Chapter 6: The Campaign Part 2

Countless enemies and friends

Myungsoo's POV

"Iiiiiiillllllleeeeeoooonnnaaa!!! Iiiiiiillllllleeeeeoooonnnaaa!!! Iiiiiiillllllleeeeeoooonnnaaa!!!"

"Aish!!! Who's that idiot that set my alarm??!!" I shouted with my eyes close..

"ME!!!" Someone said opening the door and switching on the lights... I then open my eyes and saw Sungyeol standing by my door..

"YAH!!! LEE SUNGYEOL!!! WHY DID YOU SET MY ALARM TO WAKE ME UP AT 5A.M???" I shouted at him with my eyes wide open...

"Hyung... Don't waste your energy shouting at me... Not only you are the one waking up so early..." Sungyeol said pointing to his side and i saw Sungjong and Dongwoo hyung then went in to my room and lie down on my bed... ( By the way readers, Myungsoo's bed is king size that's why they can lie on his bed all together...)

"Then explain to us why did you wake us all up at 5a.m??!!" I asked while lowering down my volume.. Sungjong and Dongwoo hyung then finally open their eyes and look at Sungyeol for his explainations...

"*sigh* Do you all know that 'target' are going to leave his house with Hoya at 7a.m to work?? And do you all know that we have to prepare and drive to 'target's' house?? So that's why i have to wake all of you up at 5a.m to prepare.. So now please got and prepare.. I will prepare the breakfast for all of you.. Be fast...." Sungyeol nagged and he walked off.. Sungjong, Dongwoo hyung and I was staring at where Sungyeol left and when we are going to get up to get ready suddenly....

"YAH!! GET BACK TK EARTH!!! STOP DAYDREAMING AND GO WASH UP!!!" Sungyeol came back and shouted at us... Usually Sungyeol doesn't shout unless he is seriously putting all his heart to do that thing right.. Dongwoo hyung then ran back his room and prepare and when i was about to go in the bathroom i heard.... something.. 'funny'...

"Lee SungJong~ My pretty dongsaeng" Sungyeol sing nicely but sound as if warning..

" What isit MY HANDSONE HYUNG??" Sungjong join him singing and not knowing how's sungyeol expression.. Sungyeol breathe in and said....

" Faster go and wash up NOW!!! Do you want me to carry you to the bathroom and brush your teeth and take off your clothes and bath for you like what i did for you when you were young??!!!" Sungyeol breathe in as he said it all in one breathe... And i just laugh but loud enough for then to hear...

"Hyung!!! Don't say this kind of things here!! It's so embarassing!! Especially when there's people here!!!" Sungjong stomp his foot and walked out of the room..

" Than go and bath if you don't want me to say more!!" Sungyeol said loudly and that causes my ears to burst soon... When i came out of the bathroom i saw it was already 6... I then walk a little faster down the stairs as my stomach js growlinh and when i reach the dining table, the 3 of them were already sitting down waiting.. We started eating and diacussed how we should start the plan... (Getting ready to go to the 'target' house)

"Dongwoo hyung, you will stay in the van when we get out to spy on our 'target'..." Sungyeol said calmly..

"Wae??!!" Dongwoo asked.. "Because... because you are the driver..." Sungyeol explained and laughed softly..

"Oh.. By the way.. All of you take this..(intercom)..." Sungyeol said while passing it to us..

"Hyung where did you get this??" Sungjong asked innocently...

"I got this by the 'spy' we have and take this weapons.. Just in case.. It will be better if we don't used it.. And i gave you all this for self- protection..

"Sungyeol said it like my dad.. *sigh* To remember how my dad warn us that time when we are going for a mission, to be honest, i miss him. My dad leaves us and just told me that i have a dongsaeng and hope that i can find him/ her and what he only knows is that my dongsaemg have a necklace of a ring that is similar as mine which engraved 'kim' on it.

"Hyung.." Sungyeol waved his hands infront of me.

"Huh?" I blankly reply.

"Are you alright?" Sungyeol grew worried.

"Ah~ Ne. I'm alright." I replied with a fake smile.

All of us wore our intercoms bring our guns and knife. In order not to get recognize, we all dress up in black and wore shades. We all went out of our house and went to 'target' house. Just in time when we reach 'target' house, he was about to go to work. We followed him all the way without being realise that we are following them. All the way till night we followed him. Finally, he was alone and went to a valley that is near the pub. All of us except dongwoo, went down and quickly cover his mouth, make him fainted and drag him to the van and went to our 'place'.



Annyeong readers! By the way thank you for the subscibing when i never even really update the story. Sorry for such long haitus. Really Sorry..

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erinchua #1
Sorry but please forgive my grammar error, spelling error and wrong tenses etc. And also sorry for not updating for so long as I'm lack of ideas and I'll do 4 or more updates.. Please wait for a while.. I've been trying to get inspiration and I promise to update very very soon... And the story is getting more interesting... Thank you my subscribers and please leave your comment.. I your comments to improve... Once again I'm sorry... Thank you!! :D
erinchua #2
@Novchua: Thank you!!! :D ... Hope you like the story... I will update the story again.. But I will take a little longer... Sorry for my grammar error and typo error.. I will do better next time... Once again Thank You!!!
Novchua #3
Dear erinchua you are a good writer.