
VMIN short stories

This wasn't a request but I'm just testing out my writing skills here



The first time Taehyung spoke to Jimin was on his first day of college. Taehyung was nervous as he looked around the big campus that he was expected to stay in for a few years, that’s when his eyes landed on a figure that was sitting under a tree with a mac book on his lap. Taehyung couldn’t help but stare in awe of the beauty of the person, only to be caught when the male lifted up his head and met eyes with Taehyung

“Um, hi?” he raised an eyebrow as an amused smile growing on his face. Taehyung was in a state of panic

“Oh, hi! I... um..” Taehyung wanted to run away and hide in his dorm, problem was, he didn’t know where his dorm was exactly

“Are you new? The second intake students, are you one of them?” His thoughts were interrupted by the voice infront of him. The brunette shy rubbed the back of his neck, nodding in agreement

“I’m Jimin. Park Jimin. First intake, do you have your timetable? And your dorm number? I could show you around if you’d want,” The person who was named Jimin stood up, holding the macbook in his hands. Taehyung realized that Jimin was shorter but it was cute. He took out his files, passing it to Jimin who scanned through the papers throughly

“Oh?” Jimin’s eyes widen with a tone of surprise in his voice

“Oh?” The taller repeated

“Your dorm is opposite of mine, didn’t know that dorm was empty,” Jimin hummed before passing the papers back to Taehyung. The two made their way to the dorms, Jimin helping Taehyung with his bags seeing that there were far too many for only one person to carry. When they arrived, Taehyung unlocked the door and thanked Jimin for his help

“You still haven’t told me your name,” Jimin stated as he unlocked his own door

“Taehyung, Kim Taehyung”


The second time was when Taehyung was struggling with his Math assignment, coincidently, Jimin was also in his class despite Jimin being part of the first batch of students. The black hair male was in the library, reading something on his macbook when Taehyung shyly sat beside him

“I’m guessing you need help with the assignment?” Jimin smiled

“How’d you know?”

“You’re not that difficult to read, Taehyung,” The elder smirked when Taehyung covered his face with his big hands

“Also, you know very well yourself that the assignment is an individual thing right?” Jimin questioned, it’s been seven months since the two have met, they barely spoke despite the fact that their dorms were opposite of each other and that most of the time they had the same classes

“I know, I know. It’s just that it’s due next week and I didn’t have enough time to-”

“It was assigned last month, Tae. What do you mean you didn’t have enough time?”

“Just help me out, please? I’ll do anything,” was what Taehyung said that got Jimin’s full attention

“Anything?” Jimin repeated which made Taehyung a little nervous but he needed Jimin’s help with the assignment, the elder had been getting nothing other than A*s for their tests

“Sure, anything,” He replied simply, receiving a nod from the opposite male. Taehyung was lucky enough to get an A the following week for his assignment


The third time was when Taehyung was woken up by a sudden heavy weight on him, lifting up his blankets he saw none other than Jimin

“Get up, we’re going to go shopping,” Jimin stated, rolling himself off Taehyung to the other side of the bed. The sleepy head groaned while rubbing his face

“Why?” Although Taehyung asked, he was already making his way to the bathroom with his towel around his shoulder

“You said, you’d do anything for me if I helped you with math. This is my anything, now hurry before the stores get too crowded and there’s traffic, I’m not exactly a patient person,” the tone in Jimin’s voice was dead serious which made Taehyung quickly shutting the bathroom door to get ready as fast as possible. When they arrived there were already many people but not to the point that it’d annoy Jimin

“What is it that you want to find anyway?” Taehyung asked when the elder was making his way to the suit section of the store, turning around Jimin crossed his arms

“You already got your stuff ready?” Taehyung tilted his head in confusion

“Ready for what?”

“Next week,”

“What’s next week?” Jimin slapped his hand on his face with a loud sigh

“Should’ve known the loud snoring during the assembly was you. There’s an event next week,” Taehyung blinked at the new information that was given to him

“Is it formal?” Jimin was mentally tired of the younger’s denseness

“Yes, it’s formal. Why do you think I dragged you here in the first place? So do you have a suit ready or not?” Taehyung shook his head

“Repay me when we get back,”


“You look nice,” Taehyung turned around by the compliment

“You look handsome yourself,” He smiled, eyeing Jimin who looked amazing with their suit rather than his usual shorts and hoodie

“Well, its a formal event, I try,” Jimin replied

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Chapter 5: I really enjoyed reading these short stories!! I hope you're doing okay now ♡\(*´︶`*)/♡
Chapter 2: This is so cuteee
bubble-tae-and-jams #3
Chapter 5: oh, as someone who has them a lot, i can say panic attacks are never ever fun :((( i hope she's okay and can get well soon! good luck! ;;
Chapter 5: Panic attack ? Omg I hope she's okay
Jiminssi-Tae #5
Chapter 5: omg I HOPE SHE'S OKAY

I hope you feel better soon! :( I'm worried
hotkisseu #6
Chapter 4: Hi, i like ur VMin stories , a lot :) . Anw, can u make abt superanatural VMin :) thank u and fighting :)
This might be a bit of a stretch, but maybe something where everyone in Bangtan is competing for Jimin's affections throughout the day and V is the one that succeeds by the end of the day?
omg omg omg I like vmin
wait hmm .. write anything that related to their costume in dope. Loving that tho

Nichie #9
Chapter 3: <3<3<3 i like thiiisssss~
Jiminssi-Tae #10
Chapter 3: Vmin going to a formal together TT-TT <333