She's Still Workable

Cheer up, Sung Mi!

"When can we expect her to wake up?" 

"She should get up once the medication wears off." 

"Doctor, she's alright though, right?" 

"She'll be fine. She just needs rest." 

After what seemed like hours, Sung Mi slowly came through. Her eyelids fluttered open and she found herself staring at a sky-blue ceiling. To her left stood a window, out of which showed the moon and the stars. She couldn’t recall the last time she saw such a glorious sight. She had been so caught up in her powers, school and even in Ha Joon that she forgot to sit back and take in the beauty that existed above her every night. She looked to her right and found the room almost empty. It had a private bathroom and a side table that held a water jug and two cups. Seeing as she was in a private room, she knew her father arranged it.  

She remembered exactly what happened, up to when she pushed Ha Joon to safety. As she tried to sit up, there was a sharp pain in her left shoulder. Sensing the bandages, she pulled her body up while balancing on her right arm.  

The room was dark, but she heard voices outside and feet shuffling back and forth. Her initial thought was that it was Ha Joon, as she knew he liked to pace. There was only one way for her to find out who was really behind that door. So, she rose to her feet, feeling bandages down her leg, covering bruises as she guessed, and headed slowly towards the door.  

She pushed the sliding door and found several people crowding the hallway. Yeol, Yeon Doo and Teacher Yang sat on the visitors' chairs. Ha Joon was indeed the culprit of pacing. All eyes stared at her in wonder.  

Ha Joon was the first to reach her. "How are you feeling?" 

"I'm alright. Just a little pain, but otherwise workable." She looked from his face to his arm. He had a bandage on his wrist. "Are you okay?" 

He glanced at his wrist and shrugged. "This is nothing. Do you have any idea how worried I was?" 

"Ya, we were all worried!" Yeon Doo intercepted. She pushed her way past Ha Joon and embraced Sung Mi.  

"Excuse me, Jung Sung Mi? We need to run some basic tests to see how you're coping." A nurse interrupted the moment and caused everyone to file in to the room.  

After the nurse tested her blood pressure and other minor tests, she left the room.  

Sung Mi turned to her Teacher. "Has anyone called my Father?" 

"Yes, I called him as soon as I found out. He told us to set you up in this type of room. He said he'll be stopping by tomorrow." 

She nodded. "So, he hasn’t been here yet?" 

Ha Joon sensed her disappointment and grasped her hand. "You should get some rest." 

"Okay. You all go back to school. I can manage it from here." She gave them a reassuring smile and motioned for them to leave.  

Before he left, Ha Joon bent down and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Next time, let me be the hero." 


As he closed the door, Sung Mi did something she never thought she'd do in her lifetime; she called her father. He picked up on the third ring. 

"Shouldn’t you be resting?" 

"You wanted to introduce me to someone tonight, right?" 

"Yes, why are you asking that now?" 

"Bring her by the hospital tomorrow. I'm curious." 

"You can see her after you recover." 

"Please, Father. When have you ever given me time to heal? Just bring her while I'm still willing." 

She said goodbye and hung up the phone. Her father promised to be there by 10am the following morning. A part of Sung Mi was sincerely curious as to who the new woman was and she was even more curious to see if she was someone who could withstand her father's abusive tendencies. If she wasn’t, she had to warn her to get far away from her father.  

That night, Sung Mi fell asleep on the phone with Ha Joon, as he told her a bedtime story. She wasn’t paying as much attention to the story as she was to his voice. 

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Chapter 15: nice chapter authornim ;)
Chapter 6: Sungmi and Dongjae :))