Scene I: You Are My Destiny

The Roommate Tales

How, Chanyeol wonders, did he end up in a coffee shop, looking at Thor, Black Widow, the Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, and the very attractive back of the retreating Hawk Eye. As he tries to remember the events that led up to his current predicament, he realizes that it is crazy enough to be a Korean drama.


~Ensue harp playing~


Scene I


It all started a month ago…..


After a long day of university classes and a mediocre part-time job at the local flower shop in which he spent 45 minutes negotiating the price of orchids with an old haggler, a tired Chanyeol made his way to the comfort of his 2 bedroom flat. Only to find his roommate and HIS girlfriend getting too comfy on the living room couch. And well, after a lot of screaming, flying s, punching, some sacking to a very exposed groin and door slamming, it was established that his day just got worse. That day, he lost a girlfriend, a roommate and the cheesecake he had been saving for himself in the back of his ex-fridge.


He could’ve cried and mourned at the loss of his once lover and roommate, but the tears only flowed when he realized his mistake of abandoning his limited edition mint-chocolate cheesecake in enemy territory. He swore to himself, after that incident, that he would never trust another human being ever again. His fragile heart couldn’t handle it.


Dramatics aside, Chanyeol was visibly upset by the betrayal of his trust. It wasn’t easy to see the girl he had given his heart to, on top of his roommate (). And although they had never really said the three adult words, he couldn’t ignore the heaviness in his chest. His love for his roommate on the other hand, (whose name shall not be spoken after this incident), was quite non-existent. He was known as quite the casanova, so there was no surprise he was able to seduce Chanyeol’s fair maiden, however, he was in serious violation of the “bro code” and would be offered no redemption.


The obvious course of action was for him to move out of his old apartment and never again come face to face with the two antagonists, but not before making them pay for their sins in the cruelest way possible. As much as he would have liked to immediately take his belongings and cleanse them of “the roommate who must not be named”, the process took much longer than he hoped. Which is why while desperately searching for another place, Chanyeol spent the next week arriving home at ungodly hours to avoid any encounters with the other inhabitant. There was absolutely no way he would ever let his touch their couch ever again. Suffocation seemed to creep through the walls and into his lungs every time he was in that house. There was no way that he would continue living in that place.


So, it was on a sunny monday, after his afternoon music theory class, that he found what he was looking for. He had seen his ex-girlfriend (they had never really officially broken up, but apparently she couldn’t take a hint), waiting outside of his class. Her eyes widened when she caught sight of him, and she speed-walked towards him. In his confusion, Chanyeol made haste and ducked within the crowd of exiting students and burrowed his way through, away from her.


“Chanyeol! Wait up! Let’s talk about this babe,” she screamed after his dust trails.


Chanyeol increased his speed until he arrived at a deserted hallway. And this was the God sent coincidence. He had rested his back against a wall to catch his breath (he’d have to work on his lack of stamina) when something sharp poked his spine. He turned around to identify the weapon, only to come face to face with an ad pinned to a bulletin board.


4 room apartment, 5 occupants, 1 new roommate needed. If interested please call the number below for further information. (prank calls are not appreciated, thank you.)


~Back to the future~


Chanyeol knew that he should have just backed away when he heard loud crashes in the background when he called the number on the bulletin board. He should have just disconnected the call when a strange guy with a British accent picked up and screamed “I tell you, I’m not a ert!” But desperate times call for desperate measures. And Chanyeol was the embodiment of desperation.


He had agreed to meet the strange British man in order to “get to know each other better, since we’ll be roommates, eh?” (Chanyeol refused to believe the excuse of “those pesky prank calls!” and carried pepper spray in his bag just in case). He expected a formal meeting, so after an hour, he had finally decided on what to wear, prepared a monologue about his life, and a few questions to ask Creepy British Guy. But what he didn’t expect was for the Avengers to walk in. Chanyeol found it quite amusing actually - until they stopped right across from him.


Thor was the first to speak: “1,2,3”, followed by the whole group, “We are one! Hello, we’re the Avengers!”


After the introduction, Black Widow shot him a wink, at the same time that Hawk Eye shot his arrow. Chanyeol couldn’t even be disturbed by the wink, because that was Kai - the campus heartthrob - THE Kai, who just shot his arrow, right into Chanyeol’s heart. Wait, why was he leaving?!


The four superheroes settled themselves around Chanyeol and all the boy could do was stare. This would be a good time to leave, he thought. Black Widow (who Chanyeol now noticed was a guy) broke the silence, “How much does a polar bear weigh?”


Chanyeol blinked.


“Enough to break the ice!” He answered his own question. Captain America threw his pen at Black Widow, while the Hulk facepalmed.


It took a second before Chanyeol realized that he should probably respond. It came in the form of a nervous chuckle.


Captain America snorted. “Okay”, he said dragging out the O. “Now that things are even more awkward than before, I’m Sehun. I’m the youngest one here, comp sci major. I dance a bit”. He looked up, thinking for a moment, before looking at Chanyeol again. “Oh wait, the guy who just left is Kai, dance major.”


“I know,” Chanyeol responded a little too quickly.


Captain America gave him a look before continuing, “He’s really boring, but you get used to it. To my left,” he pointed at the Hulk, “is Kyungsoo, English major. To his left is Baekhyun, vocals major,” Chanyeol pretended not to notice Baekhyun winking at him again, “and at the end is Joonmyeon, historical architecture. It’s very nice to meet you,” he squinted, as if trying to remember, “...Chanyeol?”


Before Chanyeol could say anything, Black Widow, er, Baekhyun spoke up, “Sehun, don’t speak for that long ever again. We don’t want to bore our audience.”


“Yeah,” Joonmyeon added, “I’m our spokesperson.” Ah, Chanyeol thought. So he was the Creepy British Guy.


“Since when?!” Sehun and Baekhyun exclaimed. “I refuse to be oppressed by you”. Baekhyun huffed.


While the other three were arguing, the Hulk smiled at Chanyeol. The boy assumed that it was supposed to be encouraging, but it looked more like an evil grin. “Welcome,” he said.


Chanyeol sighed. Desperate times called for desperate measures.

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Chapter 6 is going to take a little more time than we expected, oops. It'l be up though, so do not worry!


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Chapter 5: was looking through my bookmarks and damn this was a funny piece to read, too bad it was last updated in 2015 smh
javlatua #2
Chapter 4: man oh man this is so great like i was laughing rly hard
can't wait for part two!!
lovegurl1 #3