✓ Surprise

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Third Person's POV


“Momo, whatever you do, DON’T.LET.GO!”, Jeongyeon screamed down to Momo. The latter could see the strain Jeongyeon is enduring from holding her body up. She could see Jeongyeon think about how to lift her up, Jeongyeon’s eyes kept darting to where she can land Momo safely if she can’t pull her up. The loud roaring of waves from below doesn’t help her concentrate. The sound of waves are so loud as if it's calling for Momo to come ‘home’. Momo felt Jeongyeon’s grip tighten on her hands, she looked up and saw Jeongyeon determined to pull her back into her arms. Momo grabbed on with both of her hands.

“AHHHH!!”, Jeongyeon screamed with all her might, she pushed herself from the bark for leverage to save Momo.

Jeongyeon kept chanting, ‘I can’t lose her again, now or ever!’, she used her strength that she never knew she had. Momo’s body swung as she was being pulled up, the wind was blowing hard, resulting in her shoulder hitting a protruding rock from the cliff. The pain stung but she held on, she didn’t want to leave Jeongyeon. Momo was close, with one final pull, Momo landed back in her arms. Both were laying on the grassy floor, breathing heavily, hearts beating, eyes red from crying, arms aching. Momo realized she was on top of Jeongyeon, she backed off from her chest for her to breath better. Jeongyeon missing Momo’s warmth, sat up to look at her. Momo sat in between Jeongyeon, she was afraid to touch her still. Jeongyeon cupped Momo’s face, just to see she wasn’t dreaming.

“It’s over Momo”, Jeongyeong said looking into Momo’s deep brown eyes. Momo smiled through her bated breath. Jeongyeon wanted to smile back but groaned from a shocking pain from her head. Jeongyeon felt her head pulsate again, the pain was so unbearable. Momo was shocked to see Jeongyeon closing hers and passing out in her arms. Fortunately, Mina told Chaeyoung what had happened, they both tried following Jeongyeon but lost her tracks in the midst of panic, but Chaeyoung knew the area and found Jeongyeon’s car. When they arrive, they saw Jeongyeon laying in Momo’s arms, Momo was clutching Jeongyeon’s body close, crying and yelling for Jeongyeon to wake up. Chaeyoung came running to Jeongyeon’s body, he forcefully took Jeongyeon from Momo’s grasp and carried her to the car. Momo knew Chaeyoung didn’t care about her, even just for a bit. However, Mina ran to her and helped Momo to the car. Chaeyoung laid Jeongyeon in the back seat, Momo carefully put Jeongyeon’s head on her lap.

They finally arrive at XXX hospital, Jeongyeon was rushed for examinations and Momo had to sit through some checkup as well.

“It’s just a minor tear in your shoulder muscle Miss Yoo”, Momo forgot she’s actually still married to Jeongyeon, she blushed from hearing her name, “I recommend you wear a sling to support your arm, so your shoulder can rest, we will give you some painkillers and please do rest”, the doctor who examined Momo explained.

“... How is … Jeongyeon doing?”, Momo asked.

“She is doing fine, we did an MRI scan and the results were good, don’t need to worry about your wife”, the doctor smiled at Momo, “she will be awake soon”, he pointed out to Momo which room Jeongyeon is resting at. Upon seeing Jeongyeon, Momo sighed in relief. Jeongyeon was sleeping in bed with only one IV around her, not the many machines she had once hooked up to. Momo laid down next to her and fell asleep.




“Since the day she came, she’s turned our life upside down”, Chaeyoung said while sitting next to Mina, outside of Jeongyeon’s room.

Mina rolled her eyes and look at him, “Chaeyoung, don’t be so harsh on Momo, Jeongyeon is well now and Momo is pregnant, so let’s look things in a positive light”.

“Like I care”, Chaeyoung hissed and looked away. A worker was done cleaning the floor, so the smell of alcohol was strong. Mina instinctively covered her nose and touched her stomach. She tried to be discreet but Chaeyoung saw anyway.

Chaeyoung looked at Mina, concerned in his voice, “are you okay?”, he wanted to touch Mina but was too afraid too. She felt like gagging, but faked a smile and nodded, ‘am I?’, she thought. She might be thinking too much, she sighed. The last thing she is expecting is to be is pregnant.

She excused herself to the bathroom, she went to one of the nurses to see if she could ask for a pregnancy test. She rushed to the nearest bathroom and took the test. She sat on the toilet wishing the answer would be one line. However, fate was not on her side.

She came out of the bathroom to see Chaeyoung waiting for her.

“I was worried”, he said leaning off the wall.

The nurse, who gave her the test, came passing by, “Ma’am, was it positive?”, she said beaming while waiting for an answer from Mina. Mina sighed and closed her eyes mentally cursing the woman.

Chaeyoung was confused, “positive? Wha-- wait?! Is she--?”, he was desperately trying to figure out what was going on.

“The pregnancy test sir”, the nurse finished his sentence for him, she figured Mina hasn’t told his husband yet.

Chaeyoung was shocked, he couldn’t believe it, “positive?!”, he stared at Mina with bated breath. Finally, she nodded.

“CONGRATULATION MA’AM”, the nurse shook the father's hand and smiled at Mina, then processed to go to her other duties.

Chaeyoung was grinning like a crazy man, “Mina I-”.

Mina glared at him, “don’t be so happy, I will keep the baby but I want us to get a divorce”.

“WHAT?”, Chaeyoung was shocked.

“I can’t trust you Chae, I can’t raise the child knowing that”, Mina said frowning.

She didn’t want a divorce, but Chaeyoung forced her to do the right thing, ‘I hope it’s the right thing’, Mina thought as she clutched her chest.

“Mina please … I made a mistake, I regret it, and I will spend the rest of our lives trying to make up for it, please give me a chance to raise our baby”, Chaeyoung pleaded.

Mina has had enough, “DON’T!, it won’t work … you left a huge bruise on my heart Chae … it won’t be healed so soon”, the stress can’t be good for her and the baby.

Chaeyoung got teary eyes and look down in defeat, “AOkay, as you want Mina. I won’t force you to stay with me”.

She gritted her teeth as she saw him left.

Chaeyoung was walking back to his car, he felt lost and broken. He couldn’t believe he lost his family … again.


His phone rang as soon as he sat in his car. He didn’t want to talk to anyone, but his hands moved on his own “SIR! WE NEED YOU! IT’S AN EMERGENCY!”.

Chaeyoung woke up from his stupor, he knew the voice, it was one of his officers.

“Where?!”, he said turning on his car and speeding off with his sirens on.




In Jeongyeon’s room

Jeongyeon's POV

I groaned as I opened my eyes, the light above me was blinding.

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14 streak #1
Chapter 17: This story had so much emotions that it became one of my favourite stories!
I can’t wait to read more from you in the future~
jingelbells #2
Chapter 17: It was a rollercoaster ride but I love thisnstory! Congratulations Hiba!
Pokypic #3
Chapter 17: uwu
Chapter 17: I love itt!! Cant say it into words, thank you authornim for the best ending we could get !
Chapter 17: a wonderful end!
Chapter 15: that was nice!
Chapter 13: the hot star taecyeon!!
Chapter 12: omg!!
Chapter 9: momo is good negotiator!
Chapter 7: how could chaeyoung accuse mina of cheating while he was the one who did it!