'Add as Friend' (Part II)

You're My Destiny
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For current game, Amber used her own photo but her name is Phill Liu. She start to chat the girl.

Phill: Hi

Jullie: Hi there, nice to know you

Phill: Me too. So what do you up to ?

Jullie: Boyfriend

Phill: Wow

Jullie: Why ? Sorry I'm a-straight-forward-person

Phill: It's OK.

Jullie: So what about you ?

Phill: Same here

Jullie: You ? Looking for bf ? God bless you, gay. LOL

Phill: -_- stfu

Phill: I mean gf

Jullie: Fighting!

Phill: Thanks

Message cannot be sent, Jullie is offline


That girl went offline. Amber sighed, and go offline too. "Just wait, Am" she mumbled to herself. Then she turned the computer off and go sleep.




"Morning, Aaaaammmmm. C'mon, Eric waiting for us" Jackie kissed my left cheek, I rubbed it.

"Oh, okay"

Today weather is very nice, ahh~ I'll go skating at the park today. It's summer, guys. Me and friends going to hang out, but I have to drive to airport for Eric. So sad, this summer Eric can't join us he has to finish his study and ain't got summer break.

"Am, how's game ?" Eric start the topic

"The girl is nice and lil bit fun."

"Really ? You've talk much with her ?" Key who sat behind  appeared his head and turned to me, seems so excited.

"Not much. But yeah~ she's interesting"

"Remember this, Am. You're faker, don't use your pure heart"

"Ya, I won't be like that. Omg, dat dorky smile...." I slapped Eric's shoulder


We arriv

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2078 streak #1
Chapter 3: What no what why how
Chapter 20: great stories! i like it! daebakk ~
Chapter 18: Woooo. Nice!
jasonds #4
Chapter 18: auch nice secret
15lehna #5
Chapter 18: I really liked secret!
Chapter 17: Woo. Share the secrets w us. Is it krystal?
Chapter 17: The helllllllllllll , go update soon you selfish author , share your next story ppaliiiii
Chapter 16: black bra, and it printed "Krystal"...lolx....
Chapter 16: Argh...you're such a tease author...I hate you*pouts*
Chapter 16: That was getting smexxxyyy! Hahahha. Why did you have to stop like that?!