✓ A Memory

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Third Person POV


The paramedics carried Jeongyeon’s stretcher into the nearest Emergency Room. Momo was right beside her. A nurse rushed in their direction.

“Please! Help her!”, Momo begged the nurse. The nurse could see Jeongyeon’s head injury, she was covered in blood. The nurse called to the doctor currently assigned to the emergency room.

“She was struck by a metal pipe! She has a head tumor! Please save her!”, Momo begged the doctor as he came.

“Get her to surgery stat!”, the doctor ordered. Momo was shaking as they rolled Jeongyeon into the surgery room. She had to wait for the news whether or not she would see Jeongyeon ever again. Momo sat down crying her eyes out. Her body grew tired of crying and calmed herself down, ‘I should call Mina’. Momo walked to the nearest payphone.

“Mina …”, Momo sniffed.

“Momo? Momo, are you okay? What’s wrong?”, Mina answered. Chaeyoung was sitting next to her, listening to their conversation.

“It’s Jeongyeon … she … she was in an accident, she’s currently in surgery at XXX hospital”, Momo was too afraid of disclosing what really happened.

“WHAT?! Stay put, we’re coming”, Mina said hanging up the phone. She turned to Chaeyoung to inform her what Momo said. Chaeyoung was not happy, he clenched his fist and got ready to leave.

Momo sat in front of the surgery room, staring blankly at the ground. She looked lost, hoping in her heart Jeongyeon will come out of this alive. Mina and Chaeyoung arrived at the hospital. Chaeyoung spotted Momo and his blood boiled. He ran to her, held her shirt collar and pinned her to the wall.

“WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER?!”, he yelled at her face.

Momo was winded by the sheer force of Chaeyoung, “NOTHING … nothing”, Momo panicked.

“YOU TRIED TO KILL HER! SO YOU AND THAT FILTH, YOU CALL BOYFRIEND COULDN’T WAIT TO TAKE HER MONEY AND RUN AWAY!”, Chaeyoung yelled even louder than before. Mina ran to him and tried to pry his hands off of Momo.

“OPPA PLEASE STOP!”, Mina tried to reason with him. Mina’s plea was heard by Chaeyoung, he let Momo go and she fell to the floor. He glared at her and turned away. Momo was able to catch her breath and said, “She saved me! Some men tried to kill me and she came to fight them off, but, they got the better of her by hitting her in the head”, Momo explained, still sitting on the floor eyeing Chaeyoung.

“Well I wished she would’ve just let you die”, Chaeyoung spat back.

Momo couldn’t say anything back, she did feel like dying seeing Jeongyeon hurt, but she isn’t. She cried, even more, thinking of Jeongyeon.

“Oppa stop”, Mina warned him, “I think they both have been through enough”, Chaeyoung gritted his teeth.

He came closer to Momo, Mina had to be cautious with Chaeyoung’s behavior, he gripped Momo’s hand and forcefully stood her up and directed her to sit on the chair. He took out his handcuffs and cuffed her to the chair.

“Chaeyoung this is--”, Mina tried to say but Chaeyoung glared at her. She didn’t dare to say anything else.

Momo wasn’t surprised by Chaeyoung’s actions, but she glared at him for thinking she would run off before even knowing if Jeongyeon is all right, “I won’t run off. I need to know if Jeongyeon will make this through”, she said with much conviction.

“I hope to God she will ... but those cuffs … are a guarantee your next destination will be a 6 by 6-foot cell with little to no contact with us or Jeongyeon”, he threatened standing tall in front of her Momo cowered like a cornered puppy, Chaeyoung sat down in front of Momo. Mina felt how much stress Momo was enduring so she sat next to her and patted her back. Mina was too nice.


Few Hours Passed

Chaeyoung was restless, he walked back and forth in the corridor. He prayed for Jeongyeon to come out of this alive, she didn’t deserve to be here. Mina didn’t leave Momo’s side, she would bring her food and water, but Momo kept refusing Mina’s generosity. Momo didn’t feel she deserve this kind of treatment from Mina. Momo couldn’t think of anything else other than Jeongyeon’s well being or what is happening behind those metal doors. The surgery light has been on for, what felt like, an eternity.

The doctor finally came through the doors, ‘That’s not the doctor who I saw in the ER’, Momo thought when she saw him come out. Chaeyoung was the first one to stand up. The doctor saw the girl Jeongyeon arrived with, he saw she was handcuffed to the chair, he smiled at her sadly.

“Are you Miss Yoo Jeongyeon’s family?”, the doctor asked.

“Yes yes, I am her little brother, Chaeyoung. How is she doc?”.

“The surgery took 9 hours, however, it was a success. We stopped the bleeding and in turn, could remove her tumor. The paramedics, fortunately, came to the hospital where I was practicing. I am her main doctor, I know her medical history.” Momo was so thankful for the luck they had for Jeongyeon. The doctor explained further, “she is resting in her room now, we are waiting for her to wake up from the anesthesia. We wouldn’t have been successful without her strength of will to live”.

The doctor smiled, Chaeyoung was ecstatic and hugged Mina, who was standing next to him. Tears of joy could be seen rolling down his face, Momo had no choice but to sit where she was, smiling at them. Chaeyoung calmed down from his joy and walked towards Momo.

“All right young lady, you were free long enough. Time to go to the police station”, Chaeyoung said uncuffing from the chair.

Momo eyes went wide, “wait, please! Let me stay until she wakes up! I swear to you Chaeyoung, I would go to the police station with my own two feet”, Momo frantically pleaded.

Mina held to Chaeyoung’s shoulder, “Chae, please ... She’s still human”. Chaeyoung debated with himself, he listened to his wife and nodded.


Chaeyoung gripped onto Momo’s arm as the three walked to J

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14 streak #1
Chapter 17: This story had so much emotions that it became one of my favourite stories!
I can’t wait to read more from you in the future~
jingelbells #2
Chapter 17: It was a rollercoaster ride but I love thisnstory! Congratulations Hiba!
Pokypic #3
Chapter 17: uwu
Chapter 17: I love itt!! Cant say it into words, thank you authornim for the best ending we could get !
Chapter 17: a wonderful end!
Chapter 15: that was nice!
Chapter 13: the hot star taecyeon!!
Chapter 12: omg!!
Chapter 9: momo is good negotiator!
Chapter 7: how could chaeyoung accuse mina of cheating while he was the one who did it!