happy."


Jongdae locks eyes with his best friend and smiles that kitten smile he loves so much. "Thank you, Bestie! But I'm always happy as long as I have you as my best friend."


Baekhyun smiles back at his best friend before he looks over at a group of female students who are surrounding one particular female who looked as if she were... crying?


Furrowing his brows, he nudges Dae to get his attention again. "Do you see that? ..Is that Wendy?" he nods over to the small crowd, squinting his eyes.


Jongdae also looks over at the small crowd of students, chuckling as soon as he sees the crying female babbling to her friends with obvious dark circles under her eyes.


"Yeah, that's her. What the hell is she crying about?" the entertained boy rolls his eyes but keeps them locked on the bundle. "Whatever it is, I'm sure she deserves it."


"She's evil. Whoever made her cry must have really hurt her feelings.. but I hate to say it... I agree, she totally deserves it after what she did."


Baekhyun only takes his attention off the crying devil and her friends when he notices the gangsters BMW enter the parking lot. Just as he began to stand up from the steps he sees Wendy run over to the BMW, shouting.


"Park Chanyeol you mother er! Why would you do that to me?!" she cries outside his dark tinted window. "We've been ing around for months! How could you just dump me like that?!"


This time not only Baekhyun had his eyes locked on the BMW, everyone who was in the yard did. Baekhyun was pretty certain Wendy's friends had told her about Chanyeol and his romance. It wasn't like they kept it a secret, anytime Yeol saw Baek outside his locker or in the halls, he made sure to lock lips with him before sending him off to class, no matter who was around.


Still locked to the steps, the platinum-haired kept his eyes concentrated on Wendy, hoping she didn't try anything with his Yeol.


"I can't stand that .." Jongdae states. "She needs to off."


"She seriously looks like Medusa right now." Baekhyuns comment causes his best friend to giggle.


"Do you think she knows about you guys?" Jongdae asks, eyes still locked on the crying mess.


"Probably, Yeol doesn't care where we are or who's around, he kisses me anywhere and almost everywhere." Baekhyun shrugs almost feeling the need to remind himself Chanyeol was his.


At this point, Wendy was trying to open the gangster's door which was obviously locked. Eventually, he rolls down his window, irritation all over his face.


"Can you the off? I never dumped you cause you were never my !" he shouts back, clearly annoyed. "Now go away, before I get my sister to whoop your ."


"I'm not going away that easily! You're dating Chanyeol? You're in a relationship? Huh?"


"I'm talking to someone! Although it's none of your ing business, anything to make you get the out my face." he began to roll his window back up.


" you! I hate you!" Wendy starts crying again. This time Irene walks over to her friend back to their group of friends, patting her back as she sobs into her palms.


At this point, Baekhyun feels uneasy about the fact that Wendy was this torn apart because of his Yeol. Could someone else really feel the same way he does about the gangster? The thought makes his stomach churn, watching her cry over him made it even worse.


Jongin finally appears from the front doors, waving to Baekhyun and Jongdae as he went down the steps and toward the gangsters' car, slipping in the passenger seat.


"What's good bro?" he greets.


" bro, this Wendy wildin'... Let's be out." the gangsters breathes, immediately driving out the school's parking lot.


The goon was too distracted by Wendy's outburst, he didn't notice Baekhyun sitting on the steps watching the entire altercation who was satisfied with his gangster's response so he decides to let him have some space and text him later to make sure he's okay.


"That's what she gets, I hope she cries herself to sleep tonight." Dae scoffs, rising from the steps. "Let's go back in, it's almost lunchtime."


Together the pair walk to lunch. Baekhyun had a relatively hard time focusing on the rest of his classes. Too focused on the fact that somebody else in this world could possibly feel the same way he does about the goon.


Time felt as if it were frozen, anticipating the final bell, Baekhyun keeps his eyes locked on the clock. To make matters worse, Jongdae wasn't in this class so he had nobody to socialize with and because of that, his mind brings back the scenes from earlier.


Sighing of irritation, the platinum-haired leans back in his seat and fiddles with his fingers. Having already finished his assignments for the day he had nothing else to do but wait for the bell to ring and try to ignore the scenes that keep repeating in his head.


'Who cares.. he's yours now, he's only yours.'


Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the final bell rings and Baekhyun springs up from his seat. Slinging his backpack around his shoulder and walking out the class, he immediately pulls out his phone to text Chanyeol.


To Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: Hey, is everything okay? I saw what happened in the parking lot earlier... I hope you're alright.


Baekhyun meets up with Jongdae at the steps and they began to walk home. Feeling a vibration in his pocket, he quickly swipes right on the notification from his gangster.


2:45pm - Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: I'm good.. sorry you had to see that baby, she shouldn't bother us anymore okay? 
2:46pm - Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: wyd later? I wanna see you 😘


The platinum-haired smiles lovingly before typing in his response. He really enjoyed spending time with the gangster, whether it was them alone or with his friends, as long as Yeol was there, he was bound to have a good time.


To Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: Okay! That's great, I don't want her anywhere near you ever again! Anyway, I WAS planning on relaxing while watching Inside Out but I can squeeze you in. 😋


2:56pm - Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: You're so cute baby lol I'll see you later


"I'll text you when I get home, best friend!" Jongdae calls, finally causing Baek to take his eyes off his phone.


The shorter hadn't realized the two had reached his home, he was too absorbed into his phone. Shoving his phone back into his pocket, he catches up to his best friend and runs into a hug.


Jongdae giggles cheerfully, catching Baekhyun into a tight hug. "I'll miss you too, I love you!"


"Get home safe, I love you back." Baekhyun says before releasing his grip on the taller.


The platinum-haired paces back to his home, unlocking the door and stepping inside. He walks to his room and discards his backpack in a random spot on the floor before sliding his sweater off and hanging it back up in the closet. He slips out of his sneakers and places them back under his bed with the rest. After finally getting somewhat comfortable, he plops down onto his bed and retrieves his phone to respond to the text from earlier. 


To Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: I can't wait to see you. 🥺 Text me when you're here. ❤️


It seemed like almost nothing in this world compared to spending time with Chanyeol. Since meeting the gangster, Baekhyun always dedicates some time out of his day for him being the sweetheart he is. Baekhyun tosses his phone aside after sending the message. Knowing the gangster all too well, he decides to shower since he wouldn't show up for another hour or two. Things were actually going great, he was happy, Jongdae was happy. He couldn't ask for anything more.

Enjoy <33 The ship if about to saillll.



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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update