Something to Call Our Own

Cheer up, Sung Mi!

Ha Joon led her to a restaurant, the same one that they went to on their day away from school. On the outside looking in, they watched as couples and families enjoyed their meals and their time together.

"So, what do we do now?" Sung Mi asked, looking up at Ha Joon.

"Now, we go on with our lives as usual."

Sung Mi took in her surroundings, paying close attention to the families and children that strolled through the streets, momentarily forgetting their worries and concerns.

"I miss my mom," Sung Mi suddenly said. She recalled a moment one Christmas when her mother took her to the night market and treated her to pattbingsu, even though it was freezing cold outside. She just remembered her mother's smiling face as she worked her way through several brain freezes.

Ha Joon pulled her in front of him and embraced her. His touch warmed her, but she couldn’t stop the visions from coming. She saw Ha Joon kneeling in front of her, talking with the mist forming from the coldness, with a glowing smile on his face. Another future vision. She looked up at Ha Joon and a blush formed on her face.

"What are you planning?" She asked, teasingly.

"What do you mean? Did you see or sense something again?"

She nodded and started patting down his pockets. "I know you have something."

He pulled away from her and started chuckling. "Patience is a virtue."

She lunged after him and felt a solid object on the inside pocket of his coat. Ha Joon sighed, defeated but smiling. She pulled the object out, to find a small, circular, pine box. It had the initials "SM&HJ".

Sung Mi was well aware of Ha Joon staring at her every move. She proceeded to remove the lid of the box and the sight caused her to gasp. Inside lay two white-gold rings; one for him and the other for her. She looked up at Ha Joon.

"What are these?"

He took a step towards her and took the container from her. He took out the smaller of the two rings and brought her hand up. Carefully, he placed the ring on her marriage finger and took in the sight, content.

"Well, how does it fit?" He asked.

Despite the cold environment, there were tears forming in her eyes. She glanced from the ring to Ha Joon, speechless.

"I didn’t have them made because of the contract. I had them done during the term. I was planning on giving it to you next year when we leave for college, sort of like a promise ring."

He seemed embarrassed by his words but Sung Mi loved it.

"I'm sorry I ruined it by searching you," she finally said.

"I knew there was always a chance of being found out. But, you didn’t give me a response on the ring."

"You didn’t ask me a question."

He sighed, looking around, embarrassed. "Jung Sung Mi, will you be mine, now and always?"

"I'll have to think about it," she teased.

"You do know that contract cancellation fees are high, right?"

"In that case, I'll have to accept!" She lunged at him again and he embraced her in his arms. They stood like that, in the midst of passersby, in front of their first date location, forgetting their worries and fears, being genuinely happy.

As the walked through the streets of the city, hand-in-hand, they looked forward to the next Semester, to the next year, and more than anything, to their future together.

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Chapter 15: nice chapter authornim ;)
Chapter 6: Sungmi and Dongjae :))