✓ The End.

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Third's Person POV


5 months later


The sun stood in the middle, it’s fiery color contrasted with the blue sky, and one would guess standing above it would burn one's skin. But the windy breeze keeps the temperature cool. Three people stood outside the metal wired fence. One was pacing on the dry ground, leaving small dust trails behind, and the other two were following her with their eyes. One was leaning on the car while the other was sitting on the car, both had their arms crossed. Jeongyeon was nervous. She wore a black blazer over a white loose shirt with black pants. Her brown hair was freshly cut short and it looked messy blowing in the wind. She had sunglasses on, to protect her eyes from the blazing sun. Overall, she looked dashing.

“YAA! Stop walking already! You’re making me dizzy!”, Chaeyoung joked from the car.

“Us … us dizzy”, Mina corrected Chaeyoung, she was sitting on the car next to him.

“Oh … shut up Chae”, Jeongyeon glared at Chaeyoung and turned to pace again, looking at the gate.

Chaeyoung tried to defend himself and say Mina said it too. Mina laughed at Chaeyoung because Jeongyeon would never scold her.

“Why you laughing huh?”, Chaeyoung tried teasing Mina, but she kept laughing. Chaeyoung cupped her face and kissed her lips to shut her up.

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes at their behavior, “where is she?”, she asked looking back the at gate constantly.


Suddenly, the gates moved revealing Momo walking and bowing to the guard. Momo was wearing a loose shirt but now looks pretty tight on her in the belly area, and jeans. Jeongyeon didn’t hesitate to run to Momo and picked her up to hug her. Momo yelped in surprised.

“JEONGYEON ... Jeongyeon my tummy”, as happy as Momo is to see Jeongyeon, Jeongyeon can be a little … rough. Currently, Momo needs a more … delicate touch. Jeongyeon immediately stepped back from Momo.

“Heol! I forgot!”, Jeongyeon was too ecstatic seeing Momo after 5 months.

Jeongyeon checked Momo out, up and down, she cupped Momo’s face, “you lost so much weight …”, Jeongyeon frowned, “don’t worry! I’ll cook every food you love! I’ll run to any restaurant you want! No matter what time of day”, Jeongyeon mockingly saluted like a good soldier. It made Momo giggle.

“You look very … dashing, my love”, Momo said wrapping her hands around Jeongyeon’s neck.

Jeongyeon gave a lopsided grin, making Momo swoon even more.

“I missed you Momo”, Jeongyeon leaned in and kissed Momo passionately. Momo rubbed Jeongyeon’s nape and reciprocate her feelings.

Chaeyoung tapped his foot, “WE’RE HERE TOO YOU KNOW!”, he yelled at the two of them.

Jeongyeon came back to reality and laughed, “welcome home my Momo-ssi”.

Momo smiled and looked at Mina, who was stepping down from the car, “aww both of us are pregnant”, she cheered walking toward Mina.

“Yes! It’s a girl!”, Chaeyoung said proudly and caressed Mina’s back.

Momo was smiling sweetly at the couple and she touched her own stomach, “I don’t know the gender yet”, Momo frowned.

Jeongyeon went wide eyes at the statement and can be seen fuming, “WAIT! THEY DIDN’T TAKE YOU TO THE DOCTORS?!”.

“Shhhh … no they didn’t”, Momo said caressing Jeongyeon’s arm to calm down.

“Fine! Tomorrow we will go”, Jeongyeon said crossing her arms, “nae nae … don’t get mad”, Momo kissed Jeongyeon’s cheek.


They finally left and decided to go to a restaurant to grab dinner and celebrate Momo’s return.

Jeongyeon and Momo earned weird looks from the other patrons, as a pregnant Momo was seen interlocking her fingers with Jeongyeon and leaning on her. They both didn’t really care for the judgmental looks, however, Jeongyeon looked so dashing that some women in the restaurant turned their heads to check her out. Momo cared about that.


Mina and Chaeyoung were talking to their friends, who were coincidentally eating at the same restaurant. Momo noticed one lady who was giving bedroom eyes and obviously seducing by playing with her straw with to the oblivious Jeongyeon as they were sitting down at the table. Their table was pretty secluded from most of the patrons but that didn’t stop some women to look at Jeongyeon’s way. Momo took the chance to show all the women there who’s Jeongyeon coming home with. Momo leaned close towards Jeongyeon’s ear, “Jeongyeon~”, Momo slurred her voice low to sound y, Jeongyeon startled and blushed by Momo’s voice, she turned her face towards Momo.

Momo took the opportunity to slip in her tongue in Jeongyeon’s open mouth, she wrapped her arm around Jeongyeon’s neck pulling her closer. She proceeded to dominate Jeongyeon’s mouth. Jeongyeon was powerless, she felt herself slipping by Momo’s spell. Momo wore Jeongyeon’s blazer, Jeongyeon gave it to her so she wouldn’t get cold. Momo felt Jeongyeon’s hand wrapping in the blazer around Momo’s back and grabbed a handful of Momo’s shirt, indicating she was loving every bit of Momo’s tongue. Momo opened her eyes to look at the woman sitting across from them, who was giving Jeongyeon the bedroom eyes. She smirked at the woman when she sensed Jeongyeon pulling her even closer to her and rubbing her skin in her shirt. The woman can be seen seething as she looked away from them and clenching her hands. ‘I won … nobody messes with me or my woman’, Momo thought as she back away from the breathless Jeongyeon, who had a glazed look in her eyes. Momo was proud she still that effect on Jeongyeon. She patted Jeongyeon’s cheek lightly and she sat back properly in her seat as if she wasn’t publicly making out a few seconds ago. Mina and Chaeyoung finally came to sit down.

Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow at Jeongyeon, “what’s wrong with you?”, he asked Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon looked disheveled, her hair was kind of messy and she looked lost and confused.

Momo giggled, hiding her laughter with the menu. Mina knowing exactly what happened had a small smirk looking at Momo.

They ordered food, Momo and Mina ordered an excessive amount of food, just for the two of them. Even for Momo, it was a lot. Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung looked at the food and empty plates on the table and then each other. They were in disbelief that two small petite women, now pregnant, can eat that much food.

“Um … Mina, are you going to eat all of that?”, Chaeyoung had to be gentle with his words because, well, he had an earful when he refused to buy Mina ice cream and pickles at 3 in the morning for her crazy cravings. Mina kept on eating, she was about to start on her piece of cake. She didn’t even give him a glance because he knows she was going to finish it. Jeongyeon knows Momo has a big appetite, but she wouldn’t have guess Mom

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14 streak #1
Chapter 17: This story had so much emotions that it became one of my favourite stories!
I can’t wait to read more from you in the future~
jingelbells #2
Chapter 17: It was a rollercoaster ride but I love thisnstory! Congratulations Hiba!
Pokypic #3
Chapter 17: uwu
Chapter 17: I love itt!! Cant say it into words, thank you authornim for the best ending we could get !
Chapter 17: a wonderful end!
Chapter 15: that was nice!
Chapter 13: the hot star taecyeon!!
Chapter 12: omg!!
Chapter 9: momo is good negotiator!
Chapter 7: how could chaeyoung accuse mina of cheating while he was the one who did it!