eight. Liar Liar

PCY really loves BBH.



The next morning Baekhyun woke up bright and early with a soft smile on his lips. He retrieved his phone from under his pillow, unlocking it and went to his contacts, immediately scrolling to Chanyeols. He bites his lower lip lovingly, remembering the night before. 


Baekhyun taps his slender finger on the edit button and changes Chanyeols contact. 


Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻


He taps on the iMessage icon and sends him a text.


To Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: Good Morning, Yeollie.. ❤️


Baekhyun giggles to himself and rolls out his bed doing a little spin as he fixed his bed before he made his way to the washroom to do his morning routine.



Hours later Chanyeols eyes finally flutter open, he stayed up a little late after dropping Baekhyun off. He couldn't sleep, his head too focused on that cute little .


The gang member turns over, grabbing his phone from off his nightstand and checked the time. It was almost noon, his eyes move to his notifications.


10:22am - Jongin 💉: Wake up Bro 🗣
10:20am - Jongin 💉: Yooo ?! 🤨
10:15am - Hun 🤘🏻: Wake and Bake?!
10:10am - Minseok ⛽️: What's the wordddd? Link up bro! 😬🍃
7:09am - 2-5804-4576:  Good Morning, Yeollie.. ❤️


Chanyeol taps on the unsaved number, reading the message over and over. He knew immediately it was from his sweet little Baekhyun.


'He thought about me as soon as he woke up.. cute..' 


Chanyeol taps on the number and adds it to his contacts.


Baekhyun 🖤
To Baekhyun 🖤: Good morning, Beautiful


Chanyeol smirks before getting up out of bed and walking straight to the bathroom, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket as he was brushing his teeth, he pulls it out and looks at the notification.


11:48am - Baekhyun 🖤: Finally you're awake! I missed you, Yeollie. 💖 Are you still picking me up today? 🥺


'That was fast'


He chuckles lightly before putting his phone down and getting in the shower.



Baekhyun is sitting on his bed watching "Be With You." His phone vibrates and he snatches it up, quickly reading the notification.


12:15pm - Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: I miss you too cry baby 😘 😍 Sorry for replying late, I was in the rain box 🚿
12:16pm - Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: & Yeah, be ready by 4.. what time you gotta be home tonight?


He exhales like a schoolgirl in love and swipes right to reply to the text. He giggles at Chanyeols vocabulary and starts typing.


To: Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: I'm not a cry baby! and by Mid


Baekhyun stops typing mid text and thinks.


'Do I HAVE to go home tonight..?'


He hops out his bed and exits his room immediately heading to the kitchen where he knows his mother is.


"Good morning, Eomma ~" He coos, taking a seat across from her at the kitchen table.


'Okay, try not to sound too obvious..'


"Good Morning, Baekhyun. Do you want breakfast?" Mrs.Byun looks up from her magazine and raises an eyebrow.


She's definitely on to you... Whatever, here we go!


"No thank you, I was just wondering if I could sleep over Jongdaes house tonight?"




"Is that alright with Jongdaes Mother?"


'Okaay, maybe not!'  


"Of course! She loves me."




"Wellll.. okay. Do you need a ride?" She looks back down at her magazine and takes a sip of her coffee.


"No.. Mrs.Kim .. will pick me up." He coughs awkwardly.


'Nice going..'


"Hmmm.. Alright. Just call me if you need anything Baek." Mrs.Byun says peeking up at Baekhyun who was smiling widely.


'No really! Nice going, ha!'


"Thank you, Eomma! I will I promise!" He stands up rushing over to hug his mother.


"I met a new friend at school yesterday.. He's really sweet." Baekhyun almost whispers, his arms wrapped around his mom.


"Oh really? That's great honey. When will I meet him?" Mrs.Byuns voice is sweet like Baekhyuns.


"Soon! Uhm, I'm gonna go clean my room a bit." He quickly turns on his heels and walks back to his room.


'Score!! Two for one!!'


Baekhyun closes his door behind him and pulls out his phone quickly replying to the text message from earlier.


To: Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: I'm not a cry baby! and Can I sleepover tonight...🥺? If not then by midnight I guess..


Baekhyun quickly tosses his phone on his desk after pressing send and jumps face-first into a pillow, screaming into it.


'Did you really just send that? What if he thinks you're just one of those quick s at School? Aish! Then you lied to Eomma?.. AGAIN! What has gotten into you?'


Baekhyun suddenly regrets his choice, he felt a little guilty about lying to his mom, but he knew she wouldn't let him sleep over a boy he just met yesterday's house, shoot it took a year of friendship with Jongdae before he could sleep over his house back when they lived in Bucheon-Si.


"Ughhh, why didn't you text Yeol first to see if it's okay then ask Eomma?" He mutters into the pillow.


After a painful three minutes, Baekhyun hears his phone vibrate. His heart skips, the butterflies in his stomach going wild. He slides out his bed and slowly steps over to the desk where his phone laid.


“Stop being so dramatic babo, the worst he could say is no.. and if he does I'm sure there's a reason.” Baekhyun scolds himself, picking up his phone and looking at the text.



12:33pm - Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻 : Oh? 😳 Sure, whatever you want 😘 pack an overnight bag cutie.. I'll see you later 🥰


Baekhyun squeals like a school girl — again, he immediately ran to his closet and pulled out a Tommy Hilfiger duffel bag. He quickly starts packing by putting two pair of black boxer briefs and an oversized shirt to sleep in with some pajama pants. He packs an outfit for if they go out and a few pair socks with his Nike slides. Baekhyun made his way over to his dresser and picked up his deodorant and his favorite body wash and body oil, placing them in the bag.


Finally, he goes to the washroom and takes his toothbrush placing it in a traveler tube and in his duffel bag. He unplugs his charger and placed it on top before looking around to make sure he doesn't forget anything, it wasn't like he had over 3 hours to spare. He finally replies to the text.


To Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: Yay! I just finished packing, See you soon Handsome.😋


The cute platinum-haired boy slides into a white t-shirt with white jeans and a white Jean jacket. He wants to waste no time getting ready before Chanyeol gets there. He takes a look in the mirror and winks.


"Liar Liar, pants on fire." he laughs before picking up his handbag and stepping out his room to wait in the living room.


He wasn't lying that time.



Hehehehhhh, Sneaky little Baek! 🤨 Don’t cringe too much at my text messages. 😂 Enjoyy ! btw; Its not good to lie! 😭 OH! and I'm sorry if you can't see the Emoji's in the text messages.. you should if you're using a mobile phone.


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update