ten. Charmingly Charming

PCY really loves BBH.



Finally, Baekhyuns' thoughts became reality, he was once again in that expensive car with the most handsome boy in his school.


"Yah! What took you so long?" The platinum-haired whines after sliding into the passenger seat with his overnight bag.


"Oh shut up cry baby, I was just handling some business. Why'd you pack so early?" Chanyeol laughs as he drives away from the Byun residence.


"I wanted to be ready on time.. don't laugh at me!"


The gang member glances over at his cry baby as he stops at a red light, smirking, his actions causing Baekhyun to whip his head in his direction.


"Hmm? What? Why are you looking at me like that?" the cute boy questions, pouting.


"Because you're adorable. Wanting to be ready all nice and early for me." Chanyeol laughs once again.


Baekhyun feels his cheeks heat up and he quickly turns his attention to the windshield, just as the car started to move again.


'I almost can't believe Jongdaes' stories about him.. he's such a sweetheart to me! Hmmmm ~ I wonder will he a-'


Baekhyuns thoughts are interrupted by Chanyeols' deep voice.


"What do you wanna do? It's still daylight, We could hit the mall or some ."


"Okay, I've been wanting to go to Pandora and get more charms for my bracelet!" Baekhyun says happily.


The gang member chuckles at Baekhyuns constant loudness as he drove in the direction of the mall.




After a ride filled with Baekhyuns voice singing over BTS songs and giggles as he texted his best friend, Chanyeol finally parks his BMW in the malls parking lot.


The pair steps out after the goon turns off the car and head towards the entrance.


"What stores do you wanna go to?" Baekhyun questions, walking into the mall as the gang member held the door open for him.


"I haven't thought about it, I'm just following you honestly.. I'll see something along the way." Chanyeol states as he scopes out the mall.


There were tons of people there, I mean it was a Saturday evening. Chanyeol takes Baekhyuns soft hand into his own as they made their way around the crowd of people.


The shorter of the two blushes slightly at the action, slowly linking his fingers between Chanyeols', his stomach swarming with butterflies when he feels the taller reciprocate.


The gang member stops in front of Pandora which is surprisingly not crowded with people, he looks over at Baekhyun who's smiling so big his eyes were barely open.


"Let's go, Yeollie!" he shouts, pulling the taller into the jewelry store.


The platinum-haired uses his free hand to pull his wallet out, not wanting to break free of Chanyeols' grasp.


"I want you to pick the charms.. ~ Pleaaase?" Baekhyun begs looking up at the gang member.


Chanyeol chuckles, looking down at his crush, admiring his perfect face.


"Alright, where are they?"


Baekhyun leads the taller to the glass display box of charms. After scoping them out for a moment Chanyeol eventually sees a few that he likes, he motions for an employee to come over.


"I don't want you to see the ones I picked yet.. Go over there and — I don't know.. look at the rings." Chanyeol says before the employee stops in front of the pair.


Baekhyun nods and let's go of Chanyeols' hand, disappointed with the sudden coldness.


The younger walks towards the direction of the display rings and scopes them out, fantasizing about the gang member on one knee giving him one.


Chanyeol turns his attention to the employee and points out the charms he picked.


"These are lovely! Great choice." She says with a bright smile while opening the case and reaching under for the charms the goon picked.


"Thank you, I appreciate it.. uhm.. do you think you can help me pick out a nice bracelet for them to go on?" He asks, scratching the nape of his neck.


"Of course! Follow me."


The gang member follows the employee to another side of the store, he looks over to see Baekhyun still admiring the rings.


"This one is my personal favorite, it's called the Pandora Heart Clasp chain bracelet." she says holding up a silver bracelet with a gold heart. "It'll look really nice with the charms you picked."


"I'll take it."


"Great! I'll just bring it on over to the register with your charms."


"Okay, I'll meet you there. Do you think you can put the charms on the bracelet for me? I'm clueless about this whole thing."


"Not a problem!"


Chanyeol smiles and bows slightly before walking over to Baekhyun and standing beside him, sort of startling the smaller when he leans into him.


"Yahh ~ You're back!" The platinum-haired flashes a bright smile.


"Yeah, cmon let's go check out." The taller says reaching his hand out and heading toward the registers as Baekhyun linked fingers again.


"Hi again!" The employee smiles seeing the giants face again. "Hello. ~" she says to Baekhyun.


"Hi!" Baekhyun smiles back.


The employee begins ringing up the items for the pair, Baekhyun is too busy fumbling for his wallet again he doesn't notice the bracelet.


"Okay, your total is two hundred, forty-four dollars and sixty-eight cents."


Baekhyun releases Chanyeols' hand to open his wallet and pulls out his debit card, handing it to the cashier.


The gangster chuckles and gently shoves Baeks hand away, handing the cashier $300 cash.


"Wha? What're you doing?" The smaller tilts his head and stares up at the goon with a confused expression.


The giant ignores his question and proceeds to take his change, the receipt, and the Pandora bag.


"Have a nice day guys!" The employee waves.


"You as well." Chanyeol nods.


"Yeollie? You didn't have to pay for my charms." Baekhyun says softly as they exit the jewelry store.


"I know, I wanted to." Chanyeol states handing the smaller the bag. "Here."


"Can I open it?"


"Sure, do whatever you want."


"Okay, I'll eat it!" Baekhyun jokes, giggling as he reached in the bag and pulled out the box. "Huh? This box is too big for charms.."


The platinum-haired slightly frowned before he opened the box, revealing the bracelet with three charms on them. One was shaped like the Alien on Toy Story which was obviously Baeks favorite one, the other was Heart-shaped with a chain around it and the words "Keep me safe" engraved on it and the last one was the simply letter "C".


Baekhyun gasped rather dramatically, quickly handing the charm bracelet to Chanyeol and held his wrist out, signaling for him to put it on. The gang member clicks the bracelet around the smallers wrist. Immediately after Baekhyun slings his arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.


"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I love it! You're so sweet, Yeollie.. ~" Baekhyun coos.


"Yeah, you're welcome, Are you hungry?" Chanyeol asks, wrapping his arm around the short boys' shoulder.


"Hmm.. a little, Can we have Gimbap? Do you like it?" Baekhyun says into the goons shirt that has a light scent of on it.


"It's alright, you can order that.. I think I just want a burger or some ." Chanyeol says, looking for the mall directory.


The goon takes Baekhyun by the hand and walks over to the directory, studying it. Finally, he guides them to an elevator and presses the button to the food court.


The pair step out the elevator and walk towards the food court, Baekhyun goes to a restaurant where he can order Gimbap, paid for by Chanyeol of course and Yeol goes to a burger spot and orders a Bulgogi Kimchi Burger.


The pair spot an empty table and carry their food trays over, sitting across from each other. Right away the gang member started working on his burger.


Baekhyun couldn't be happier, in his mind he was technically on a date with the gang member and he bought him a new charm bracelet! Everything was going perfectly, nothing could make this day go wrong.


Just as Baekhyun broke his chopsticks apart and prepared to place a Gimbap in his mouth he looks up to see the goon staring past him.


"Hey Chanyeol ~." a female voice says from behind him.


Okay, except for that.

See you next chapter! ❤️

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update