Now I See

Love Can Only Do So Many Things
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“Sorry” He murmured and glanced at my apologetically.

I simply shrugged and gave him a bored smile.

“I am I swear. We’re not in school any more so I’m being more myself”

My eyes widened in disbelief, “That’s was ‘yourself’?”

He chuckled, CHUCKLED not smirked! “Yeah it was. I’m just like that at school because…” He trailed off hesitant whether he should go on or not.

“Whoa that’s new to me”

He hummed in response.

I couldn’t help but feel further intrigued, “Who else knows about this? From school I mean”

He gave me a sheepish smile, there was something appealing about this version of D.O. “Just you”

Wow this boy just kept giving me surprises, “Erm well…”

He laughed, “Well if this is what it takes for you to go out with me, then so be it”

My heart warmed at his words. When I looked back at him now, he looked so pure and genuine. A traitorous part of me was on the verge of accepting him right this moment. But the fair majority resigned the thought- this was who I was I guess.

“So what are we doing now?” I glanced around to see he had been still leading me through a large hall.

“We are on snack duty” He grinned.

“Oh, like prepare food for the kids?”


“How long have you been doing this?” I looked at him properly whilst we still walked.

“A year” He answered as he looked back at me.

“Is this voluntarily or…” I didn’t want to sound harsh

He briefly smiled at me, “You’ll be pleased to know I do this voluntarily”.

He then let go of my hand, I had momentarily forgotten he held my grasp and he pushed his way through a door. I was about to just walk in after him, but he then held the door out for me acting like a gentleman. I was taken aback, that I didn’t say anything and only gave him a small smile. We had entered a large kitchen which was already tidy.

“So” D.O began behind me, “Let’s get started”. He rubbed his hands together in excitement, if only he was like this at school, then I probably would have given him more respect.

“Cool, what do I do?”

“You can just watch since you here as a guest”

I shrugged, “Alright, go on almighty one”

“You’re cute” He murmured in response as he began to go through cupboards to get ingredients out.

I couldn’t help but blush at the statement. He was really showing me a completely new side of him.

“So I don’t mind if you would rather give me your answer later. But if you can now, will you go out with me?”

Another thing I didn’t expect to come from him, well not this very moment. To be honest I would rather give him my answer later, I wanted to enjoy just seeing this part of him for longer.

“Later” I smiled at him. This was to indicate that I didn’t want to be rude, but simply would rather tell him later.

He turned to me and smiled, “That’s cool”

“So the adults in charge here…they just let you get on with it?” I hadn’t seen a single one ever since we had arrived at the building. So it felt odd not to have someone older not to take charge and keep an eye on things.

“Well we’ve been here a while, so they trust us enough”

“Where are they though?” I raised an eyebrow. I couldn’t imagine the staff out doing their own things. There had to be someone around at least.

“Well I think someone’s upstairs, they mentioned that one of the kids got in a fight at school today” He explained whilst continuing to prepare the food.

“Are they alright?” I couldn’t help but express my concern.

He shrugged, “Yeah he’s fine. He’s 15 and goes to our school”

“Oh” Was all my response was. I had seen two kids throwing themselves at each other’s necks in the school parking lot today at lunch as I walked back to my form from the football pitch today. They did look about 15 years old and they were the equivalent to D.O and his friends, but in their year group instead. The funny thing was that all D.O had to say was ‘our school’ and that would explain a whole load of things. You see, the school we went to had pretty much a bad reputation and wasn’t very well known on an academic scale. In other words, it pretty much to attend.

We remained in silence as I watched him effortlessly prepare food for the kids. He looked incredibly charming as he did it. What grabbed my attention was the level of skill and interest he took in doing so. This was the first time in years that I had seen him work so hard on something. In contrast, back in class he would lazily do something if he was told to do so with force, but now it seemed like he practically enjoyed doing this.

I broke the silence, “Do you enjoy cooking or just doing stuff for the kids?”

He glanced up at me looking rather dazed, “Both?” His tone was sheepish. This guy was really getting to me.

I nodded in amusement.

He then started to place the food onto plates, “Could you help me bring these out? I only have two hands” He joked

“Yeah sure” I took two plates. “Where to I set them?”

“In the main hall, through the doors” He indicated to the door we had ent

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Chapter 5: this is interesting. i like it so far, although i feel that is too stiff with d.o :))