I'm Telling You

Love Can Only Do So Many Things
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I doubted D.O had overheard what I had said, since Chanyeol had only stopped talking once I realized he was behind me. But to be honest what I said was simply the truth and to show I had some respect for him, at least I didn’t go off shooting my mouth saying harsh things about him like some jerks back at school. I didn’t say anything to him after that, just in case he had heard me and might snap.

“Yeah sure” Chanyeol chimed in and stood up.

“Cool, follow me guys” D.O answered with a small smile as he turned to walk to the garden.

By the use of guys implicated me too. Perhaps he didn’t hear then? Oh I don’t know why I was getting so worked up about how D.O was currently feeling.

I sighed to myself as I followed the two boys out. I stayed silent whilst following them go around to briefly to different groups of young kids. My hands were shaking slightly and I felt so dazed and out of it- probably looked like it too, but I felt my energy lower at that moment that I couldn’t be bothered to make an effort in my actions.

Chanyeol had murmured something about saying I could sit down and wait for D.O to finish his last job before we all left. I still hadn’t said anything to D.O ever since I started speaking to Chanyeol nor had he bothered to utter a word back either. I walked into the garden and knelt against a metal fence, with my body leaning forward, it protected off a pretty looking pond which was at the far end of the grass. I could see the fish swim freely, but go around in meaningless circles. I sighed, it must’ve been nice to have unlimited freedom like they did, even if they had a low mind-spans. I missed freedom so much.

“You alright?” D.O’s voice asked softly behind me.

I wasn’t surprised that he came out of nowhere since I was waiting for him at this time. I didn’t move to turn to him and just said, “Yeah I’m fine”. I wasn’t really in the mood to speak properly to D.O since the fair majority of the time we had barely spoken to each other. It actually felt like how we would usually treat each other back at school: he would mind his own business and I would mind mine.

“Are you mad?” I felt him stand by me side looking at me expectantly.

I didn’t spare him a glance back once again, “No”. I had learnt to contain my feelings over the past few years and had always put both my brother and mother’s before my own needs. It was always that way.

“Look, I came here to spend time with the kids. There wouldn’t be much point in me coming here if I did otherwise” His voice was gentle.

I hummed in response. That sounded reasonable, if only he told me that before we got here I wouldn’t be too bothered. But at least I felt better now that I knew.

“I’ll make it up to you” His voice softly pleaded

Doubtful I raised an eyebrow at him, “How?”

“We could get something to eat?”

“Can’t” my voice was in its matter-of-fact state as usual.

“Why not?”

I looked at his face this time his expression held sadness, “I have to be home soon”

He nodded, “Do you parents not let you out late or something?”

“Or something” I said simply, my expression was serious. The truth was I had to pick up my brother from his after school club pretty soon and then go home to make dinner before my mum arrived home from work. I ran my fingers along the top of the fence pretending to be intrigued with something else other than D.O. The temperature in the atmosphere had decreased a lot, causing the fence to be icy cold and bite back at the touch of my warm fingers tips.

He looked at me blankly and I just shrugged uninterested in whether he understood or not. “Want me to walk you home then?” He asked after a silent moment was held between us.

I shook my head.

“Come on, I don’t mind”

I sighed why couldn’t he just leave me alone? Why did he have to be so damn persistent? “I’ve got to go and pick up my brother from his school” I murmured.

“Ah I see. Well I’ll go with you then” He gave me a small smile

“Why?” He was getting a little testy. I mean I didn’t appreciate his questions originally, but at the very least he should have stuck to asking them instead of butting his way into my life.

“Why not?” His expression faltered. This reminded me of our conversation yesterday. I wanted to laugh at the irony, but I felt too cold to bother.

“Why are you bothering?”

“I’m showing you there’s more to me then I let on at school right? Well this is me” He gave me a sheepish smile in order to reassure me and he threw his arms out as a gesture to say ‘I’m now an open book’ before letting them back down to his sides.

“Why do you want to go out with me anyway?” My tone was slightly impatient.

“How about I tell you ask we walk to your brother’s school?”

“Fine” I stalked off, but he only caught up with me. “What about Chanyeol, isn’t he coming with us?” I would rather not be alone with D.O right now.

He raised a curious eyebrow, “Well he does live in the neighbourhood”

“So we’ll wait right?” I leaned against a wall in the reception to show D.O I was set on waiting for Chanyeol whether he wanted to or not.

“Yeah…” His tone was questioning.

Well sorry D.O, but you’re not exactly my favourite person right now, I thought irritably to myself. D.O called Chanyeol to hurry up and a few minutes later he was by D.O’s side. Chanyeol smiled at us and

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Chapter 5: this is interesting. i like it so far, although i feel that is too stiff with d.o :))