You're not serious

VMIN short stories

It was a boring day when the boys were in this room with nothing to do. Jimin was just scrolling through his phone with Taehyung lying down on his lap. It’s one of those few rare days when their class was canceled, usually the two would play video games or go on a movie marathon but they didn’t have any new games and the movies that recently came out disinterested them.

“Wanna go shopping?” Jimin asked his boyfriend, not taking his eyes off his phone

“What do you want to shop for?” Taehyung groaned as the sat up into a proper position. The smaller just shrugged as a response

“Anything, really. It’s not like we have anything better to do,” with that they made their way to the shopping mall that wasn’t quite far from their dorms. They walked together hand in hand while eyeing all the clothes that they passed by. So far, nothing had caught their eye but when Jimin came to a complete stop, Taehyung new Jimin saw something that he wanted

“We should totally get that,” the elder exclaimed, already running towards a store that didn’t really look like Taehyung’s stye but follow anyway. The brunette mouth hung open when he saw what his partner was holding up to him

“Jimin, no,” he said blantly. No in hell’s way is he ever going to wear that. The red head lowered the shirt and pouted

“Come on TaeTae, they’re cute. See they even have your favourite colour! And mine too!” Jimin exclaimed, full of excitement in his voice but Taehyung was not going to give in this time

“I am not going to buy us couple shirts,”

“But aren’t we a couple?” Jimin asked and Taehyung sighed, one of the elder’s ways to convince him. The question comes up every one and then whenever Taehyung would disagree with Jimin on something

“Yes we are. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that we have to buy... that,” he didn’t mean it in a super bad way. It’s just really embarrassing to wear in public, the elder didn’t directly say that they had to wear to out but knowing Jimin, they’d probably have to

“Please TaeTae, for me?” Jimin widen his eyes, trying to make the younger weak but it didn’t seem like Taehyung was going to budge this time

“No, Jimin,” he replied. Jimin let out a sigh while putting the clothes back in their original place. When Jimin just walked past Taehyung without a word, he knew his lover was upset. The younger jogged to keep up with the other male’s quick pace. It’s been two months and Jimin still refused to even talking to Taehyung other then his usual “yes” “no” and “I don’t know” answers. They don’t even sit together during lunch anymore and Taehyung’s about to rip his hair out in frustration at how ridiculous Jimin was being

“Just get the guy those couple shirts,” lifting his head, he saw HoSeok who was seeing Jimin at the other corner of the canteen with his football friends

“Do you not understand how ugly those things are?” Taehyung leaned on his back on his seat

“Well, either you buy those self claimed ‘ugly’ shirts or you can suffer with Jimin ignoring you for the rest of your life,” the elder shrugged. Taehyung bit his lip, unclear on how to solve the problem at hand. He and Jimin had a dinner the night, it was their 2nd year anniversary. He knew Jimin would go even if he was upset with the younger cause Jimin loved going on formal dinners and probably cause Taehyung had paid a high amount for that night. Throughout the whole drive to restaurant, Jimin stay quiet and ignored all the questions that were thrown at him but a smile appeared on his face when they entered. The restaurant was quite empty and the seats that Taehyung had reserved were filled with balloons and flower petals

“Come on,” the brunette whispered, taking Jimin’s hand leading the elder to his seat

“Listen, I’m sorry for like,” Taehyung paused, he wasn sure why he was even apologizing but it just felt like he needed to

“Here,” taking out a box from underneath the table, handing it to the opposite male. Jimin looked confused but took the box anyway, a big ribbon was pasted on the top of the box. Slowly Jimin opened the box and Taehyung was sure if Jimin smiled any more wider, his jaw might just come off

“Taehyung, are you serious?” Jimin asked before taking out what was in the box, it was the couple shirt that Jimin had wanted so badly

“I’d rather buy that than have you ignoring me,” Taehyung quoted the words that Hoseok had asked him earlier that day

“Here put it on!” Jimin exclaimed, but instead of going against it, Taehyung did as he was told

“It’s perfect! Thank you TaeTae! I love it!” Jimin looked at his shirt with such happiness that it made Taehyung feel less embarrassed with the fact that they’re wearing such kind of clothes at a high end restaurants

“And I love you,” Jimin said a while later making Taehyung blush and Taehyung thinks that, maybe, just maybe, him embarrassing himself is worth it

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Chapter 5: I really enjoyed reading these short stories!! I hope you're doing okay now ♡\(*´︶`*)/♡
Chapter 2: This is so cuteee
bubble-tae-and-jams #3
Chapter 5: oh, as someone who has them a lot, i can say panic attacks are never ever fun :((( i hope she's okay and can get well soon! good luck! ;;
Chapter 5: Panic attack ? Omg I hope she's okay
Jiminssi-Tae #5
Chapter 5: omg I HOPE SHE'S OKAY

I hope you feel better soon! :( I'm worried
hotkisseu #6
Chapter 4: Hi, i like ur VMin stories , a lot :) . Anw, can u make abt superanatural VMin :) thank u and fighting :)
This might be a bit of a stretch, but maybe something where everyone in Bangtan is competing for Jimin's affections throughout the day and V is the one that succeeds by the end of the day?
omg omg omg I like vmin
wait hmm .. write anything that related to their costume in dope. Loving that tho

Nichie #9
Chapter 3: <3<3<3 i like thiiisssss~
Jiminssi-Tae #10
Chapter 3: Vmin going to a formal together TT-TT <333