The Arrangement

Cheer up, Sung Mi!

As finals came to a close, and the Christmas season was upon then, Sung Mi heard less and less from her father, which she didn’t mind at all. After exams, students were allowed to leave the school compound more freely, and most of the time, the cheerleading team headed over Sung Mi's (now Yeol's) house. The team loved the house and since Yeol's father was out for the majority of the day, they were allowed to stay for as long as they wanted.

Sometime, Yeol and Yeon Doo would go to Yeon Doo's house instead, leaving the others with the house keys. After their day of fun out of school, the students returned to school.

This weekend, they were allowed to leave the compound for the rest of the year to spend the Christmas holidays with their families. While her roommates packed enthusiastically, Sung Mi sat on her bed, chatting along with them. She was not eager to pack her belongings as she hadnt discussed coming home with her father. He never called and she didn’t want to initiate conversation.

In the midst of the chatter, there was a knock at the door and Yeol pushed his head through the crack of the door.

"Sung Mi-ah, want to stay at my house for a bit?"

The girls in the room scoffed, amused at Yeol's direct question. Sung Mi, however, was relieved for Yeol's saving grace once more. She nodded and accepted the offer. When Yeol left, she got up and finally seemed happy about packing her stuff.

Yeol, Yeon Doo, Ha Joon and Sung Mi met up an hour later, with bags in hand.

"I don’t like that you're taking my girl to your place, Yeol," Ha Joon said while hugging Sung Mi closer to his side.

"You can always come stay with her," Yeol responded.


"Sure, my dad wont mind."

Ha Joon smiled at Sung Mi and gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead.

As the group headed out of the school building, a sleek black car pulled up in front of them. Out emerged Sung Mi's father, who smiled automatically at the group.

"Good to see you all. Sung Mi-ah, get in, I'll drive you home."

Sung Mi merely stared at him, in shock.

Thankfully, Yeol stepped in. "Sir, we were actually heading to my house before going to our own homes, if that's okay with you."

"Nonsense, Sung Mi needs to come home with her father for now." He motioned for her to get into the car.

Slowly, Sung Mi pulled away from the group and entered the car. The familiar driver came out and placed her belongings into the trunk.

Sung Mi looked back at Ha Joon, mentally pleading for him to do something. She knew that nothing could change her father's mind, but she still hoped.

When her father returned to the car, he closed the door and the driver left the compound quickly and quietly.

"I heard that Yeol's father bought our old house," her father stated.

Sung Mi remained quiet.

"That was good of him. Seems like you have good friends. I met with Ha Joon's father recently and he mentioned something about seeing the two of you in the town, holding hands." He shifted in his seat and turned to look at her.

She remained unfazed.

"Are you seeing Ha Joon?"

She nodded.

"Well, I guess it could be worse. His father and I were talking about merging out companies; he'll give me the jobs for constructing and remodeling schools throughout the country and I'll have my finance team protect some of his assets. We wondered how to make it more official, but now that you two are seeing each other, I have a good idea now."

Finally, Sung Mi turned to face him. She knew exactly what he meant; marriage. "You can't be serious."

He chuckled. "Why, were you just playing around with the boy?"

"Of course not, but marriage is too soon."

"You don’t have to get married. An engagement should be enough."

It wasn’t that Sung Mi hadn't given serious thought to her future with Ha Joon. Heck, they even applied for the same Universities. But, marriage just because their fathers wanted it, made her reluctant. Her father now tied his plans with her and Ha Joon, which meant that no matter how happy she and Ha Joon were, it would seem as though it were all for the sake of their fathers' businesses.

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Chapter 15: nice chapter authornim ;)
Chapter 6: Sungmi and Dongjae :))