✓ Kill Me

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Third Person's POV


“Thank you so much for the hospitality!”, Taecyeon said kindly shaking hands with Chaeyoung.

“No problem man, it's actually my sister’s house though”, Chaeyoung corrected him, while pointing at Jeongyeon who has her arms crossed impatiently waiting for Taecyeon to leave. He just smiled at Jeongyeon's direction and bowed to show his gratitude for letting him stay there. The storm has let up in the night. Taecyeon has called for a car service to tow his car for service. Taecyeon finally left.

Momo, who was standing next to Jeongyeon, she took out a business card Taecyeon gave to her during breakfast. As she was reading it, Jeongyeon saw what Momo was holding. “WHAT IS THIS?! … ‘Ok Taecyeong 02-312-1769 p.s. Call me, let’s get to know each other better’ …”, Jeongyeon read out loud for everyone. She then proceeds to rip the card in small pieces, Momo was shocked. Jeongyeon threw it in the ashtray.

“JEONGYEON”, Momo yelled.

Jeongyeon looked at Momo, “Don’t forget you are still my wife! Meeting other people is forbidden!”, she said to Momo, who cowered as Jeongyeon spat. Momo couldn’t believe Jeongyeon would accuse of her cheating, she stomped her feet, “WHO SAID I WILL?! Besides we are only married for ‘business’, isn’t that right?!”, she poked Jeongyeon’s chest, “you don’t have the right to control my life”.

Jeongyeon stood firm and pretended to brush off Momo’s touch on her chest, “go to hell Momo”, Jeongyeon walked to her room and slammed the door. Tears that were threatening to fall, cascaded down Momo’s face as she heard Jeongyeon slam the bedroom door. She fell on the couch. Mina being the sweet angel she is, sat next to Momo, hugging her.

“Mina … I am so tired”, Momo cried as she felt Mina hugged her close to her.

Chaeyeong saw Mina hugging Momo, he felt sympathy for Momo. Chaeyoung will always pick Jeongyeon over Momo, however, she is the key to have his sister back and he didn’t forget she kept the end of her bargain about Sana. He couldn’t believe himself frowning seeing Momo cry, maybe deep down he’s starting to believe Momo is honest about loving Jeongyeon. A belief that is scaring Chaeyoung.




3 weeks passed


Momo was diligent in learning and managing the company until Jeongyeon comes back. She couldn’t believe where she is now, the simple ‘con job’ turned into her falling in love and into a CEO. While Momo is in the reign, the company has made significant progress towards building itself up from the chaos after losing Jeongyeon, with the much help from Mr. Sooman of course. Momo was very grateful Mr. Sooman didn’t probe any further about their relationship before Jeongyeon’s memory loss. He was too focused on helping his friend and boss achieving her dream of returning to the company.

Momo was sitting behind Jeongyeon’s desk about ready to leave for the day, she absentmindedly looked at the calendar “The 22nd of November?...”, she mumbled to herself. She felt an oncoming panic attack. What should have happened, haven’t happened. She touched her stomach and bit her lower lip. She did the most logical thing she could think of, she grabbed her purse and went to the pharmacy. She bought a pregnancy test and drove back to the house. As she strolled into the house, Jeongyeon was passing by from the kitchen. Momo discreetly hid the plastic bag behind her.

“Oh you’re home”, Jeongyeon said standing in front of Momo, “by the way, I’m partially getting my memories back, they’re blurry visions …”, Jeongyeon seems distraught about it, “regardless, they’re coming back, so you can leave soon”, she said crossing her arms.

Momo frowned, “Yes…”, Momo kept her head down looking at Jeongyeon’s bare feet on the carpeted floor. She saw them start moving and her eyes followed Jeongyeon walking to the bedroom. She was hurt but right now she has more important matters to deal. She rushed to the bathroom, she did the test and waited with baited breath. She chanted, “Please one line … please one line”, as she sat on the toilet staring at the test. However, she was blessed or was she cursed when she saw two lines. She couldn’t believe it, she kept staring at it, and suddenly felt drops of water on her thighs. She was crying again, she doesn't know if it was out of joy or sadness.



“Chaeyoung! Can you stop following me?!”, Mina yelled turning around to look at Chaeyoung. Mina felt suffocated being in the house, so she decided to walk around the mall for a bit. But that hasn’t deterred Chaeyoung to leave her alone. “Nope”, he replied to her. She sighed, but deep down she was happy, he was fighting to get her back. She can’t keep lying to herself that she still loves him. However, now and again that warm feeling was replaced by the remembrance of him and Sana. She hasn’t heard from Sana either, ‘I guess she did get up and leave …’, Mina thought.

“The dress is too short”, he commented, standing next to Mina as she was window shopping.

“Really?”, she asked looking at him through the glass window, he nodded at her.

“Minari is only mine”, he said turning towards Mina.

Mina didn’t even glance at him, “but you were someone else’s a few times”, and started walking away.

Chaeyoung yelped, he didn’t know how to reply to that or whether or not he should reply to that. He saw Mina walking away and followed her. Mina suddenly stopped in her tracks, almost making Chaeyoung bump into her.

She sighed and turned around, “CHAEYOUNG PLEASE! LEAVE! ACTING LIKE THIS WON’T MAKE ME FORGIVE YOU!”, there it is again, that fire in her heart was put out by remembering his lies. Chaeyoung gritted his teeth and looked around, people were staring at them. He stepped back.

“Okay, I won’t bother you anymore”, he was ready to walk away, before adding, “I won’t give up on you until we are back together”, he said confidently and walked away. She saw him walk away and sighed, “why can’t I stop loving you?”, clenching her chest.


She walked around the mall, feeling like she can breathe a little bit better. She sat at a random restaurant to rest, she ordered her food and got busy on her phone. She wasn’t aware that a tall guy with red hair and big eyes sat down in front of her “Hi”, he said.

She finally looked up from her phone, “excuse me? Did I ask for you to sit down?”, she questioned him with one eyebrow raised.

“I apologize but I had to say, miss you are very beautiful and photogenic”, he said, he had a rough manly voice, “my name is Chanyeol”.

Mina taken back by his idea of approaching random strangers yelled at him, “I didn’t ask you by the way”.

He pouted, “please miss, I meant no disrespect but I really wan--”, he didn’t finish his sentence when he felt his sweater being yanked from behind, lifting him up in the process. “What do you think you’re doing?”, a voice behind him says, “SHE IS MY WIFE!”.

Chanyeol finally got a good look at the stranger, he didn’t know she had a husband, there was no ring on her finger, “oh … I am terribly sorry sir!”, he bowed to Chaeyoung, “I didn’t know you were married, I am sorry ma’am”, then he bowed to Mina.

“It’s okay”, Mina replied, feeling bad for the guy.

“NO IT IS NOT!”, Chaeyoung was angry, he took out his handcuffs and cuffed Chanyeol.

Mina went wide-eyed and ran around the table, “CHAEYOUNG STOP! RIGHT NOW!”.

“I-- I SWEAR SIR I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING TO HER! PLEASE SIR!”, Chanyeol pleaded, he was confused and scared on why he was handcuffed.

People around them stared and whispered among themselves. The commotion was disturbing the other patrons.

“Chaeyoung!”, Mina held onto Chaeyoung arms, “he didn’t do anything or say anything bad to me, please uncuff him. I am fine”, Mina pleaded looking at Chaeyoung in the eyes. He heard Mina and started to uncuff him.


In the car, Mina kept glaring at Chaeyoung, she couldn’t believe he would be such a child, embarrassing her and abusing his power as a police officer.

“Stop staring, you won’t scare me”, Chaeyoung said as he drove.

“I really can’t understand you”.

The drive to Jeongyeon’s house felt longer than usual, when they finally did arrive, Mina rushed out of the car, Chaeyoung wasn’t far behind her. He held her arm and pulled her closer, “you can’t understand my love for you? Mina please, what I did was wrong I know … I cheated on you, I hate myself as much as you hate me right now. I’m being honest with you now … please give me another chance”, Chaeyoung hoped Mina will listen to him.

She turned her face away from him, “I gave you a chance before, do you think I am stupid enough to give you another one? … You killed the trust between us, you have to endure it”, she said and pulled her arm out of his grasp and went inside the house. Chaeyoung hit his car to let go of his frustr

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14 streak #1
Chapter 17: This story had so much emotions that it became one of my favourite stories!
I can’t wait to read more from you in the future~
jingelbells #2
Chapter 17: It was a rollercoaster ride but I love thisnstory! Congratulations Hiba!
Pokypic #3
Chapter 17: uwu
Chapter 17: I love itt!! Cant say it into words, thank you authornim for the best ending we could get !
Chapter 17: a wonderful end!
Chapter 15: that was nice!
Chapter 13: the hot star taecyeon!!
Chapter 12: omg!!
Chapter 9: momo is good negotiator!
Chapter 7: how could chaeyoung accuse mina of cheating while he was the one who did it!