chapter two

The Evolution of Us
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chapter two
baby steps - taetiseo

"You know, just because I'm letting you take me home doesn't mean that I'm still angry at you." You spoke for the first time since you stepped into his car.

Baekhyun quickly glaced away from the rode to raise an eyebrow at you, "And why would you be mad at me for?"

"For laughing at me when you didn't even know me, that's rude, for pushing me back down when that kind boy offered to help me up, for saying that I sweat like a pig, and for being the reason why I was sweating like a pig." You blew away a strand of hair that was falling on your face away as you crossed your arms grumpily.

He just chuckled, which made you even more annoyed. You weren't always this bratty or easily angered and annoyed, but for some reason this man made you feel this way. "Today was your first lesson, so you'll get used to the intense practices." He informed you.

"Well you could've gone easier on me since it was my first day." You were now leaning your head again the car window, staring at the scenery in front of you.

"That wouldn't be fair to the rest of the class, now would it?" He chuckled once again. "Especially Minah, we still went hard on her when she was a new student a few weeks ago."

You assumed this so-called Minah chick was the other girl in the class besides you, but you didn't ask him. Instead you just continued to stare out the window as you mumbled a quiet, "Whatever."

After that the both of you kept silent. A few minutes had passed and yet it was still quiet, but you could sense your teacher glance at you every once in a while. He watched how you would slowly close your eyes every once in a while, falling asleep, but jolting your head back up 2 seconds after. And he would chuckle at your cute actions.

"You know you can take a quick nap if you're that tired." He suddenly spoke up. "I'll just wake you up when we arrive."

Finally tearing your gaze from out the window, you looked at him and shook your head, "Oh, no, I'm fine. Thanks though, but we're almost there anyway."

He nodded in understanding and hummed in reply. It was quiet again until you said, "Besides, how would you wake me up when we arrive, when you don't even know where I live?"

Baekhyun let out a laugh, "GPS?" He answered, bringing the tone of his voice up a scale at the end of the word, making it sound like a question and not a statement.

You giggled and shook your head, "It's okay, no need, we're already here anyway."

He looked shocked before asking, "Really?"

"Take your next left and it's the third house on the right." You told him.

He obediently followed your directions and pretty soon your were parked in front of your house. "Well this is it." You sighed, taking off your seatbelt before getting out of his car. Baekhyun just stared at your every move. After you closed his door shut, he the engine to drive away, but you knocked on his car window making him step on his breaks and whip his head to the side. You motioned him to lower down his window, and he did.

"I forgot to say thanks!" You spoke sheepishly, your hand behind your back as you played with your fingers.

Baekhyun chuckled at your words and actions. You were a bit confusing, yelling at him one moment, and then being all shy and cute the next. But he found you interesting.

You leaned towards his car, so that your head would go through the window, not all the way, but enough for him to hear you. "Um, t-thank you for the ride, Mr Byun. Even though I told you that you didn't have to."

He almost cringed at how you called him "Mr Byun", but it was true, even though he was certain that he wasn't that much older than you.

"So, I g-guess I'll see you next class." You spoke in a soft and sincere voice, making Baekhyun smile unknowingly.

He nodded, unable to retain his grin, "Great, I'll see you then. And make sure you don't forget everything I taught you."

Laughing, you nodded your head, "I'll try not to." And he laughed along before driving away.

"So how were your Martial Arts lessons?" Jongdae asked you as he took a sip of your coke, but quickly gave it back to you before you could complain. It was lunch time and you were sitting at your regular table with your group of friends that you loved to death. You had met them all your freshman year, and they all didn't know each other, except for Irene and Seulgi. And they were actually all friends because of you. You had met Jongdae first, on your first day of high school. He was your seat mate for Math, which you at and he was suprisingly good at. He helped you a lot whenever you need it, not only for Math, but for everything else too. You became really close with him within three days and even began eating lunch with him.

Next you met Irene and Seulgi at Physical Education class. They actually defended you from this group of girls who were teasing and laughing at you because you tripped and fell when the class was running a mile at the track field, because one of them tripped you. They just happened to be running behind you when it happened and saw everything. They helped you back up on your feet and scolded the girls of being so immature. Since then on, they became your running and P.E. buddies, and pretty soon your lunch (with Jongdae) and after school buddies too.

You met Joy in History class when the teacher called on her to answer a question and whispered it to her when she didn't know it, Wendy in Art class because you were partners for a project, and Kyungsoo in the library because he helped you grab a book that you couldn't reach. Same thing with Jongdae, Irene and Seulgi, you invited them all to each lunch with you and that's where everyone met.

Wendy snapped her finger as if she remembered so

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bjonas84 #1
Chapter 4: This story is so sweet can't wait please update soon
Changirl #2
Chapter 3: Please update