☃ lucky jun time

Revenge on the playgirl's sister!
chapter seven 
lucky jun time
Bi Eun smiled smugly as she waited for her sister to come home from school on one fine day. Her school was holding a open house and she couldn't wait to tell her sister the news so they could go together.
The door opened and she giggled evilly. In 3, 2, 1-
"RAAAAWR!" Bi Eun shouted as she tried to act like a dinosaur and scared the person who was returning home.
"...Bi Eun, what are you doing?" Sadly, it was their mom that just returned home. She smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of her head while her mom chuckled. Bad timing.
A second later, the supposed target came strolling in. Bi An was surprised to see her mom home so early.
"Umma! What are you doing at home?"
"I forgot my files again."
"You are really so forgetful!" Bi Eun snorted and that statement made Bi An laugh. Reminds me of Heera, and, oh, she owes me my geography textbook! Argh. Shaking her head to herself, Bi An went upstairs to put her bag down and probably go out for lunch.
"Hey! Sis!" Bi Eun called out as she watched her sister unload her heavy bag.
"I have a open house tomorrow afternoon, do you want to join me? You can spot some cute guys if you want," Bi Eun wriggled her eyebrows and Bi An just shook her head, "You can have them for yourself, playgirl!" Bi An said in a joking manner.
"Yeah, I'm such great dating material," Bi Eun flicked her hair back exaggeratedly and they laughed.
"By the way, is there anyone in your school that you might want to introduce to me or have them as a brother-in-law?" Bi Eun asked as she laid down on Bi An's bed. Aish! My unni is really boy-crazy. Since two to three years ago, Bi Eun started dating and they changed quite quickly, if she didn't know any better. Bi Eun never bothered to share her love life but occasionally, she did mention some interesting bits of the dates. And, oh, how she had to be comforted when they broke up. 
Those were some very awesome dessert-overeating times.
"There's someone who has the same title as you," Bi An thought absentmindedly as she randomly threw out a name, "Min-" Bi Eun's phone rang and she jumped up in excitement.
"I think my friends are here to eat out! See you later!" Bi Eun said excitedly as she rushed out of the room. Bi An chuckled, busy social life.
Anyways, Bi An thought as she finally changed out into her casual clothes, should I cook lunch or eat out?
Bi An put on her sneakers as she realised that her fridge was absolutely empty. She locked the door and went down to the first floor using the elevator. Throwing a coin upwards, she caught it and found it facing tails. She raised her left eyebrow and laughed. Left it shall be then. Walking to the left of her estate, Bi An found herself getting lured in by the chinese restaurant. The posters hanging outside didn't make it much better either.
...Okay then. Bi An went in.
"...DID YOU SEE THAT?" Seungkwan shouted. The half of the gang that was here all nodded and rolled their eyes. "SOONYOUNG-HYUNG, HOW THE HELL DID YOU PREDICT THAT?"
"I'm the scriptwriter, . I know your darkest secrets so don't try to do anything funny." He smiled up at him sinisterly and chuckled.
"Actress check. Time for Actor Jun and Actor Minghao to step in." They (well, junhui only) saluted him and rushed into the restaurant. They pretended to look around and eventually found Bi An sitting alone near a corner of the restaurant, looking at the menu.
Realistically. Act natural.
"Oh? OH? HELLO THERE FELLOW STUDENT OF PLEDIS AND SISTER OF-" Minghao smacked the back of Jun's head and smiled politely at Bi An, "Hello." Minghao said politely.
Bi An waved slowly, pleasantly(?) surprised to see the two here.
"Do you have company?" She shook her head.
"Can we join you?" Minghao asked. She nodded her head and they took a seat opposite her.
"Do you come to this chinese restaurant often?" Bi An asked as she looked intently at the menu. This dish looks yummy...
"Yeah, the guys and us mostly come here to discuss our plans." Junhui replied with a lopsided grin.
"Plans? And recommend some dishes, guys! I have never been here before." She chuckled and placed the menu flat down, "What do you think? Nice?" Bi An pointed at the dish they thought was most inedible.
"Uh. You might not want to get that." Minghao gulped and judged how someone could even bother to even think it would taste nice.
Pulling a pouty face, she flipped to the next page and started browsing again.
Meanwhile, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Seungcheol and Doyoon had finally finished their classes and went around areas, looking for lunch. "You know that restaurant that we always go to? I'm craving for chicken." Doyoon smiled at them and slung an arm around Seungcheol. "I'm not paying this time." Seungcheol rolled his eyes as they entered the place.
"...Wait, isn't that Doyoon and the others?" Seungkwan gaped extra-dramatic.
"Seungkwan, you are getting annoying with that phrase. Stop it." Hansol said, irritated.
"Oh well, your peasant-ness, I'm the king. So, no." He flicked his hair and Hansol did a punching action towards him.
"Uh, they don't know about the plan do they?"
"Jeonghan and Doyoon are kind of on her side, aren't they?"
"So, if they see Junhui attempting to kill the target, they would stop Junhui, right?"
"Oh then, that's fine." Soonyoung nodded his head agreeably. Junhui could never have pulled the plan off and if there was no attempted murder, Soonyoung was more than happy. Ah, another day in the life of 'Naega Hosh'. 
"Here's your order of Jajangmyeon, Jjampong and chicken drumlets! Please enjoy!" The male waiter smiled and shot Bi An a flirtatious look before leaving. She smiled back at him, thinking he was being friendly. Junhui gaped, "You can't just look at other guys when you are with me!" He pouted and held her hands across the table. She laughed with a semi-distraughted, semi-amused look on her face, "Sorry, Jun-sunbae?"
"Just don't do it again," He smiled at her with a bright and satisfied glint in his eyes.
Minghao was surprised that Junhui could actually let go of her hands of his own will. Anyways, he was craving for those chicklen drumlets on the table, "Let's dig in!" All of them clapped both hands together and broke their chopsticks into two, getting ready to feast on delicious chinese food.
"This is freaking awesume, sewiously," She swallowed and pointed vigorously at the piece of chicken in front of her.
"Well, yeah? You can have mine too," Junhui smiled extra-happy. He carefully held it out in front of her, "Say 'aah'." He commanded.
"Junhui-sunbae, it's okay, please eat it." Bi An raised both hands to her sides and laughed. Two could play the game of persistence. "Let me feed you?" He cocked his head to the side cutely and puffed his cheeks up. It was hard to reject an entity that was literally staring at you with puppy eyes and a hopeful look. She was about to retort again and but decided against it.
Bi An reluctantly opened and took a bite out of Junhui's food.
"I think you can just pass it to me now, Junhui-sunbae," She mumbled under her breath. Junhui's lips stretched at the sight of her blushing. He stared at her, thinking how she resembled a baby puppy. Oh wait. 
Slapping both his cheeks, he reminded himself that he was suppose to hate the girl. Not freaking shower her with food like he did with the unspeakable one. Bi An stared at him curiously as she took a slow bite out of the chicken drumlet. Sweatdropping, Minghao explained that Junhui would probably be the weirdest boy she ever met. She shrugged, everyone was uncanny enough in their own way.
"These plates of fruits are on the house!" The previous waiter came in again and served them a plate of watermelons, apples, and strawberries. Bi An coughed as she choked on her own excitement. If she knew this place was so nice, she would have came here everyday. Watermelons weren't even in season yet and there it was...
Bi An scolded her own appetite. One by one, they disappeared as she ate all of them in bliss. Junhui got awed because he hadn't eaten yet. And he was still on his first piece and also last piece that was existent. Minghao just stared boredly at both of them while biting nonchalantly. She sure has a big appetite unlike her sister. Seeing Bi An was like seeing another different but similar-looking Bi Eun. For one, they had the same nose and lips. Bi An's eye were a bit more round and doll-like while Bi Eun's were more cat-like.
Junhui caught her eyeing his food again and he laughed. Smiling sheepishly because he almost took a bite out of it, Junhui shyly held it over to her again. It seemed almost routine as Bi An tried to take a bite of it to no avail.
Bi An clenched her teeth on empty air and looked up to see a terrified-looking Doyoon pulling her back protectively. Jeonghan swiftly took the piece of watermelon from Junhui and held it high up in the air.
"Oh my god! Are you okay? Did you eat it?" Doyoon gawked.
"...I couldn't because you dragged me away."
"That's good." Doyoon sighed in relief.
"Junhui! You are the craziest-" Jeonghan mumbled under his breath.
"Hyung, you are all over-reacting, he didn't try to poison her." Minghao said with an innocent shrug. They stared at them with jaws dropping out. Let's just pray that she didn't hear that... They turned to look at her and she stared back at them innocently with big curious eyes. Okay, everything's good so far.
"Haha. Just playing around. Let's all eat together?"
Eventually, a one person meal become three, and in the end turned to seven. They finally finished their meal with lots of laughter and by the time they finished their meal, they were much better friends. Well, maybe except Seungcheol, because he was very determined to carry out his plan. And Bi An's smile was irritating him. The way his friends were treating her nicely was annoying him. Overall, he was in a bad mood.
"Call for the bill?" Minghao shrugged and pressed the bell at the side of the table. The familiar waiter popped his head in and headed to them with a receipt in hand.
"The total is 117000won. Please proceed to the counter with me to pay." He ignored the guys and passed the reciept to Bi An, who tottered after him.
Junhui scoffed. That guy was just trying to steal her away again! Sulking, he and the other guys waited behind her as she paid the bill, money collated from everyone. She thanked him, saying goodbye with a polite bow.
"Here's the change, thank you." The waiter passed Bi An the receipt. Behind it, were eight numbers, strangely much like a handphone number. It wasn't like it couldn't be seen, heck, he had to make it obvious so that she wouldn't just treat it as rubbish.
All hope was lost as Junhui took the receipt and stripped it into many pieces, crushing it and dumping it into the bin beside the counter. Satisfied, he shot one last look at the male waiter and pushed a dazed Bi An out of the chinese restaurant.
"She's our target," Seungcheol said, offended and Doyoon pushed him out of the door, chuckling.
"Goodbye," Minghao said indignantly.
"Nice try, but get lost." Jeonghan shot him an angelic smile and walked out with a laughing Jisoo.
"I don't think I can eat dinner." Bi An stretched her hands upwards into the air and laughed as the wind tickled her stomach.
"You shouldn't, you may just get too unfit." Jeonghan smirked at her slightly.
"...I am already unfit. I can't exercise to save myself." She finally said, laughing. Jeonghan was a little afraid that he had insulted her. Now that it wasn't the problem, he sighed in relief.
"Anyways, we need to head back. See you!" They waved at her.
"Yeah! Thanks for the wonderful meal!"
"Bye Bi An!" She waved at them and finally remembered something.
"JUNHUI AND MINGHAO! 谢谢!" Bi An laughed as they hollered the same words back excitedly. Junhui ran back to ruffle her hair and hugged her tight while patting her back a little too violently. "再见!" He told her goodbye and ran back to his friends. He was one hyper and weird kid. Shaking her head and smiling, she trudged back to her house.
"I sure have nice sunbaes."
 author's note » late update is late rofl. it's hard to type about junhui apparently o.o didn't think so. because he's the cutest person ever. like seriously, he's facial expressions are to die for :X
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Guys. . Seventeen is ing hot in real life, I can't even.


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Chapter 15: I love your story and your writing style makes it so fun to read. Too bad this is the last update.
callmedongsaeng #2
Chapter 15: You are back~ yay~
Seimaa #3
Chapter 15: OHMYGOD UR BACK. (⊙_☉)

Lovely writing as always, I really enjoyed the sibling interaction. Haagen dazs is amazing and I wish I had some. >_>.<_< THREE FACES IN ONE
im overtired aren't i

Really loved it and I can't wait for the next update!
((I know I usually leave walls of text but I have to study for a French test tomorrow ;;))

Thank you for writing. It always cheers me up to see an update from you and I had an especially crap day today but I feel a lot better after reading. So thanks. Looking forward to seeing more. <3
Chapter 15: finally~an upd8 <33
Chapter 15: finally~an upd8 <33
Chapter 15: wooooo! finally update
Nvrendkuhnsoli #7
Chapter 14: OH GOD ~~~!!!! From start until end still interesting story! damn kim mingyu --'' i can't want to see seungkwan bian moment and seungcheol bian moments and seokmin bian moments ;;; <3 hwaiting author!
magiclarp #8
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: dude your writing style gives me life i am crying the han river #goalsssssssss

and mingyu /sigh/ kill me
callmedongsaeng #9
Chapter 14: KIM MINGYU