one. Bad Boy

PCY really loves BBH.



Park Chanyeol is what you call a "Bad Boy." He does drugs (a/n:, not that deep), skips school, fights and makes girls fall in love with him just to ignore them when he hits third base, even some boys too.


He's only ever been in one relationship his whole life whilst in the 7th grade which eventually led to his first and only heartbreak. He was dating a girl named Seulgi. Although they were young, Chanyeol considered her his "First Love" until she dumped him for Junmyeon. That's what turned him into the jerk he is today. 


The smart ones tend to stay away from the tall boy but others just can't resist his y voice and handsome face whenever he decides to show up to school. Although he shows up alone, he never leaves alone. Last week it was Irene, this week it may be Wendy, whoever the wind blows him. (a/n: HA, see what I did there?) 


It was all just apart of his -boy ways. It's not like he wanted to grow up and be the heartbreaker he is, Chanyeol vowed to himself that he would never let another human being break his heart the way Seulgi did. 


It wasn't a secret that the gang member resented love. The feeling of sorrow and loneliness overshadowed his reality after the break up. Getting up and going to school was like a punishment from satan, seeing Seulgi and Junmyeon prancing around school like a married couple drove him beyond insane.


That's why after Seulgi left Seoul for high school, the broken was finally able to fix himself and to him fixing himself was ing anyone who threw themselves at him and crushing their hopes of a relationship before it could even be a possibility. 


It's 10am and Chanyeol's just leaving his home to make his way to the "Hell Hole" as he describes it, he's missed almost two classes already (with first period starting at 8:30am) and he leaves after lunch which is around noon, it maybe he'll bring something home with him, well not maybe, he will. He's famous for taking girls or boys home, ing them then sending them home at any time of night without a care in the world. 


"I'm Gone!" He yells to his mother before shutting the door behind him, he's not even sure if she's there or not. He knows his annoying little sister is already at school. 




The wind is surprisingly light this autumn morning so he has no problem lighting his cigarette before he makes his way to his Black 2018 BMW M3 in the driveway.


Usually it was a nice joint before school but he didn't have the energy to argue with the principal about how the strong smell of coming off his clothes was all in his stupid imagination and that his job made him hallucinate and he clearly needed a ing joint — That would usually result in him being suspended so why bother, plus he just smoked it before he left the house instead so maybe the wind from the ride mixed in with Tom Ford Noir Extreme would help in his case.


Chanyeol is rebellious. He doesn't care about anyone's rules or anyone's feelings towards him. He does things his own way, which is why for him school starts at 10:30am and ends whenever he gets bored. 




The bad boy arrives at the "Hell Hole." He parks his foreign car and makes his way to the front door ringing the bell and pulling the door open when he hears the buzz indicating the receptionist has opened them.


He completely bypasses the metal detectors since there were no administrators around, again, everybody's rules. The halls are empty, obviously everyone's in class it's the middle of the school day. 


Chanyeol walks to the class he thinks he should be in and to his luck, his memory is correct when he walks in the classroom his Teacher just motions for him to take a seat. He always gives Chanyeol a pass for coming in late.


"As I was saying class, remem ——" He cuts off as Chanyeol walks by, getting a nose full of that strong smell mixed with cologne. "Remember, we have a project coming up that will determine whether you will pass Senior Science this term or not." The teacher continues, he and the delinquent have a relationship that most students don't understand, it's like they're family or something. 


Chanyeol rolls his eyes nonetheless, he's doesn't know if he cares too much if he fails he'll just drop out so why even try? He makes enough money hustling so why is he even here? Luckily today he has one of his gang members selling the drugs for him while he's at school, what a ing bother it is coming here.


He's aggravated by the confusing thoughts, his mom is proud of him for making it this far though, they both had doubts after he was introduced to selling drugs his freshmen year. He's been thinking so much he doesn't even realize the periods over until -


"Class is dismissed! I'll see you all later for P.E, Don't forget your homework is to read pages 150 to 160 in your workbooks." 


'Yeah right..'


"Mr.Lee!" an unfamiliar voice rung in Chanyeols ears, the voice was soft and sweet.


Still seated with his elbow rested on the desk, hand supporting his head, he lazily moves his head towards the teachers' desk to see a new student. 


'Who the transfers in the middle of the school year?'


 He thinks to himself as he stares at the boy standing in front of the teachers' desk discussing — who gives a . 


Not paying any mind to the students getting up out their seats and walking out the class, Chanyeol remained seated with his eyes glued on the new student. 


The boy had a rather pretty face, his platinum hair a little messy with a bang slightly above his right eye. As his slender fingers moved along the paper Chanyeols' mind instantly went dirty — thinking about the boys pretty little fingers gliding up and down his shaft. He snaps out of it quickly, eyes still locked on the small one as he observes his outfit.


He had on a black hoodie with a white PlayStation logo on it, light blue jeans and - the same shoes as Chanyeol, Jordan Concord 11's. 

(a/n: just to get the gist of his hair, wink wonk)               

(a/n: just to get the gist of his hair, wink wonk) 

He matches my fly 


The bad boy smirked a little before standing from his seat and walking by the cute boy. 


"We'll talk more in P.E, Baekhyun.. you don't wanna be late for study hall." Mr.Lee says with a smile.


'So his name is Baekhyun..'


The heartbreaker says to himself as he makes his way out the classroom making sure to slow down just to catch his eyecandys name. 


He has no idea what his next class is but he's going to the study hall without a doubt, eyeing for his next pray to come home with him today.




Sorry if I'm cringyyyy! I tried, I'm horrible at writing! >.<



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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update