Always there to help

Cheer up, Sung Mi!

The bus pulled up in front of the campsite. The first thing Sung Mi saw was the row of opened tents. As the students exited the bus and the adults removed the supplies from the under-trunk of the bus, Sung Mi looked around at their surroundings.  

“Alright, team! Two persons per tent, please. Put your belongings in your chosen tent and return here,” Teacher Yang boomed. 

Sung Mi found herself sharing a tent with Yeon Doo. She was glad that she was with someone who knew about her abilities and wouldn’t touch her too freely. 

After everyone returned outside, the Teachers set up the barbecue for dinner. The sun was setting and the Teachers collected the students’ cell phones to encourage a tech-free environment. Sung Mi sat off on the side, watching Teacher Yang cook the meat over the grill. Suddenly, Yeol ran through the group, looking worried, with Ha Joon on his tail. 

“Has anyone seen Yeon Doo?” Yeol asked, eagerly.  

The students shook their heads and Teacher Yang approached Sung Mi. 

“You’re her bunk mate. Did she say where she was going?”  

Sung Mi shook her head and was approached by Ha Joon and Yeol next. They bent down and whispered. 

“Sung Mi-ah, do you think you could find her with your powers?” Yeol asked, pleadingly. 

She knew she had to do something and although she was not eager to sense anything, she proceeded to the tent and touched Yeon Doo’s backpack. The boys looked on, eager to get her response.  

As Sung Mi clutched the backpack, her energy was refocused and she immediately smelt damp leaves and saw a bare road. She then heard a sniffling sound and saw streetlights. Then, the worst part came, the emotions. She felt Yeon Doo’s fear and loneliness. It overcame her and the tossed the bag away from her. Yeol knelt down and searched her face for an answer. 

“She’s on the road, walking to get back. She’s alone and sad.” 

With that, Yeol left immediately and instructed that Teacher Yang drive him along the road to search for her. Ha Joon was to stay back and wait, just in case Yeon Doo returned before they found her.  

As everyone left the tent, Sung Mi sat on the floor and held her knees close to her. She placed her head on her knees and waited for the emotion of loneliness to leave her. Memories left quicker than emotions and they were what she hated most about her powers.  

Then, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She flinched and looked at the visitor. She found Dong Jae knelt behind her and looking at her worried.  

“Why do you always react this way when someone touches you?” he asked, genuinely curious.  

She did not know how to respond. It was one thing to tell her closest friends about her ability, but it was another to tell someone with whom she just got close.  

“Do you sense things when you do?” he continued. 

She nodded. He smiled at her and said, “I understand now. I can overcome my phobia, but it’s more difficult for you, right?” 

“I don’t think I can ever escape it.”  

“Maybe escaping isn’t the way to go. Maybe I can help you manage it so it won’t be so hard to deal with.” 

She appreciated his kindness and she sensed his sincerity. If Ha Joon couldn’t have helped her while they grew up, how could Dong Jae be of any real help?

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Chapter 15: nice chapter authornim ;)
Chapter 6: Sungmi and Dongjae :))