
Save Me.

Tears were blinding your vision as you run to Jimin’s apartment and start knocking on the door over and over, scared that he might not answer or not be home. Quick glances back at your apartment made the stress levels rise, hoping Jimin answered before-




“…..________?” A half-asleep auburn-haired boy answered the door, wiping his eye. You quickly leap into him, shutting the door behind you. The two of you fall to the floor, Jimin now fully awake and shocked.

“Wait, ________, what’s happening? Why is your face red? Are you crying?” Realization hits him like a brick wall. He rolls you off him and sits you up, holding one of your hands and his thumb across it while tenderly checking your cheek in the dim light. You flinch at his touch, the feeling returning to your face. It pulsed with discomfort and stung at any touch. “What did he do to you? I’ll kill him.” He said, anger rising in his stomach.

You quickly catch his shoulders in your hands. Your red puffy eyes met his, tears still falling one by one down your chapped face. “No, Jimin, please. He’s drunk and jealous. He just needs to calm down and it’ll all be fine.”

“Jealous? Of us?” Jimin shakes his head at Jin’s stupidity, looking at your hands, soft and delicate in his roughed up palms. A sigh holds his breath for a few seconds. “_______, whether he’s drunk or sober, there’s no excuse for violence toward you. Absolutely not. You’re staying over here for a while. I’m not going to let you excuse him, not for this.” His brown eyes locked with yours in the most serious gaze you’ve ever seen them give and you knew he wasn’t playing around. And deep down you knew he was right. Though you wanted to forgive and forget the incident, you knew it wasn’t okay. You wish you could’ve prevented it and just sent Jin to bed.

The tears build up and you start to cry, putting your hand over your face to hide it. Jimin stands you up and pulls you into a tight hug. “I’m so glad you came to me, ________. I’ll never leave your side.” He whispers as you sob uncontrollably into his shoulder, being comforted by his soft sweater and familiar scent.

Jimin guides you to his room and sets you down on the bed, tucking your shaking body under the sheets. He wraps the blankets underneath you so you look like a burrito, just how your mom used to when you were younger. Smiling a very small smile at him, he places a kiss on your covered head. “Goodnight, ________.”


Just as your body succumbs to sleep, you hear loud knocking and Jimin’s serious voice though you can make out no words.

Then, the world goes blank, and sleep takes you over.


The next day, you thankfully are not called in to work and sleep in until the smell of breakfast wakes you.

Waddling, still half-asleep, to the kitchen, you find Jimin finishing up the last pancake, setting a hot cup of cocoa at the island bar for you. You’re still in your pajamas from the night before and your sweatshirt hung loosely on your shoulders. He smiles warmly and prepares your plate as you attempt to smile back, brushing the mess of hair away from your face.

“Breakfast is served.” He announces, setting down a plate of pancakes at your spot, a little blueberry-whip cream face winking up at you as you sit down.

Eyes still swollen from the night before, you manage to see it and smile though your vision is blurry. Wiping the sleep from your eyes, Jimin makes himself a plate and eats standing across the bar from you, watching you closely.

Suddenly, you remember what happened right before you fell asleep. Mouth full of the breakfast cake, you mumble, then swallow, “Did- did Jin come by last night after I went to bed? I thought I heard knocking before falling asleep.”

Jimin sighed, pushing around a blueberry absent-mindedly. “Yeah, but I didn’t answer the door, I just told him to go to bed and we’d talk when he is sober.” He paused, forking a bite. “He mumbled something after that, then went silent. I assumed he went home.” He shrugs, then takes the bite, point the fork at me. “But finish your food, I’m gonna take you out today.”

You wink to the best of your ability this early, which ends terribly, making Jimin nearly choke laughing. “It’s a date.” You say, sipping the hot drink before you.

Without thinking, you itch your arm, pulling up the sleeve of your sweater; wincing when you reached the place Jin grabbed you.

Jimin sees the purple marks on your arms and unconsciously balls up one of his hands. His face turns serious for a moment, before letting out a sigh, forcing a smile at you. But you know better than to accept his pity looks and you cover the bruise, playing with the cup.

“Actually, Jimin. Is it okay if we just stay in today?” Tears threaten your eyes and a lump catches in your throat. Looking up at him, he nods, giving you a half-smile.




Chapter 3 will be up soon.~

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hluhlui #1
Chapter 9: I really love this story
Chapter 8: It was nice and fluffy^^
Sounds interesting
Hilleo #4
Chapter 9: Thankyou for writing:)
aboura-kpopfan #5
Chapter 9: Honestly I want both because I am in love with this story and I would like to read more ff from you ^^ fighting :D
ValeriaG #6
Chapter 9: Can you continue it!! Please!! (●´∀`●) I really like this story!!!
ashkhen #7
Chapter 8: I like a continuation and then I want a new FF
Chapter 9: prob New FF :)
ashkhen #10
Chapter 8: Chapter 1-8: I never quite liked Jin in the story but I loved how Jimin was portrayed. He's soo adorable and kind. Overall, I enjoyed reading all the chapters in one day and it was really good.