Mysterious Mind

Morning Star

Mysterious Mind


Why would he need help? From that strange man and he seemed to be confident about it. It made him wonder why Joshua said that. But he had something more to worry about. Jeonghan checked his phone and text message from Seungcheol made him frowned slightly. His boyfriend would not be home again tonight. He typed his message back and laid on bed.

The long hair boy woke up in the middle of the night sweating. He was panting hard and it was terrible…he hugged himself tightly calming down. Red eyes were what he saw in his dream this time, not just a man. This man had red eyes...and the fire touched directly on his skin…burning flame, burning touch. Jeonghan stood up and went to bathroom splashing his face with cold water until he woke up completely. He sat down with pencil and notebook in hand then he started drawing his dream. It was vivid but he got the eyes right. They looked frightening yet familiar.

He dialed 1 right away and it rang to similar voice at the end of the line. Jeonghan was quiet for a few second and Seungcheol was worried. The pretty boy would only call when he needed help.

“Jeonghan…Jeonghan…talk to me”


“Are you ok?”

“Y...yes I’m ok” He heard the sighing sound from his boyfriend.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just want to hear your voice” The answer made the tough man smiled to himself. But still Jeonghan calling him at 3am was not usual, he must have a bad dream again. 

“I will be home soon” 

“Ok, see you” After the call, Seungcheol drove home right away. He did not want his boyfriend to stay up and wait long. 

Jeonghan sat back on sofa and TV, finding something to watch at this late hours. He laid on the side closing his eyes but he could not sleep. He did not feel well so he laid there watching whatever shows on TV. Not long until he heard the door opened from outside and a loud bang from upper floor, his neighbor was back home at this time? That was strange so he decided to peek from his door but he did not see anything as they already walked up the stairs.

Again the door was open but this time it was his boyfriend. Jeonghan jumped slightly but relaxed after he felt strong arms around his waist. He leaned against the other man and kissed his lips gently.

"Welcome home Seungcheol"

"Thanks" Seeing this beautiful face always made him smiled. No one would understand the effect that this boy had on others if they did not know Jeonghan well enough. It was fortunate to meet this beautiful boy, maybe the timing was right. He came into the long hair boy life when he needed the most. It was 6 years ago when Jeonghan was hired to help the team. He did not talk to anyone except his assistant Seokmin and Jihoon, the lab specialist. They seemed to know each other for ages and they were really protective of the pretty boy for no reason. At first, he did not understand why they acted that way and he even got upset by it. Things went better after a year past, Jeonghan started to talk and that was when he saw how beautiful this boy was inside out. He was different then…he was different now but in a good way.

"How are you?"

"I'm alright" His warm hand brushed long hair off pretty face gently. He wanted to take a good look of his boyfriend. It felt like forever that they did not spend private time like this.

"How was work?"

"It was ok, thanks to you" 

"I did nothing" 

"If you mean drawing an actual suspect photo did nothing then you are wrong my dear" Seungcheol bent down kissing pink cheek lightly. 

"Let's go to bed"

"I'm going to take a shower first, you can go ahead or you wanna join me in the shower?" The taller boy leaned closer and he was pulled for a deep passionate kiss before the pretty boy let go with a grin.

"I'm going to sleep!"

"Such a tease" Jeonghan smiled before walked to his bedroom next to living room. He walked up to the window closing the curtain when he noticed a man on the opposite side of the street in front of apartment. He stood there smoking but it was too dark for the pretty boy to see his face. Jeonghan looked for a few minutes before the man slowly walked away. That was weird....he knew that the house opposite side was occupied by a family, maybe he was just pedestrian walking by the area so he drew a curtain closed.

The long hair boy sat down on bed again for the second time in a night, he leaned against headboard relaxing. Seungcheol was out from bathroom not long after and sat at the edge of the bed wiping his short hair. It was now loose unlike formal hairstyle when he was at work. This Seungcheol was just a man, loving and caring boyfriend not the tough scary chief at the office.

"Need my help?" Jeonghan moved closer and took the small towel in the other hand. He gently wiped the dark blonde hair and massaged it at the same time.

"This feels great"

"Does it?"

"Yea…” His strong hand grabbed smaller one and pulled him down on bed. 

“Aren’t we supposed to be sleeping now?” Red lips curled up smiling. 

“Yes that…can be later” Jeonghan lifted his arms and wrapped around broad shoulder pulling him close. Their lips were moving slowly taking their time. The older man cherished every moment embracing the soft body in his arms. He missed this feeling they had for each other…just the two of them and no one else. He loved when all his senses were aroused by sensual whisper and sound from the beautiful boy calling out his name when he hit the right spot. The sweet love and wonder lust body…he would never get enough of this…never.

They ended up sleeping early in the morning and that counted a couple hours until the sun rose. Jeonghan woke up by another loud bang from the front door. It was loud and clear. The pretty boy opened his eyes slowly looking up. He snuggled closer to the other while trying to sleep some more but another bang woke them both up this time.

“What is that?” Jeonghan rolled himself in blanket while covering his ears from noises.

“I don’t know…why they are so loud at this hour in the morning” Seungcheol got up and put his pants on. 

“Seungcheol shi….Jeonghan shi”

“What???” The grumpy chief walked and opened the door just to meet with the junior detective who had smiling face.

“Good morning Chief!!” Mingyu stood tall and smiled as bright as he could. He also lifted up his hands where there were coffee on one side and a box of donuts on the other. On his back, Seokmin were laughing hard at the junior who probably visited at the wrong time.

“Seungcheol...who is there?” The sweet voice called from the bedroom. Jeonghan woke up lazily and just wear a long sweater enough to cover his thighs. 

“Mingyu and Seokmin are here” 

“Come in and wait in living room” The chief was in a good mood this morning so they both did not get yelled. They sat quietly waiting at sofa in living room while murmuring was out from the master bedroom.

“They bring breakfast” The long hair boy sat down not moving. He was lazy and 7am was too early. 

“I’m tired”

“Sleep some more then”

“But I want you here with me” 

“I have to go back to work very soon Jeonghan” He bent down pecking the other lips lightly. 

“I know” The older man looked at what his boyfriend was wearing right now and no he would not allow Jeonghan to walk out like that. That should be only him who was able to see. The long hair boy knew right away so he just grabbed a loose pants to wear.

“I can go out now?”

“Yes” They both walked out and sat in living room. The other two already went on their breakfast without waiting. 

“Anything happened last night?”

“So far no sir” Mingyu answered while chewing on his sugar glazed donut. Seungcheol grabbed one and handed to his boyfriend who sat quietly next to Seokmin. 
“They found traces on that suspect, we are sending people in today to search his room again” The smiley boy added. He had been working with his boss long enough to know how to report the case even it was during breakfast time like this. He had to be fast and efficient. 


“His record shows that he had conflict personality issue” The young detective thought about the case over again trying to find clues.

“But what motive pushed this man to become a serial killer...he hates those people?” Seokmin added enjoying his cup of coffee while Jeonghan closed his eyes thinking. 

"He had mental problem for sure" Seungcheol added quietly.

“He only attacked on weekend” The sweet voice suddenly mentioned. He noticed that three bodies were found on Friday, Saturday and Sunday but not weekdays. The killer chose the busiest days where people would not notice someone was missing. He would lure his targets out somewhere no one saw them. He could hide from most security cameras, very smart and well planned. Now everyone was quiet and listened.

“Two men, one woman, came to the club alone…he only chose specific type” Jeonghan remembered those two boys who happened to look and dress a bit feminine. They were also around the same age and same feature.

“Right…” The chief realized that immediately.

“No…the woman was mistake. He stabbed the two but he cut ” They were on full alert now from what Jeonghan said. All of them remembered how the victims looked like. If it was true then Jeonghan could have been the specific type of his prey…A beautiful boy with long hair.

“Oh god” Seokmin eyes went wide looking at his close friend and turned to the chief.

“You are staying with me this week” 

“But that is just my guess”

“Your guess is always right” Seungcheol looked stressed as well as others. If it was really going to happen like what Jeonghan predict then they had to catch this killer before he attacked again. It was cat & mouse games now and they had to act fast.

Jeonghan apartment was now surrounded by police officers. They had parked a car outside monitoring 24 hours especially at night time when Seungcheol was not home. The pretty boy thought it was ridiculous because there were many men that had long hair and beautiful face. He was not that beautiful either so why bother guarding him when they could go out and find the killer.



He walked out from the apartment one day for some grocery shopping but while he was about to cross the street he suddenly saw a vision…it was right there in front of him like a grey mist…an alley and a man laid face down lifeless on the floor. His legs were stepping in closer to the man but his arm was pulled back forcefully. Then there was a loud horn blowing from a truck just a meter away from where he was standing.

“What are you doing??? Crossing the road like that, do you want to commit suicide or something???” The familiar voice rang closely waking him up. It was more of a yell than a call. Jeonghan turned and shocked to see the gentle man who he was leaning on, his face was an inch away. Joshua had the most annoying and upsetting face from what happened.

“It’s you again?” 

“Yes it is me…and I happened to just save your life” Joshua smirked teasingly. His hand was still on the other wrist and his nose was close to the other blushing cheek.

“My condo is right there and you…are about to get hit by a truck” Joshua purposely whispered into his ear making the long hair boy leaned away slightly. When there was no answer from the pretty boy so he let go of the slim arm. The boy must be shocked and embarrassed from what happened earlier. 

"Oh well I would appreciate a little thank you for saving my life" 

"Thank you" Jeonghan said with a bow. He did not know what he did earlier but he knew what he saw. Instead of walking to supermarket, he walked back home to get his car but he was stopped by Joshua again.

"Where are you going?"

"To get my car"

"And go where? You don't look ready to be driving right now" The pretty boy stopped and looked at the gentle man again confused. He must be hallucinating lately as he believed that this gentle man had been following him around these past weeks.

"I need to see something" Still confused Jeonghan replied. 

"Then let me go with you" His soft voice offered his help with a genuine smile. "We can take a cab" He did not wait for Jeonghan answer before waved at the yellow cab that drove past by. 

"Get in"

"You know where I want to go?" 

"No but I guess you know" The pretty boy chuckled softly before telling the cab driver...Joshua turned back with a strange look but did not question anything as the other seemed to know what he was doing. His smiling eyes kept staring side view of the beautiful boy face who looked outside window blankly. He was like an art in the museum where you could only look but could not touch....priceless and valuable. 

"Jeonghan" Joshua just felt like calling his name. It was strangely familiar but that was impossible as they never knew each other before.


"It was nice to know you" They never had a chance to greet each other properly since first time so starting now was not a bad thing. 

"It was nice to know you too" He was surprised but then the pretty boy let out a smile, small sincere smile. It was difficult to explain how his smile was, his eyes turned downward almost closing completely while his pink lips curled upward slightly showing white teeth. It was adorable and loveable.

It did not take long until they reached their destination. It was the club he regularly visited. They went down and the long hair boy walked straight to the yellow tape area. He stood on the street looking in the alley for a few minutes before moving and crossing the tape inside the crime scene.

"That's crime scene Jeonghan" He did not seem to hear but his tiny body moved left and right finding a spot then he stopped. He stood a few steps away from white spray on the floor, his back almost touched the brick wall. His face looked content and thinking.

Joshua decided to follow but he stood a bit further away. He was here witnessed the whole scene so he knew what happened but Jeonghan was now standing at the same spot that woman was killed before she was dropped on the floor. He turned to look at Joshua but no he looked past the other like he was seeing things.

"You see something?"

"No" He shook his head and typed down a message to someone. It must be none other than Seungcheol who he trusted.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes I am" He walked closer before looked back again. The devil observed quietly as the boy did not say anymore words about this so it was not his place to question him either.

"You want to go anywhere else?"

"Let's go to the grocery?"

"Sure" That took turn rather quickly. The boy looked stress earlier and now he wanted to go to grocery shop. Joshua knew then that it was the pretty boy intention to go out shopping this morning but something stopped him. 

They went to grocery shop not far away from downtown. Jeonghan looked like a housewife who would buy food and things to their house while Seungcheol went out to work. It must be peaceful life living as a couple. Living with someone he loved and loved him back. Devil did not have love, they could not have love or care for someone. He was taught that love was wrong. To love was to destroy. How did it feel to love and care for a person?

"Do you want to eat anything?" The sweet voice asked.


"I am cooking dinner tonight" He was kind enough to invite Joshua to his house. Maybe he would be alone and being alone was suffering.

"I can?" 

"Yes everyone is busy so...I mean if you don't want or busy doing something then I understand"

"It would be more than pleasure to try what you cook" He had to admit that he was a bit happy to hear the invitation from Jeonghan.

"Oh Ok" 

When they were back home, an officer walked right up to Joshua questioning.  They were instructed to guard the long hair boy and they did a good job so far. 

"He is my friend" said Jeonghan, he smiled at the officer lightly making sure they understood.

"If you say so Jeonghan shi" Joshua smiled harmlessly and helped carrying grocery bags into the kitchen.

"Thank you for helping me" 

"It is my pleasure" 

"Umm..." Joshua sat down looking at the pretty boy but that made him feel a bit uncomfortable. 

"Don't mind me, just do your thing"

"But you are staring"

"Oh I did? I will look the other way!" The gentle man pretended to look outside the window then his eyes shifted back to the beautiful face after a few minutes. It was funny how he always thought human was easy to read until now he could not help but watched this beautiful human every moves and all he could do was guessing. 
Jeonghan cooked simple pasta dish with tomato sauce as it was quick and easy to make. He placed the round plate in front of the other who had been doing nothing but staring for the whole cooking process. Whenever he turned to grab something, those smiling eyes were on him. Seungcheol never stared at him like this…those tender eyes were affectionate mixes with wonders. 

"Oh looking good!" He sounded excited. "You cook often?" Joshua tried the first bite and smiled. It actually tasted really good, better than he expected from a man cooking.

"For myself yes"

"Not for your boyfriend?"

"He isn't home that often" He smiles sadly. 

"I could be here and eat the food you cook every day. Trust me" Joshua did not know why he said that either, maybe he wanted to cheer the boy up but he really meant it. Jeonghan looked away shyly before grabbing his plate to sit down.

"Don't you have someone cooking for you?"

"No I only eat out, never cooked and I hate cleaning" He took another bite with smile.

"Who doesn't" The pretty boy giggled.

"But as you cook for me today, I will do the clean up!"

"No it's alright"

"It's special treat from me, don't reject"


"Nope no but either, just let me do it"


Now it's the pretty boy turn to sit waiting. He really knew nothing about the other man who helped him. Jeonghan had thought of asking personal questions but they were dropped off every time he opened his mouth to speak.


"Yes" He replied while drying plates.


"What's up?"

" have any friends?"

"No I moved here 2 weeks ago so I don't really know anyone" He grinned lightly not looking back. It was good to know that Jeonghan wanted to know more about him too. 

"Mm ok"

"I don't have family and I live alone" He put plates on the cupboard and walked to sit on opposite side. 

"I like party and I like talking to people" He had teasing smile on his face. "Any other things you want to know?" Joshua noticed that the pretty boy had been quiet. He kept biting his lips like he wanted to say something.

"You can tell me what you want to tell"

"I think you are beautiful...extraordinary beautiful for a man" Jeonghan was speechless by that. Even his boyfriend never told him so. His cheek would now probably redder than the tomato sauce he finished earlier. 

"Um...thank you"

"You think I'm kidding?" The pretty boy was torn between accepting and rejecting until the other man laughed.

"I am not kidding Jeonghan...I mean it"

"You are different" 

"I think I am" Joshua smiled and the boy just nodded along. He had something more to worry about, the vision he saw this afternoon. He felt like he was the one standing in it…like he was a witness. 

“What are you thinking about?”


The gentle man tried finding things to converse with Jeonghan who quietly listened to story. His phone vibrated a couple times showing incoming messages from Seungcheol and Seokmin. Seemed like he had to leave soon before the boyfriend came home. He was a very possessive one from what Joshua saw the other days. Worried about this pretty boy was not bad but being possessive was dangerous, it could cause problems in a relationship. Possessive was a devil stuff.

“Your boyfriend will be home soon?”


“I’d better get going then”

“Alright” Jeonghan stood up and sent the other at the front door. Joshua saw the chief just parked his car so he should leave now.

“See you around?”

“You already know where I live” 

“Bye cutie!” He waved and quickly walked out the front door opposite side from where Seungcheol walked in but when Jeonghan closed the door Joshua changed his mind and decided to stop there waiting for the chief. He lit up cigarette and leaned against the banister looking at the well-built man walking his way.

“Why are you even here?”

“I stopped by to see if your boyfriend is doing alright” The devil said with a grin. 

“What do you want from him Joshua shi?” Seungcheol decided to ask politely. He could say that he hated this man in front of him even Jeonghan would say he was being unreasonable but he knew he would not leave Joshua with his boyfriend alone.

“Hmm…I got to be honest, I think he is really beautiful” Joshua looked back at the close door. “What if I said I want him too?” The devil did not stop. He could keep on pissing off this man all day but he had other things to do.

“That’s not going to happen”

“I already told you what I want” He blew the smoke out and chuckled lightly to himself.  “But I wonder Coups…What do you want from Jeonghan?”

Joshua smirked knowing that this man would not answer his question. His eyes flashed a little red light for a second then he decided to walk away. Seungcheol went quiet, he was extremely irritated and furious. He stood there thinking of the question which he had no answer…maybe he had answers but he could tell no one especially his boyfriend.


Jeonghan walked out shortly after he saw his boyfriend car but Seungcheol was still outside. The long hair boy opened the door and saw his boyfriend leaned tiredly against the staircase. He walked up greeting his pretty boyfriend with a hug.

“Welcome back”

“Thank you” They both went in before the older man decided to ask…a testing question. “Who were you with earlier?” 

“Joshua was here”

“You shouldn’t trust him too much”

“He can be trusted” 

“How do you know?” Jeonghan looked at his boyfriend but he did not reply anything more. He just walked away, did not want to argue. Seungcheol was never this jealous while he was around his friends, why picked on Joshua? He was a friend too.

“I’m sorry” The older man back hugged his boyfriend.

“You are a jealous freak”

“I didn’t mean to, I’m just worried about you” 

“I know” The long hair boy sighed softly before turned to face his boyfriend who was pouting. 

“I love you Seungcheol and you should already know that”

“Love you too baby…and I’m sorry” The pretty boy leaned in hugging the other loosely.

“It’s ok”

“You sent me message today, something’s wrong?” 

“I saw a vision today”

“Tell me about it” They sat down in living room where Jeonghan left his notebook opened. It had a sketch of long bricked alley and a man face down. Only black and white were on the page.

“This is future like last time I saw” The sweet voice shook slightly. He was not able to prevent it last time so this time he would do every way possible to stop it.

“This man is a victim?”

“No…I think he is a suspect”

“And who is the victim?”

“It’s me” 


When Jeonghan confirmed that the other man stood still. He was shocked and tried to process what the pretty boy was saying. There was many men who had long hair in this city so the chance was slim but when his boyfriend saw the vision meaning the opportunity most likely would happen…it was actually never a miss.

"It can't be you"

"I saw it so clear this time"

"Then we have to prevent this" He held his boyfriend soft small hand tightly.


"You won't go to that club"

"But I can help"

"How are you going to help? If you were really a victim! We can't risk that!!" He raised his voice when Jeonghan insisted that he could help. It would not work that way and he could not throw his boyfriend down as a bait....there was no way he was going to do that.

"There must be the way Seungcheol"

"We will find the way, you just have to stay out of this" Jeonghan was disappointed, he wanted to help and he knew he could but his boyfriend would never allow him to get involved in the situation like this. They stopped arguing when the long hair boy did not say more. 

He would find the way to help Seungcheol catch this criminal. It might not be the best idea and the other would probably be upset to find out. Jeonghan closed his eyes while snuggling closed to his boyfriend warmth. He would stop thinking for a day and sleep. Tomorrow he would plan and it would have to work.







Oh this chapter is so long! I hope you guys enjoy reading ^^

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Chapter 2: This seems interesting ?✨
chagunseunghyun #2
I loved the story and I am so happy that there's a sequel. Nice work author-nim. Uhm, do you have a poster for this?
jeonghae #3
Chapter 24: owhhh it getting more exciting!!
rihann #4
Chapter 24: Can't wait for the sequel...
heemenashi #5
Chapter 24: wow sequel ~~~~ cant wait >< fighting!
Yeollie0803 #6
Nice description <3 can't wait to read the rest!
Ceresme90 #7
Chapter 24: Omg you are the best i was waiting for the happiely every after stoy but this plot is killing love your writting always have such twices ans truns which keeps me hooked to it till the end
FrainZL #8
Chapter 24: Wow sequel..I'm glad you've updated..fighting author nim ;)
classca #9
Chapter 24: Oh shoot! Now there's an angel Prince too!!!
Hwangnn #10
Chapter 24: Oh!!!it's interesting!!I'm curious who is the angel!Please update soon .Thank you :)