Hey Baby

Caught In Between

Junmyeon didn't know what to say. He just stared back at Yifan and memories from 2 weeks ago are playing in his mind. The way his heart breaks when Yifan told him the truth that night, and how he cried himself to sleep knowing that it'll feel worse in the morning. Up to this point, every conversation between them was about Jongin, and they were on 'okay' terms. But now, Yifan brought it up again. Junmyeon sighs heavily and closes his eyes. He's not ready for this, not when they're not way too tired and Jongin is sleeping in between them. He knows that they'll end up in a big fight and he can't deal with that now. "Just go to sleep, Yifan." Junmyeon turns his back on him and left Yifan staring. They're so close but he can feel Junmyeon drifting away from him and he hates it. He needs to fix this. He needs Junmyeon to trust him again. 

2 am 
Junmyeon woke up to the sound of Jongin's cry. His hands were searching for the small baby but all he could feel was Yifan's bed sheets. Filled with worry, he got up right away to find the taller male walking back and forth and soothing Jongin's back. The baby still crying on his chest but it's starting to die down. Turning his body, Yifan found Junmyeon's eyes. "Go back to sleep Jun, he's starting to fall asleep. Don't worry about it." Yifan whispers as quiet as he can to not wake the cranky baby in his arms. "It's okay. What happened though? Why did he cry?" Junmyeon asks as Yifan starts to walk back and forth again. "I checked his diaper and he's clean. He's not hungry either. I think he's just not used to this place and got a bit scared" Yifan explains while Jongin's hair. "I'll put him down in a bit so go back to bed" Yifan tells him again, patting  baby Jongin. Without another word, Junmyeon looks at Yifan once more and lies down. By the time Yifan returned to bed, Junmyeon was already asleep. He placed Jongin carefully in between them again and brought his hands over to caress Junmyeon's sleeping face. He looks beautiful, Yifan thinks and he hopes that things will work out between them. "Good night Jun" He says to himself and he slowly pats Jongin's tummy again. Just when he's about to let sleep take over him, Junmyeon reached to hold Yifan's hand and gave it a squeeze. They slept like a family that night.
7 am
The phone on Yifan's bedside table rang and Yifan woke up to turned it off so Junmyeon and Jongin could sleep longer. He was about to press the end call when he checked the caller ID. It was Chanyeol. He slides of quietly from the bed and made his way to the living room to answer the call. "Hello? Why are you calling so early?" Yifan's voice was still rough for sleep and he's not completely awake yet. "Good morning to you too hyung!" Chanyeol replies on the other end of the line. The kid has too much energy and It's too early for Yifan to be dealing with his cheeriness. "What do you want?" Yifan just wants to go back to bed, still tired from Jongin's baby duty. "Well, I kinda feel bad for you since Baek's party but to be honest you deserved it. But yeah, just calling to check up on you, making sure you're still alive-" "Yifan? Why are you out here?" Junmyeon comes out of the room looking groggy. "Come back to bed you barely slept last night." Yifan gave Junmyeon a smile and Junmyeon went back inside, leaving the door open for Yifan. "Is that Junmyeon hyung? Ouch Baek will you stop pulling me?!" Yifan could hear Baekhyun screaming 'give me the phone!' So Yifan told them to call him back never and ended the call. He sat for a few more seconds before pulling himself up and returning to his bed. 
By the time Junmyeon got up, it's already almost 9. Yifan and Jongin were still asleep, but the baby somehow managed to slept on top of Yifan's chest with the older male's hand securing Jongin. 
Looking at Yifan's fridge, he found some kimchi, eggs and meat and proceeded to make Kimchi fried rice for breakfast. Waiting for the rice to cook, Junmyeon went on the Internet and found recipes for baby food. He ended up on a website that shows a step by step guide on 'How To Make Peach Purée for Babies'. Thankful that Yifan has peaches in his fridge, Junmyeon continues to follow the instructions. All he needs to do is wash it, boil it for 45 seconds, move it to a bowl filled with ice water and peel it. Then simply slice it and remove the pit before putting it in the blender. Easy. Junmyeon decided to bookmark the website for more baby food recipes for Jongin.
"Are you awake now little man?" Jongin was drooling on Yifan's shirt but he didn't care. "Are you hungry? Let's go get you some food now" Jongin's head was still on Yifan's shoulder when they made their way out. The baby still hasn't completely wake up yet. Junmyeon has just finished setting the table when the duo came. "Hey baby" Junmyeon coos at Jongin. "Hey" Yifan . "Not you" Junmyeon took him from Yifan's arm and told Yifan to go was his face. Yifan came back looking more awake now and Junmyeon was already feeding Jongin his peach purée. Yifan remembered that he bought a high chair for Jongin and took it out to the dining table, making it easier for Junmyeon to feed him and have his breakfast. Breakfast was full of compliments from Yifan. Saying how he's never had Kimchi fried rice as good as this before and that Junmyeon's a good cook since Jongin's eating practically anything that's given to him. Junmyeon did the airplane for Jongin to keep him entertained and when the spoon just entered the baby's mouth, Yifan's front door flew open. Junmyeon grabbed Jongin right away from his high chair and going straight behind Yifan. What came next was completely unexpected. Chanyeol and Baekhyun are in his house. Right now. Both of them have their mouth opened. "Is that a baby?!" Baekhyun's loud voice echoed through the whole house, making Jongin cry. 
2/3 of the beagle line is in the house causing more trouble! A little something for the chanbaek/baekyeol shippers out there :) and don't worry they'll make more appearances, trust me :D
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2449 streak #1
Chapter 9: wow, it'll be almost 3 years since this was last updated... too bad since this was such an amazing story

whatever happened to you authornim, i hope you're doing fine!
cyfome #2
Chapter 9: Still no update?...=(...
2449 streak #3
Chapter 9: parents!!! such parents to Jongin already...
so this is what youth with access to technology can do... they sure are skilled and the connections are wowing me tbh

so what's the deal with baby Jongin???
and what's his mother's role in this? is she hunted down by mafia groups?

Yifan and the gang, I hope they find Jongin asap and come back safely, I don't know how anxious those waiting for them at home would be during this process...

thank you so much for this update!!! :)
siabruh #4
Chapter 9: Omg I'm so happy you updated bc this story is getting rlly good lol
HunieMineNahLuluis #5
Chapter 9: Seriously I love this!!!! And am gonna wait for Ur update again
2449 streak #6
Chapter 8: reading this again and im saddened with just how hurt the "parents" are over Jongin's disappearance... they treat him as family already, and for him to be taken away is tragic... I really hope they find Jongin asap

I hope you update soon too! :)
sesuxoshimo #7
New follower here.
The story is good authornim. Hope they can find Baby Jongin soon and back with them safe and sound.
Thumbs up for you.
Can't wait for your next update.
MochiUp #8
Chapter 8: Hello! New follower, OMG this story is amazing!
Owww my heart breaks a little seeing Kris and Junnie like this, hope the can find baby Jong In and get him back safety.
Waiting for the next chapter!
poppyyy #9
found krisho in the chanbaek tag and i'm krisho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont actually read other otps (other than chanbaek) stories but i'm so weak for krisho :(((( my parents sobsss. subscribing!!!!