A Different Kind of Vision

Cheer up, Sung Mi!

The weekend approached and Yeon Doo arrived at the cafeteria, giddy with excitement. 

"Everyone, my mother has invited you all for lunch tomorrow!" 

The team whooped and cheered, glad to have somewhere to go and to get a free meal. Dong Jae reassured that group that Yeon Doo's mother was almost as crazy as she was, but the cooking was above average.  

Dong Jae watched as Ha Joon held Sung Mi's hand in his. Sung Mi noticed and pulled her hand away. Ha Joon looked at her questioningly, but didn’t voice his concerns. 

As the group made their way to their final class for the week, Sung Mi pulled Dong Jae to the back of the crowd. 

"I'm sorry you had to find out that way, Dong Jae-ah." 

"It's okay. I sort of knew it was going to happen." He gave her a reassuring smile and made his way into the classroom.  

As Teacher Yang droned on about variables in mathematics, Sung Mi's phone vibrated under her desk. She leaned back and took out her phone, noticing a message from her father. 

"I will pick you up tomorrow night. You will be there, or else." 

She took in a sharp breath and closed her eyes. She wasn’t ready to see him again so soon.  


Saturday arrived and the team got together and headed to Yeon Doo's house for lunch. Sung Mi remained at the back of the group and kept her stare down, deep in thought.  

Ha Joon stayed back at her side and held her hand.  

"What's got you thinking so much?" He asked, innocently. 

"My father is coming to pick me up tonight." 

"Don’t go." 

"Can't always avoid the problem. Might as well get it over with." 

He held her hand tighter and Sung  Mi stopped in her tracks. She got a vision of Ha Joon standing in the middle of a street, threatened by an oncoming vehicle. She immediately pulled her hand away and stared at him. Judging by the shocked expression on her face, he asked, 

"What did you see?" 

"Tell me the truth, have you ever almost gotten hit by a car?" 

His expression changed and he chuckled. "What? Of course not!" 

She remained confused. If Ha Joon never got into an accident, then what did she see? There's no way that that was a future vision, because that never happened to her before. When she first researched psychometry, she heard of people seeing the future, but it was so rare that she never imagined it happening to her.  

Five minutes later, the group arrived at Yeon Doo's house. Her mother welcomed them graciously and treated them like her own child. The meal was large and delicious. By the end of it, more than half of the team sprawled out on the carpet rubbing their stomachs.  

"Want to go for a walk?" Ha Joon asked Sung Mi. 

She accepted and they headed out the door, promising to meet them back at school later that day.  

Yeon Doo's neighborhood was inviting and comfortable. Better than that, it was within a 10 minute walk of the city. It was Saturday and the streets were filled with vehicles of all types. Ha Joon led her to an intersection and they stood on one side of the road, waiting for the lights to change. He smiled at her sweetly, and she reciprocated. 

The lights changed and only the two of them stood to cross. As soon as the lights changed, Ha Joon led her across the street. While they crossed, Sung Mi's phone fell from her pocket un-noticed. When the two made it safely to the other side, Sung Mi felt something missing from her jacket pocket. Then, she saw her phone lying in the middle of the street. Ha Joon also caught on and rushed to pick it up.  

However, when he dashed across, the lights changed and the cars' engines roared to life. The image from her vision appeared in her mind and before she knew it, she ran out and pushed Ha Joon out of the way.  

"Sung Mi-ah!"  

Those were the last words she heard as the jeep sped up from 20 feet away and made contact with her frame. She rose from the ground slightly and fell on her back a few feet away, becoming instantaneously unconscious. She lay in the middle of the intersection while passersby looked on and Ha Joon rushed to her side, trying to shake her awake. Her head lay in his lap, unresponsive.

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Chapter 15: nice chapter authornim ;)
Chapter 6: Sungmi and Dongjae :))