'Add as Friend' (Part III)

You're My Destiny
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Summer is comming~ but no one can be having fun with. I'm American, but I live in Korea since Mom and Dad divorced. I choosed to live alone and study here, my Dad have a new lover and so did my Mom. I didn't care about parents, and I've never received money from them even for university fee. So, I took part time job to fulfill my daily needs and of course for fee. I don't have any siblings here, I'm totally alone. I have to handled all problem by myself, when I'm sick, when everyone insulting me cause of lack of fashion (my university have high prestige), then I felt so down.. go to club ...and got drunk. Yeah I'm a bad girl. But I really worked hard to earned money, not relied on parents like them.

I don't have friends, I used to have one, but she passed away about a month ago. I think I wouldn't have a friend like her anymore.


But, I've found a friend. He said he wanna be my bestfriend. It was funny when I answered "I'm looking for boyfriend", I chuckled at the time. Of course I wasn't and I won't.


Yeah. Since my Dad abused Mom, I don't like a man. That doesn't mean that I'm a lesbian but I just couldn't believe in them. I hate my Dad, I was almost kill him. But, Mom said that she would kill me if I do that.

Ah...my life is worst.


I'll trap someone, and of course the guys will be the victims. Actually I do this regulary, with same account and same photo. Yup, I using Facebook for this.



Hmm, actually it's not a trap. It just like I give someone attention intensely, then I leave him. Noted that I'm done with 57 guys. Sigh~ Guys are totally stupid, they're not use his mind but his . Ooopss. But that's true, They're sooo excited when I began the topic especially about . Then when we decided to met, I blocked him....and repeat.

But, this time is different. Phill uninterested with . He's so easy going, I think he's totally different. Tomorrow I'll meet him. Oka

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2078 streak #1
Chapter 3: What no what why how
Chapter 20: great stories! i like it! daebakk ~
Chapter 18: Woooo. Nice!
jasonds #4
Chapter 18: auch nice secret
15lehna #5
Chapter 18: I really liked secret!
Chapter 17: Woo. Share the secrets w us. Is it krystal?
Chapter 17: The helllllllllllll , go update soon you selfish author , share your next story ppaliiiii
Chapter 16: black bra, and it printed "Krystal"...lolx....
Chapter 16: Argh...you're such a tease author...I hate you*pouts*
Chapter 16: That was getting smexxxyyy! Hahahha. Why did you have to stop like that?!