thirteen. Anything for Bestie

PCY really loves BBH.

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On Sunday morning, Baekhyun and Jongdae were at Jongdaes house making egg roll omelets and rice. Mrs.Kim was still sound asleep after working a late night.


For some reason, Baekhyun thought Jongdae would forget about him crying upon entering the house last night, but of course he didn't. Why would he? They're best friends after all.


"So, are you gonna tell me why you were crying when you got here now? Because I'm not gonna stop asking." Jongdae states, placing the rolls on a dish next to the rice bowls. "Do I have to kick somebody's ?"


"No, Best friend." Baekhyun says before breaking his chopsticks apart and eating a roll. "Can I tell you after we eat? I really don't wanna lose my appetite."


Jongdae only nods before focusing his attention on his rice and rolls. The two remained quiet, Jongdae occasionally scrolled down Instagram here and there but Baekhyun just sat in silence, thinking of ways to occupy his mind from all the drama.


After the platinum-haired washes the dishes that the two used to eat and prepare their food with, he plops down on the couch next to his best friend. The two planned to spend the day watching movies and eating snacks which always puts Baekhyun in a more relaxed mood when he's stressed.


"So.. I called him last night." he says, still gazing at the tv.


"Really? Is he gonna bring you your things?" Jongdae questions looking over at his best friend who returns the gaze.


"I don't know, I asked but I never got a response. Bestie, he was with Wendy last night." Baekhyun sighs. "She picked up... and she FaceTimed me while he was asleep.. they were both half-dressed." The thought makes his stomach churn.


"Oh my gosh, she's such a sneaky little ! I wish I was a girl, I'd beat her !" Jongdae rolls his eyes and scrunches up his nose. "She needs a chastity belt."


"I hung up when I saw him.. but then.. he kept calling me back, I was afraid it was her again so I kept declining them until .. I got here, then I picked up."


"Was it her? I swear I'll -"


"No.. it was him, he looked so distressed.." suddenly he starts feeling sad. "He kept asking me to hear him out but I told him I just wanted my things.. not without letting him know I knew he had company."


"This is so weird to me! I've never heard anyone ever say Park Chanyeol basically begged for their forgiveness! What did you do to him? He's wrapped around your finger." Jongdae giggles before hopping up from the couch. "Keep talking! I'm going to get snacks for the movie." 


"Okay, well it sounds nice but he still had Wendy there right after our stupid little argument that could've been resolved if he had just said sorry." Baekhyun shrugs, sinking deeper into the couch. "But nooo, he'd rather sleep with her."


"You're right but I told you, guys are ing stupid and incapable of communication." Jongdae rolls his eyes again, returning with two armfuls of snacks, laying them all out on the table. "He's still a boy, that's like his title. I'm not gonna lie though, I think you're different to him."


"What do you mean?"


"I told you, I've never heard any good stories about him. He's so sweet to you, I don't think anyone in that school could relate." Jongdae giggles, settling back down on the couch.


"Oh... Well, still! I don't like that, why have with random people instead of expressing your feelings to one person?" The platinum-haired rolls his eyes.


"You know, I wondered that too. But do you remember my ex, Yixing? We stopped dating because he couldn't stay faithful, it had to do with some stupid with his parents. I mean if he would've just explained that we probably could've worked on it."


Jongdaes words make Baekhyun think, maybe the gangster had some stupid tragic background I mean, he was a drug dealer who barely attended school. Baekhyun never thought to ask why he just accepted his stubborn answer "Because I'm a drug dealer."


"Hey, do you think you could ask him for my duffel bag at school tomorrow? I'd rather not speak to him.."


"Of course, anything for you Bestie." Jongdae smiles turning his attention back to the tv.


Without bringing the topic back up, the best friends spend the day eating snacks and watching Disney movies until they were tired enough to call it a night. They did have school in the morning after all and for the first time Baekhyuns thoughts weren't full of recaps from the night before, he was actually able to sleep peacefully.




"Are you ready!?" Jongdae calls from the front door.


Baekhyun soon comes rushing towards him, fixing a few strands of hair. "Yeah, sorry my toothbrush is in my duffel bag.. — Thank gosh this is like my second home." he giggles following his best friend outside.


"That's totally how I feel when I forget to bring something to your house, then I'm just like oh wait! I have a spare." Jongdae chimes in, walking towards his moms' car. "I'm driving, Umma has the day off today."


"Sweet." Baekhyun says sliding in the passenger seat after Jongdae gets in and unlocks the doors.


Jongdae quickly starts the car and connects the aux to his phone, playing a song in his playlist.


"WHY?! WHY YOU LEAVE ME ALONE, BABY! IM STILL - STILL LOVING YOU!" The kitten smiled boy sings along. 


"NEON JIGEUM NAREUL DUGO TTEONAGAJIMAN! HARNGBOKHAGIL BARALGE ~" Baekhyun chimes in, giggling along with his best friend afterward as they drive off to school.


After a ride filled with the pair singing over songs and gossiping, they finally arrive at school. Jongdae parks in the lot and exits the car after turning it off. Baekhyun can't lie, he's feeling anxious about coming to school. Not sure it the gangster will be there or not but the thought of seeing him makes him almost feel sick.


"What's classes do you have before Lunch?" Jongdae asks as they walk down the hall.


"Math, Science then Study Hall.. are you coming to study?" Baekhyun responds stopping in front of his designated class.


"Yeah, I'll see you there." The kitten smiled boy says as he begins to walk to his own classroom.


"Okay, don't forget to ask Chanyeol.." Baekhyun says quickly.


"I won't, Bestie!" Jongdae smiles before disappearing into the crowd of students.


Baekhyun walks into his classroom and takes a seat at his usual desk. Class was just getting ready to begin, the platinum-haired takes out his Math books and waits patiently for the teacher.  Realizing that he could bump into the gangster or even Wendy at any giving moment of the day, his thoughts are immediately invaded with those horrible images he wishes would just burn away.


"Good morning, class!" Mr.Songs voice thankfully interrupts his thoughts. "Today you will be quizzed on what we've been covering this month." he begins passing the quiz out.


'I forgot all about this test! Well, this is just what I needed to occupy my mind for a while.'


The sweet boy immediately scans his eyes over the questions, nothing he can't answer. After Mr.Song places a quiz on the last students' desk and instructs everyone to begin, Baekhyun immediately starts circling answers and checking over his work.


After taking his time on both his Math and Science test and receiving passing grades, as usual, the A student came to the conclusion that if he just focused on his work, his mind would be too busy to think about.. him.


Finally, it was time for study hall. Baekhyun was already seated in his usual seat in the back row alone. It was this particular class where he made what felt like the worse decision in his life.


Jongdae was scoping out the halls looking for Chanyeol. He knew the gangster would be here by 11am if he was going to show up. Ultimately, he decides the gang member was playing hooky. The brunette stands in the middle of the hall, thinking. He sees a familiar mop of brown hair that he's sure he's seen prancing around with the gang member before.


Jongdae walks over to the student, staring at the back of his head.


'Anything for bestie..'


The kitten smiled boy gently places a hand on the shoulder of the brunette. "Excuse m-"


Before Jongdae could finish his greeting the brunette jerks his shoulder away at the touch and turns around with a disgusted look on his face.


'That kid! I don't know his name but he's the one that beat the hell out of Jay Park..'


"Okay, don't hurt me.." Jongdae says, furrowing his brows. Usually, he'd be terrified but it seemed like upon realizing who he was, Minseoks' gaze softened.


Minseok sat still for a moment before coughing awkwardly. "I'd never hurt you..." he whispered, almost inaudible.


"What?" the kitten smiled boys gaze also softens, he shakes his head. "Never mind, you're friends with Chanyeol right?"


"Uhm, yeah? Why?" Minseok closes his locker and leans against it, folding his arms across his chest.


"I need you to tell him something for me.."


Minseok furrows his brows but remains silent. Taking the time to admire Jongdaes perfect cheekbones and those sparkly chocolate eyes.


"Wait - what's your name?" Jongdae asks.




"Okay, Minseok. Tell Chanyeol that Baekhyun needs his duffel bag with all his things in it.." Jongdae says, staring into the youngers' cat eyes.


"Oh.. and I'm Jongdae."


"Okay? So bring it to his house after school?" Minseok questions, the confusion written all over his face.


"Kinda? He's coming back to my house after school.. I'm gonna drop him off later tonight, tell Chanyeol to bring it then."


"and how is he supposed to know when that happens?"


", you're right.. I don't want him to have my number... so here." Jongdae rips a page from his notebook and writes his number down, handing it to the younger. "Text me so I have yours."


Minseok says nothing, he takes the paper and looks at the numbers, then at Jongdae. 


'He's even prettier up close... I can't believe he's talking to me after what happened with Jay.. I was sure he was afraid of me'


Jongdae takes a few steps back and waves. "Okaay? Talk to you later?"


"Yeah.." Minseok awkwardly waves back, watching the boy walk down the hall.


The delinquent places a hand on his chest and feels his own heartbeat, he exhales deeply and made his way to his next class.




"Okay so, Chanyeol isn't here... BUT! I told his super cute friend, he'll relay the message." Jongdae says, not caring about the rest of the students in the study hall. "I gave him my number! I hope he uses it often."


"Thank you, bestie! Who's his friend? Yahh ~ Do you have a crush?" Baekhyun flashes that rectangle smile.


"Nooo.. I just think he's really cute. ~ I wonder does he think I am. His name is Minseok." Jongdae rests his head in his palm, smiling as he thought about the short boy from earlier.


Baekhyun just giggles at his best friends' obvious lie, it's been a while since Jongdae has had a crush and Baeks excited for him.


"Well, I'm here for it Bestie." he says returning his attention to his homework assignment.


The rest of the school day was less stressful for Baekhyun after being notified that the gangster wasn't in school today, he had a few hours before he had no choice but to face him again. It wasn't going to be easy, he was sure Chanyeol would try and talk to him but he wasn't ready, not yet.


Nonetheless, Baekhyun was sort of excited to see him, it's been two days already. The sweet boy really just wants to make sure he's okay after the last time he saw him, physically at least. He still has a heart of gold at the end of the day, even though Chanyeol hurt his feelings, he still as some for the gangster after all the nonsense.

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Finally, Minseok and Jongdae interact! ❤️ how was everyone's weekend? :)
The lyrics Jongdae and Baek were singing are not mine! They are BEASTS' "Good Luck"! They are romanized, it looks like a bunch of HSETHBGVRE 😭


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update