twenty one. Mob Wives

PCY really loves BBH.

Autumn, 2019. 


The next day, Baekhyun and Jongdae are a little less disturbed by the events from the night before. Together they sat in the living room barely watching the local news, more so watching stories on their Instagram since they didn't really have any plans for this breezy Saturday afternoon. 


"I think I wanna dye my hair." Baekhyun states, running his fingers through his platinum locks while gazing into his camera.


"Yeah? What color?" 


"I'm thinking blonde.. with some pink." 


Jongdae looks over at his best friend and checks out his hair, imagining how said colors would look on him. "That would be so cute on you! Chanyeol would love it. ~"


Baekhyun turns to the other and playfully shoves his shoulder before looking back at himself through the phone camera. "I'd hope so."  


The platinum-haired puts up the peace sign and flashes a smile to the camera, just as he moved his thumb to press the button it was replaced with red and green ones. 


"Aw, that would've been a cute picture." Jongdae babbles from the other side of the couch. "Your bae is calling.~" 


The shorter only rolls his eyes before accepting the call and pressing the phone against his ear with Jongdae quickly crawling over to him and pressing his own ear against Baeks. 




"Hey babe, what're you doing?" the gangster says from the other line. "I wanna see your face, bang the FaceTime." 


"What?" Baekhyun scrunches up his face in confusion, causing Dae to giggle. 


Instead of a response, Baeks phone began to ring again with his puzzled face on the screen. "Oh.." he mutters and accepts the call, smiling when his boyfriends' handsome face fills the screen. 


"Like I was saying, what're you doing? I miss you." 


"Just hanging out with Dae, I miss you too. ~ What're your plans for the day?" Baekhyun lazily lays back into the couch and fiddles with the hem of his shirt.  


", right now I'm just laying back, smoking. I got a gang meeting later. I was gonna ask if you guys wanted to come so you could meet the gangs significant others." 


Baekhyun whips his head in Daes direction who is already staring back at him, nodding his head. 


"Sure. What time should we be ready?" 


The gangster pauses to take a hit of his joint, he turns his head to look at something while exhaling smoke. "It starts at two so I'll come get y'all in about an hour."  he says, turning his attention back to his babys' perfect face. 


"Okay, I'll see you later." Baekhyun smiles and waves.


The gangster chuckles and waves back. "See you in a few, beautiful." he says before ending the call.


"I can't wait to see my Minseokkie!” Jongdae exclaims, sluggishly leaning back into the couch. “I hope he's alright after last night.."


"I'm sure he'll be at this meeting Yeol is taking us to.." Baekhyun at comforting people, half the time he's worried to bits himself so almost anything he says would be hypocritical. 


"I'm just kind of worried about the retaliation.. What if they do see him again? They looked like they were gonna jump him!" 


"Well -  they always stick together, so I'm sure the rest of them would never let that happen to him." Baekhyun sits up and lays a comforting hand on Daes' shoulder. 


"You're right.. absolutely right. C'mon let's go get ready it's already almost one." Dae sighs, standing up from the couch and stretching his arms. 


Baekhyun also stands up from his seat and walks to his bedroom with Jongdae following behind him. 


"I'm sort of nervous to meet the others.." Baekhyun mutters as he plops down on his bed. "What if they're mean?" 


"I got your back, Bestie. Nobody's being mean to you with me around!" Jongdae assures, walking toward the platinum-haireds' dresser. "I still have clothes in my drawer, right?" 


Baekhyun and Jongdae always leave clothes at each other's homes just incase they wanted to go to the mall or something. They never thought they'd need backup clothes to go to a gang meeting with their gangster boyfriends.


"I'm sure you do, check." Baekhyun rises from the bed and drags himself over to the closet, examining the clothes inside. 


He decides to keep it simple, sliding into a pair of dark blue jeans, a white on black nirvana crewneck with white and black Jordan 12's. Meanwhile, Jongdae pairs up a pair of black ripped jeans with a white t-shirt and black combat boots, topped with a jean jacket. 


"I'm gonna go eat a snack while we wait, you want one?" Baek turns to his best friend who's busy admiring himself in his phone camera.


"Huh? No, but I'll come with you." Dae takes his attention off his screen and stands up, following the platinum-haired to the kitchen.


Baekhyun freezes upon reaching the kitchen, causing Jongdae to bump into the back of him and frown. Baek coughs awkwardly before proceeding into the kitchen, facing his mother.


"Where are you two going?" Mrs.Byun sets her newspaper down and raises a questioning brow at the two. 


"Uhm.." Baekhyun pauses and looks over at Jongdae who long blinks at him, signaling for him to think of something to say. "We're just - going to a... little get together.. with Chanyeol." he says incoherently.  


Mrs.Byun stares blankly at her son before darting her eyes to Jongdae, who slowly nodded his head. 


"Get together? What kind of get together?" she says before looking back at Baekhyun.


"I'm actually not sure." 


"Jongdae?" Mrs.Byun looks at the other. 


"I'm not sure either, but I am sure that we'll be safe and there's nothing to worry about." 


Mrs.Byun stands from her seat and places her mug in the sink. "Alright then, you both know to call me if you need anything. How's your family Jongdae?" 


"Everyone is well! I see you're well and still beautiful as ever." 


"Oh, stop it." she dramatically waves her hand before picking up her phone and walking out the kitchen. "Have fun." 


Baekhyun shakes his head and proceeds to grab a bag of honey butter chips from the cabinet. He sits down in a seat next to Jongdae and begins plopping chips into his mouth. 


"What're you high?" Jongdae laughs, watching his best friend shamelessly throw fingertips filled with chips in his mouth. 


Baekhyun only pauses to give his best friend a blank stare before rolling his eyes and resuming his chip eating. "No, Pabo. I just really like these." he snaps after swallowing. "Anyway, you never told me if you got the job at the cafe or not! Our interviews were like three days ago."


"Little Owl Cafe?"


"Yes, Dae." 


"Oh yeah! I did. I think I start on Monday, after classes." Jongdae says estatically. 


"Hopefully you do because I do!" Baekhyun smiles brightly, voice equally as happy as his best friend. 


The vibration of Baeks phone against the tables causes the two to turn in its direction. Baekhyun swipes the notification and reads the text. 


"Yeols' here! Let's go." he shouts and the two rise from their seats and head for the door. "You got your phone, right?" 


Jongdae checks his pockets before throwing a thumbs up. "Check, you got your keys?" 


The platinum-haired also checks his pockets before opening the door and heading out. Jongdae makes sure the door is locked before closing it behind himself and following his best friend to the gangsters' car, sliding into the backseat as Baekhyun climbs in the front. 


"Hey baby. What's up, Jongdae." the gangster greets, after sending a text and tossing his phone in a cup holder. 


"Nothing much, Just living my best life." Dae responds.


"Hey, how're you feeling?" Baekhyun says softly, staring at the side of his boyfriends' head as he quickly drove away from the residence. 


"I'm feeling fine.. Same , different day." 


"I was just thinking about last night and - I don't know, it was pretty scary and I thought you'd be -"


"It's nothing new to me. I've been through much worse but you have nothing to worry about.." Chanyeol says, cutting the shorter off. "I'm sorry you had to see some like that go down though." 


Baekhyun turns his attention to the windshield and sighs. "Okay, I believe you.. just promise me you'll be safe." 


"I promise, baby."


"Okay, Now where are we going?" 


"Kris got two suites at The Shilla, we'll be one, y'all will be in the other." the gangster picks up his phone and checks the time. "I'm gonna be a little late, it's already 'bout to be two o'clock so I'm not gonna have time to introduce y'all to the others but they're all chill and easy to get along with."


"I heard that Hotel is really nice." Jongdae comments. 


"Yeah, it's dope, there's a balcony too, that's my favorite part."


The rest of the ride was silent as Chanyeol was damn near speeding to get to the hotel, already being late to the meeting. What should have been a twenty-five minute ride was chopped to about ten minutes as he quickly pulled into a parking spot. The gangster turns the car off and grabs his phone, exiting the car after making sure the other two were ready. Together they entered the hotel and immediately got on an elevator and Chanyeol presses the button to the fourteenth floor. 


" we're going high up.." Jongdae breaths out, leaning against the wall. 


"You scared of heights?" Yeol looks back at the brunette and chuckles lightly.


"No, I just don't like elevators. I was hoping we wouldn't be going so high so we didn't have to be on for long." 


"My bad, I should've said something." 


Baekhyun walks over to his best friend and leans on the wall next to him, grabbing his hand and lightly squeezing it. "Only a few more floors, okay?" he says quietly. 


Jongdae only nods and locks fingers with the platinum-haired. "Okay.."


Soon after the elevator stops and the doors slowly open. Chanyeol steps out first then stands aside for Baekhyun and Jongdae to step out. He then guides them to their room and gives the door a few stern knocks. 


Eventually, the door swings open and a clearly tipsy Luhan is standing in front of them. "You're just getting here? Gosh."


"Yeah, so I gotta peel. Take care of my baby and his friend." Yeol states before walking to the next door and opening it with his keycard. He waves to the two before disappearing inside. 


Luhan gazes at the two standing in front of him before moving aside, allowing them in. "Come in!" he giggles, spilling some of his drink with his dramatic movements. 


Jongdae smiles and steps inside with Baekhyun following behind him. The suite was pretty luxurious with two beds, a love seat, and a single couch, the loveseat was conveniently empty so Dae and Baekhyun occupied the seats. 


Soon after, Luhan enters the room and plops down on the empty bed. "So! Whose husbando are you?" he asks, taking a sip of his alcoholic beverage.


Baekhyun tries his best to hide the confusion on his face, earning laughs from the wide-eyed boy occupying the second bed. 


"He doesn't understand when you put it that way." he says, shaking his head. "First off, how about we introduce ourselves? My name is Kyungsoo, in Luhans' words.. I'm Jongins' husbando, it's just a cute pet name." 


Jongdae smiles and waves in Kyungsoos' direction. "Nice to meet you!" 


"Okay, well now you know, I'm Luhan." the pretty boy addresses subliminally. "Thanks, Soo but anyway! I’m Sehuns’ husbando" 




Jongdae giggles and waves to the dark-haired. "Nice to meet you, Luhan."


Baekhyun blinks before slowly waving his hand. "Hello.."  The two then turn their heads to the taller occupying the single seat. 


"Tao, Kris' husbando." he says after taking a sip of his drink.


"Okay, now introduce yourselves!" Luhan shouts, overly excited. 


"I'm Jongdae, I guess I'm Minseoks' husbando." the kitten-smiled boy giggles. 


"I'm Baekhyun.. uhm, I'm Chanyeols.. husbando?" he sinks deeper into the seat. 


"Okay! Now do you guys want a drink?" Luhan says, springing up from the bed and walking over to a table filled with various liquors and juices. 


"Wait - How old are you guys?" Kyungsoo raises a brow. 


"Does it matter? I'm sure they drink." Luhan groans, rolling his pretty brown eyes. 


"We're eighteen, not the legal age but Luhans right, we drink." Dae shrugs. 


"See? Nobody cares about the law." Luhan says pouring the two a drink and handing them off. "Sip up." 


Baekhyun stares at the cup before taking it and looking inside. 


'You know you can't handle your alcohol, Don't drink it.. or maybe just a cup.. or until you feel like you can't hang anymore' 


Sighing, he took a small sip which soon turned into long sips. "This is really good." he says, finishing the cup. "Can I have another?"


"Of course!" the dark-haired takes the cup and pours Baekhyun another drink. "Here ya go." he hands the smaller the alcoholic beverage. 


Baekhyun smiles and takes the drink, taking a long sip. "Thanks."


"No problem! Okay, we're all friends now! So you guys, What's the tea?" 


"Ugh, I was so pissed off with Jongin until like - this morning." Kyungsoo announces, rolling his big dark eyes. "We were walking to my place then out of nowhere he decides breaking into my neighbors house and taking a load of stuff was something he just needed to do. I shouldn't have told him they were on vacation."


"Nobody seen him?!" Tao asks, laughing into his free hand. "He's crazy."


"It was pretty late at night, I'm not surprised nobody saw but we had to speed walk about fifty feet to my house." 


”I think I can top that.” Luhan interjects. ”So a few nights ago, Sehun was at my house and in the middle of he gets a play, right?” (a/n; customer lolll) 


”Oh gosh..” Kyungsoo heaved. ”I think I know where this is going.”


”Nope, this time some dude tried to pay with counterfeit money and next thing I know my house is shaking and I hear somebody screaming ’Stop! Stop!’” 


Baekhyun gently claps his hand over his mouth, not realizing how violent Chanyeols’ friends were.


“So I quickly put on my sweats and go downstairs and Sehun is standing over this bloody mess bashing his face in with the of his gun! Immediately I run to stop him before he kills a man in my house.”


“Wow..” Jongdae exhales, staring at the doe-eyed brunette. ”Did he die?” 


His question causes Baekhyun to whip his head in his direction, confusion plastered on his face.


”No, he didn't. Surprisingly he got up and ran out after I got Sehunnie away from him.” Luhans’ voice is so nonchalant, it sends chills down the platinum-haireds’ spine.


”Well, hopefully he learned his lesson. I know you don't want to hide any more bodies.” Tao laughs.


The room fills with giggles aside from Baekhyun and Luhan rolls his eyes before turning his attention to the two on the loveseat. "How about you guys? I know for a fact you got some tea, this whole meeting is about Chanyeol and Minseoks' confrontation with Jay Park and his gang."


The platinum-haired chuckles awkwardly before shifting in his seat. "Oh.. I - I don't really know what's going on." he confesses.


"You don't keep up with your boyfriends gang activity?" Tao raises a questioning brow.


" I -" 


"You should." Luhan interrupts. "Anything could happen to him any day, so you should always know where he is and be alert for his drama." 


"It was just a few words, I don't think it was a big deal - I mean, Chanyeol pulled a gun out but nobody got hurt." Jongdae chimes in. 


"Not a big deal?!" Tao spats out, almost choking on his drink.


"Jay Park and his gang are your boyfriends' drama - like serious drama." Soo says as he walks over to pat Taos' back. 


"Murder drama." The taller states after clearing his throat. "But don't worry, your boyfriends' problems are all of our boyfriends' problems and that's why they're having a meeting on how they're going to eliminate Jay and Zico."


'Murder.. Drama? Why would Chanyeol tell me it was nothing? and Zico? He must be one of the other guys that was there that night..'


Baekhyun slightly knits his brows together, a little disappointed with Chanyeol for not mentioning this to him. 


"I guess Yeol left that part out.. he told me it was nothing to worry about."


"That's because Chanyeol and Minseok think you guys aren't built for this lifestyle." Luhan states. "I say that because if it were any of us in the car with our boyfriends, one of those guys would've been hurt."


"Or even dead." Tao adds.


Kyungsoo and Luhan nod their heads in agreement.


"How are you different from us?" Jongdae asks. "I mean like - why would the outcome have been different if it were one of you?"


"Because, we've shown them we're built for like this. I've helped Kris with multiple home invasions and other things I won't speak on." 


"Yeah, Just a couple days ago Sehun and I beat the out of a guy who owed him some money for a while, it was fun chasing him down the street." 


”I hid Jongins gun in my backpack and went to work because he forgot to take it out his backpack before class.”


Baekhyun widens his eyes at the confessions, obviously appalled. "So we have to beat people up..?" 


"You don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with." Kyungsoo says assuringly. 


"We were just like you before but after a while, sitting at home while your boyfriend runs the streets starts to get worrying. So being there to help when his gang isn't mends the fear of not seeing him again." Tao explains.


Suddenly the platinum-haired feels a wave a guilt flow through his body. Knowing he's watched his boyfriend walk out the door to play the streets while he sat safely at home made him feel like he didn't deserve the gangster, he felt worthless compared to the others and the way they protected their boyfriends.


"Why can't they just talk it out?" Baekhyun sighs, taking a long deserved sip of his alcoholic beverage.


Everyone in the room except Jongdae freezes to give the platinum-haired a rather 'Are you serious?' look before bursting out in laughter all at once.


"Oh darling, you must have no idea how this works." The taller dramatically wipes a tear from his fierce eye. "When it's murder drama, there is no talking but look on the bright side, if Park does the deed he gets out of the lifestyle cause he'll be on the run in China." 


"China!? Why China!?" Dae astonishingly raises his brows.


"That's where Kris' second home is and where whoever does the deed will be staying, You could go too if you want."


"If my Sehunnie ever had to go away there's no way I'd stay behind!" Luhan cries out, shaking his head at the thought. 


Jongdae chugs the rest of his drink before looking over at his best friend. "Oh my - We can't just up and leave, we're still in school." 


"I know.." The shorter acknowledged, staring into his empty cup. "Can I have another drink please?"


The story causes Baekhyun to worry about not only his and Chanyeols safety but Jongdaes and Minseoks too, everything was too stressful for the platinum-haired to handle at the moment, especially with everyone aside from Dae being around. Becoming overwhelmed by his thoughts, Baekhyun gets up and helps himself to multiple shots of the various liquors on the table before making himself a drink and reclaiming his seat next to his best friend.


At this point, all he wanted to do was forget what he just heard and alcohol was the solution. Although he knew he was nearing his limit, he still took long sips of the beverage he just made.


Suddenly, there's a soft knock at the door, causing everyone to freeze in their tracks to validate that what they heard was indeed a knock. After a few seconds of silence, the knocks continue.


"I got it last time, someone else has to get up." Luhan protests.


Kyungsoo gives the pretty boy an evil glare before standing from the bed and heading over to the door, opening it. In front of him stood Minseok with Sehun close behind. 


"What're you guys doing here? Is it finally over?" he questions.


"Almost, the guys are taking a smoke break before we wrap up so I came to see my pretty baby." Sehun responds as he squeezes by Kyungsoo to get into the room. 


"You guys could go over if you want, just knock at the door." Minseok also squeezes past the shorter who rolls his eyes and closes the door behind them.


The delinquent immediately scurries over to Jongdae who jumps from the couch and throws himself into the outlaws arms. 


"I've missed you! How're you feeling?!" Dae whines into his boyfriends' ear. 


"I missed you too baby.. I'm okay - Uhm, we need to talk later.." Minseok mumbles. It was clear as glass there was something heavy on his mind.


Jongdae pulls back from the hug to look at his boyfriends' face. "Is everything okay?" 


"I - .. Yeah. Don't worry about it, baby." 


Jongdae only nods before pulling the shorter in for another hug, gently squeezing his torso. He knew everything wasn't okay, but now wasn't the time or place to discuss what was going on with him. The worried boy looks over at his best friend and pouts. 


Baekhyun only shrugs before standing up from the couch for the first time since he downed his drinks. The platinum-haired hadn't realized how much alcohol he had consumed until now, the room spun like a Ferris wheel and he has no idea why Jongdae is looking at him like that.


"W - Where's Chanyeol?!" he slurs.


"Next door.. are you okay?" Dae knits his brows together. "I'll help you walk over there."


"I don't need any help, Dae!" Baekhyun waves his hand before slowly walking to the door, trying to keep his balance.


Baekhyun is a lightweight, he barely consumes alcohol so when he does he gets a little sloppy. Okay, very sloppy.


Heading out the room and into the hallway, Baek staggers over to the next door and gently knocks on it. After a few seconds, he leans on the door frame and knocks again, this time a litter more stern. Finally, Jongin appears in front of him and moves aside for him to come in to which he slowly stumbled into the room and searched for his gangster.


"Hey, Chanyeols' on the balcony." Jongin pointed out as he watched the shorter comb out the hotel room. ”You good?”


"Yah! Thank you. ~ You're such a nice - person. I see why - Yeol has you! as a friend." Baekhyun rambled before he drags himself to the balcony, moving the curtains to look outside. 


He bites his lip at the sight of his handsome boyfriend standing there, smoking a joint while talking to Kris. Having no care about whatever it is they were talking about, Baekhyun slides open the balcony door and steps out.


"Chanyeolllie!" he shouts, giggling into his hand. "W - What the heck are you doooing out here? it's so chilly!" 


Chanyeol furrows his brows, stepping close to the shorter. "Have you been drinking babe?" 


"Huh?! Maybe. ~"


The gangster frowns before turning to his leader. "Can we wrap this up? I need to bring him home." 


"It's all good, you guys know what the plan is." Kris declares before tossing the last of his joint over the balcony. "You can dip whenever you want."


Chanyeol nods before grabbing Baekhyun by the arm and dragging him inside and out of the suite, only stopping when reaching the next door and knocking on it.


"Are y - you mad at me, Yeollie?" Baekhyun slurs, trying to wiggle his arm free. 


Before the gangster could respond, the door flings open with Tao moving aside for them to enter to which they do. 


"Get your things and your friend." Yeol demands.


Baekhyun scrunched up his nose but still obeys, turning around and staggering over to the love seat where Jongdae sat with Minseok who still looked a little distressed. 


"We're leaving! Are ya coming?" 


Jongdae looks up at his best friend and shakes his head. "No, Seok said we can keep the room for the night.. Tao and Kris are keeping the other room and everyone else is going home."


"Ahhh - I see. ~ Have some fun." Baekhyun murmurs before leaning down to hug his best friend and rubbing their cheeks together. "See yooou!"


"See you later, Bestie. I'll call you tomorrow." Dae giggles.


Baekhyun waves before turning around and walking toward the door where Chanyeol stood. Without saying a word, Yeol opens the door and steps out of the room with Baekhyun following behind him. Together they got into the elevator and went back to the bottom floor, all in silence. 


When the elevator finally reaches the first floor, the pair step out and exit the hotel, making their way to the gangsters' already unlocked and started BMW, Thanks to that remote key.


The platinum-haired slides into the passenger seat after the gangster and lazily leans back. He keeps his attention out the window as the car backed out of the parking lot and began driving down the street.


"Yeolllie?" he whines, breaking the long silence. "Baby. ~ Are ya gonna sleepover?" 


"I can't tonight, babe. Maybe tomorrow." 


"Whaat?! But why not?" 


"I have some to do tonight.. you need to go home and rest, you're ing bent."


"Mhh, not yet I'm not." Baekhyun mumbles.




"Nothing. ~ So at least c - can you come cuddle with me until I go to sleep?"


The gangster finally pulls into a parking spot in front of the Byun residence and turns the car off. "Yeah, I'll stay till you fall asleep." he says before grabbing his belongings and climbing out of the vehicle.


The platinum-haired flashes a wide grin before also climbing out of the car and guiding his gangster to the front door. He fiddles with his keys for a minute before struggling to open the door with his vision being a little blurred and all. Chanyeol frowns before checking the driveway to make sure Ms.Byun wasn't home to see her son a drunk mess. Thankfully she wasn't. 


Finally, Baekhyun swings the door open so hard, that it hits the wall on the other side. He claps his hand over his mouth and wobbles inside, checking to make sure the doorknob didn't put a dent in the wall or something.


"You gotta be careful.." Chanyeol sighs, closing the door behind himself and locking it, also checking to make sure the knob didn't put a hole in the wall.


The giggling mess grabs his gangster by the arm and drags him to his bedroom, shutting the door behind himself and flicking the light on. "Sit, sit!" 


Chanyeol sits down at the top of the edge of the shorters bed and watches as he strips out of his clothes and groggily slides into something more comfortable before sliding into bed and laying his head on the gangsters' lap. 


"Baby?" Baek yawns.




”Can I you off?" The platinum-haired presses his palm against the gangsters print in his jeans. "I want to taste you, I bet you're so big."


Chanyeol flinches before gently shoving Baekhyuns hand away. ”No baby.. not while you're like this.” 


”But I want to taste yooou and make you feel good.” 


”It’s not happening, Baekhyun.” 


Baekhyun releases an annoyed groan before shifting into his blankets. The smaller looks up at the gangster who was staring down at his phone and using his free hand to rub Baekhyuns temple. The platinum-haired smiles to himself before letting his eyes flutter shut. 


Chanyeol stays put for a while, gently brushing a few hairs from in front of his intoxicated baby's face. He doesn't move until he's sure the shorter is asleep, chuckling at the sleeping beauty's light snores before leaning down to press a small kiss on his cheek. 


The gangster carefully moves his leg from under Baeks’ head before standing up and stretching. He takes a second to admire his boyfriends beauty before flicking the light off and walking out of the room, gently shutting the door behind himself. 


Escorting himself out, Yeol makes sure the door is locked from the inside before shutting it behind himself and walking to his foreign car. The vehicle was already unlocked and started so he climbs in and pulls out his iPhone, scrolling through his call log until he found Minseoks name and tapped it before pressing the phone against his ear and driving off.


”You ready bro?” Yeol says once he heard Seoks voice on the other end. 


”Yeah.. Jongdaes’ sleep now, come scoop me.” The younger sighs on the other line.


With that, the gangster made his way back to The Shilla.. at the dead of night. 




Sort of a long chapter 😭 Sorry if it’s kind of boring 😩 stay tuned! Chanyeol and Minseok are on a mission! Poor Baekhyun won’t even remember .

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update