Parents' Meeting

Cheer up, Sung Mi!

Two weeks later, midterms were over with and the pressure reduced dramaticallyYeon Doo and Yeol announced their relationship and made themselves exclusive; news by which no one was very surprised. 

 In order to notify parents of some of the changes that the school would be undergoing in the next semester, they planned to have a family luncheon for the Senior class. Once the students were notified, Sung Mi and Ha Joon protested. However, they went unheard and later that week, the school was filled with cars and parents.  

The students were asked to wait in the auditorium for their respective parents. Tables were set out, with nametags at each seat. The seating arrangements went according to the child's standing in the school, which meant that Yeol, Ha Joon and Sung Mi were to be seated at the same table. 

When the auditorium doors opened, Sung Mi took in a sharp breath, dreading to see her father. However, when her father did enter, she seemed to forget how to breath completely. Rather than looking for his child, he took his spot at the table and waited for her to join him. After him, entered Ha Joon's father. It was normal that their fathers greeted each other, as the children grew up together. Like Sung Mi's father, Ha Joon's father also headed straight for his seat.  

As the Principal entered, the students were to take their seats and prepare for the announcement. 

"Let's get this over with," Ha Joon whispered, leading Sung Mi to the table.  

She took her seat and glanced at her father. He patted her leg and revealed a fake smile. She reveled in the fact that he wouldn’t hurt her with so many eyes around.  

After the announcement, the food was served. Ha Joon kept glancing down the table as Sung Mi moved her food from one side of the plate to the other. He watched as she looked the most uncomfortable in a long time.   

When the plates were cleared, the parents got up and made their way outside.  

"Stay here," her father commanded, before leaving.  

Feeling like an obedient dog, she did just that. Ha Joon gave her a questioning glance, but she told him to go ahead. Now, it was only her left in the auditorium, and she hated the deafening silence that came with it. 

After an hour, her father returned and sat next to her.  

"Your teacher, Teacher Yang, mentioned something about seeing bruises on your body." 

Her body stiffened at the mention of the scars. She knew she had to keep her bruises a secret, and if she didn’t, there'd be hell to pay. 

He chuckled and continued. "You really are a useless child, aren't you? Can't even keep something so simple hidden!" 

His voiced boomed and she flinched.  

"To think I pay this school to look after you more than your grades." He stood up and stormed out of the area.  

Sung Mi released her breath, relieved that he left without hurting her. Now, she had to be more careful about how she behaved around Teacher Yang. She couldn’t believed that he would betray her like this. 

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Chapter 15: nice chapter authornim ;)
Chapter 6: Sungmi and Dongjae :))