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You're My Destiny
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Facebook. Is the stupid account I ever had. Me,my sister Jackie, and friends often to prank someone with our account. We flirt some guys and then leave it. One day, me and Jackie have prank a 22 years old guy. It was like a date, when the day came he reserved a romantic table with candle. me and friends set Jackie's make up to the worst one. She look sooo ugly, then that guy was never ever contacted her again. We always changed our display name, profil picture, and blocked our victims of course.

"Soooo, Am. It's your turn."

"Ahh, c'mon Er it's yours!" I slapped Eric's shoulder

"Am, I have to go overseas tomorrow for my study, Ammmmm. I can't" I sighed, then I took a glance to another guy

"No, Am. I have quit from this game! I wouldn't do this again. Yesterday was my last!" Key rubbed his cheek, we all laugh so hard. He has slapped by a girl we prank about 4weeks ago. We dared him to did inapropriate thing in public. So he the girl's s naughtily then he got slapped. We laughed so hard, while Key ran to us, left the girl and cried. Cute Key.

"Am, come one Capt. You're the captain but you haven't try this game yet." Jackie scoffed me, I sighed.

"Okay, okay. I will. But.... Let me choose my own victim"

"Huh ?"

"That's not fair!!!!" Eric yelled

"Aishh... why... You're not fun! C'moooon" I protested..but I remember that all the victims were choosed by me. "Ahh, okay okay okay. You won"


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2072 streak #1
Chapter 3: What no what why how
Chapter 20: great stories! i like it! daebakk ~
Chapter 18: Woooo. Nice!
jasonds #4
Chapter 18: auch nice secret
15lehna #5
Chapter 18: I really liked secret!
Chapter 17: Woo. Share the secrets w us. Is it krystal?
Chapter 17: The helllllllllllll , go update soon you selfish author , share your next story ppaliiiii
Chapter 16: black bra, and it printed "Krystal"...lolx....
Chapter 16: Argh...you're such a tease author...I hate you*pouts*
Chapter 16: That was getting smexxxyyy! Hahahha. Why did you have to stop like that?!