Date with Ha Joon

Cheer up, Sung Mi!

As they emerged from the Metro station, the scent of Chinese food filled the air. To their right, they saw a Chinese restaurant and decided to satisfy the growling of their stomachs. They took a seat near the window side that faced the street. Ha Joon left to go order at the counter. Sung Mi stared out the window, noticing other high school students roaming the streets, having just escaped school. She watched as their laughter filled the air and their smiles showed their true feelings of excitement and enjoyment. 

When Ha Joon returned a moment later, placing their trays on the table, Sung Mi asked, "Do you think we would've been happier if we went to another school?"  

Ha Joon followed her gaze to the other students having fun. "I don’t think the school would have changed anything much. We would need a whole different family." 

Sung Mi nodded and refocused her attention to Ha Joon, who was mixing the black bean sauce with the noodles for her.  

As she took her first bite, Ha Joon watched her, smiling. "Is it good?" 

She gave him a thumbs up and motioned for him to eat.  


After their meal, they decided to roam the streets, like the other high schoolers. While they strolled, Ha Joon got the idea to hold her hand. Suddenly, he grabbed her hand, causing her to flinch.  

"Endure it, because I'm not letting go of this hand." He smiled at her.  

Sung Mi was glad that she wasn’t getting any horrific visions or negative emotions from him this time, so rather than pull away, she entwined her fingers with his.  "You better not let to, Seo Ha Joon." 

As the continued their walk, hand-in-hand, Sung Mi's phone rang. It was Teacher Yang. 

"Ya, where are you two?" He yelled through the phone.  

"Sorry, Teach. We went to see my father and decided to take some time off for the day." 

He sighed. "You want me to cover for you, don’t you?" 

"Thank you, Teach!" Sung Mi hung up the phone and smiled at Ha Joon. "We're in the clear." 

"Seo Ha Joon?" A brute voiced asked behind them.  

The pair turned around simultaneously and their happiness drained instantly. There, stood Ha Joon's father, glaring at them. 

Ha Joon pulled his hand away from Sung Mi and bowed to greet his father. His body stiffened and he looked distraught.  

"Why aren't you in school?" 

"We were excused for the afternoon," Sung Mi intercepted, offering an explanation. 

"Ah, hello, Jung Sung Mi." He nodded at her and she bowed in response. At her response, he looked less tense and offered her a subtle smile.  

"What are you doing here, Father?" Ha Joon asked, still cowering.  

"Getting a few things for my employees. Nothing that concerns you." 

Ha Joon nodded. 

"We ought to be getting back to school by now," Sung Mi mentioned, signaling the end of the conversation. 

"Ah, yes. You should go back before it gets late. It was nice seeing you Sung Mi-ah." 

Sung Mi bowed and watched as his Father patted Ha Joon forcibly on the shoulder.  

When they walked off, Ha Joon thanked Sung Mi for saving him. 

She smirked and said, "Well, now  you have to make it up to me for breaking your promise and for saving you." 

"What promise?" 

"You let go of my hand."  

Instantly, Ha Joon grasped her hand once more and the smile reappeared in his face.  

They decided to take the bus back to the school compound. Once the bus drove on, Sung Mi rested her head against Ha Joon's shoulder. He smiled and lifted her head off. He proceeded to place his arm around her shoulders and then place her head back on his chest. She snuggled into him, listening to his heartbeat  


By the time they arrived at school, the sun was setting. The two headed to the Teacher's staff room to inform Teacher Yang of their return. However, he was nowhere to be found. They asked the other teachers of his whereabouts but no one knew. He left his phone on his desk and Sung Mi touched it slightly to see if she could locate him. When she made contact, visions of Teacher Yang and the cheerleading coach appeared. She let go and smiled at Ha Joon. 

"He's with the coach." 

Ha Joon smiled and lead her out of the room.  

Later, they met up with Yeol and Yeon Doo in the  cafeteria.  

"Whoa, what's this I'm seeing?" Yeol asked, smiling mischievously.  

Ha Joon looked down and noticed that his hand was still holding onto Sung Mi's hand and he blushed hard.  

He had to let her hand go when they sat down, but he moved his chair closer to her as soon as she sat down.  

The remainder of the evening was spent telling the others about their afternoon away from school, leaving out the part about seeing Ha Joon's father.  


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Chapter 15: nice chapter authornim ;)
Chapter 6: Sungmi and Dongjae :))