
VMIN short stories

Ya’ll might not want to know about this to be honest, but this was a scenario that actually happened to me today with another friend of mine. I’m sure all of you know the case of the whitewashing thing right? I wasn’t in any part of it but when I saw the trends in Korea on twitter, I started crying. I felt so attacked eventhough I didn’t do anything wrong, and I kept blaming myself for I don’t even know what. Well, you’ll know what happen in the story below



Everything was so loud, so scary, so dark. The sounds in the room were too much yet too little at the same time. Shivers ran down the red head’s spine as he scrolled through his phone, tears streaming down his cheeks without a pause. Chocking back a cry, more tears fell as he tried to hold back any sounds. It wasn’t even as fast a blink of an eye when the sound of the phone being thrown to the wall was made, making him cry louder. There was no use holding back anymore. Hearing the door creek open, he tried his best to hide closer into the corner of the room, footsteps made their way to him

“Jimin,” a voice called out but he didn’t budge. Not coming closer when the opposite made gestured him to come closer. Letting out a sigh, he moved closer to Jimin, pulling the elder into the hug but instead of expecting Jimin to hug back, the elder tried to get out his grip

“Let go! Let go of! Taehyung let go of me!” his voice was cracked, filled with fear. The brunette however, refused to follow the orders given instead hugging the smaller thighter. That didn’t stop Jimin from trying to get out of Taehyung’s embrace though, he tossed, turned and started kicking his legs desperately

“It’s okay Jimin,” The younger whispered into the elder’s ear, hoping it would calm him down but it didn’t. Jimin still struggled, crying harder this time with his eyes closed shut, the sounds that were coming from the elder’s throat was breaking his heart but he was unsure of what to do other than wait for Jimin to calm down. The smaller male felt himself go numb, physically and mentally letting out his last cry before giving into Taehyung after what seemed to be forever. Silence flowed in the air for a few moments, the younger didn’t want Jimin to start panicking again

“I’m scared,” was all Jimin could cry before breaking into another cry but this time his actions were different, he held Taehyung closer hoping that the younger would take a hint. He didn, Taehyung hugged Jimin back tightly, assuring the other that Taehyung was there and he would go away

“It’s not your fault Jimin, it’s not your fault,” was the only thing that Taehyung could say as Jimin sobbed in the crook of his neck

“It’s not your fault”


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Chapter 5: I really enjoyed reading these short stories!! I hope you're doing okay now ♡\(*´︶`*)/♡
Chapter 2: This is so cuteee
bubble-tae-and-jams #3
Chapter 5: oh, as someone who has them a lot, i can say panic attacks are never ever fun :((( i hope she's okay and can get well soon! good luck! ;;
Chapter 5: Panic attack ? Omg I hope she's okay
Jiminssi-Tae #5
Chapter 5: omg I HOPE SHE'S OKAY

I hope you feel better soon! :( I'm worried
hotkisseu #6
Chapter 4: Hi, i like ur VMin stories , a lot :) . Anw, can u make abt superanatural VMin :) thank u and fighting :)
This might be a bit of a stretch, but maybe something where everyone in Bangtan is competing for Jimin's affections throughout the day and V is the one that succeeds by the end of the day?
omg omg omg I like vmin
wait hmm .. write anything that related to their costume in dope. Loving that tho

Nichie #9
Chapter 3: <3<3<3 i like thiiisssss~
Jiminssi-Tae #10
Chapter 3: Vmin going to a formal together TT-TT <333