Seungcheol POV

Morning Star

Seungcheol POV


It was 3am in the morning when I received a phone call from my boyfriend. It was unusual because he normally never called during working hours, he knew how busy I was. That dream must be bothering him again so I picked up as fast as I could but all I heard was silence and it worried me.

“Jeonghan…Jeonghan…talk to me” Still no word from the end of the line, only the sound of his breathing. “Are you ok?” I asked again.

“Y...yes I’m ok” He was stutter and that did not sound well.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just want to hear your voice” I smiled a little from his reply. I loved hearing that sweet voice too, I would never get bored. 

“I will be home soon” 

I thought that was what I should do now as a boyfriend. I had been busy with work and I knew that I did not spend enough time with him. As much as I wanted to be home and took him out for a nice dinner but this work was overwhelming and I could not refuse the pile of documents throwing at me.  

“Ok, see you” After the call, I drove home right away.




I parked in front of the apartment where there was reserved parking spot. I walked directly to the apartment, the area was very quiet and I only saw a man smoking on the opposite side. I glanced briefly before opened the door. Jeonghan looked surprise to see me when the door was open but he suddenly smiled and gave me a hug. I leaned in and placed light kiss on his lips, they were soft, warm and sweet, just how I remembered.

"Welcome home Seungcheol" I loved hearing that, knowing he would be home waiting to greet me.

"Thanks" I replied and that brought a smile on his pretty face. 

Jeonghan was the quiet type, he would not complain nor upset which made it more difficult to know what he was thinking or feeling. His face was stunningly beautiful yet stone cold when we first met. He resembled a marble doll in museum…exquisite, mysterious, precious but very fragile. It took a long time for me to be able to talk comfortably with him, we knew each other for 6 years but I only came closer to a person he called friend just a few years back.

I could say that my boyfriend was a complex person, it was very difficult to understand him sometimes as he would not express his feeling or showed any interest at all. It used to be our biggest problems in this relationship. When we had issues, he would be quiet...too quiet and he would not say what was wrong. I never understood that though and it irritated me when we started dating. I yelled at him once...once as it was really frustrating and I remembered his first drop of tear fell down on his cheek. I made him cry, his crying was painful and was broken. From that day on, I swore I would never be like that to him again. I wanted to keep his smiling face like this...always.

"How are you?"

"I'm alright" I gently brushed his long hair off the beautiful face. I wanted to take a good look of his lovely face. It felt like forever that we did not spend private time like this.

"How was work?"

"It was ok, thanks to you" 

"I did nothing" He was always like this, humble and never accepted compliments. I wanted to tell him how good he was with his sketching skill and his knowledge but Jeonghan always said no.

"If you mean drawing an actual suspect photo did nothing then you are wrong my dear" I bent down kissing pink cheek lightly and that made him giggled. 

"Let's go to bed" 

"I'm going to take a shower first, you can go ahead or you wanna join me in the shower?" I leaned in sniffing his silky hair then he suddenly pulled me in for a kiss. He pressed his lips firmly while his hands were on my face keeping me still. He let go after a few minutes leaving me with a teasing grin.

"I'm going to sleep!" 

"Such a tease" 

I went in the shower as quickly as I could, maybe I just ran in and out. My hair was wet but it would not take long to dry. I sat down on bed and Jeonghan was there awake waiting. He liked painting, it was his life and what he loved to do. 

"Need my help?" Jeonghan moved closer and took the small towel from my hand. He gently wiped my damp hair and massaged it at the same time. His delicate touch felt made me relaxed and calmer after a long day at work. I wished I could come home to see him everyday and held him every nights like I used to.

"This feels great"

"Does it?"

"Yea…” I grabbed a hold of his small hand and pulled him down underneath me. He was a little surprised but then his lips curled into soft smile. 

“Aren’t we supposed to be sleeping now?” He asked quietly as he lifted his arms placing on my shoulder loosely. He wanted this and I could see that through those pretty brown eyes.

“Yes that…can be later” I pecked on his lips, there were so soft and kissable. How long I had not kissed these lips? a few days...maybe a week. It had been too long since I got to touch his soft warm smooth skin and I terribly missed this. I slowly placed kisses on his eyes, his nose, his cheek down to his jaw and neckline...indulging every inches of his pale white skin. His lithe body would react even if it was only a brush and I loved to know that I was the only man who could make him become like this...submissive and controllable. 

"I love you" I repeated this sentence again and again reminding him how much he meant to me. He meant the world to me and it was truth. “Jeonghan” He gazed up tear b in his eyes, his back arched up when I pushed in while his sharp nails were dragging deeper on my back. “You are mine…all mine” He was exhausted but still nodded to my words, how he belonged to me…only me.


Early that morning, someone knocked on the apartment door so loud and it woke me up. I heard a familiar voice calling our names but I did not want to move away from bed yet.

“What is that?” Jeonghan rolled himself in blanket while covering his ears from noises. I pulled him closer paying no attention to the noise from outside but I could not ignore for long as it kept getting louder. The neighbor would be pissed if the two duos on the opposite side of the door did not stop yelling.

“I don’t know…why they are so loud at this hour in the morning” I decided to get up and got dressed.

“Seungcheol shi….Jeonghan shi” 

“What???” I opened the door just to meet with the junior detective who had smiling face. I was tempted to yell at Mingyu but his innocent smile plastered on his face showing all white teeth. He looked like a giant puppy, who could get mad at that?? Besides he brought breakfast, considerate junior was always good to keep. Opposited to Seokmin who had managed to laugh so loud until he woke Jeonghan up.

“Good morning Chief!!” 

“Seungcheol...who is there?” I heard a sweet sound asking from the bedroom. “Mingyu and Seokmin are here” I replied shortly telling him that his colleagues were here...preventing my boyfriend from walking out without clothes.

“Come in and wait in living room” I instructed them.

“They bring breakfast” Jeonghan was on bed not moving. He had long pink sweater on enough to cover his thigh. If Mingyu and Seokmin were not here, he would probably stepped out already.

“I’m tired” He rubbed his eyes tiredly looking just like a little girl waking up from dreamland.

“Sleep some more then”

“But I want you here with me” 

“I have to go back to work very soon Jeonghan” I bent down pecking his pouty lips lightly. 

“I know” I looked at what he was wearing right now and I would definitely not allow Jeonghan to walk out like that when there were other people in their apartment. That should be only him who was able to see and Jeonghan seemed to know it right away so he put on cotton pants.

“I can go out now?”

“Yes” Jeonghan walked out with small smile on his face welcoming his friends. Seokmin was one of his closest friends so him being here was usual.

“Anything happened last night?”

“So far no sir” Mingyu answered while chewing on his sugar glazed donut. I grabbed one and handed to Jeonghan who sat quietly next to Seokmin. 

“They found traces on that suspect, we are sending people in today to search his room again” Seokmin gave a brief report from last night, seemed like this case had been going no where.


“His record shows that he had conflict personality issue” Mingyu informed information he found.

“But what motive pushed this man to become a serial killer...he hates those people?” Seokmin added while Jeonghan closed his eyes and when he did this, it meant he was processing his thoughts. 

"He had mental problem for sure" I agreed, this man had a real serious problem with his mind. It was twisted and sickening.

“He only attacked on weekend” Suddenly he said it out. His face was calm like it was usual.

“Two men, one woman, came to the club alone…he only chose specific type” 

“Right…” I listened to Jeonghan and thought along.

“No…the woman was mistake. He stabbed the two but he cut ” We remembered how those victims looked like and If it was true then Jeonghan could have been the specific type of his prey which made things worse.

“Oh god” Seokmin eyes went wide looking at Jeonghan then me. He knew I would be worried.

“You are staying with me this week”

“But that is just my guess” He looked at me weakly. He did not know what he was capable of sometimes and he would be too careless which could cause him harm but I would not let anything happen to him this time.

He always had a thought that he needed to sacrifice himself in order to save others like his life was worthless. I understood that he had a hard time when he was younger and he still blamed himself for being the cause of his parents’ death but his life was precious to me. I wished he realized that one day.

“Your guess is always right” I hated to say this but when my boyfriend made a guess, it most likely came true.

I stayed with him a bit longer that morning to make sure everything was alright then I ordered a few officers to check in the area where my boyfriend lived. Two officers were instructed to monitor the apartment 24 hours making sure that the suspect would not come close to Jeonghan. 

I tried to come home the next day or as much as I could possibly do but with my work, sleeping and resting time seemed to be deduced from schedule so I ended up spending only a few days at home unless he was at work then we could see each other. I called him every day though just to hear his voice made my day.

“Cheol…” His slender fingers climbed up and down my bare chest while I was playing with his long hair. When I first met him, he had short black hair contrasting with his pale white face, his lips were small and red…like a snow white but a boy version. He actually started growing his hair when I recommended him to. I was happy he did, it fitted him well.

“Are you going to be home tonight?” He sounded a little sad. Who wouldn’t though? I held him tighter and kissed his forehead assuring him.

“Yes I will” His face brighten up when he heard my answer.

“I’ll cook you dinner then” That was another hobby he liked to do, cooking…he was pretty good at it. It showed that he cared for me, he did not show that often through his words but his action spoke louder. 

“Thank you Hani” 

I went to work and he went out after as he needed grocery shopping. I told the officers to report me when they saw something suspicious. I did received a call later that day about a man who Jeonghan confirmed as his friend and his name was Joshua…Joshua Hong, the stranger I met not long ago. I remembered him to be the man who I forbid my boyfriend from talking to.

It was not because he was the witness but it was because of himself. He had that gentle looking face and gestures but what I saw through his eyes, they were grim and I could not stare for long. Those dark brown smiling eyes could the life out of you if staring at them longer than a split second. I did not like that feeling around him and I did not want my boyfriend to be close to that man neither. 

I hurried home and I saw him stood there waiting. He was smoking and leaning against the banister in front of the apartment looking my way. His lips seemed to curl into a small grin when he saw my face.

“Why are you even here?”

“I stopped by to see if your boyfriend is doing alright” It was none of his business and Jeonghan was doing fine. 

“What do you want from him Joshua shi?” I decided to ask as polite as I could. I did not like this man to come closer to my pretty boyfriend even as a friend…why? Because he was too smart, very attractive and the most problematic part was his every words and actions screamed “I was your rival”.

“Hmm…I got to be honest, I think he is really beautiful” I know Jeonghan was beautiful and plenty of men would probably want a claim on him.

“What if I said I want him too?”

“That’s not going to happen” I gave out a warning. No Jeonghan was mine and mine alone.

"I already told you what I want" He blew the smoke out and chuckled. He looked like he was having fun. “But I wonder Coups…What do you want from Jeonghan?” I saw his brown eyes flashed red when he opened and closed his eyes. He started walking away but that smile was vicious and his question was indeed odd. 

What did I want from Jeonghan? I wanted my boyfriend to love me, of course. His body was mine, so as his heart but my little mind was telling me I wanted more than his love…I wanted to be in control and I wanted him to depend on me completely. I knew that he loved me but I wanted him to not be able to live without me, without my touch, without my love. Was that wrong? I did not think so.

I could not lose him, he was the air that I breathed, the sunshine shone brightly in my life. How could I live without air? I could not and I would not.



I stood there thinking of the question and answer in my mind until Jeonghan walked out and greeted me with a hug.

“Welcome back”

“Thank you” I replied with smile but only the thought of my boyfriend spent a minute with that man pissed me off. “Who were you with earlier?” 

“Joshua was here”

“You shouldn’t trust him too much” I breathed in and gave a comment.

“He can be trusted” 

“How do you know?” I accidently raised my voice at him and Jeonghan looked at me but he did not say anything more. He walked away upset by my action.

“I’m sorry” I grabbed him for a hug. 

“You are a jealous freak”

“I didn’t mean to, I’m just worried about you” 

“I know” He sighed softly after answering that. He turned around and cupped my face in his tiny hands. “I love you Seungcheol and you should already know that” 

“Love you too baby…and I’m sorry”

“It’s ok”

“You sent me message today, something’s wrong?” 

“I saw a vision today” He said while hugging my waist.

“Tell me about it” We sat down in living room where Jeonghan left his notebook opened. It had a sketch of long bricked alley and a man face down. I knew Jeonghan was a psychic, he could see things normal people could not. He could also sense when things or persons were off and it helped a lot with our investigation. Although his vision appeared not knowing exact time and places but it gave clues to the team to follow up.

He started explaining how it happened and when he had it. It was this morning when he went out. He even mentioned if not because of Joshua's help, he would end up in the accident already so for that reason I should not be mad at the other.

“This is future like last time I saw” The sweet voice shook slightly. He still blamed himself for that woman death. It was not his fault at all but yes this was Jeonghan I am talking about. 

“This man is a victim?”

“No…I think he is a suspect” He tapped his pencil on the paper again rethinking about his vision.

“And who is the victim?”

“It’s me” He said it out like he already accepted this as a fact but no I would not. 

"It can't be you"

"I saw it so clear this time" Jeonghan glanced at the sketch book again.

"Then we have to prevent this" I held his hand tightly.


"You won't go to that club"

"But I can help"

"How are you going to help? If you were really a victim! We can't risk that!!" I raised my voice angrily. He was startled but I had to do so, if not then he would continue his argument. I knew it would not end well if Jeonghan was to be a bait. We did not need a bait, definitely not my boyfriend and there was no way I was going to do that.

"There must be the way Seungcheol"

"We will find the way, you just have to stay out of this" I said firmly making sure he understood. He normally listened and followed what I told him to obediently and I hoped this time he would do the same. 








I am back! this is Seungcheol POV, lots of questions and interests in our chief Seungcheol!

He is not a demon but he is ... I can't tell yet TT

Thank you for reading, upvote, subscribes and comments. 




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Chapter 2: This seems interesting ?✨
chagunseunghyun #2
I loved the story and I am so happy that there's a sequel. Nice work author-nim. Uhm, do you have a poster for this?
jeonghae #3
Chapter 24: owhhh it getting more exciting!!
rihann #4
Chapter 24: Can't wait for the sequel...
heemenashi #5
Chapter 24: wow sequel ~~~~ cant wait >< fighting!
Yeollie0803 #6
Nice description <3 can't wait to read the rest!
Ceresme90 #7
Chapter 24: Omg you are the best i was waiting for the happiely every after stoy but this plot is killing love your writting always have such twices ans truns which keeps me hooked to it till the end
FrainZL #8
Chapter 24: Wow sequel..I'm glad you've updated..fighting author nim ;)
classca #9
Chapter 24: Oh shoot! Now there's an angel Prince too!!!
Hwangnn #10
Chapter 24: Oh!!!it's interesting!!I'm curious who is the angel!Please update soon .Thank you :)