On The Wings Of An Angel
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The hospital was a frenzy of activity. As soon as we arrived, Mrs. Reid was rushed off to the Emergency Treatment Unit, while Angie and I were ushered into a small room where we were told to wait until a doctor came to do a check up on us.

I sat still for a full five minutes before getting up to go open the door and see what was happening, feeling proud of my patience. I peeked outside to see chaos; doctors and nurses were rushing everywhere, carrying all sorts of important looking equipment, patients were being wheeled here and there, and a cacophony of groans and whimpers greeted my ears. From the look of one of the patients that was rushed past me there had been a fire or an explosion of some kind. I wished I could help in some way, but I knew that I was absolutely useless in this situation and would only end up getting in everyone’s way.

I sighed and returned to my seat, ready for a long wait. “What’s happening? What are they doing to Mrs. Reid?” Angie asked as I sat down, looking up at me with eyes filled with complete trust. “There’s some sort of an emergency situation happening in the hospital right now Angie, so it’ll probably be a while before anyone comes to check in on us, and tell us about Mrs. Reid” I answered truthfully.

“Oh…okay” she replied turning to stare at the ground. Her worry was obvious.

“Hey…” I said laying a comforting hand on her shoulder, “you okay Angel?”

“If I really was an angel, I probably could’ve saved her,” she replied, her eyes b with tears.

“Come on sweetie, she’s still alive. I’m sure the doctors are very good here, so they’ll have her back to normal in no time. You wouldn’t want to greet her, with puffy, red eyes and a runny nose, would you?” I said smiling at her and tapping her nose lightly.

Angie shook her head, sniffling, and attempting a weak smile.

“That’s my little sister! Now till the doctor gets here let’s play a game shall we?”

That cheered her up, bringing out one of those bright, genuine smiles of hers that I love. “Can we play ‘the princess game’?” she asked.

“As you wish princess,” I replied, getting up and sweeping a low bow towards her. She giggled and said “thank you kind young lady.”

‘The princess game’ was one that we had played for as long as I could remember. Angie would be the princess and I was her loyal subject, willing to do anything for my fair princess. She loved it, making me do all sorts of crazy things, and I was usually up for anything. At times I was the jester, the servant, the other princess and so on.

This time she wanted me to be the Prince that she would dance with at the ball. “Your wish is my command milady. May I please have this dance?” I said in the most masculine voice I could muster.

Angie burst into a fit of giggles, “but you sound weird dear Prince. Are you not well?”

“I was born this way milady,” I replied seriously. “Please be kind enough to ignore my horrendous voice, and bestow your graciousness upon me.”

“Very well then, lead the way Prince Not-So-Charming.”

“You wound me deeply fair lady,” I replied pouting as I led her to the middle of the room.

“Aw… I’m sorry my Prince, but where is the music? You surely don’t expect me to dance without music?”

“You sure are a fussy princess,” I said with an exaggerated sigh.

“I’m a princess, I’m entitled,” was her haughty reply.

I tried to hide my smile as I said “if it is music that the princess wants, it is music that the princess shall have.” I started humming the tune of Celine Dion’s “my heart will go on”, and started swaying with Angie standing on my toes, she was light, I didn’t mind.

Angie swayed happily giggling when I waggled my eyebrows at her, and winked from time to time.

“I was wrong,” she suddenly said halfway through the song. “You are quite charming; therefore your awful voice shall be pardoned.”

“Oh milady, you are far too kind,” I said as I suddenly grabbed her by the hips and swung her round making her squeal with excitement.

“Well, you

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stephanfelix #1
Chapter 7: lol this is so funny thanks for the update
Update soon ^^
Exoweareone129 #3
Update soon <33
Chapter 6: Wait what- *sigh* ... I'm enjoying myself and keep on reading this story then suddenly there's no more Next button.... ToT.... Sehun as a doctor... wow... I can almost imagine it well... how handsome... but then, nice story and good job authornim!! *thumbs up* xD
Chapter 6: Oh wow minseok Oppa really wants to meet that dongseng of Cass ryt? Hmmm me suspicious now. Anyway I liked it it was good. Character death huh? Interesting. OK then I'll take the risk
Little_Melody_Wolf #6
Chapter 1: When i was just reading the description it made the story sound very interesting..... But by reading the rest of the chapters......OMG! I FREAKING LOVED IT!!!! KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK AUTHOR-NIM!! Btw thanks for posting this on my wall, i really appreciated it!
Best story ever! your poster is much impressive :) Fighting!
stephanfelix #8
Chapter 6: Thank you so much for posting this on my wall I love this story it's awesome rip sehun`s hair this is so adorable
taeyeon101 #9
Chapter 6: Soo cute!!! I personally ship Angie and Sehun XD