eleven. Drama Queen

PCY really loves BBH.

Image result for Baekhyun mad


The way Baekhyuns' stomach was aching with this unfamiliar feeling all he wanted to do was get up from his seat and walk away, but instead, he sat there frozen with Gimbap inches away from his mouth.


'Do you dare turn around..?'


"Hey." Chanyeol said blankly, taking another bite of his burger.


For the first time, hearing Chanyeols' voice didn't make his heart flutter instead it made the ache in his stomach worse. The platinum-haired ultimately decides to put his chopsticks down and turn around in his seat.


'This is that Wendy person Jongdae was telling me about.. the one who told him the .. stories about Yeol..'


Wendy didn't even bother looking at Baek, her gaze stuck on the gang member.


"What's up? What're you doing tonight? I miss you guys. ~" she coos.


'You guys? Who the heck is she talking about?'


Baekhyun turns back toward Chanyeol and stares at him, his expression blank but his stomach filled with anxiety for the simple fact that he knows the two have done nasty things together and that makes the platinum-haired uncomfortable. Especially since Wendy's known for sleeping with peoples boyfriends without a care in the world. Baekhyun wasn't Chanyeols' boyfriend.. but it was clear as day the two were crushing on each other. 


"Oh yeah? Well, I'm busy tonight." The gang member says in a monotone.


'What the heck does that mean..? Why isn't he telling her to go away? Will he see her another night? Will he have with her?? Wait is you guys him and his.. thing?!' 


Wendy scrunches up her nose and rolls her eyes at the back of Baekhyuns head, causing snickers from her friends.


'Wh-What are they laughing at..??'


"Hm, okay. Text me if you decide to make better plans, Koko misses you. ~" Wendy says in a flirty voice before walking back to a table full of her friends who were staring the whole time.


'Okay, so they have threesomes or something? Gross!


The embarrassment and hurt Baekhyun felt was burning in his stomach. Why didn't Chanyeol tell her to go away.. he didn't even bother introducing him to her.


Baekhyun doesn't know if he has the right to be hurt or if he's going above himself, it's all so confusing and humiliating. This is why he didn't give anyone the time of day, because they all wanted one thing and they would do anything to get it.. that's what the platinum-haired convinced himself.


To make matters worse, the gang member continued to eat his burger like one of his s didn't just approach him while he was clearly with somebody else.


The whole thing made Baekhyun feel like he was just another one of Chanyeol's toys or preparing to be, he started to take his talk with Jongdae earlier into consideration.


"Why aren't you eating?" Chanyeol finally broke the silence.


"W.. - what the heck was that?" the platinum-haired dared to ask.


"That's just Wendy, she's -"


"No." for the first time Baekhyuns' voice is stern and the gang member is taken aback by it. "She flirted with you right in front of me, she didn't even say hello to me.. It's like I wasn't even here... and you're busy tonight?"


'She misses his .. thing. The nerve of her!'


Baekhyun decides to stop talking, if he continues to relive what just happened he's sure he'll end up crying.


"It's not that deep.. what're you trippin' for? Th-"


"It is that deep! You had with her and you're out with me... you shouldn't talk to her.. that's so mean and it hurts my feelings.." Baekhyun tries to keep his voice calm, the food court was surprisingly not that packed and Wendy was only a couple tables away.


'Maybe he's right.. I'm wrong for wanting him to be mean to her..'


"Listen, It shouldn't matter 'cause that's not my okay? and you aren't either."


'okaay .... whoa'


Baekhyuns stomach flips, those words tore through him like a knife, the hurt written all over his pretty, sad face.


"No, I didn't mean it like that!" The gang member says frantically. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.. I really didn't. I'm not gonna text her.."


Silence, aside from the chatter of others in the food court.


"How did you know I ed her?"


Those words make Baeks stomach do another somersault.


"She came to class talking about it.." Baekhyun sort of lies, he wasn't there but his best friend was and he's like his second pair of ears. "and I'm not stupid."


"Oh.. I know you're not. Listen -"


"Please, take me home.. I want to go home." Baekhyun stares at his untouched Gimbap.


"I thought you wanted to sleepover? I was gonna rent the new Toy Story for us to watch and -"


"I'm sorry, I .. - I don't feel good.." Baek interrupts and it's true, his stomach, chest, and head were throbbing and he just wanted to be alone.


"Okay.. let's go." The gang member gives up, picking up his and Baekhyuns tray, dumping it and heading for the exit.


The platinum-haired follows behind him, looking down at his feet as he walked. The guilt was starting to mix in with the hurt.


The pair silently walk to the car followed by a silent ride back to the Byun residence. 


"I'll pay you back for the Gimbap.." Baekhyun says, exiting the car before the gang member could respond and quickly walking towards his house.


Chanyeol sat there until the platinum-haired disappeared into his home, not looking back. He exhaled before he drove off to his own.


'What the just happened?'


This is why he doesn't catch feelings, it all leads to pain and bull in the end. Chanyeol was confused, he told Wendy he was busy.. and Baekhyun that he wasn't going to text her, so where did he go wrong? 


The gang member was filled with so many mixed emotions about the situation. The more he thought about it the more it irritated him, in his opinion Baekhyun was being very dramatic and technically he was still single but Baekhyun reacted otherwise.


The gang member ran his fingers through his blonde hair as he stopped at a red light. In the end, he was sure Baekhyun didn't want to see him anymore.. and that hurt so, he did the only thing he knew how to mask the feelings.


To - Wendy: Come through.


It wasn't until he pulled into his driveway he realized Baek left his overnight bag in the backseat, he shook his head and bought it upstairs to his room with him, sitting it on his ottoman.


He sighed deeply before collapsing on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, his head clouded with the events from earlier. It wasn't until his phone vibrated, he was bought back to reality.


The gang member turns his head to the left where his phone lay in his hand and looked at the notification.


6:45pm - Wendy: I'm on my way, yyy <3


Simply trying to fill a hole in his heart, The gang member pulls a bottle of Soju from under his bed and sips it casually as he waits for Wendy to arrive. It didn't take long for him to become intoxicated, the event from earlier becoming a blur. 


At the end of the day he had to put himself first, he still had a vow to himself to never let another being hurt him again, so the night was sure to be long (being only 7pm) and filled with Wendy's moans in the air as the gang member drunkenly into her, with her legs thrown over his shoulders, wanting to the life out of her for ruining his day.


'This is who you are.'


Okay so I notice that I never described Chanyeols hair color .-. sorry if I screwed up a few imaginations T.T ANYWAAAAY.. What will happen next? <.< >.> 

Please don't hate me or Chanyeol T.T his poor little heart hurts..again! Yahh! and I warned you this week it might be Wendy  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Special thank you to my subscribers, those who comment and whoever's reading this. I appreciate you! <3

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update