
Clouds (YOONMIN)

             Yoongi woke up to a throbbing head.            

            ", I don’t remember drinking last night…” he said as he looked up at the white ceiling of his shared room.

            Yoongi laid there for a while, shirtless and in sweats, massaging his aching head. After he left the pain go down, he got up only to fall back down when he felt pain shoot through his body. “The ?” The male cursed, looking down at his bare chest, faintly noticing purple spots on his stomach. “What the…”

            Yoongi sighed, not bothering to get up anymore. Instead he reached over to his nightstand, and grabbed his phone, searching through his contacts until he found the one he was looking for. Namcrap. He clicked it, writing a quick text, requesting pain killers.

            Yoongi waited for what felt like years, the throbbing coming back, until his roommate, Namjoon, came in, wearing a lose tank and sweat pants also, pain killers in one hand, water in the other. He sat the water down, and passed the older the pain killers.

            “You had to text and me and not come down and get it yourself?” Nmajoon sighed, as he sat on Yoongi’s bed.  

            Yoongi swallowed the pain killers, ignoring the younger’s question, instead kicking him in the back. “Get out.” The older said after swallowing the pills.

            “Okay, okay, okay!” Namjoon said, avoiding the other male’s legs, which were still kicking him. The younger was about to close the door, when he turned around and said, “I know you love me, hyung.”    

            Yoongi could hear the younger’s giggle as Yoongi tossed the water bottle at the door.

            Yoongi sighed as he felt the pain going down. He felt his eyes getting heavier. He yawned once before he felt sleep take him.


            Yoongi woke up to the sound of screeching.

            The male rolled over, trying to block the noise coming from down stairs. He was successful until his damn roommate came in again.

            “Hyung! Hyung! HYUNG!!” Namjoon yelled as burst into the room, clawing at Yoongi, trying to get him to wake up. “HYUNG!!!!”

            “WHAT?!” Yoongi yelled back, surprising the young male that he was awake.

            “You’re awake?”

            “Of course I’m awake! Who wouldn’t be with this loud screaming?!” He yelled, throwing a pillow at the younger.

            “Tsk. You’re such a second grader.” Namjoon muttered, avoiding the pillow.

            “YAH! What did you call hyung?!”

            “Nothing! Nothing…”

            “Anyway, why did you come up here? Jin stood you up?” Yoongi asked, a playful smirk on his lips.

            “WHAT!? No, no, no, no. I don’t know what you are talking about!” Yoongi watched as the male’s ears turned red, along with his face. “Okay then, leave.” Yoongi said as he pulled the blanket up around him again.

            “What? No, no, no!” Namjoon said, jumping on the older once more.

            “THEN WHAT IS IT?!” Yoongi yelled at the younger once more.

            “YOU’RE ON TV!!” The younger yelled, pointing to the TV in the small room.


            “Here.” Namjoon got off of Yoongi and went to the TV, turned it on to show the news playing.

            The TV , showing channel 7 news, and one of its anchors, Liu Amber.

       “Annyeonghaseyo, Amber imnida,” Yoongi watched as the female on the screen bowed, her bangs covering her eyes for a second until she stood up straight again, her hair falling back in place. Yoongi had to admit that she could pull of the tomboy look, really, really well.

        “Last night at 11:30, security cameras caught two men robbing the Seoul Bank,” The video form the security camera popped up, showing two men with face masks on, running off with bags of money. Yoongi watched as a security guard tried to stop them, but ended up getting kneed to the stomach, “The two men got away with 117,000,000 won. The men were seen running into an ally, where security cameras showed what looked like them stalking a civilian, then attacking him.” Another security video appeared, showing the two males gaining up on the other male.

         Yoongi felt his breath catch in his throat.Namjoon was right.

         Yoongi watched himself get beat up by the two males. He felt pain in his side as the video showed them kicking him in the side. He kept watching them beating him up in the video, pain slowly starting to come back.

          All of a sudden a flash happen and the screen went dark.

                 “The identities of the three men are still unclear. If you recognize any of these men, please contact the number below.” Amber said, looking grim.

                 Three blurry pictures appeared on the screen, clearly screen shots from the videos, but Yoongi still recognized that bleached hair anywhere. He saw it every time he looked in the mirror.        

                He felt a tap on his shoulder, and looked up to find a concerned looking Namjoon.       

                “Hyung, what happened last night?” he asked.

                “I-I don’t remember…” Yoongi answered honestly. What did happen to me?





                 Hey guys! I know this is a short chapter and I'm really really really sorry about it, but whaddya think so far? Also, thank you to all my subcribers! It means the world to me that other people love yoonmin. (#YoonMinisLife) But, but I promise that we will get into the action soon, okay?

                  Also, here are the meanings of some of the words i used;

                 Hyung - younger male calls older male that if they are close. For male use only (Male calls another male that)

                 Annyeonghaseyo - greetings in Korean. Means 'go in peace'

                     imnida - that's what you say after you introduce yourself.

                    So, tell me what you guys think of this chapter in the comments below, and I'll see you soon~


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Ktokikat #1
Chapter 3: Awesome! Can't wait till next chapter...Dying to know how Jin knows jimin
xlkltc_sbdkcs #3
Chapter 2: Good good good can't wait. QUICK!!! ^o^
Deansbabymomma #4
Wahhhh I can't wait for the updateeeee
^^ I love your story
tvdtami #6
Wow I already love your story !!!