twelve. Blocked

PCY really loves BBH.



Baekhyun threw himself in his bed and exhaled deeply. Surprisingly, he didn't cry. He changes into more comfortable clothes and lays in his bed, turning on the TV letting it play in the background as he scrolled down Instagram.


'Aish! You left your duffel bag in his car, Pabo!'


The already annoyed boy grew more annoyed, suddenly his phone started vibrating in his hand. Jongdae was FaceTiming him.


"Hey Bestie! What're you doing?" The kitten smiled boy asks when the call connects.


Baekhyun shifts his phone so his best friend can see his surroundings then moves it back to his face.


"You're home? Why?"


"Because Chanyeol is a jerk! He's a player and I never wanna see him ever again.." Baekhyun whines.


"What happened, Bestie? What did he do? We can beat him up together!"


"He got me this.." Baekhyun shows his best friend the charm bracelet with his free hand.


"That's pretty! But that can't be why you don't wanna see him ever again.. which is impossible since he sort of attends our school." Jongdae furrows his brows and sits up in his bed, focusing on the bracelet through the camera.


"No.. we went to the food court and he bought us food.. then.." his voice cracks and he sniffles, trying not to let tears fall. "Wendy just so happen to be there and came over to the table we were sitting at.."


"Don't tell me he left you there alone!" Jongdae shouts through the phone.


"No.. she told him she missed him and his.. thingy, at least that's what I think she was talking about .." his voice trails off. "I think they have threesomes.. she said somebody named Koko missed him too.."


"Most likely, she's such a and Koko? Okay - Ew, I hate to infiltrate your ears but that's the name she gave her.. vag."


"That's so gross! I should've known.. she asked him what he was doing tonight and told him to basically text her if he wants to see her! She didn't even say hello, nor did his big stupid head bother to introduce us!" The platinum-haired was literally trying his hardest not to cry, it felt like a mission.


"Yuck what a ! What did he say? Don't cry Bestie! It's okay, he's literally a dickhead for not telling her to off.." Jongdae pouts, wishing he was there to rub his best friends back instead of looking at him through a screen.


'If I knew better it sounds like I need to have a talk with this so I can let him know he's NOT going to play with my best friends' feelings!'


"He just said .. he was busy tonight, which made me think so what about any other night? Am I just booked in your calendar for tonight?" This time tears were streaming down the sad boys' face. 


Jongdae felt terrible, he wish he could teleport to his best friend's house so he can comfort him, but his mother is at work with the car and the walk was over 45 minutes.


"Please don't cry, Baekkie.. What if that's not what he meant? I personally never introduced you to Wendy because she's a raging and I don't want her to rub off on you." Jongdae says trying his best to cheer his best friend up.


Baekhyun wipes the corner of his eyes with his slender fingers and sniffles. "I just.. I really like him and I thought he liked me a lot too.."


"I'm sure he does, despite everything! Guys are ing weird and almost incapable of communication."


"He told me... I wasn't his .. oh my gosh.." the sad boy wipes his eyes.


"His ing what? I'll punch him in his !" Jongdae protests.


"His B-Word.."


"So me and this idiot clearly need to have a little talk."


"Please .. don't, I just need to get my belongings out his car then I'm cutting all ties."


"Are you sure? He's such a dickhead, I'm sorry I didn't stop you from pursuing him." Jongdae rolls his eyes at the thought of the gang member.


For the first time since his "Date"a soft smile appeared on Baekhyuns' lips. "Don't be sorry.. I'm sorry I even tried after you warned me.. I don't think I'm ready to date, Bestie.."


"That's okay, whenever you're ready okay? Don't rush yourself.." Jongdae smiles that kitten smile his best friend loves. "Hey, you told your mom you were at my house anyway right? Want to come over? We can go to school from here Monday morning."


"That sounds great actually, I'll call a cab." Baekhyun sits up in his bed.


"Okay, Call me back when you get in it!"


The platinum-haired nodded before he ended the call, he looks at the time.


'It's only 10pm.. I know he's still awake, I just want to see if he can bring my duffel bag to school Monday.'


Baekhyun goes to his contacts and taps on that now stupid name that makes his stomach churn. Unsure at first, he ultimately taps the call button and puts the phone on speaker.


Only after about three rings did the dial tone stop, but it was silent aside from what sounded like a horror movie playing from the tv.


"Hello..?" Baekhyun finally says after a few seconds.


Instead of hearing that familiar deep voice, his own confused face appeared on the screen with Chanyeols' nickname at the top.


'What the? He's FaceTiming me? For what?'


Heart racing, he taps on the green button. Which wasn't a good idea in the end, calling Chanyeol was just altogether a terrible idea.


To his very inconvenience, Wendy's face appeared on the screen. Hair messy, topless and smiling at the horrified boy. Not saying a word, she shifts the camera to show Baekhyun the gangsters sleeping face, hair also a mess and topless.


Baekhyun feels like his heart was just surgically removed with no anesthesia. Staring at Chanyeols sleeping face and a corner of Wendys before he finally hung up, quickly bursting into tears.


'He never liked me the way I liked him! He was just leading me on! He's such a freaking Jerk!'


Without thinking twice the emotional boy shoved an outfit for school in his backpack and called a cab. Turning off his tv and all the lights in the house before he left he made sure he had his keys and phone and ran out the door upon hearing the cab beeping outside.


With tears occasionally streaming down his face, the sad boy stared out the window still mortified by what he saw earlier. Disgusted in himself for letting his guard down so fast, so easily. The sad boy shakes his head and tries to relax before he arrives at his best friends house.


After pulling her devious stunt, Wendy notices that Chanyeol's phone is now unlocked after Baekhyun hung up. Being the sneaky devil she is, she taps on his messages revealing lots of ignored messages from individuals including some of her friends. The only messages that were responded to were the group chat containing his gang members, Baekhyuns and hers, only because he finally texted her back earlier. 


Rolling her eyes, she taps on Baekhyuns contact and starts typing.


To - Baekhyun🖤: Don't call me anymore! you're annoying and uglkhg


Suddenly she feels the phone being forcibly snatched from her hands, gasping.


"What the are you doing?!" The gangster shouts, getting up from his bed reading the text, immediately erasing the lies. "Why the do you have my phone? and Why are you texting him?!"


Wendy sits up a little, covering her exposed with his comforter. She says nothing for a moment, only stares at the gangster, horrified. "I-I'm sorry.. he called and -"


"He called me?? and You ing answered?!" 




"You ing - Bro, what the !" the gangster paces his room, running his fingers through his messy blonde hair before stepping out to call Baekhyun back. 


The gangster walks into the upstairs bathroom, slamming the door behind himself. He quickly goes to his call log to see the incoming call and the outgoing FaceTime call, causing him to get angrier. Still a little drunk, he puts the toilet seat down and sits on top of it, FaceTiming Baekhyun again. Obviously, the call was declined. 


"!" he shouts through gritted teeth. 


"Chanyeol? Are you in there? What's going on?" a female voice says from behind the door.


"Go away, Yoora." 


Yoora is Chanyeols' younger sister. (a/n; older in rl, but you guys knew that) She rolls her eyes, walking away from the bathroom and towards his bedroom where Wendy was sitting at the foot of his bed, this time fully clothed.


"Hey, Yoora." she says awkwardly.


"..Hi?" Yoora quickly her heels and walked back towards the bathroom. She has met Wendy and plenty of his other flings before, way too many faces and names to even try to remember. 


"Chanyeol, who is that? what's going on?" Yoora asks outside the bathroom door again.


Suddenly the door flings open, Chanyeol storms out holding his phone to his face. Baekhyun finally picked up and Yoora gets a quick glance at him on Chanyeols screen.


'What the - Who's that? My gosh, what on earth is going on around here?! Chanyeol is involved with way too many people but I haven't seen him this upset since -'


"Please just talk to me... I'm sorry, Okay? I ed up baby, Please hear me out.." The gangster pleads, plopping down onto the couch resting his head in his hand, using his free hand to keep the phone focused.


Yoora follows behind her older brother, stopping at the doorway to the patio. 


'baby? he's dating again?'


"I only called for my things, Chanyeol.. besides, Don't you have company?" Baekhyun rolls his eyes, it really hurt seeing the gangster break down like this but his own happiness comes first and he's not willing to risk it dealing with him.


Just as Chanyeol parted his lips to speak again, Wendy appeared from upstairs causing the siblings to whip their heads in her direction. The gangster mutes his phone and drops it down onto the table, standing up. 


"Get the out! Why're you still here? You should've dipped when I finished ing!" He shouts at her. 


"I'm sorry! My car is in the shop still. Joy dropped me off.." Wendy cries. 


Yoora looks over at Chanyeols' phone, she sees Baekhyun roll his eyes and end the call. The gangster actually hadn't muted the phone, so Baekhyun heard the entire outburst.


"Chanyeol, it's late at night... You can't send her outside at this time." 


"That's not my problem, she shouldn't have run her over here with no way home just for some ." he says heading toward the door, opening it. 


"Give me your keys, I'll bring her home."


" no, I'm not letting you drive my beamer, you're sixteen."


"Then I'll call her a cab.. pay for it." Yoora sighs before walking towards her room to retrieve her phone, calling a cab for Wendy. Sometimes she forgets she's the younger sibling. 


"What the , man!  What the !" The gang member grows angrier upon realizing Baekhyun hung up.  He storms past Wendy, heading back upstairs to his room to call his cry baby back in privacy, which was to no avail. The platinum-haired had already blocked his contact.


'Why?! Why, Why, Whyyy?! Why can't you just hear me out Baekhyun!?' 




On Baekhyuns' end, he was cuddled up with his best friend who happened to be out of the room when Baekhyun finally decided to pick up the consistent calls. He didn't bother informing Jongdae on what happened, he just wanted to sleep. This was hard, the image of Chanyeols sad face, dark circles under his hooded eyes and hearing him refer to him as "Baby" for the first time broke his heart. 


Ultimately, the sad boy remained in bed beside his sleeping best friend, awake almost the whole night. Reminding himself over and over not to unblock the gangsters number no matter how bad he felt about the whole situation. Everything happens for a reason.. right?


Image result for chanyeol mad


Double update because I won't be able to this weekend D:

This chapter is kinda long! Yeol's sister is finally introduced! ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) 

Oh my poor boys! ヘ(;´Д`ヘ) Chanyeol better fix this! 

See you next chapter! Enjoy <3 


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update