fifteen. Bro Talk

PCY really loves BBH.

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"Kris! What's the word bro!" Minseok shouts, quickly rushing to his leader and exchanging their dap. It's been a few days since he's heard from or seen him and Minseok hates that because every day they take a risk of going to jail or being killed doing what they do.


Kris chuckles and closes the door behind his gang. " man, just be doing the do you know?" he shrugs. "Literally."


Jongin plops down on the single couch and grabs the PlayStation 4 remote. "Sehun hop in on this." he says, starting up Mortal Kombat 11.


"Pass the remote, ." Sehun jokes, reaching his hand out. Ignoring the remark, Jongin tosses the delinquent the second controller.


Chanyeol sits down beside Sehun and watches the two choose their character. Not long after, Minseoks squeezing in the middle of them, forcing them to make room for him. Why didn't he sit on the third couch? Who knows.


Kris sat back down on the third couch and continued to bag up the white powdered drug. That was the only reason Minseok removed himself from between the two, to help his leader bag up the product since he wasn't doing anything else.


"You be cheating, ." Jongin provoked as Sehuns' character finished him with a fatality.


"Mad , let's play COD. You're ing trash at this game." Bragged Sehun as he pressed the Home button to switch games.


There they sat, Chanyeol occupied himself by rolling and passing joints around, Jongin and Sehun now playing Call of Duty and Minseok and Kris taking a smoke break from bagging.


"Baby..?" a sleepy voice says from the other side of the room, causing everyone to turn their heads. Kris stands up from the couch and walks over to the tall male standing there.


"You're up! Finally." he says lovingly, snaking his arms around the males' hips, pulling him closer and planting a kiss on his lips. "What's up, Bae?"


The male wraps his arms around Kris' neck, returning the kiss. "I was just wondering where you were, I woke up, and you weren't there." he says quietly but loud enough so Kris could hear.


"I'm sorry, Baby. " he chuckles. "The guys are here.. and I got to bag up." he passes his joint to his boyfriend who takes a hit. "Yo! This is Tao, my little baby who don't listen." he says to his gang members. "That's my bro Chanyeol, my guy Jongin, my homie Sehun and my right-hand man, Minseok."


The delinquents all say what's up and wave at their leader's boyfriend and Tao uses his free hand to return the greeting.


"Okay, I'll see you when you're done, babe." Tao says, planting another kiss on his drug dealer boyfriend's lips and hands him his joint back. "Nice to meet you guys." he waves again before disappearing down he hall, back to Kris' bedroom.


Kris claims his seat back next to Minseok who was back to bagging up. Chanyeols' just now realizing that his whole gang is cuffed up (a/n; dating. 😂) except for him and Minseok. If he hadn't been a stupid boy, he could've been in a relationship too.. again.


"Yo.. I'm in a ed up situation" Chanyeol breaks the silence.


"What's up bro?" Sehun questions, orbs still glued to the tv.


"Y'all know how I was talking to Baekhyun?" he pauses until he hears Jongin mutter 'yeah'. "He kinda spazzed out on me the day he was supposed to come through and stay, so I bought him home."


"Okay?" Minseok looks over at him, confused. "So what? Did he not want to go home?"


"Why did he spazz?" Sehun frowns.


"No, he did.. but I ed Wendy.. later that night." The goon feels his stomach flow with anxiety, so he begins to roll another joint. "The dumb picked up my phone when he called, I don't know what she said but he's done with me."


"Damn bro.. that's hard." Jongin shakes his head, still gazing at the screen. "You tried talking to him?"


"Duh idiot, that's how I know he's done." Chanyeol sighs. "I'm not even gonna flex, I want him back. I was feeling him, no bull."


Kris looks over at Chanyeol and smirks. "Ol' boy in his feelings huh?" he chuckles. "Try talking to him again bro, it's been a few days, right? He probably just needed some space."


"Yeah, try saying something when you drop his off." Minseok comments.


Chanyeol sits up, looking at his gang members. "You right, Ima try that.." he sparks his joint and does a ghost inhale. "How do you guys do it? Maintain relationships?"


"It's not easy bro - me and Kyungsoo stay arguing. I mean - I be ing up and but he stays down through it all." Jongin says taking the joint from Chanyeol. "That's my baby."


"Yeah, same with Luhan. I cheated too but he stays solid.. It makes me love him more and I try to stay faithful now cause honestly, none of these es level up to him. These hoes will cheat right back, they built different."


Chanyeol sits back and sighs, Sehun was right. None of those were on the same level as Baekhyun and he was ready to delete them all out his life if that meant having his cry baby back.


"Well since we're talking about relationships.." Minseok contributed. "I'm crushing on someone.. but I don't know how to pursue a relationship with him because I just officially met him."


Kris leans back into the couch and pats the youngers back. "Get to know him youngin, Just talk to him. Get the digits, talk on the phone and all that good . Most importantly, stay solid."


"Facts, Luhan loves that , when I'm not over his house he gotta be on my phone until he falls asleep, I'm not gonna front, I love that too." Sehun smiles, thinking about his pretty baby.


Chanyeol looks over at Minseok. "Just don't be a like me bro.. If you're feeling him, let him know. I should've told Baekhyun I wanted to seriously start talking so he knew I could be faithful even though wasn't official. My pride got the best of me, I should've told that Wendy to kick rocks."


Minseok pulls out his phone then that piece of paper with the beautiful boys' number written on it. The feline-eyed saves the number under "Jongdae" and sends him a text.


To - Jongdae: Hey, I'm with bro now lmk when you bring your friend home.


"Oh, you already got the jack?" Kris smirks, looking at the youngers phone.


"Yeah bro.. He only gave it to me so I can let Yeol know when to do something for his friend." Minseok shrugs, tossing his phone on the table.


"Use that to start a convo or some ." the sun-kissed advised. "Text him like so what's up?"


"Those are fighting words." the youngest said, laughing afterward and going back to bagging up product. "I might just ask him if he wants to chill sometimes.."


"Nah, ask if him and Baekhyun wanna meet the gang." Chanyeol suggests.


Sehun nods in agreement. "After you get to know him, I'm sure they've seen us in school. Everyone knows who we are."


"True." Jongin agrees.


The gang members drop the subject of Love and continued smoking joints and enjoying the vibe of each other's company, nothing new. 




"I don't know, Best friend.. I just can't stop thinking about him!" Baekhyun groaned, plopping down on Jongdaes bed. "I miss him.. but I can't date him."


"Don't stress yourself out Baek, you're going to have to face him tonight. Just talk to him"


"No! no, no, no. Uh uh." the older shakes his head, propping himself up on his elbows to looks at his best friend, disgust all over his face. "Are you drunk? I don't want to talk to him! He's probably gonna try to apologize and beg for me back.. I'll cave in and it's not fair to me because I'm so weak for him."


"So don't cave in - completely." the brunette rolls closer to his bed in his computer chair. "accept him back, But! You're just 'friends' for now. Basically you're just 'talking' but he still has to be faithful to you, ya know?"


Baekhyun was confused, he didn't understand the concept of it at all. "So, tell him I just want to be friends? That seems harsh."


"He'll understand. If people ask him if he's single his response should be 'I'm talking to someone' as should yours." Jongdae nods, spinning in his chair. "You're not turning him down, basically you're building a relationship before you get in it."


Baekhyun sits up all the way, flashing his best friend a warm smile. "You're so smart. I like that idea."


Before Jongdae could respond, he hears his phone ding on the table. He rolls his chair back over to his desk, looking down at the notification.


"OH !" he beamed, snatching his phone off the desk and swiping right.


"What happened?!"


"That cute boy! he texted me. ~ I'm gonna respond hopefully he texts back." the flustered boy responds, and sure enough soon after he sends his text, his phone dings again.


5:50pm - Minseok: what's up? How you doing?


Jongdae exhales lovingly, quickly sending his crush a response. Baekhyun just watches in awe, hoping everything falls into place for his best friend and wanting to help every step of the way.


After about an hour of Jongdae texting Minseok and Baekhyun doing his homework, occasionally tuning out to get an update on what the lovestruck and his crush were talking about, Jongdae shoots up and nudges Baekhyuns shoulder.


"Best friend! He asked me if you and I wanna chill with him and his gang one day!"


"Wha? He invited me?" Baekhyun lets himself get nudged by his best friend. "I don't know, Bestie.. wouldn't Yeol be there? What if this talk we have later turns out to be a disaster, then I have to sit in the same room as him?"


"Okay how about this, if you guys agree to start 'talking' we go? You guys could hang out and not feel awkward cause others will be there..  If not then we don't, Deal?"


The platinum-haired takes a second to think before nodding his head. Once again Jongdae lays down an excellent idea on the table and it makes Baekhyun wonder what on earth would he do without his best friend?





Enjoyyyy! <333 more baekyeol soon to come! ;A; these future chapters literally got me crying as I write them;AA; hope you guys are enjoying my storyyyy


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update