Chapter Three: All I know

Swept with the Wind
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Donghae's P.O.V,

"You're going to be given 100 days to fulfill this command. You must not fail or fall in love with her." I couldn't believe what I was going to become.I never thought it was even possible for that to happen, but now it's happening to me. What do I expect. "What's her name?" He looked at me, Her name is Hara, do not hurt her like the other guys did."

"How am I supposed to support myself?" He gave me everything that I needed. From a debit card, car, house, and many other necessities that every person would have. He sent me down like that, to my way to find her. I remember, on the screen, she was wearing an office style clothes. I guess she worked in a company or something. I remember she had doll-like features. Her head was round and her big eyes attracted to me.

"You must not fail or fall in love with her," His words, I must not forget them. I came back to the apartment that He gave me, I still couldn't believe that there was already one day out. "How am I going to find that girl? There is one out of many chances I will get to meet that girl." 

I looked in the fridge, I don't usually cook, or ever, so I'm not even sure what to make. Doing that made me stomach growl like it was about to burst. I looked up on SNS to find some recipes to cook. Things look delicious but looked hard to make. I ended up making some kimchi stew. I wasn't sure how it was supposed to taste.

"Most important, KIMCHI!!" I took it out and set it on the counter, "Pork! Pork! Pork!" I was excited. I've never eaten any korean food while I was up there. But it seems really good when people eat down here. I scrolled on my phone to look what other things I had needed. "Sugar, hot pepper flakes, hot pepper paste ... green onions .. check!" I pulled out the basics: sesame oil and water. 

I put everything things into a pot like it said. Next I just added water into it and boiled it. I smelled good but I wasn't sure it tasted good or like it was supposed to. After about 30 minutes, it turned of the stove. They said it'll be ready by that time frame. I stirred the stew with a wooden spoon. I scooped some on the stew and blew on it to cool it down and then tasted it. "Umm, this is good. But is this the right taste?

I scooped a few spoon fulls into a bowl with a spoon. I headed out the door and rung the bell of the neighbor that live across from my door. "Who is it?" I heard a voice loud but angelic from the other side.

The door open and the first thing I saw was her eyes. The big round eyes that I had been waiting for.It was Hara, The girl that I was looking for, thinking about all day. "Oh!" I pointed at her. She looked at me, flared a gaze at me. "Sorry," I lowered my hand

"She opened the door fully and came out with her arms crossed. "What do you need?" I till couldn't believe it. I was still dazed and in dream land. Hara, the girl that I've been trying to find, was closer to me than ever. How did I not realized that He gave me a house this near her. 

"Hello?" She looked annoyed. "Oh, I'm sorry. Again." I looked down at the kimchi stew out of embarrassment. I was staring at her the whole time, :"I was wondering if this was the taste of it. Could you taste it for me?" I scoop the stew with the spoon and hand it to her. Without her saying anything, she took the spoon and slur

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