Chapter 2: Our Deal

Lovesick: The Chaotic Lives Of Blue Shorts Guys [The Uncut Edition]


Chapter's theme song: Pharn ( Lovesick The Series Official Soundtrack )



[Noh's Point Of View]



"Noh, be my boyfriend."




Hold on a ing minute, what did he just said?! Did I hear corrently or do I need to clean my ears again?! The room falls silent as I try to comprehend the last word Phun had pronounced: Boyfriend. Let me think about it. What was the definition of boyfriend again? 

"A regular male companium whom one has a romantic or ual relationship with." - Based on the ing dictionary!

I couldn't believe this ery! He was asking me to be his boyfriend in order to help me get my club's budget! In other words, he was telling me to trade my for his goddamn help! What type of sick joke was this?! Who the does he think I am?!

Suddenly, my confusion turns into anger and before I realize it, I'm already spitting the first thing that comes to my mind. "Go yourself!", I cuss at him and throw him a look of disgust before I storm out of the office, heading straight back to the music club room.

I couldn't believe what had just happened! I never -in my seventeen years of life- thought that I would get to hear those words coming from Phun Phumipath.He was the epitome of perfection. Everything about him was perfect. His looks. His backround. His grades. His behaviour. His personality. Just everything. He even had a pretty girlfriend!

Hold on! A pretty girlfriend?!

Thats right! He has a pretty girlfriend! What was her name again? Hmm.. Thats right! He has Aim! Aim is very beautiful, and by beautiful, I mean very beautiful. She looks pretty even without makeup. She has a slim figure and dresses fashionably. And by the looks of it, she has a decent personality as well. She was everything that a man wanted! He couldn't possibly want to replace  her with someone like me, right? I mean, their relationship looked serious the last time I saw them together. He even paid for her birthday party -the one I attended a few weeks ago- remember?

Besides, although I've known Phun for a long time, we aren't exactly close. ( He is just a friend of my friend's friend. Did that confused you? Well, thats how it is.) We are just distant acquaintances. We belong to different classrooms and hang with different people so we dont meet very often. If we happen to meet each other, we would greet each other. Or if he happens to be standing infront of the line to buy candy, I would ask him to get some stuff for me and he would comply. I'd also go to him whenever our club is hosting a concert, he would always buy several tickets for him and his friends. But other than that, we share no connection. ( I don't even have his contact saved up on my phone!.)

And in those rare instances where we had a connection, it never felt like he thought of me in that way. To be honest, the possibility that he could swing that way never crossed my mind. If you were to ask me which students in my school are gay ( and there are many ) Phun is probably the last person I would think of. This had to be a misunderstanding. Maybe I heard wrong?

"Hey, Noh! What the hell happened to you?! How could you disappear and leave me just like that?!", As I had expected Ohm is not very happy when I return to the music club room. He starts yelling at me the moment I walk in. "I went to the student council office to request them to check our budget again.", I tell him as I walk to the couch and take a seat next to my second bestfriend, Film.

"Oh, really?! How did it go?!", He asks me with hope filled eyes and I stare at him with pity. I honestly wish I could tell him something positive but I didn't know how to answer him. I had gone to the student council office with hopes of fixing our budget problem but the only thing that I had gotten from there was confusion. Why the hell did you mess up with me like that, Phun?!



[Phun's Point Of View]



After a nine minute ride from school the taxi that carried me makes a stop infront of my house. Looking at the big mansion through the glass window, I let out a long-last sigh. No matter how much I had thought about it, I still didn't know what to tell my sister. She was anxiously waiting for our arrival right at the moment, how could I disappoint her like this? How could I tell her that she wouldn't get to meet my boyfriend tonight, or possibly, at all? Because he wasn't real. Because he had been a lie. How could I tell her this without breaking her heart?

Feeling like the worst person on earth, I bring my wallet to pay the driver, who currently stares at me through the reverse mirror. He probably had noticed that I had been lost in my thoughts for a while now. He probably was annoyed and wanted me to leave already. Not wanting to waste any more of his valuable time, I give him the ride's fee and open the door to get out of the car.

As I'm getting off the car, I hear the man's voice and stop to look at him. "Although I don't know what you're going through at the moment, I wish you luck, kid.", He tells me with a friendly smile and I thank him for the wish and get off. I am going to need luck, afterall. 

Standing right infront of the door, I pray that my sister isn't home yet. Usually, she was home when I came back from school. Normally, getting welcomed by her pretty face afterschool made me feel relieved (In the past decade there had been an increase in the number of female students that had gone missing in the city of Bangkok. While some of their whereabouts remained unknown, some of their corpses had been found to this date. I became fearful thinking that my little sister could become one of them, so whenever she was late it made me feel incredibly anxious.) but today was not my usual day and I found myself wishing that she would't come home today. (She could stay over at a friend's house or something.) But I knew Pang very well. She probably had declined any offer in order to meet my "boyfriend".

Letting out one last sigh, I open the door to walk inside and as expected, luck isn't on my side. As soon as she takes sight of me she comes dashing towards me. "So where is he?!", She throws herself into my arms and asks me with pleading eyes. Just like a child who is awaiting for a reward, she looks at me expectantly. When she gets no answer coming from my lips, she lets go of me and looks curiously at my surroundings as she searches for tonight's missing guest. Once she confirms theres no one besides the two of us, she stands up infront of me and asks me firmly, "Answer me, Phun! Where is your "boyfriend".?!"

By the look of of expectation mixed with excitement of her eyes, I can tell that she's been looking forward to this moment the whole day. Having an homoual brother had always been one of her dreams but she thought that it was impossible with how I was and resigned to the mere fantasy. But tonight her fantasy was finally becoming her reality and I was here, about to crush her bubble again. How unconsiderate and heartless was I being? She had placed her trust in my words despite how suspiscious they were and had agreed to help me find a way to freedom and here I was, about to disappoint her and probably, lose her trust. 

I knew that this might be my last time to break free from this lie before I got too deep, and that if I didn't take it right now, I would have to continue till the end of this heartless plan of mine. But how could I tell her that everything had been just a lie when she was this excited already? If I told her the truth right now, would she hate me? Would she help me out if I tell her that I'm still with Aim?

No. I can't do this to her.

I promised her I would introduce her to my boyfriend... and I will.. no matter what..

"He would've loved to come and meet you but he is sick at home right now.", I lie to her once again and start to make my escape. "Oh my god, is my brother in law sick?!", she asks me with concern (Since when did he become my husband?!) and I try to reassure her about my non existent boyfriend's health. "Don't worry, it's nothing serious. He just got a cold after falling asleep in the bathtub.", I try to reassure her with a lame excuse (Seriously, who gets a cold like that?) as I hurriedly make my way upstairs.

"A cold?! That sounds dangerous! We should go and check how he is doing then!", She says as she follows me from behind and I shake my head in denial. "That's not necessary. I talked to him on the phone and he said he wants to rest.", I tell her as I enter my room. Before she can enter too and pester me some more, I stand up in the way and close the conversation. "Don't worry too much, you will get to meet him, just not today. Anyways, I'm very tired so i'm going to take a nap now. See you at dinner.", I tell her quickly before I slam the door at her face. 

With my back against the hard surface of the door, I watch as the last chance to turn back leaves my reach. Why didn't I take that chance and recover my honesty before it was too late? Who knows? Maybe if I had told her the truth she would've understand and if I was lucky, she would've still helped me. But no. I decided to throw that opportunity away and continue lying to her. Now that I've lied to her again and that her hopes are raised even more, there's no turning back: I need to find myself a boyfriend. 

Today had been a very bad day. When Pang knocked on my door earlier this morning, I should've ignored her and gone back to sleep. Perhaps that way I could've avoided today or atleast, push it for tomorrow. I arrived late at school and as expected, I got scolded as soon as I got to the front gate. I had to do fifty push ups -under the ing sun- as a punishment. Because of my torturous punishment, I arrived late to class and got scolded by my teacher, infront of my classmates. I couldn't concentrate during class - my mind was filled with worries- which resulted in some more scolding. "Its so unlike you.", my teachers told me. Well, I wasn't being my usual self.

During lunch, I had tried to search for a possible candidate but no one was good enough to be my fake boyfriend. ( Nope. I wasn't being picky but I knew that Pang wouldn't accept anyone as her brother's boyfriend.) And if they were good enough, I was too embarrassed to ask because I wasn't close to any of them. I couldn't bring someone Pang knew because she would caught on that I was lying at her. It had to be someone who she hadn't met before. This made the whole search more complicated because she knew most of my friends and classmates. The school hours were coming to an end and I hadn't been able to ask no one. I was so stressed and irritated that I started a stupid arguement with the student council president, Fee. He is usually a calm and well behaved person but after our arguement, he was so pissed that he made me stay after school working on extra work.

When I saw Noh walk through that door and plead for my help, for a moment I thought things would get better. He was the perfect candidate to be my boyfriend. Flawless pale skin. Red juicy lips. Pure and clear eyes. A buzz cut that he had since he was a children. Not to tall, or too short. Athletic build and a talented musician. He was even the president of the music club. And to top it all, he was pleading for my help and willing to do anything to get it. That's why I thought of a plan. I could help him with his budget problem and he could pretend to be my boyfriend. It was a fair trade.. I was so excited to have found the perfect boyfriend that I didn't think about how to propose to him and just blurted out the first thing that came to my head and scared him away. 

How could I have been so stupid to open a proposal like that? But somehow I couldn't help myself. When he threw himself at me, all of my worries dissipated and my mind went blank. There was just me, and the guy infront of me, Noh Napat. Noh, the person who I always thought of whenever I thought of the perfect girlfriend. I always wished that Aim could be as fun and cheerful as Noh. He may be loud and a slightly bit obnoxious, but theres always friendliness and sincerity shining from his eyes. 

I have to admit that I felt a glint of excitement run through me when the idea that Noh was going to be my boyfriend first crossed my mind. Although Noh was just a distant friend of mine, for some reason, everytime I had the joy of talking to him, it felt like if I had known him forever. He always brought me a feeling of ease and trust. I've always wanted to get to know him better and this was my opportunity. I felt ecstatic to began. 

I can clearly remember every single memory that we have shared. Like that time where he competed against me in a tug of war eight years ago. The one my team won because Noh had developed a sudden urge to sneeze. We both ended scraping our knees but his was bleeding badly. He cried and made a fuss because he didn't want to go to the nurse's office alone. Although mine wasn't badly hurt, I used that as an excuse to offer to take him to the nurse's office. He looked at me confused but took my hand, the one I had stretched out to him. Or that time when we had to do a play together for the thai language week. He got the role of an astrologist and I played the role of the town ruler. When he saw the dialogues for the play, he complained that they were too hard to memorize. I offered to rehearse together during lunch and he flashed me the brightest smile. It had been entertaining to rehearse with him that day. Although he kept getting his lines wrong -which resulted in a waste of time- the expressions he made as he tried to act were an interesting sighting. Or that time when he appeared in my birthday party two years ago. Apparently, Rodkeng -my friend's friend- had dragged him to my birthday party. He looked very uncomfortable in within the crowd of unknown faces. He tried so hard to be polite and keep himself from cursing the entire time that I was curious to know if he would up soon and stared at him for the rest of the party.

I was very excited to create more memories similar to those that I forgot that the proposal I was about to make was possibly the sickest one I've ever done. And I threw it at him just like that. Without explanations. It was obvious he was going to think of me as a freak. I couldn't even get angry at how he reacted because I would've reacted the same way. Instead, my heart sank as I watched him go. 

I couldn't leave things like they were. I needed to explain everything to Noh. He was the perfect candidate to be my boyfriend. I was a hundred percent certain of it. I needed to convince him to accept my proposal, no matter what.

I jump out of my bed and proceed towards my desk, opening my laptop and turning it on. Once on the browsing page, I direct myself to my most visited website: Facebook. After logging in I search for Noh's facebook page. In his front page I find the pictures from Aim's birthday party. It seems Nong Nan had uploaded them to facebook already and tagged him on one of the pictures of the folder. I look through the pictures one by one until I find the one in where he appears. Its a picture where he is next to Aim's bestfriend, Yuri. He looks flawless with a white shirt and black leather pants. I can't help but smile at his handsome face. 

I take the picture off of the screen and search for his name on the online box, however, he is offline. I decide to write him a message and wait for his reply instead but as I'm writting my phone rings and I look at the dialer to see my girlfriend's name on the screen. I leave my desk and start running out of my room. I sneak out of the house to answer the call, just in case Pang overhear us. 

"Hello?", I answer my phone once i'm far from the house and wait of an answer.

"Hello?", I hear her reply on the other side of the line but there's something unusual in her voice.

"Is there something wrong?", I ask her immediately and it goes silent on the other side. Just like I thought. There was something wrong. Aim wasn't the kind of girl that would call you on a regular basis. She usually texted me instead and I was fine with that. However, whenever something went wrong, she would call me and trust me her worries. "Aim, tell me what is wrong?", I ask her once again when she didn't rely. 

"I met with my father today, after a month.", She told me with an empty voice and I listened quietly as she continued, "We went to eat to a luxurious restaurant. Her new wife came along with us. She's not the problem though. He is the problem. He told me that he would like me to go study aboard. He says he wants the best for me, but I don't trust him. I know he wants me away."

"Oh. And have you discussed it with your mother? I'm sure she wouldn't want you to go away.", I tell her as I try to calm her down, and at the same time, calm myself down. Was Aim going to leave me and go aboard? I knew that everybody wanted to go study in the states and that maybe it was the best for her but.. I didn't want to have to see her go. 

"That's the worst part of them all. She told me that she thinks its a good idea. Can you believe it? Both of my parents want to send me away.",  She sounds so empty but at the same time so heartbroken and I feel pity for her. I really wish I could say something to comfort her, but in this moment, my heart is scared and all I can do is to ask her what I fear the most, "Then, are you leaving?"

"Of course I'm not leaving! I stood up to her and told her that I'm not leaving! That I want to stay with her, even if she doesn't want me to! She told me she didn't care. That it was my decision afterall.", She tells me and the tightness of my chest vanishes. Thanks god you aren't leaving, I think to myself. "That's good. That you aren't leaving, I mean.", I tell her with a relieved voice and the line goes silent once again. 

"Phun..", I hear her pronounce my name in a small voice and encourage her to continue what she was going to say.

"I know I'm not very good at showing my emotions and that I normally do and say things that hurt those around me, but I want to thank you for putting up with my behaviour through all of this time... Thank you..", She tells me with sincerity and I smile to myself. "You don't have to thank me, Aim. I'm always here for you and I will always be.", I tell her with just the same amount of sincerity as I imagine her smile on the other side of the phone.

"Anyways, I have to go to sleep now, Phun.", She tells me as she yawns and waits for my reply.

"Goodnight, Aim.", I give her my goodnight wishes and wait for her to hang up.



[Noh's Point Of View.]



I should be sleeping peacefully right now -just like I had planned- but something made me get on my motorcycle and drive all the way to this large mansion. I don't know what was going on my mind when I decided to come all the way to Phun's mansion, but here I am, standing right outside his house on the chilly weather of the night. I've been to this mansion before. It was during Phun's fifteen birthday party. My third bestfriend, Rodkeng, who is a friend of a friend of Phun's (did that confused you?) had been invited to the party and decided to drag me with him.

I never thought that I'd comeback to this place all by myself and for such a ridiculous reason though.

I park my motorcycle infront of the huge gate and pace back and forth. Should I ring the doorbell or should I turn around and drive back to my house? Damn. Why did I come all the way here in the first place? What was I going to tell him anyways? Phun, take those words you said earlier back because they make me feel uncomforable? that. him. myself. 

As I scream at my inner self, I take sight of a silhouette walking around the garden. Since there's only one young guy in this household, it must belong to the reason of my confusion, Phun.

"Phun! Phun! Phun!", I try to yell at him as I jump and move my hands in the air, trying to grab his attention. I didn't want to disturb the peace of the neighbors, so I hoped for him to notice me as soon as possible. Thankfully, that handsome jerk turns around and looks at me surprised. He stands still for a moment -taking the sight of me- before he comes running to open the gate for me. 

"Hey! What's up, Noh?", He opens the gate and walks outside to join my side. I look at him in silence. . I still haven't thought about what to tell him. When he notices that I don't know what to say, he takes the innitiative, "Are you here about earlier, perhaps?"


"Oh! Yeah! That!", I tell him as I point my index finger at his face.

"I went to the student council office today to ask you about my club's budget that got cut and you told me that it was because Ngoi had been a coward and refused to speak up during the budget meeting you had so I-", I decide to tell him what happened but he interrupts me before I can finish my backstory, "I remember what happened, Noh." I know that you remember, but can't I just set the mood of the conversation with the backstory?! Geez. 

"Well, thanks for remembering", I say with sarcasm before I continue, "So you must also remember that you told me you could help me with the budget problem, right? But what did you say you wanted in exchange? Something about being your boyfriend. I think I heard you wrong so I cursed and left, I'm sorry."

"But you heard me correctly, Noh."

I freeze in my place and look at him terrified. What did he just say? I had to be hearing him wrong. 

"W-what did you say?", I stutter the question.

"I said that you heard me correctly. Can you be my boyfriend.?"

I suddenly get a chill down my spine as all sort of thoughts go through my head. I couldn't believe this was actually happening! Phun was actually gay and after my assless ! And I came all the way to his house, was he going to devour me now?

He flashes a smile at me and I'm certain that its time for me to leave! Goodbye, ! I'm out of here!

I began to turn around and attempt my escape but he grabs me by the arm and stops me before I can move any further. I turn back to face him because I feel that it wouldn't be safe to have my back against him at this point. I wave my arms frantically and close my eyes tightly, pleading to heaven for him to let me go. "I'm not interested in guys! I can't return your feelings! I'm sorry! I really can't be your boyfriend!", Im practically begging for his understanding but he refuses to let go of my arm. Why is this happening to me?! 

"Hey! I'm not interested in guys either!", Phun tells me and I finally open my eyes, which had been pressed shut for a while now. Eh? So did I misunderstood something? He is not making any sense here! Does he want or does he want ?

"Come in first, I'll explain everything inside!", He tells mem and starts pulling me into his garden. I can't help but wonder. Will I make it out of there? 



[Phun's Point Of View]



After a long competition of who was the fittest, I manage to get Noh inside the garden. We are currently seating infront of the pool behind the house. Somewhere where we can be alone. I still couldn't believe that he had come all the way to my house. I thought that it would be hard to get him to see me after what happened at the student council office. But he had come all the way to my house willingly. I couldn't help but think that this was destiny. That he was the perfect candidate afterall.

I knew that I had to talk to him now or I would lose my chance again, but I was at loss of words. I didn't know how to start and I was afraid of how he would react to my proposal ( specially because he looked terrified at the moment.)

"Noh..", I call out to him and he jumps frightened. He is at his edge, see?

"Noh, listen to me carefully.", I begin and look into his eyes. I barely have said anything and he is already shaking his head. I let out a sigh of frustration. Why was he so complicated? You know what, I'll just spill everything out as it is! 

"I'm not gay, Noh! I already have a girlfriend! Girl-friend! You know her! I have Aim, remember?", I tell him straight and he lets a sigh of relief and nods his head in response. 

"But.. I want to date you, Noh.", I tell him and watch as his relieved expression turns into confusion mixed with frustration. "You know what, Phun, I've heard enought! I'm gonna go, I don't want to listen to this anymore!", He is about to stand up and leave when I grab him by the arm and force him to seat back down. 

"No, Noh! You're going to listen to me to the very end, understand?!", I order him in a demanding tone of voice and he looks at me surprised. When he calms down again, I decide to continue, "My family wants to force me to date and possibly marry his friend's daughter but I don't want to. I already have my girlfriend, Aim, that I'm currently in love with. I want to tell them to take back that decision but they wont listen to me."

"Wait, what the heck was that? Talk slowly and clearly because I'm not understanding any of this.", He tells me as he looks at me like he can't believe what I'm telling him. Well, I can't believe that this is happening either.

"I said that my family is forcing me to date someone else but I have my girlfriend Aim, that I'm currently in love with.", I repeat myself, trying to make it as easy as possible.

"Ooookaaayy??? And what does that have to do with me?", He asks.

"I could never go against my parents. You should know that they are very strict. They won't listen to me and it's very hard to convince them once they take a decision. But for some reason, they always let Pang have her way. So if she helps me by talking to them, then I won't need to date whoever they want me to.", I explain to him and he listens well.

"Pang is your youngest sibling, right?", He asks me and I nod my head.

"Then why don't you tell Pang that you already have a girlfriend?", He asks me and I take a small pause, trying to gather what I was going to tell him. This was difficult to explain and to understand as well. 

"It's not that simple. Pang.. is a little..weird. Ever since she started middle school she completely changed. There are mangas and anime all around her room.", I explain to him and he looks at me confused and asks, "How is that strange? I was like that when I was in middle school too."

"Its not the kind of mangas and animes we usually read and watch, Noh! The stuff she entertains herself with is.. usually gay mangas and animes, and most of them are rated R.", I tell him and he bursts out laughing. "Are you kidding me?! Damn. Girls these days..", he says as he looks at me in disbelief.

"She would only agree to help me if I have a boyfriend. And if my boyfriend is cute, then she'd try even harder. And you're... cute..", I confess to him and his eyes widen in fright once again. I'm being honest when I say that he is very cute. He has pale clear skin. Cute round eyes. Red juicy lips. And a cute nose. Despite his braces and buzz head cut he is still very gorgeous. If I was gay, he was exactly what I would go for and I'm sure Pang will love his looks too.

"But why does it have to be me? Couldn't you have asked someone else?", He asks me as he stands up once more and tries to leave, but I manage to make him stop with my next sentence.

"Because you and me can help one another in exchange.", I tell him and he turns to look at me with a pale face. I feel a bit bad for taking advantage of him but I had no other option. I had already dragged my own sister into this sick plan of mine, one more person that I drag into this won't cause any harm, right? And it won't be for long. As soon as Pang convinces my father, it'll be over and although Pang will be heartbroken, Noh will be free and I'll be able to continue with my life. 

He's about to give me an answer when I hear a familiar voice speak to us from behind us.

"Phun, who is this?"



[Noh's Point Of View]



"Phun, who is this?", A small voice filled with confusion asks from behind of me and I jump frightened at its suddeness. I look at Phun's shocked eyes  and see the reflection of a small girl standing behind of me inside of his pupils. I turn around to meet with an innocent face that looks at us with curiosity. Although she had grown a few inches and her face had aged a few years, I could still recognize who this girl was.

There she was!  Phun's little sister, the legendary Nong Pang! 

I should admit that despite her young age and physical appearance, Nong Pang was very intimidating. Even in this moment, I felt intimidated by her prescence. Phun had told me that even her parents were intimated by her a while ago, well, it didn't surprise me. There was something in the way that she stared at you -as if she was staring into your soul and breaking into your mind- that made you feel intimidated just by staring directly at her eyes.

I'm at lost of words as I stare at the cute girl that's infront of us. I know that the right thing to do would be to greet her and introduce myself but I'm just too shocked to see her here, right at this moment. It feels as if I had seen a ghost. (Although I would've preferred to see a ghost in my current situation.) On the other hand, although Phun had been in the same state a while ago, it seemed he knew exactly what to do now. He simply takes a step forward and give his little sister a bright smile. Seriously, why does he always have to look so cheerful?! 

"What are you doing outside at this late hour, Pang? Shouldn't you be helping with dinner?", Phun asks Pang with gentleness and I furrow at his tone of voice. It was known to me that Phun Phumipath was very popular with the girls. Although he was very good looking, smart and wealthy, I never understood why girls were so into him. Well, now I knew. If this was the way he treated girls, then he had my heart. ( Okay. Not really. But you get what I mean, right?) He seems to be a very good brother. This makes me feel more at ease and turns him into a more trustworthy person. I can't explain the reason why though.

"Well, I was looking for you to tell you that dinner is already served but I didn't find you in your room so I decided to look for you outside. I thought you were taking a nap, what are you doing here?", The little troublemaker asks Phun but her eyes are still on me. I wonder if she recognizes me. (The last time I had the pleasure to see Pang was last year, during the soccer competition. Nong Pang came to see Phun. But her older brother was working. I was working with the band when I came accross Pang. She looked confused since she didn't know where to find Phun so I had brought Phun to her myself.) It's been a long time since then, so I don't expect her to remember me, honestly. 

I flash her a wide and friendly smile to hide the awkwardness that I felt at the moment. Phun turns to look at me as I smile and smiles back at me, making a chill run down my spine, before he turns back to look at Pang. "Well, I was sleeping but then, my friend here called me to tell me that he had came to meet you afterall.", Phun tell Pang as he glances at me at the same time and I look at him confused. Wait, when did I call?! And since when was I planning to meet with Pang? 

"To meet me afterall?", Pang looks at Phun puzzled before staring at me again.

"You said that you wanted to meet P'Noh, didn't you?", Phun asks Pang as if he was trying to tell her something that she hadn't caught on.

"To meet P'Noh?", Pang little eyes widen in realization and there's a strange glint in them that tells me that something is not right. There's something that these two knew and that I didn't but if I was honest, I was afraid to know what that was.

"Yes. You told me that you wanted to meet my boyfriend, didn't you?", Phun asks Pang and Pang break into a fit of squeals. Hold on a ing minute! Since when did I agree to be his boyfriend?! This is unfair!! I'm about to hit him in the head but he holds me tightly, making every movement impossible. 

"I'm so glad to meet you P'Noh! You can't imagine how excited I was to be able to meet you tonight. I couldn't stop thinking to this moment all throughout the day. But then Phun told me you were sick and it broke my heart. I'm so happy that you were able to come, afterall!", I hear Pang's over excited voice tell me as she helds to my hand ( the one that had been able to break free from Phun's bear hug ) and shakes it in a pace that I can't keep on. I have no idea what she is talking about. All I can do is smile awkwardly.

"Now that I remember, weren't you sick?", She asks me and I stare at Phun, signaling him to talk in my place .I had no ing idea of what she was talking about so I didn't know what to respond. "Well, he says he feels better, right, Noh?", He looks at me and I nod my head. Wait a minute, why was I complying now? And why was I still in his embrace?! Ugh!! 

"You just recovered from a cold! You shouldn't be outside! The weather is chilly!", Pang snaps at me and I just nod my head repeatedly. This was my opportunity! I needed to leave right now! "You know, you're right! I think I should leave now!", I tell her as I free myself from Phun's embrace and start to bid farewell. However, before I can turn around to leave, a hand grabs to my arm and prevents me from going further. This time it wasnt Phun who held to me, I was certain of that. 

"You can't leave just like that! You just got here! Stay for dinner please! I want to know more about P'Noh and P'Phun's relationship!", She clings to my arm and begs me. I give Phun a pleading look and he just shrugs at me. I look back down at Pang and see a thousand pleads inside of her eyes.

"Come'on Noh! Don't be like that! Pang has been looking forward to meet you all day long! You can't do this to her, can you?", I hear that bastard voice speak and I send him a deadly glare, making him gulp down his throat.

"Just come inside for a while, have dinner and make a small talk with her, then you can go home, okay?", He dares to speak again -giving me a forced smile- and I look down at Pang pleading eyes. She looked so expectant and hopeful; like if she had awaited this moment all her life. I knew that if I declined their offer and ignored her pleads, she would probably cry herself to sleep tonight. But if I accepted and went inside that house, there would be no turning back: I would become Phun's boyfriend. This whole situation was giving me a headache. I didn't understand why was this happening to me.



[Phun's Point Of View]



After dragging a resisting Noh inside the mansion, we find ourselves seating in the table, infront of a deliciously made dinner. Just as we had expected our parents were still working and wouldn't be joining us for dinner tonight.  Normally, not seeing my parents at dinner depressed me. (They were very busy people. It was rare to see them at home. The only chances we had to spend time as a family were those at dinner.) But today, I couldn't care less. If I was honest, I was kind of glad that they hadn't made it for dinner. I wouldn't have to see my father's face and hear him speak about his obnoxious idea of marrying me off to his friend's daughter.

"So, how did you two met each other? I'm very curious to know.", I hear my little sister voice ask as she rests her head in between her hands, looking at us with curiosity, completly ignoring the food in her plate. Noh turns to look at me with a panic expression. He must be creeping out now that he has realized the reason why Pang reunited us for dinner. A whole interview was about to happen. Thankfully, I had everything under control. All he would have to do is keep quiet and nod every once in a while. I hold onto his hand -to tell him that everything is okay- and he flinches away as I had expected him to. 

"Well, we have been attending to the same school for quite a while now. Although we don't go to the same class nor hang out with the same group of friends, we manage to meet each other in between classes, right Noh?", I explain to my sister and glance at Noh, who just nods his head slightly.

"When was the first time you noticed him?! When was it that you fell for him?!", My sister asks me excitedly and Noh looks at me, curious to know what answer I had prepared.

"The first time I noticed him was eight years ago. We were playing against each other in a tug of war. He had developed an urge to sneeze that day. Thanks to that, my team won but we both got our knees scratched up. He made a huge fuss because he didn't want to go to the nurse, you should've seen him! I thought he was very adorable!", I tell my story and watch as my sister sighs with contentment. On the other hand, Noh furrows his eyesbrows at me. I would have a ton to explain to him afterwards, I was certain of it.

"What about you, Noh?! When did you fell for my brother?!", She turns to look at Noh and he looks at her before looking at me with panic. Dont worry, Noh. I've got your back. "It was four years ago. We had to do a play together. He got the role of an astrologist and I played the role of a king. I helped him rehease his lines because he had trouble remembering them. He told me he fell for me after watching me play my role, right Noh?", I turn to glance at Noh -who is currently staring at me with flushed cheeks- and he nods his head slightly.

"Oh my god, you are both adorable! I'm very glad to know that you're with someone who I can trust. Your last girlfriend wasn't trust worthy, Phun. Trust me, I can tell when someone is a bad person and when someone is a good person. I can guarantee you that P'Noh is a good person. I can see it through his eyes.", Pang tells me and I feel a sting of pain inside of my heart. I couldn't understand why Pang hated Aim so much. They barely had talked to each other and Pang was already judging her harshly. Why was Aim a bad person in Pang eyes?

"Why is Phun's girlfriend a bad person in your eyes?", I hear the question in my mind come from Noh's lips and I turn to look at him surprised. Pang looks at Noh surprised before letting out a sigh. "I know I'm being harsh by saying she's a bad person, specially since I don't know her that well, but there's something about the way she acts that tells me that she's hiding something, and its not something good.", Pang explains and I turn to look at her puzzled. Hiding something? What could Aim be hiding? The only thing she's hiding is her own pain. I'm about to speak before Pang beats me to it.

"But I think you're a good person, Noh. In your eyes, there's no sort of malice, this puts me at ease since I can trust my brother to you.", She holds to Noh's hands as she looks at Noh like if she knew him for years. He just laughs awkwardly and looks at me pleadingly, just wanting to get out of this uncomfortable situation. I have to agree with Pang this time around though. When I look into Noh's eyes, I only find friendliness and care inside of them. Being near him makes anyone feel at ease. That's the sort of power he holds.



[Noh's Point Of View]



Once we finished having dinner -more like having a love interview- we decided to move to the living room. So here I am, sititng on the sofa of the living room of the phumipath residence. As for Phun, he's so close that I might as well be siitting on his lap. Meanwhile, Pang is sitting on another sofa nearby.

"Why are you so close?! It's hot!", I whisper to Phun and he mocks me in return by giving me a funny response, "You're hot?! Should I turn the Air conditioner up?!" Ha! Ha! You're so funny! (That's sarcasm!)

"I have a better idea. How about you just move away?!", I fake a smile at him as I whisper to him.

"How can I do that? We need to be convincing, Noh,", he whispers to me with a sly smile. The is he on about being convincing?! In the first place, I didn't even agree to this! He was doing all of this against my will!

"What the are you talking about?! Just move away!", I start to push him away from me and although he refuses at first, he ends up complying in the end. I let out a sigh of relief now that he finally moves away. That relief didn't last long since Phun decided that it was okay to lean over and put his arm around my shoulders. Seriously, man?! He really was asking to get murdered!

I realize that Nong Pang is now staring at us. Her eyes are twinkling but there's something odd about them. Though I can't really explain it. But whatever it is, i'm getting goosebumps all over my arms.

"P'Noh, how are you getting home tonight? Its pretty late already.", Nong Pang shoots me a question. But.. why does it feel like there's more to that question? This is not good. I check my watch and realize that is actually pretty late. Its time to escape from this eighteen level of hell.

"I rode my motorcycle here. So don't worry. I can get myself home safely. Speaking of which, I should probably get going now. Goodbye, Phun! Goodbye Pang!", I wave my hands at the two troublemakers and start to walk towards the door, but once again (damn it!) a hand grabs my arm and keeps in place. I'm certain that such hand belongs to the younger troublemaker. Why wouldn't she let me go this time?!

"How can you let P'noh go off in the night like that, P'Phun?! What if something happens to him on his way home?! Who'll be responsible for that?!", Pang says as she pulls me with her towards Phun. What the hell?! I'm seventeen years old! I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself, Pang!

"P'noh, please spend the night here? please? You can sleep in P'Phun's room! You can't leave tonight, i'ts very dangerous!", She pleads me as she clings herself to my arm once again. What am I supposed to do now?! If I could, I would love to kick her and watch as she bounces away. ( he he )

"P'phun, you can't just tell me that you got a boyfriend so that I'd talk to dad for you. If you don't take proper care of P'noh, then I won't help you.", She sends a threat at Phun and stares at him with anger and even I feel frightened by her tone of voice. No wonder they are all scared of her. I am scared of her too.

"She's right, Noh! You should probably spend the night. If you go home now.. it'll be dangerous.", he says as he laughs awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck. Goddamn it, Phun! Thank you so much for the help! ( That's sarcasm. ) Just wait till we are alone! I'm going to murder you!

"I can't do that! We have school tomorrow! I didn't bring my uniform with me!", I try to give an excuse -which was very convenient- and pray that they will understand and let me off the hook.

"You can wear P'Phun's uniform, P'Noh!", Pang argues and I shake my head.

"I can't do that! The student ID won't match.", I respond in my favor. Here we go! Let's see who wins this battle!

"It'll be fine! They barely check that stuff. And even if they check, you can just tell them that you had to spend the night at my place and you had to borrow my uniform.", Phun tells me and I glare at him. How kind of you, Phun! (Yup. Sarcasm again.)

I'm speechless now. I've gone mute. I know that any excuse I give them will be useless. And I'm honestly too tired to fight anymore.

"Okay, then! You should go upstairs and take a shower! The both of you!", Pang tells us as she shoves our backs, forcing us out of the living room so we can go to our honeymoon suite (?) "Don't worry, Phun. I'll try to talk to dad about that thing later, okay?", She  winks at her older brother and I watch as Phun's eyes lit up at the sentence she said. He must be very desperate for his sister's help. I know I should pity him -and help him like a good friend- but I can't actually care. Right now, I'm too depressed about this whole situation. How did I got into this mess?

"Don't worry about your club's budget. I'll take care of that for you too.", Phun whispers into my ear reassuringly and I remember the reason why everything started.

Was my pride as the music club president really worth it?!


[Phun's Point Of View]



After being pushed around the house by my sister, we finally enter my bedroom. Infront of the mess of my bedroom, I feel embarrassment. I wasn't expecting things to turn out this way and much less, to spend the night next to my fake boyfriend, so I didn't clean my bedroom before leaving for school. ( I was already late for school so the thought didn't even cross my mind.) Thankfully, it wasn't as messy as in other days. A few things thrown here, a few thrown there, but nothing I couldn't clean in a few minutes.

Once that my sister leaves the two of us alone, the lively atmosphere that had lingered a moment ago falls silent now. I could even hear my heart raise inside of my chest as I awaited for Noh to speak first. I knew that he was not very happy with me right now and that if I spoke to him, I might anger him more so I decided to stay quiet and let him be the one to take the initiative. But the minutes were passing us by and he remained quiet. I was starting to feel threatened. Would he beat me up or even worse, murder me? I've never thought he was the one to put on a fight but again, I didn't know him that well to begin with. What if there were sides of him that I didn't knew?

The waiting was becoming a torture. I was about to break the ice when I finally heard him speak. "Can you lend me a pair of pajamas? I want to take a shower.", His sudden voice makes me jump in fright before I turn to face him with a questioning look. Well, that wasn't what I was expecting him to say. He seems to know what I'm think because he lets out an exhausted sigh and speaks again, "We'll talk after I take a shower. Now, can you please let me borrow some clothes, please?"

While Noh is gone, I decide to clean my room a little bit. ( That way it would be clean when he returns and I wouldnt feel so ashamed anymore.) I also take this moment to meditate and think about what I'm going to tell him when he returns. I knew I would have to apologize to him. I had practically forced him into this, afterall. I should've waited for him to consent to help me first but when I saw my sister standing infront of us in the garden earlier, I felt the rush to grab onto the opportunity. 

If I had waited for him to make the final decision, would he have declined to be my boyfriend? I think it is highly likely. For that reason I didn't even regret what I had done out of impulse. Although it had been unfair to him, I had came out of it winning. If I was honest, I was very happy that I had made that decision because thanks to that, he was going to spend the night here and we would get to know each other. 

Speaking of our special guest, Noh finally gets out of the bathroom. He is still shirtless and slightly wet from his shower. I take a moment to scan his body quickly. He really was perfect. His body proportions were far better than mine. If I was a girl, I would probably be drooling over the sight. He realizes that I'm currently staring at him and quickly puts his shirt on. I bet he still thinks I am planning to pounce on him. I want to laugh at his naiveness but I decide against it and shake my head instead. I wasn't planning to do anything to him. I didn' swing that way and even if I did, I still have respect for others, you know. 

He approaches me slowly and crouches down next to me as I arrange the books in my shelve. He picks a comic book out of the shelve and takes a quick look through the pages. His lips curl into a smile as he speaks, "You're also reading this manga?! I finished this one not long ago. Do you want me to tell you how it ends?"

I snatch the comic book out of his hand and shake my head as I place it back on the shelve, "Why would I want that?! I prefer to find that out on my own, thank you anyways."

"I heard a live action is being released later this year, do you want to go watch it together?", He asks me and I look at him surprised. Was he asking me out now? I couldn't believe it! It seems he couldn't believe what he had done either because his expression changed into confusion right away. My lips curled into a smile as I nod my head frantically, "I would love to!"

After my answer the silence returns to the bedroom. I want to keep talking to him -to get to know more about him- but I'm scared that I might annoy him so I decide that its better to let him be the one to do the talking. From what I've seen from him so far, it seemed he was better at talking than I was, anyways.

After a while he breaks the silence, "Phun, why did you forced me into this?"

I look into his eyes and sigh. I guess it was time to explain. "It's just that I had been looking for someone all day long with no luck and suddenly you appeared out of nowhere, looking for my help. I thought that you needed me just as much as I needed you and that we could help each other out, that's all. I was very desperate, Noh. I should've thought about your feelings, I'm sorry. I hope you can understand and accept my apology.", I explain things to him as they are and pray for him to understand. He looks at me for a moment before letting out a sigh and standing up to walk to my bed.

"It's alright, don't worry about it. It can't be helped now anyways.", He tells me as he seats down on my bed. Eh? Was that all? No curse words or complaints? That hadn't been what I had expected ( not that i'm complaining.) I stand up from the floor and join him on the bed ( keeping some space in between us for him to feel comfortable.)

"Thank you so much for understanding. Don't worry. You'll only have to pretend when Pang is around and it wont be for long, trust me. As soon as Pang talks to my parents, you'll be free from this. Also, you'll get the budget for your club so take it as a part time job, okay?", I tell him reassuringly and he just nods his head. He was finally agreeding to this! I wish I could hug him in gratefulness but I knew that would piss him off so I choosed not to. 

"So what do you want to do now? Want to play some games?", I ask him and he shakes his head. "Nah. I feel exhausted. Your sister is very scary and bossy, man. Just being near her drained all the energy from me.", He says as he yawns and I smile. It was true. My sister could be scary at times.

"Well then, do you want to go to sleep now?", I ask him and he nods his head. I stand up from the bed and walk to turn the lights off as he starts to lay himself under the comforter. I turn the lights off and return to take the side next to him. I'm about to close my eyes when I hear footsteps from the corridors. I was certain that my sister was coming to my room and if she didn't see what she expected to see, she would start to get suspiscious of my so called relationship. 

Without thinking it twice, I flung myself across the bed to cover Noh's body with mine. I held both of his hands on top of his head to keep him from pushing me away ( Yeah. I have some experience in this.) just as Pang opened the door and light flooded from the corridor. Our eyes stared at each other for a moment. His eyes were filled with fear as he stared into mine and I tried to send him a message by means of telepathy. Of course, he didn't get it because I could totally feel his hands struggling to free themselves.

I pretended to raise my head sleepily and look at Pang who was currently staring at both of us with wide eyes from the entrance of the room. "What is it, Pang?", I asked her calmly.

"I.. brought more blankets..since I was afraid P'noh's cold would come back...", she looked utterly shocked but I knew she was pleased with what she was seeing. "That's okay, Pang.", I stared down at Noh, who seemed to understand what was happening now, and hugged him closer, "I will keep him warm tonight."

"Okay! Then I'll leave the both of you alone! I'm sorry for interrupting! I'll lock the door for you! I'm sorry, once again.", She left the room as she apologized over and over. But once she was outside, I could hear the squeals and giggles all the way here. Noh immediately threw me off of him. "What the was that?!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!", I apologized multiple times, "It won't happen again, I promise."

"You scared me less, you bastard! For a moment, I thought I was going to lose my ity!", he complained.

"Oh, so you're still a ?!", I asked with curiosity ( how cute was that?) and he sent me a glare that shut me up, "Okay, okay, calm down."


I'm about to close my eyes when I hear him speak again within the darkness.

"By the way, those stories you told Pang about us, did they happen or did you made them up?", He asks me and for some reason, my chest tightens. So I was the only one that remembered in the end. Well, wasn't it obvious? he only thought of me as a distant friend, why would he remember? But then, if we were only distant friends, why did I held to those memories so dearly?

"I...made them up.", I decide to lie to him because I felt pathetic. I was holding onto those memories so dearly while he couldn't even remember them. If I told him about them they were real, he probably would misunderstand anyways. "Well, you're very good at making up stories! For a moment, I thought you were being serious back then. he he", I see him smile through the darkness before he goes quiet again. After some minutes of silence, I hear his breathing slow down. He was already sleeping peacefully, then why was I still awake?


If you can't avoid a situation, welcome the things you must face with open arms.



















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FhayAsh #1
🥺 reading in 2021 n no update 💔authooor😭
FhayAsh #2
🥺 reading in 2021 n no update 💔authooor😭
Chapter 13: Yup just as I predicted it's awesome. Good luck got the next chapter
Chapter 13: It's been a year so I figure you've decided to drop this. It's really a cool fan fic so if you have any time in the future it would be great if you could pick it back up. Hope you're doing better, fighting!!!
Chapter 13: Still no up date...
fakefaketone #6
I really WANNA READ na
Erixbonillo #7
Muy feliz porque volvieras y sigas escribiendo aunque sea poco a poco y continúes con esta novela ya que es la mejor versión que hay , así que espero por tus actualizaciones de este fanfic. ..y no te en tristes cas con tus seres queridos , consulta el correr de los días se suavizan las cosas ta lo verás.
fakefaketone #8
Chapter 13: Hello,awesome author, please update na
Erixbonillo #9
Chapter 13: Hola como estan ....cuando actualizan que es espectacular su versión de lovesick.
fakefaketone #10
Chapter 13: When will you post the nexts? Please go on