Believe Me

Love Can Only Do So Many Things
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“You may all go to your next lessons now” The teacher announced across the classroom. Some pupils groaned whilst others were glad to be out of boring registration. I on the other hand wanted to go home and hide in room until D.O failed to acknowledged me as a person overall, then I wouldn’t have to go through all this stupid anxiety and worry about something so little. But I knew that wouldn’t happen.

Quickly I shoot up and walked out of the class room.

“Ha Eun!” A familiar voice called behind me. Taking no risks I ignored them and walked on, but Ji Woo was nowhere to be found. , where was that girl. Maybe she was still in form, dammit.

I glanced down the empty hall to find there were no other forms out yet. Gee my form tutor only had one job, to let us out on the dot, not early. I was really screwed this time. Abruptly I walked down to Ji Woo’s form and waited, my back turned to my form and the pupils that swarmed out of it.

“Funny, I don’t think this is our Chemistry class” The same voice who called me muttered behind my back.

I turned around, it was D.O. My heart stammered even faster, what the hell did he plan to do? Today he was wearing a hoodie that separated his blazer and school shirt apart. The top two buttons of his shirt were un-done and he wore no school jumper. I wasn’t even surprised, since he was one to go against school regulations and couldn’t even have the decency to do all the buttons on his shirt. He’s backpack was slung over one shoulder and he pushed it further to ensure it would remain in its place. This time all his hair was pushed back and managed to stay in their place, there wasn’t a single strand elsewhere. I had to admit he did look good. But I told myself to stop thinking about him like that. The only reason I was acknowledging him, more than I ever had over the years, was because he kept taking to me, otherwise I wouldn’t think any thought regarding him.

I pulled myself together saying, trying to sound calm and casual, “Yeah I know, I’m waiting for a friend”

He nodded simply, “Okay, well about me proving myself to you yesterday…” He began. Oh damn, what did he had in mind, “I’m going to show you after school, so you’ll have to make some time”. He thought for a moment, “Two hours should do it”

 I cringed, “No.”


“The deal was you would prove that there’s more to you, by the end of the day”. Stay clam Ha Eun, I kept telling myself.

“Ah!” He understood, “I can only show you outside of school since, that’s when it only happens”

 I couldn’t hold it up any longer, “You won’t humiliate me or prank me in front of the school, right?”

He faltered looking confused, “Why would I do that?”

I raised an eyebrow, “Don’t pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about. You’re going to do something like that aren’t you?”

“Is that was you think of me?” His face fell, “I thought you were smart as well as pretty Ha Eun. I’m not low unlike some of my friends.”

“What?” I was confused by his response, but also couldn’t avoid considering the ‘pretty’ comment.

“I won’t do something mean like that to you. Or anyone for that matter, I’m serious about giving you a good reason to date me” A grin formed on his face, “I want to take you to a place”. But he glanced around at the pupils who began leaving their classrooms “We’ll talk about this in class. Do you want me to walk you there?” He asked giving me a small hopeful smile.

“I’m waiting for a friend” My voice was slightly relieved, but I still doubted him.

“I see. But I sense you still don’t believe me”. He sighed, “I guess I can understand why, look I swear in not going to do something bad. Trust me”

“I can’t”, just because he said a few words, he might still be lying.

“Alright I get it. I’ll tell you why later in class” He began to walk away through the bustling students. “See you in a few minutes” He called with his back turned.

I didn’t answer him, still suspicious of his intentions.

I glanced through the window of the door that led to Ji Woo’s form, but I hid so that her form tutor wouldn’t see me loitering. She looked at me from her seat and rolled her eyes. I smirked at her, clearly she was getting bored of listening to her teacher and I laughed at her misery. I wasn’t being cruel, but when you friends are in despair for little things, it can get amusing from time to time. A few moments later students in her class began to get up to leave, I backed away from the door, ready to scold Ji Woo for not being there for me.

Once she walked out she glanced at her watch, “Hey don’t look at me like that I’m on time!”

I folded my arms, “I could’ve died” I pretended to act pained.

“But you didn’t” She grinned at me whilst she took my arm and lead us to our Chemistry class together. “I saw you talking to D.O, what did he say?” She looked worried for me.

“Well I ended up questioning his intentions and he tried to reassure me he wouldn’t do something mean”

She thought for a moment, “Maybe he won’t. To be honest now that I think about it, he hasn’t done any of that crap other guys in our school have”

She was right, D.O may have hung out with some idiots over th

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Chapter 5: this is interesting. i like it so far, although i feel that is too stiff with d.o :))