Threatening Touches

Cheer up, Sung Mi!

AS they pulled into the school compound, Teacher Yang lead her undetected to the Nurse's office. There, she received efficient medical care for her cheek marks and medicated patches for the cuts on her back. She winced at each application but when it was over, she was told to return to class and act as normal.  

When she arrived at her desk, Dong Jae approached her.  

"Are you cold?" He asked, staring at her long-sleeved jacket. She had to wear it in order to hide the bruise she got on her forearm from when her father grabber her.  

She shook her head and instinctively pulled her sleeves forward.  

As everyone else settled into the classroom, she noticed that some members from the cheerleading team were surrounding her, all except Ha Joon, Yeol and Yeon Doo.  

"Hana, Dul, Set!" They chanted together before pouncing onto her, giving her a huge group hug.  

The moment they made contact with her, her mind spun with visions from their pasts and their twisting emotions. She felt her energy depleting quickly. Her vision became blurry and she tried to stand up to push them away, but before she could, they removed themselves and looked at her, smiling.  

"Hope you feel better!" They wished her, before returning to their seats. 

Sung Mi slowly got to her feet, but the visions didn’t leave her. They kept swirling around in her mind, threatening to take her over. She stumbled but made her way to the door frame. As she staggered out into the hall, the trio approached. Ha Joon was the first to notice the pained expression that was plastered onto her face. He rushed to her. 

"Sung Mi-ah, what happened?"  

He took her shoulders in his hands and steadied her.  

"They-they hugged me all together." 

He exhaled, frustrated. Now that he was touching her, she saw memories from the moments when his father abused him senseless. She pushed him away forcibly.  

She turned her back on them and made her way to the nurse's station once again.  

"You guys go ahead, I'll stay with her." She heard Ha Joon tell the pair before following after her. "Don’t worry, I won't touch you," he told her once he got close enough. "What did you see anyway?" 

"You and your father." 

He nodded, understanding what she meant.  

"I saw them, all of them."  

He knew she was referring to the members who hugged her.  "Did you go somewhere this morning?" He wanted to change the subject, quickly. 

"My father picked me up." 

"Where did you go?" 

Rather than answer him, she pushed up her sleeve and showed him the bruise. His face contorted into an expression of disgust. She wasn’t afraid to show her scars to Ha Joon; the two of them have the same disappointing, abusive fathers, so it came natural to them to express their feelings with each other.  

"Next time, take me with you." 

"What will you do?" 

"You never know, I might just kill him." 

She smiled, enjoying his protective nature.  

Once they reached the nurse's station, the Nurse allowed her to lay down and rest for a bit. She gave Sung Mi a lollipop, thinking that her sugar was the reason for her lessened energy.  

There, Ha Joon stayed with her and they caught up on all the drama that happened with Yeon Doo since Sung Mi was away in the hospital. She didn’t mind hearing about him talking about Yeon Doo. He knew he helped because he cared and she liked seeing him happy.  

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Chapter 15: nice chapter authornim ;)
Chapter 6: Sungmi and Dongjae :))