nineteen. I Promise

PCY really loves BBH.



"Hey, I just got out the shower... Oh, you're outside?! Uhm, okay.. I'll be right there." 


Tossing his phone aside, Baekhyun begins frantically rummaging through his closet looking for an outfit. Clutching the towel wrapped around his hips, he runs his fingers through his damp hair with his free hand and sighs, for some reason he always felt the need to look his best when around the gangster. It obviously wasn't necessary but Baekhyun can't help himself having never been in a.. talk-tashionship? Whatever it was, Little did he know, to Chanyeol it didn't matter, Baekhyun was beautiful no matter what he wore, he hardly had to try. Nonetheless, he still hastily rummaged through his closet for a nice outfit.


'You do realize it's gonna take you forever to get ready, right?' 


Overthinking - per the usual, Baekhyun begins to worry about keeping Yeol waiting outside for too long or him leaving because he took too long -- which was super unlikely to happen.  The platinum-haired then began to think back to what Jongdae said during study hall earlier and he was absolutely right. Chanyeol was going to be his boyfriend very soon and they were undoubtedly going to do nasty things together one day, so he should take this time to get more comfortable around the gangster... Right? 


Using every bit of confidence he had, Baekhyun tightens to towel around his hips and heads for the door, internally chanting for himself as his stomach erupted with butterflies. 


'There's no turning back now.. You can do this!''


Upon reaching the front door. Baekhyun immediately stops and turns on his heels, it was then he realized the only thing keeping him and the gangster apart was his front door and the reality of that sent a warm sensation through his belly. The fact that he only had a towel wrapped around his hips made it worse. The electric bolt of feelings that ran through his body made his mind go in a haze, which is probably why he thought it was a good idea to begin with. Taking a deep breath, Baekhyun turns his body back toward the door. 


Just as the platinum-haireds hand made contact with the lock, the sparks in his stomach go on a rampage and he's mentally cursing himself for losing all the confidence he had at the last minute. However, he still turned the lock and twisted the doorknob until it opened. 


There stood the gangster, handsome as ever per usual, leaning against the door frame. The two locked eyes for a moment, equally flushed and hungry for each other's lips. Baekhyun pulls the taller by the arm and drags him into the house. Appalled, Yeol allows himself to be dragged by the platinum-haired and kicks the door shut behind himself.  


"I didn't want.. to keep you waiting for too long." Baekhyun explains himself. "Uhm, you can wait here while I finished getting ready.." 


Chanyeol only smirks before taking a step closer to his adorable shy cry baby, this time he grabs Baekhyun by his arm and pulls the shorter closer to his own body. 


"Do I have to?" he asks in a low voice, bringing his head down towards Baek's ear, causing the shorter to shiver. 


Baekhyun bites his lower lip and takes the gangster by the hand, guiding him to his bedroom, Chanyeols smirk grows as he once again allows himself to be dragged by the shorter. Ignoring the waves of butterflies that flowed through Baeks' stomach, he stops at his bed before turning to shut the door as Yeol sat down. He could feel the heat spread across his face as he turned toward the gangster, who reaches his hand out towards him, wanting him to come closer to which he obeyed. 


"You don't have to be shy around me baby, I won't do anything you're uncomfortable with... Okay?" the gangster assures, voice full of affection.


Baekhyun smiles softly before snaking his arms around the gangsters' neck, gazing into those dark orbs he adores so much. "Thank you..." he says.


Using every little bit of confidence he thought he lost, Baekhyun gently places a hand on the gangster's cheek and it lovingly with his thumb, admiring the goons soft skin and perfectly sculpted face. He leans in close enough that the two are practically sharing breath, brushing his lips against the gangsters, he groans at the fullness of them before pressing his own against them. 


At this point, the butterflies in Baekhyuns stomach are going mad and his head is spinning as if he were intoxicated. Still, he deepens the kiss by the gangster's bottom lip to which he parts them, giving the shorter access to his warm cavern. Immediately their mouths moved in sync like they were carved for each other. 


The gangster admires Baekhyuns sudden courage. He places his hands on the shorters' hips and gently squeezes them, causing a soft moan to escape his busy lips. Chanyeol couldn't lie, the way Baekhyun moaned into his mouth turned him on so much, he wanted to the shy boy into his mattress until he was a mess underneath him but that wasn't an option. Baekhyun wasn't at all ready for his . 


Chanyeol releases a low groan at the thought of Baekhyuns moans filling the air and breaks the kiss, hungrily gazing into those sparkly brown eyes he has almost fallen in love with. Baekhyun smiles and bites his bottom lip before taking a step back. 


"You're not ready for this." the gangster declares, finally breaking his gaze to look at his surroundings. 


"But -" 




Baekhyun rolls his eyes and exhales, adjusting the towel around his hips. "Fine, then turn around so I can get dressed." 


Chanyeol chuckles at Baekhyuns increasing attitude but still does as he's told. It was cute to him, I mean it was his fault the shorters' attitude has been getting worse. 


"You're gonna regret this little attitude you call yourself giving me one day." he says, laying back in the bed and staring up at the ceiling.


"am I?" Baekhyun giggles, sliding into a pair of black ripped skinny jeans. 




The platinum-haired plops down on the bed after sliding on a white v-neck and puts his socks on. "Whatever, I just have to put my shoes on then I'm ready!" 


"Where's your sweater?" Chanyeol props up on his elbow and furrows his brows.


"Right there." Baekhyun points to his closet door.


"Put it on." 


"Where's your sweater?"  the platinum-haired pouts, taking his sweater off the closet door. 


"In the car." the gangster stands up from the bed and stretches.


"Are you gonna put it on?" 


"Yes, baby."  Chanyeol chuckles. 


Baekhyun flashes a cheeky grin before leading the gangster out of his bedroom and closing the door behind himself. Together they walked toward the front door with no idea where they were going, as long they had each other it didn't matter. Baekhyun slides into his sneakers and laces them before turning to the door. Before he could reach for the knob, the door flings open and Mrs.Byun is staring down at her phone with one hand and fumbling with her keys with the other. 


"Baekhyun, who's car is th-" she cuts off as she finally breaks her eyes off her phone and stares up at her son and the unknown handsome giant behind him. 


"Eomma, this is Chanyeol.. the one I told you about the other day.." Baekhyun says awkwardly.


"Nice to meet you, Mrs.Byun." the gangster steps back to bow. 


"Hello.. Where are you guys going?" Mrs.Byun tries to hide her confusion before stepping into the house. 


"Just for a ride.. I won't be gone long." 


Mrs.Byun only nods before walking off to her bedroom as the two exited the home. Immediately sliding into the passenger seat of the gangsters BMW, Baekhyun reaches in the backseat and grabs his sweater, handing it to him. Chuckling, the goon slides the sweater on before starting the car up. 


"Happy?" he mocks to which Baekhyun replies by leaning towards him and gently pecking his lips. 


"Yes.. baby." Baek giggles, leaning back into his seat. 


Chanyeol smirks and places a hand on the platinum-haireds thigh as he drove away from the Byun residence. Placing a hand on top of his, Baekhyun locks fingers with his gangster. Still with no idea where they were going, having each other was more than enough. 


"Are you hungry, baby?" Yeol breaks the silence, stopping at a red light. 


"Not really.. We can find somewhere to park and just relax I guess." 


"Alright, I'll show you where I like to go to escape all the bull." 


The gangster drives off in silence with an impatient Baekhyun in his passenger seat asking where they were going too often. This was definitely going to worsen that little attitude he gives him, it was still cute though and he couldn't wait to deal with it. Finally, Yeol parks in front of the beach, and turns off the car. Baekhyun stares in awe at the pedestrians jogging on the pathway and the high tides blanketing the sand. It was very peaceful and being with Chanyeol made it even better. 


"This place is so nice at night, so peaceful." Baekhyun says.


"Yeah, I love coming here." 


"Yeol... Can I ask you something?" 


"Anything." the gangster looks over at his cry baby, who was staring out the windshield. 


"What... is it about me? That makes me different from the others? I've heard things about you... and they don't bother me at all but - I'm not gonna be one of them one day... Right?" Baekhyun returns the gaze, worry in his eyes. 


The gangster frowns a bit and reaches over, cupping Baekhyuns soft cheek in his hand. "Baekhyun, never in a million ing years will I let you go again, you're my whole heart and I mean that.. you literally keep my heart beating I swear I've never felt more alive when I'm with you. I don't need weed to be happy when I'm with you. There's nobody else baby, it's just me and you, there are no others, all those es, if any of them with you I got somebody to handle them." he leans in and pecks the smallers lips. 


"and those things you heard about me... I'm so happy you looked past them because I can be different, I can be loyal.." the gangster leans back in his seat and stares at the ocean. "I... I used to date this girl - back when I was in grade seven. I was young so I thought I was in love, she was my first girlfriend and she broke my heart.. she dumped for the rich boy and every day I had to watch them kiss and hold hands, it was hell. I was hurt" he exhales and runs his fingers through his blonde locks. "When high school came around she moved away, and I finally found peace... I didn't know what else to do but - you know... When I met you Baekhyun, something about you was different. I knew you weren't like the rest of those , I swear I liked you the moment I heard your voice in class, I got that feeling again... Please don't lose your faith in me baby, I promise I'll be the best me I know I can be."


Baekhyun stares at the side of the gangster's head, coming to the realization that Jongdae was right, once again. Chanyeol did have some tragic background to explain why he was such a jerk. 


"I trust you... I won't leave you, Yeollie.. Ever." 


"Baekhyun... I'll do anything for you, anything you need baby just call me." 


Baekhyun smiles at his gangster as their eyes finally met again. "All I need is kisses and cuddles... Oh! and movies!" he giggles. 


Chanyeol stares lovingly at Baekhyuns crescent eyes, thinking of many ways to keep that smile plastered on his face. 


"Why weren't you in school today?" Baekhyun tilts his head. 


"I was busy.." Yeol begins checking his sweater pockets. 


"Busy? Doing what? and What're you looking for?" Baek frowns.


"Baby.. I want you and I to be official, I know I'm ready to commit myself to you, nobody on this ing earth is worth losing you." the gangster breathes out, taking a small box out of his pocket and opening it. Inside was an Elegant Pavè Band ring from Pandora. "I promise." 


Baekhyun widens his eyes as the gangster reveals the ring. He immediately holds out his hand so the gangster can slide the ring on, to which he complies. Staring down at his finger, the platinum-haired was fighting back tears, overwhelmed with happiness. 


"Will you be my boyfriend? My shorty? My cry baby?" the gangster chuckles, placing a finger under Baekhyuns chin and tilting his head up so their eyes could meet.


"Yes, Yeollie. I will be your everything forever." he croaks. 


The gangster presses his forehead against the smallers, gazing at his beauty as he brushed their lips together. "Forever." he whispered before crashing his lips into the others, immediately in a heated, hungry kiss.


At this point, Baekhyun is almost obsessed with kissing Chanyeol, he loves the taste of his tongue and the warmth of his mouth, it felt as if he were possessed. He cups the gangsters face in his hand and gently squeezed his cheeks as he on his warm tongue, carelessly into Yeols mouth. That obviously drove the gangster wild, he breaks the kiss for a moment to back his seat away from the steering wheel, immediately locking lips with the shorter again. Baekhyun takes the hint and climbs over the gear shift, straddling the gangster's lap not releasing his lips for a millisecond. 


"Please.. take me." the younger moans against Yeols lips, letting him dominate his mouth once again. 


"Soon baby... I don't wanna hurt you." 


Baekhyun groans and rolls his hips against the gangsters obvious . "Seems like you want me now..." 


Chanyeol finally breaks the kiss, which was a huge disappointment for Baek. He stares up at his cry baby and smirks. "Baby, you'll thank me one day." 


Rolling his eyes, Baekhyun leans down and captures his boyfriend's lips again, everything was perfect. Tongue-tied with the boy of his dreams with an ocean view. Finally, after enough teasing the two could handle, Baekhyun plops back into his own seat and stares at the gangster. It's been about two hours they've been parked so Yeol decides to drop Baek off him before he gives in and s him in the backseat of his BMW.


Upon arriving at the Byun residence, Yeol looks over at Baek who was staring at his house, obviously not wanting to go inside. 


"Go get some sleep baby, I'll see you tomorrow." he says. 


"Okay.. Text me when you get home." Baekhyun looks over at Yeol and flashes an obviously fake smile. 


"Don't be sad baby.. I'll come over and watch movies with you." the gangster smiles, brushing a few strands of hair out of his cry baby's face.


"Yahh ~ Okay." Baekhyun coos, leaning over and pecking Yeols lips. "See you tomorrow." he says before sliding out the car and walking up towards his home.


Chanyeol smiles as he watches the shorter turn back and wave before disappearing into his home. He hasn't been this happy since... forever. Not even Seulgi made him this happy, Baekhyun was really one of a kind and he was ecstatic to be able to call him his. Driving away from the Byun residence, Chanyeol can't help but keep a smile plastered on his lips, he was most definitely falling in love.




The ship!! Has saileddd!!! Enjoy <3333 

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update