Le Blindé Café.

Clouds (YOONMIN)

               Grey clouds covered Seoul’s skies, bringing an early winter wind, which was nipping at Yoongi’s sides as he pulled his jacket tighter around his body.

               “Damn, why does it have to be so cold?” Yoongi muttered to himself as he walked to the café near his apartment, Le Blindé Café.

               The tiny bell dinged, singling Yoongi’s entrance to the café. The male looked around the café as he made his way to the counter. The place was pretty much empty even though it was rush hour for the cafe, excluding the group girls in the corner and the few college students here and there. 
               “What can I get you?” A voice asked him. Yoongi looked up to see a bright,-hopeful- smile smiling at him.
               “Yah, Hoseok, I come here pretty much every day and you still have to ask me?” Yoongi said looking at his friend with a half annoying half amused expression.
               “Jin hyung says I have to do it because you’re a ‘customer’ and I’m a ‘Barista’ when I’m behind this counter.” Hoseok explained, making quotations in the air at ‘customer’ and Barista.’
            “Ah, I see.” Yoongi said.
            “The usual?” Asked the younger male.
            “The usual.” Answered the older.
            “That will be 2.50$, please. We’ll have your drink soon, sir.” Hoseok said, going back into his Barista roll.
            Yoongi rolled his eyes as he handed his friend the money.
            “The usual for Sugar Bear!” Yoongi heard Hoseok yell into the kitchen as he made his way to the quieter part of the café, sliding into a soft leather booth. 
            “Hoseok!” He heard someone yell back from the kitchen, probably Soekjin, the cook and owner of the Café. 
            Yoongi shed off his leather jacket, along with his red scarf, leaving his beanie to rest on top of his bleached hair.
            Yoongi looked out the big stained widow he was sitting next to, looking at the busy street of Seoul. Though the café was in the busiest part of Seoul, not many people came to the café, maybe due to the fact that it was inertly run by college students, or that fact that it use to be a stripper bar, Yoongi didn’t know which, but the café was a nice, calm get away, plus, being on good terms with the staff, most of his friends worked here.
            Yoongi looked as a group a friends walked by the café, remembering how he meant his.
            Yoongi sighed as he hung up the call with his parents. Why couldn’t they understand this is what he wanted? That he could make a living like this? His whole life, his parents always said to him, “Do what makes you happy,” or “Follow your dreams.” Now, Yoongi be able to follow his dream of being a rapper and composer, had his parents breathing down his neck, demanding why he picked this major and not business.
            “Screw it.” Yoongi muttered under his breath as he walked out of his shared apartment, leaving a note on the fridge for his roommate, Namjoon, a fellow rapper and composer, who also faced the same parent issues as he did, “Going out, need fresh air. Left overs in the fridge. – Yoongi.”
            Yoongi walked out into quite night of Seoul, a small breeze bringing in clouds, slowly covering the night sky. Yoongi walked around aimlessly, kicking a stone with his shoe, trying to think about anything but his parents.
            ‘Why can’t they be happy with what I chose? I mean, my whole freaking life they told me to follow my dreams and what do I get for doing that? Them yelling at me, demanding why I didn’t chose something “better.” You know what, screw it, screw them. It’s my life. I get to pick what I want to do with it.’ Yoongi though was he walked along, making a mental note to turn his thoughts into a verse, because what better way to direct his thoughts.
            Yoongi kept walking, deep in thought as a drop of water hit his nose. Yoongi looked up. The clouds from earlier turned out to be storm clouds. Great.
            Yoongi ran, trying to find shelter as the rain picked up. He spotted a building. Yoongi would have ran right by it if it weren’t for the little lamp outside the door. Yoongi bulleted as he ran to the entrance of the building, pressing himself as close as possible to the building.     
            He took off his snap back, running a hand through his hair. “Great. Just great.” The male muttered under his breath as he stuck a hand out, letting it get wet by the rain. ‘Nope, this doesn’t look like it will clear up anytime soon.’ Yoongi thought, looking up at the clouds.
            Yoongi sighed, taking in his surroundings.  The building was brick, with a fading green, wooden door leading to who knows where. Yoongi cupped his eyes to the door, trying to see in.
            The male could only see a couple feet in because the window was too tinted, but what he could see was a couple booths and a counter. 
            “Is it a café?” Yoongi muttered, pulling on the handle.
            “Sorry, but we are closed.” Yoongi jumped as he heard a voice behind him.
            Yoongi spun around to find a person standing behind him. The person was a tall, handsome man, with broad shoulders and black hair on top of his head, wearing a Barista uniform. “But we open at 9:00 A.M if you ever want to come by.” He said politely.
            Yoongi realized he was staring as the man cleared his throat. He was handsome, but not Min Yoongi’s type. “Oh, no. I was looking for a place to get out of the rain.” He explained to the man, who looked older then him by a little. 
            “Ah.” The stranger said, disappointment whispering at his face. An awkward silence hovered over them. 
            “Um, Min Yoongi.” Yoongi stuck out his hand, bowing his head politely. The other mimicked him, “Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin.”                                      
            “Okay, Jin-sshi. Do you by chance know where the nearest bus stop is? I just moved in, and with college, I haven’t had time to take a look around.” Yoongi explained, looking up at the sky. Jin also looked, realizing that it was raining. “The next bus stop is about 7 blocks that way. But I could give you a ride,” Jin offered, “And please don’t add ‘sshi’ to my name. I know I’m old but I’m not that old! Just call me ‘hyung’!” The older gave Yoongi a smile, flashing his perfect, pearl white teeth. 
            But before Yoongi answer that sure, he loved a ride if it would get him out of the rain, the older smacked himself upside the head, saying,” You just met him, stupid! He doesn’t know you! He could be thinking you’re a ! Or he could be one…” He muttered the last part himself, eyeing Yoongi.     
            Yoongi chuckled, man, he was something different. “I’m not a  and I would really like a ride, I hate the rain.” Yoongi muttered, glaring at the sky.
            “Oh, the rain is not bad, you just got to learn how to enjoy it.” The taller said, smiling once more. 
            “Yeah…” Yoongi muttered under his breath, looking at the man. 
            “Okay! I’m parked over there, I’ll bring my car around.” The older said, not taking notice of the look Yoongi was giving him, running off to his car, his backpack bouncing on his back.
            Yoongi waited in the entrance of the building, looking around once more. He notice a little sign hanging, ‘Le Blinde Café’ covered it. “’Le Blinde Café.’” Yoongi muttered to himself, making a mental note to visit some time.    
            A honk brought Yoongi out of his thoughts as he saw a black car pull up to the curb, Jin waving his hand, telling Yoongi to hurry up.
            Yoongi ran to the door Jin was holding open for him. “So where to?” Jin asked, pulling into the street. 
            By the time Jin got Yoongi to his shared apartment, it was well pass 12:00 P.M. “Thanks for the ride.” Yoongi said, standing in front of his apartment, giving a small bow to the older. “Anytime!” Jin said, flashing his white teeth once more.      
            “Hyung!” Yoongi looked up to find his half  roommate, Namjoon, in only a towel, his faint abs showing at the door.
            Yoongi heard a small gasp come from Jin, only to find the older turn his head away, looking everywhere but in front of him, heat covering his cheeks.         
            Yoongi, sensing the rising awkwardness and tension, thanked Jin for the ride, promising he would visit the café when it was open, and all the meanwhile shoving Namjoon in the apartment. 
            “Yah! Couldn’t you put some cloths on before you answer the door?! What if it was neighbor lady?!” Yoongi scolded the younger, hitting him upside the head.
            “You didn’t tell me where you were going and I heard two voices and I wanted to make sure you were okay!” 
            “Well newsflash, I’m an adult. I can take care of myself!”
            “Yeah, yeah, whatever…”
            “What was that?”
            “I thought so.”
               “He was cute, though…” Yoongi groaned as he looked in the fridge. “Whatver. I’m going to bed.” Yoongi said as he walked to his room, yelling over his shoulder.    

               “YOONGI HYUNG!” A voice dragged Yoongi out of his memoirs. Yoongi looked up to see Jeon Jungkook, the newest and youngest of the Baristas of the café, looking at him, holding the older’s order in his hands. “Here.” He said plainly.
               “Thanks, Kookie.” Yoongi said, smirking when he saw Jungkook’s eyebrow twitch with the use of the nickname.              
               Yoongi took a sip of the drink, letting the liquid flow down his throat. Ah
               “Give Seokjin hyung my complements.” The older said.
               “Yeah, whatever.” The younger said, sliding a cross from Yoongi, watching Yoongi drink.
               “Yeah?” Yoongi asked.
               “Nothing. On break. Bored. Finals.” Said the younger.
               “Oh.” Yoongi said, understanding why the younger was acting cold. “Did you ask Jin hyung to help you?”
               “Because he always helped me and I’m going into college-“
               “If you pass.” Yoongi interrupted Jungkook with a smirk. 

                “If I get into college. I’m a big boy now.” Jungkook finished, groaning as he burred his head in his hands, looking at Yoongi through is fingers.

                 Yoongi watched as the younger slowly put his hands down, looking intensely at Yoongi. “What?” Yoongi asked once more.

                Jungkook stared at Yoongi with big doe eyes, jutting his bottom lip out, and saying, “Hyung~” In a high pitched voice.

               Yoongi choked on his coffee as he saw the look the younger was giving him. “No, no, no.” Yoongi said, catching his breath, “I know that look. I freaking now that look.” Yoongi pointed a finger at Jungkook, “No.”

              “But hyung~” The younger whined, making his eyes bigger.

               “Nope.” Yoongi said, popping the ‘p’ as he grabbing his belongs, heading for the door.

               “But hyung!” Jungkook whined, following the older to the door, stopping his feet as he followed.

               “I said no and no is no.” Yoongi said, greeting Taehyung, another one of the Baristas, as he walked through the door.

               “Hi, hyung!” Taehyung said, smiling his boxed smile. Yoongi grunted back, trying to slip on his jacket without spilling his drink, avoiding a wild Jungkook. “Taehyung, can you do me a favor?” Yoongi asked, successfully putting his jacket on. Now the scarf.

               “Yeah, hyung?” The younger ask, pleased with being asked to do something by his hyung. “Anything. You name it!”

               “Hold Kookie while I leave, please.”

                “Okay, hyung!”

               “Thank you.” Yoongi said, tightening his scarf around his neck. Phone. Check. Wallet. Check. Wild Kookie tamed. Check.

                “Bye, Jin, Hobi, Taehyung and Kookie.” Yoongi said as he fixed his beanie.

                “Bye!” Came the replies.

               “LET GO OF ME! Fine! Don’t help me! You better never show your face here gain because I’ll, I’ll, I’ll do something bad to you!” Yoongi heard Jungkook yell as he walked down the street. “Yeah! Yeah! Whatever! See you tomorrow, you lil’ brat!” He yelled back, softly smiling at his friends.

                Yoongi walked along quietly, coffee long gone, lost in his own thoughts when a slight rain started. Yoongi cursed, pulling his jacket tighter around his body. “Dang, does the world hate me today?”

                The rained picked up, Yoongi doing the same, wanting to get to his warm, dry apartment. Yoongi came to a stop in front of one of the alleys near his apartment. It would cut off 10 minutes Yoongi thought, looking down the alley. But is it worth it? Thunder boomed overhead, deciding for Yoongi.

                Yoongi jogged down the alley, his convers splashing against the water.  Another excuse to get rid of ‘em, he smirked at the thought. Yoongi stopped to catch his breath, suddenly hearing foot footsteps stop. Wait, am I being followed? Yoongi looked around the alley, trying to spot who was following him. “Hello?”  Silence answered him back.  

               Wind blew down the alley, making the male hug his jacket around his body. The male looked around once more, then started walking again. Yoongi quicken up his pace as he heard the footsteps again.            

                Yoongi turned the corner, only to find a dead end. “.” He muttered, “That wall has never here! Did I take the wrong alley?” Yoongi looked around franticly, trying to spot the Hotel sign he always saw when he walked through here.  Yoongi spotted it where it always was, right next to the fire exit.

                The wind picked up again, the rain had long since stopped and an odd silence hung over the air, almost painfully quiet.

                “Hello?” Yoongi called out once more, expecting silence to answer him like it did before but it didn’t. Instead, all Yoongi could hear was footsteps coming closer and closer to him. The Male started to panic. There weren’t any gangs in the area, heck, there was barely any crime at all.       

               Yoongi frantically searched his body and his surroundings, trying to find a weapon. Soon, the rain started again, but very light if any at all.

               A two figures started forming form the shadows. When they came into the light, Yoongi saw that they were two guys, by the looks of them, around his age. “Well, well. What do we get here?” The one with the blonde hair, pink highlights were in his bangs. “Looks like we got ourselves a little lost puppy.” The other blonde said, snickering at Yoongi. Both blondes slowly started walking towards Yoongi. “Hey, Jackson?” The guy with the pink highlights said to the other male. “Yeah?” The other male, who must have been ‘Jackson’ answered.  “Do you think if we beat him hard enough and make him cry, his owner will come?” Yoongi backup more, pressing his back into the wall. “Mark hyung, that sounds like a wonderful idea.” Jackson said, rolling his shoulders back.

              The first hit got Yoongi in the face. Second one in the gut, which lead to him falling on the ground. Which lead to him being kicked. Yoongi coughed up blood as pain screamed all over his body. “You’re not screaming yet.” Mark growled, pulling Yoongi by the hair and giving him a black eye. The hits kept coming and coming. The blondes kicked Yoongi to the ground, kicking him over and over.

              Yoongi’s version was starting to turn black. He was barely aware that the rain had gone into full force, pouring down on his attackers. “You’re still not screaming yet!” One of them yelled, Yoongi couldn’t tell. Everything was blurry. Yoongi waited for the kick to come but it never did.

             He faintly heard a boom and next he knew his attackers where on the floor, hugging their sides. 

            “Leave. Do not hurt this human any longer and I might spare your lives.” A voice said above Yoongi. He tried to lift his neck up to see who it belonged to, but all he could see was white.

            “Tsk, you think you scare us, Angel?” one of the blondes said.

            “Yes, actually I would think so, with your species being almost gone for all the harm you have caused.” The voice said again.

            Species? What the ? Did I hit my head to hard? Yoongi thought was he tried his best not to lose consciousness. And Yoongi swore he just heard growling. Yup, I hit my head.

            “What?! You think you’re so great because you’re a Guardian?! Well, us Wolves didn’t last this long for a reason!” The younger blonde exclaimed.

            “Really? I thought it was because you’re all dumber than a rock and got lucky.” The voice above him said. Yoongi noticed that the stranger’s voice was a little bit high.

            “Why, you son of !” Jackson jumped out to attack the newcomer but next thing Yoongi knew, there was thump and he saw a body fall to ground near the one of the walls of the alley.

            “Jackson!” The older blonde cried, running over to his friend. Yoongi faintly watched as the older examined the younger, sniff here and there for blood. Wait, sniffing?

            Mark glared up at the person standing over Yoongi. “Fine, you win this time, Guardian. But it will be your last. There are more of us then you could imagine. And we’re all waiting in the shadows. Waiting for the call so we can gain back what was rightfully ours to being with!” He explained, baring his sharp canine teeth, pulling his past out friend on his shoulder.  Man, I must have hit my head really hard.

            Yoongi groaned, a head ache was starting to come. He heard an ‘oh’ from the person above him, realizing that Yoongi was here, probably bleeding to death. Yoongi tried getting up but pain shot through his chest.

            “Ah!” He cried out in pain as he tried again. He felt strong arms gently wrap around him, propping him against the wall. Yoongi blinked a few times and looked up to the rescuer. The stranger had Chestnut brown hair, small eyes, but not as small as Yoongi’s and had plumb lips. Like wow. He was hot.

            He put a hand on Yoongi’s chest and it started to glow. The pain was slowly starting to leave. Yoongi let out a sigh.

            The pain had gone down enough for Yoongi to see clearly again. He look at the person again. He had chubby cheeks and a very well sculpted body. And he had broad white wings that altogether, he look out of this world. Wait, wings?!

            Yoongi suddenly felt sleep clawing at him. No! I can’t fall asleep… I need to… His name… Yoongi looked over the his healer’s shoulder, noticing that the guys from before were gone, in a daze.

            “How does that feel, hyung?” The boy asked, unaware of the shock he gave Yoongi.

            “What’s…” Yoongi asked, feeling sleep pulling him in.

            The boy just looked at him.

            “..Your name…?” Yoongi managed out.

            The boy smiled at him.

            “Park Jimin, your personal Guardian Angel. Now sleep.” With the last words, Jimin put his figure to the middle of Yoongi’s forehead.

            And that was the last remembered before sleep overtook him.

Grey clouds covered Seoul’s skies, bringing an early winter wind, which was nipping at Yoongi’s sides as he pulled his jacket tighter around his body.

                    “Damn, why does it have to be so cold?” Yoongi muttered to himself as he walked to the café near his apartment, Le Blindé Café.

               The tiny bell dinged, singling Yoongi’s entrance to the café. The male looked around the café as he made his way to the counter. The place was pretty much empty even though it was rush hour for the cafe, excluding the group girls in the corner and the few college students here and there. 
               “What can I get you?” A voice asked him. Yoongi looked up to see a bright,-hopeful- smile smiling at him.
               “Yah, Hoseok, I come here pretty much every day and you still have to ask me?” Yoongi said looking at his friend with a half annoying half amused expression.
               “Jin hyung says I have to do it because you’re a ‘customer’ and I’m a ‘Barista’ when I’m behind this counter.” Hoseok explained, making quotations in the air at ‘customer’ and Barista.’
            “Ah, I see.” Yoongi said.
            “The usual?” Asked the younger male.
            “The usual.” Answered the older.
            “That will be 2.50$, please. We’ll have your drink soon, sir.” Hoseok said, going back into his Barista roll.
            Yoongi rolled his eyes as he handed his friend the money.
            “The usual for Sugar Bear!” Yoongi heard Hoseok yell into the kitchen as he made his way to the quieter part of the café, sliding into a soft leather booth. 
            “Hoseok!” He heard someone yell back from the kitchen, probably Soekjin, the cook and owner of the Café. 
            Yoongi shed off his leather jacket, along with his red scarf, leaving his beanie to rest on top of his bleached hair.
            Yoongi looked out the big stained widow he was sitting next to, looking at the busy street of Seoul. Though the café was in the busiest part of Seoul, not many people came to the café, maybe due to the fact that it was inertly run by college students, or that fact that it use to be a stripper bar, Yoongi didn’t know which, but the café was a nice, calm get away, plus, being on good terms with the staff, most of his friends worked here.
            Yoongi looked as a group a friends walked by the café, remembering how he meant his.
            Yoongi sighed as he hung up the call with his parents. Why couldn’t they understand this is what he wanted? That he could make a living like this? His whole life, his parents always said to him, “Do what makes you happy,” or “Follow your dreams.” Now, Yoongi be able to follow his dream of being a rapper and composer, had his parents breathing down his neck, demanding why he picked this major and not business.
            “Screw it.” Yoongi muttered under his breath as he walked out of his shared apartment, leaving a note on the fridge for his roommate, Namjoon, a fellow rapper and composer, who also faced the same parent issues as he did, “Going out, need fresh air. Left overs in the fridge. – Yoongi.”
            Yoongi walked out into quite night of Seoul, a small breeze bringing in clouds, slowly covering the night sky. Yoongi walked around aimlessly, kicking a stone with his shoe, trying to think about anything but his parents.
            ‘Why can’t they be happy with what I chose? I mean, my whole freaking life they told me to follow my dreams and what do I get for doing that? Them yelling at me, demanding why I didn’t chose something “better.” You know what, screw it, screw them. It’s my life. I get to pick what I want to do with it.’ Yoongi though was he walked along, making a mental note to turn his thoughts into a verse, because what better way to direct his thoughts.
            Yoongi kept walking, deep in thought as a drop of water hit his nose. Yoongi looked up. The clouds from earlier turned out to be storm clouds. Great.
            Yoongi ran, trying to find shelter as the rain picked up. He spotted a building. Yoongi would have ran right by it if it weren’t for the little lamp outside the door. Yoongi bulleted as he ran to the entrance of the building, pressing himself as close as possible to the building.     
            He took off his snap back, running a hand through his hair. “Great. Just great.” The male muttered under his breath as he stuck a hand out, letting it get wet by the rain. ‘Nope, this doesn’t look like it will clear up anytime soon.’ Yoongi thought, looking up at the clouds.
            Yoongi sighed, taking in his surroundings.  The building was brick, with a fading green, wooden door leading to who knows where. Yoongi cupped his eyes to the door, trying to see in.
            The male could only see a couple feet in because the window was too tinted, but what he could see was a couple booths and a counter. 
            “Is it a café?” Yoongi muttered, pulling on the handle.
            “Sorry, but we are closed.” Yoongi jumped as he heard a voice behind him.
            Yoongi spun around to find a person standing behind him. The person was a tall, handsome man, with broad shoulders and black hair on top of his head, wearing a Barista uniform. “But we open at 9:00 A.M if you ever want to come by.” He said politely.
            Yoongi realized he was staring as the man cleared his throat. He was handsome, but not Min Yoongi’s type. “Oh, no. I was looking for a place to get out of the rain.” He explained to the man, who looked older then him by a little. 
            “Ah.” The stranger said, disappointment whispering at his face. An awkward silence hovered over them. 
            “Um, Min Yoongi.” Yoongi stuck out his hand, bowing his head politely. The other mimicked him, “Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin.”                                      
            “Okay, Jin-sshi. Do you by chance know where the nearest bus stop is? I just moved in, and with college, I haven’t had time to take a look around.” Yoongi explained, looking up at the sky. Jin also looked, realizing that it was raining. “The next bus stop is about 7 blocks that way. But I could give you a ride,” Jin offered, “And please don’t add ‘sshi’ to my name. I know I’m old but I’m not that old! Just call me ‘hyung’!” The older gave Yoongi a smile, flashing his perfect, pearl white teeth. 
            But before Yoongi answer that sure, he loved a ride if it would get him out of the rain, the older smacked himself upside the head, saying,” You just met him, stupid! He doesn’t know you! He could be thinking you’re a ! Or he could be one…” He muttered the last part himself, eyeing Yoongi.     
            Yoongi chuckled, man, he was something different. “I’m not a  and I would really like a ride, I hate the rain.” Yoongi muttered, glaring at the sky.
            “Oh, the rain is not bad, you just got to learn how to enjoy it.” The taller said, smiling once more. 
            “Yeah…” Yoongi muttered under his breath, looking at the man. 
            “Okay! I’m parked over there, I’ll bring my car around.” The older said, not taking notice of the look Yoongi was giving him, running off to his car, his backpack bouncing on his back.
            Yoongi waited in the entrance of the building, looking around once more. He notice a little sign hanging, ‘Le Blinde Café’ covered it. “’Le Blinde Café.’” Yoongi muttered to himself, making a mental note to visit some time.    
            A honk brought Yoongi out of his thoughts as he saw a black car pull up to the curb, Jin waving his hand, telling Yoongi to hurry up.
            Yoongi ran to the door Jin was holding open for him. “So where to?” Jin asked, pulling into the street. 
            By the time Jin got Yoongi to his shared apartment, it was well pass 12:00 P.M. “Thanks for the ride.” Yoongi said, standing in front of his apartment, giving a small bow to the older. “Anytime!” Jin said, flashing his white teeth once more.      
            “Hyung!” Yoongi looked up to find his half  roommate, Namjoon, in only a towel, his faint abs showing at the door.
            Yoongi heard a small gasp come from Jin, only to find the older turn his head away, looking everywhere but in front of him, heat covering his cheeks.         
            Yoongi, sensing the rising awkwardness and tension, thanked Jin for the ride, promising he would visit the café when it was open, and all the meanwhile shoving Namjoon in the apartment. 
            “Yah! Couldn’t you put some cloths on before you answer the door?! What if it was neighbor lady?!” Yoongi scolded the younger, hitting him upside the head.
            “You didn’t tell me where you were going and I heard two voices and I wanted to make sure you were okay!” 
            “Well newsflash, I’m an adult. I can take care of myself!”
            “Yeah, yeah, whatever…”
            “What was that?”
            “I thought so.”
               “He was cute, though…” Yoongi groaned as he looked in the fridge. “Whatver. I’m going to bed.” Yoongi said as he walked to his room, yelling over his shoulder.    

               “YOONGI HYUNG!” A voice dragged Yoongi out of his memoirs. Yoongi looked up to see Jeon Jungkook, the newest and youngest of the Baristas of the café, looking at him, holding the older’s order in his hands. “Here.” He said plainly.
               “Thanks, Kookie.” Yoongi said, smirking when he saw Jungkook’s eyebrow twitch with the use of the nickname.              
               Yoongi took a sip of the drink, letting the liquid flow down his throat. Ah
               “Give Seokjin hyung my complements.” The older said.
               “Yeah, whatever.” The younger said, sliding a cross from Yoongi, watching Yoongi drink.
               “Yeah?” Yoongi asked.
               “Nothing. On break. Bored. Finals.” Said the younger.
               “Oh.” Yoongi said, understanding why the younger was acting cold. “Did you ask Jin hyung to help you?”
               “Because he always helped me and I’m going into college-“
               “If you pass.” Yoongi interrupted Jungkook with a smirk. 

                “If I get into college. I’m a big boy now.” Jungkook finished, groaning as he burred his head in his hands, looking at Yoongi through is fingers.

                 Yoongi watched as the younger slowly put his hands down, looking intensely at Yoongi. “What?” Yoongi asked once more.

                Jungkook stared at Yoongi with big doe eyes, jutting his bottom lip out, and saying, “Hyung~” In a high pitched voice.

               Yoongi choked on his coffee as he saw the look the younger was giving him. “No, no, no.” Yoongi said, catching his breath, “I know that look. I freaking now that look.” Yoongi pointed a finger at Jungkook, “No.”

              “But hyung~” The younger whined, making his eyes bigger.

               “Nope.” Yoongi said, popping the ‘p’ as he grabbing his belongs, heading for the door.

               “But hyung!” Jungkook whined, following the older to the door, stopping his feet as he followed.

               “I said no and no is no.” Yoongi said, greeting Taehyung, another one of the Baristas, as he walked through the door.

               “Hi, hyung!” Taehyung said, smiling his boxed smile. Yoongi grunted back, trying to slip on his jacket without spilling his drink, avoiding a wild Jungkook. “Taehyung, can you do me a favor?” Yoongi asked, successfully putting his jacket on. Now the scarf.

               “Yeah, hyung?” The younger ask, pleased with being asked to do something by his hyung. “Anything. You name it!”

               “Hold Kookie while I leave, please.”

                “Okay, hyung!”

               “Thank you.” Yoongi said, tightening his scarf around his neck. Phone. Check. Wallet. Check. Wild Kookie tamed. Check.

                “Bye, Jin, Hobi, Taehyung and Kookie.” Yoongi said as he fixed his beanie.

                “Bye!” Came the replies.

               “LET GO OF ME! Fine! Don’t help me! You better never show your face here gain because I’ll, I’ll, I’ll do something bad to you!” Yoongi heard Jungkook yell as he walked down the street. “Yeah! Yeah! Whatever! See you tomorrow, you lil’ brat!” He yelled back, softly smiling at his friends.

                Yoongi walked along quietly, coffee long gone, lost in his own thoughts when a slight rain started. Yoongi cursed, pulling his jacket tighter around his body. “Dang, does the world hate me today?”

                The rained picked up, Yoongi doing the same, wanting to get to his warm, dry apartment. Yoongi came to a stop in front of one of the alleys near his apartment. It would cut off 10 minutes Yoongi thought, looking down the alley. But is it worth it? Thunder boomed overhead, deciding for Yoongi.

                Yoongi jogged down the alley, his convers splashing against the water.  Another excuse to get rid of ‘em, he smirked at the thought. Yoongi stopped to catch his breath, suddenly hearing foot footsteps stop. Wait, am I being followed? Yoongi looked around the alley, trying to spot who was following him. “Hello?”  Silence answered him back.  

               Wind blew down the alley, making the male hug his jacket around his body. The male looked around once more, then started walking again. Yoongi quicken up his pace as he heard the footsteps again.            

                Yoongi turned the corner, only to find a dead end. “.” He muttered, “That wall has never here! Did I take the wrong alley?” Yoongi looked around franticly, trying to spot the Hotel sign he always saw when he walked through here.  Yoongi spotted it where it always was, right next to the fire exit.

                The wind picked up again, the rain had long since stopped and an odd silence hung over the air, almost painfully quiet.

                “Hello?” Yoongi called out once more, expecting silence to answer him like it did before but it didn’t. Instead, all Yoongi could hear was footsteps coming closer and closer to him. The Male started to panic. There weren’t any gangs in the area, heck, there was barely any crime at all.       

               Yoongi frantically searched his body and his surroundings, trying to find a weapon. Soon, the rain started again, but very light if any at all.

               A two figures started forming form the shadows. When they came into the light, Yoongi saw that they were two guys, by the looks of them, around his age. “Well, well. What do we get here?” The one with the blonde hair, pink highlights were in his bangs. “Looks like we got ourselves a little lost puppy.” The other blonde said, snickering at Yoongi. Both blondes slowly started walking towards Yoongi. “Hey, Jackson?” The guy with the pink highlights said to the other male. “Yeah?” The other male, who must have been ‘Jackson’ answered.  “Do you think if we beat him hard enough and make him cry, his owner will come?” Yoongi backup more, pressing his back into the wall. “Mark hyung, that sounds like a wonderful idea.” Jackson said, rolling his shoulders back.

              The first hit got Yoongi in the face. Second one in the gut, which lead to him falling on the ground. Which lead to him being kicked. Yoongi coughed up blood as pain screamed all over his body. “You’re not screaming yet.” Mark growled, pulling Yoongi by the hair and giving him a black eye. The hits kept coming and coming. The blondes kicked Yoongi to the ground, kicking him over and over.

              Yoongi’s version was starting to turn black. He was barely aware that the rain had gone into full force, pouring down on his attackers. “You’re still not screaming yet!” One of them yelled, Yoongi couldn’t tell. Everything was blurry. Yoongi waited for the kick to come but it never did.

             He faintly heard a boom and next he knew his attackers where on the floor, hugging their sides. 

            “Leave. Do not hurt this human any longer and I might spare your lives.” A voice said above Yoongi. He tried to lift his neck up to see who it belonged to, but all he could see was white.

            “Tsk, you think you scare us, Angel?” one of the blondes said.

            “Yes, actually I would think so, with your species being almost gone for all the harm you have caused.” The voice said again.

            Species? What the ? Did I hit my head to hard? Yoongi thought was he tried his best not to lose consciousness. And Yoongi swore he just heard growling. Yup, I hit my head.

            “What?! You think you’re so great because you’re a Guardian?! Well, us Wolves didn’t last this long for a reason!” The younger blonde exclaimed.

            “Really? I thought it was because you’re all dumber than a rock and got lucky.” The voice above him said. Yoongi noticed that the stranger’s voice was a little bit high.

            “Why, you son of !” Jackson jumped out to attack the newcomer but next thing Yoongi knew, there was thump and he saw a body fall to ground near the one of the walls of the alley.

            “Jackson!” The older blonde cried, running over to his friend. Yoongi faintly watched as the older examined the younger, sniff here and there for blood. Wait, sniffing?

            Mark glared up at the person standing over Yoongi. “Fine, you win this time, Guardian. But it will be your last. There are more of us then you could imagine. And we’re all waiting in the shadows. Waiting for the call so we can gain back what was rightfully ours to being with!” He explained, baring his sharp canine teeth, pulling his past out friend on his shoulder.  Man, I must have hit my head really hard.

            Yoongi groaned, a head ache was starting to come. He heard an ‘oh’ from the person above him, realizing that Yoongi was here, probably bleeding to death. Yoongi tried getting up but pain shot through his chest.

            “Ah!” He cried out in pain as he tried again. He felt strong arms gently wrap around him, propping him against the wall. Yoongi blinked a few times and looked up to the rescuer. The stranger had Chestnut brown hair, small eyes, but not as small as Yoongi’s and had plumb lips. Like wow. He was hot.

            He put a hand on Yoongi’s chest and it started to glow. The pain was slowly starting to leave. Yoongi let out a sigh.

            The pain had gone down enough for Yoongi to see clearly again. He look at the person again. He had chubby cheeks and a very well sculpted body. And he had broad white wings that altogether, he look out of this world. Wait, wings?!

            Yoongi suddenly felt sleep clawing at him. No! I can’t fall asleep… I need to… His name… Yoongi looked over the his healer’s shoulder, noticing that the guys from before were gone, in a daze.

            “How does that feel, hyung?” The boy asked, unaware of the shock he gave Yoongi.

            “What’s…” Yoongi asked, feeling sleep pulling him in.

            The boy just looked at him.

            “..Your name…?” Yoongi managed out.

            The boy smiled at him.

            “Park Jimin, your personal Guardian Angel. Now sleep.” With the last words, Jimin put his figure to the middle of Yoongi’s forehead.

            And that was the last remembered before sleep overtook him.

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Ktokikat #1
Chapter 3: Awesome! Can't wait till next chapter...Dying to know how Jin knows jimin
xlkltc_sbdkcs #3
Chapter 2: Good good good can't wait. QUICK!!! ^o^
Deansbabymomma #4
Wahhhh I can't wait for the updateeeee
^^ I love your story
tvdtami #6
Wow I already love your story !!!