Chapter 1: The Beginning

Lovesick: The Chaotic Lives Of Blue Shorts Guys [The Uncut Edition]


Chapters theme song: Is This Love? ( Lovesick The Series Soundtrack )



[Noh's Point Of View]


Happy birthday to you~!

Happy birthday to you~!

The over packed party room was filled with an enthusiastic chorus that sang a congratulatory song for tonight's special guest. That person is currently standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by all of her friends and acquaintances. Wearing a beautiful white dress that makes justice to her slim figure, she gives a thankful smile to all of her guests. Suddenly the crowd stops singing and makes way for someone else to join the girl who is standing alone in the center. Her prince charming walks towards her, bringing a birthday cake with him, love visible in his eyes. She looks at him with blushed cheeks and mouths a thank you. He just winks at her and smiles brightly. Just like a scene out of a modern movie, I think to myself. Once they are next to each other, everyone starts singing once again. Infected by the excitement of everyone, I join their voices with my own and sing loudly to the rest of the song.

Happy birthday, our beloved Aim~!

Happy birthday to you~!

As soon as the song finishes, everyone throws confetti into the air and starts clapping their hands. With a sincere smile she looks around her room, and speaks, "I want to thank everyone, thank you very much. There are no words to describe how happy I am and how loved I feel right now." Everyone claps once again, welcoming her gratefulness with a smile. "You don't have to thank us, Aim! It wasn't our doing! You should be thanking your boyfriend here, who made this party possible by covering all costs!", Aim's bestfriend, Yuri speaks and Aim's eyes widen as she looks at her boyfriend with a surprised face.

"Hey! I told you not to tell her!", her boyfriend Phun smacks Yuri's shoulder lightly with a hand as his other hand holds the cake steadily. Yuri chuckles at him. "Is that true, Phun? You really paid for all of this?", Aim asks her boyfriend and he just smiles as an answer. "Blow the candles and make a wish, Aim.", Phun tells her, leaning a little closer so she can blow the candles. Closing her eyes and clasping both of her hands together, she makes a secret wish before blowing into the cake softly, extinguishing the candles one by one. Once the last fire ceases everyone claps and cheers for her.

"Everyone, make way!" , Nong Nan, one of Aim's classmates and my bestfriend's stalker, makes her way through the crowd. Once she reaches the other girl, Nong Nan brings out a golden crown, "The previous beauty queen would like to relinquish her crown.", she says as she places the crown on top of Aim's head. "I hope that Aim and Phun will love each other for a long time. I hope you have tons of kids and grandkids.", She gives her blessings to the birthday girl before she cheers, "Everyone! Lets take a shot for the bride and the groom!" We are at a birthday party not at a wedding, you creep, I think to myself but cheer nevertheless. Oh, Ohm, you have a weird one right here!

"Once again, I want to thank my boyfriend, Phun for doing so much for me and thank everyone who is here for being here, thank you so much. I hope you all have fun and let's get the party started!", she cheers loudly - I didn't imagine she could be that loud - and the music starts playing through the speakers, everyone turning up to the party as the main couple leaves the crowd to sit at a table. Not feeling the song that was currently playing, I decide to return to the table that I shared with Yuri and some of my school mates.

Sitting down on the chair I watch the couple at the table in front of me as they seem to be having one of their moments. With her boyfriend's arm around her waist, Aim smiles brightly at him, thanking him over and over for the party. He shakes his head before whispering something into her ear, her cheeks blushing instantly. It looks like Phun truly loves her. Who wouldn't? She was practically a barbie doll. She had white porcelain skin, big round eyes, long hair and a slim body. Everyone in friday college drooled over her. Even I, who is a bit picky, admired her beauty. Phun didnt fall behind either. He was not only goodlooking, but wealthy and well known. In school, he was one of the smartest students and the student council secretary. I even heard he was chosen as the most wanted guy by the convent girls. They were the perfect couple in everyone's eyes. I couldn't help but feel glad for both of them.

Because I had been staring at them so deeply in thought I hadn't noticed that Phun eyes were resting at mine as well. Feeling embarrassed, I turned to look away from him, feeling my cheeks blush. Damn. He probably thinks I'm checking his girl out now. "Noh!" , suddenly, I hear his voice so close by and turn to look at my right and there they are, standing right next to me. What the heck?! How did they get here so fast?!  

"Oh, hey!", I say awkwardly as I scratch the back of my head. "I didn't know you were coming, It's very good to see you here!", He says as he smiles from ear to ear and I nod my head slightly, feeling embarrassed. Why are you so glad to see me? Actually, I wasn't planning to come but Yuri had begged me to. I don't even know Aim personally. The only connection we have are my friend Yuri, who is Aim's bestfriend, and my not so close friend Phun, who is Aim's boyfriend. Other than that, I've never talked to the girl before. 

Seconds of awkwardness and silence progressed and I felt that I needed to say something to not come out as impolite, but Phun beat me to it and spoke first. "I think I haven't introduced you yet. Noh, this is my girlfriend Aim. Aim, this is my friend Noh.", He said as he introduced us to each other and I smiled to the girl, who returned my smile with a bright smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Noh.", she said and I answered back with, "The pleasure is mine."

A new song starts playing through the speakers -this time a slow paced ballad- and the black haired girl turns to look at her boyfriend. "Oh my god, that song is my favorite!", she says excitedly and her boyfriend smiles at her tenderly as he says, "then shall we dance?" They give each other one last smile before turning back to me. "Then we are going to the dancefloor, Noh! I hope you are having a good time!", Phun says with a smile and I nod my head. "Thank you for coming! It was nice knowing you.", Aim thanks me and I nod at her before they turn around and join the countless couples in the dancefloor. She is such a good person. I suddenly feel bad for not bringing a present. But Yuri gave me no time to buy anything. Like I said before, I wasn't even planning to come but Yuri begged me to at the last moment, leaving me no time to get a present. Speaking of the little devil, Yuri finally appears and joins me at the table. 

"Noh, I had been looking for you all over the place! You left me standing in the middle of nowhere. Where have you been?!", she sits next to me, clinging to my arm like a koala to a tree and protests. "Well you haven't been looking properly because I have been here all this time!", I say in my favor and she pouts like a puppy before breaking into a smile.

"Okay, okay, you caught me! I wasn't looking for you. I was introducing myself to the new girl at school.", she points her finger at a far corner table where a girl seats by herself. That girl had her hair in a high ponytail and was currently playing with her fingers awkwardly. "Her name is Jeed. She is having a hard time fitting in so I was just trying to make her feel more welcomed. Aren't I a good girl?", she clings to me again as she tries to act cute. I just pet her head and answer, "Yes. You're a good girl." It was my honest answer. Yuri was an amazing person.

I met her last year during a concert our school's music club held at the convent. [Every year, our school's music club performs at the convent. It's an agreement between both schools that has been going on for quite a while.] It had been a blast that night! Our performance had been great and we had gotten many compliments from all of the girls. Yuri approached me that night. She even asked for my phone number,  which I reluctantly gave her. She even had been brave enough to text me first, the same night! Feeling the obligation to answer her text, I texted her back. We talked all night that night. Since then we have been hanging out quite often and our friendship sort of grew. She is a great girl and I'm glad to have her as a friend.

Before Yuri could say anything else, a third party joined the table. Earn, the cheerleading club president and one of my friends joins the table, taking the chair next to me. "Noh, you are here too?!", Earn speaks and gives me a friendly smile, his dimples showing on the corner of his lips. "Yeah. Yuri invited me. What about you, what are you doing here? Came to see a girlfriend?", I say playfully and he chuckles as he shooks his head no. "My friend Pete's sister invited him to come and he brought me to keep him company.", He responds and I nod my head. Although I barely had talk to Pete, I knew that he was Earn's bestfriend. They were always together since they both were in the same activity club. 

"Yuri?!", out of nowhere, two girls appear infront of our table. "Grace?! Lhiew?! Hey!", Yuri looked at them as she waved her hands. "Who are these?! Introduce them to us!", one of the two girls says as she takes a seat next to Yuri and smiles at us. I smile back at her. She is very pretty. She even looks foreign. Possible date, maybe?

"Back off Grace! Noh is my boyfriend! Right, Noh?", Yuri says confidently as she clings to my arm once again. Wait the up?! What did she just say?! "What?!", I exclaim, feeling confused. Since when am I her boyfriend?! When did this happen?! It seems Im not the only one in shock, Earn's mouth is on the floor as well. "Is that true?!", The two girls ask me and I look at Yuri, then back at them, then back at Yuri as I have a mental breakdown. I came out to have a good time but I am honestly feeling attacked right now. What am I supposed to say? If I say yes, then I'm lying. But If I say no, I'm going to put Yuri in a difficult spot. What do I do?! "I...guess..", After some long seconds, I blurt out. I can't embarrass Yuri like this. I'll talk to her about this later. 

"That . You're such a cutie.", The foreign looking girl says and then turns to Earn, "What about you? Single?" Earn look at them, then back at me, then back at them before shaking his head no. The two girls pout and leave the three of us alone after being rejected. We watch them take a seat next to the new convent girl before we turn to look at Yuri with a questioning look. "I.. have to go to the restroom!", Yuri says nervously before fleeding, leaving me alone with earn. "So.. you're dating Yuri now, huh?", Earn asks and I simply answer with another, "I guess I am.." I'm too tired -and slightly annoyed- to talk about this by now. Looking at my surroundings, I let out a sigh. It had been a bad idea to come here afterall..




[Phun's Point Of View]


Two weeks later.


"Phun, have you made a big purchase in the past weeks? I got into your bank account and there's thirty three thousand baht missing. Would you mind explaining?", My father asks in a serious voice over one of our rare family dinners, making it clear that he is not very happy with what I've done. "Holy , Phun! What have you been wasting all that money in?!", My sister curses in surprise and gets a slap in the shoulder for using that type of language.

I didn't know what I was supposed to say. I couldn't tell them I spent all that money to see my girlfriend -the one they don't know about- smile. My relationship with Aim had been kept a secret from my parents since they day it started. I didn't want them to know of her existence, yet.. You would probably ask why? Well, lets just say that my parents -being well known in the country- were very picky when it came to who to associate with. They had very high standards. If a family had a stain in their family record -no matter what kind- they wouldn't accept them into our family. Aim's family used to be in the same level as mine years ago. Both of her parents had been prominent in their career. They were very well known until her father got in a scandal with someones wife. Rumors spread and in the end, it ended up being true and he left Aim's mother. They both lost value in everyone's eyes, including my fathers. If you ask for my opnion, I think it's totally unfair. Why should Aim carry the burden of her father's mistakes? Why should we -as a couple- have to bear the consequences of a mistake that wasn't ours?

I didn't want to get on my father's bad side though, so I was never brave enough to stand up for my love. I knew I was being a coward but my father could be very intimitating. "I've..spent it on unecessary things, I'm sorry..", I lower my head as I apologize to my father. He gives me a questioning look. He had always been good at telling when I was lying. I kept my head low as I prayed for him to spare me this time. After a while, he lets out a long sigh. "That money was saved up for your studies. I hope it doesn't happen again.", he speaks once again and I nod my head, letting out a sigh of relief. After that everyone decided to enjoy the dinner in silence. I hoped that it would end in silence but my father's voice spoke once again.

"I think it's time to discuss about your future, Phun.", He began speaking and everyone's eyes turned to look at me. Why does it always have to be about me? Why can't we talk about Pang's future instead?!  "You're seventeen years now. You're no longer a little kid. One more year and you'll be graduating from highschool and going to University.", My father speaks in a serious voice as he stares exclusively at me. I try to avoid looking into his eyes. For some reason, I have a bad intuition. Feeling nervous about what he said, I brought the glass of water to my mouth and started to drink its contents. "I think it's time to start looking for a possible life partner, someone who can support you in the future.", he says and I almost spat the water I was drinking. Okay. I didn't see that coming. A possible life partner, huh? Aim's beautiful face appears in my mind. It's been a year since we started dating. I think it's time for me to man up and stand up for our love.

I'm about to speak up when my mother joins my father. "That's why we have chosen a possible partner for you already!", She says excitedly and my eyes widen their size. Oh, no. I think I know where this is going and I don't like it.  "She's your father's friend's daughter. She's currently studying abroad but she will comeback to finish her last year at the convent that's right infront of your school. I've seen her in pictures and she's quite a beauty. She's also very smart and talented. She's exactly what we want for your future wife! I'm sure you'll love her!", My mother speaks so fast that it took me a while before I catch on what she had said. When I caught on what she said, my hand formed a fist as anger started forming inside of me.

"You mean you want me and her to..", My voice trembles as I try to contain my anger and wait for my mother's answer. Were they seriously planning to marry me off to someone who I did not love?! I hoped that everything was a misunderstanding. They glance at each other before looking at me and giving me a slight nod. "I know that you might think it's old fashioned but we are only thinking about your future, I hope you understand. And afterall, that's how your mother and I began -by being introduced by our parents- and look how deep in love we are now.", My father explained as he gave my mother one of those smiles, making her blush instantly.

I felt as the anger within my chest began growing every time more, making me tremble as I tried to control my emotions. I wanted to speak up and tell them that I already had Aim but I was fearful that they wouldn't accept her -afterall, she didn't fill every requirement to be a Phumipat- and that it would only make everything worse for the both of us so I stood in silence as the anger within my chest grew. Not wanting to explode with anger towards them, I stood up from the table and excused myself. I needed time to myself.

Once I was out of their sight I started running towards my room. I walked inside of my room and closed the door by force, hoping to make it known to them that I wasn't very happy with their idea. Ruffling my hair in annoyance I walked in circles, trying to calm myself down so I could think properly. But no matter how much I breathed in and out, the anger in me only increased. Not able to hold it within anymore, I grabbed a pillow and started punching it with all my might.

I punched the pillow for a long time until the anger within my chest was replaced with sadness. Why couldn't they just let me make my own decisions? I wasn't their puppet and like they had mentioned, I was no longer a kid. I could make my own decisions. I loved Aim. She was perfect. She had a pretty face and a slim body. All the boys at school drooled over her. Although she had a temper and sometimes she could come off a bit spoilt, deep down she was a kind hearted girl. Why couldn't they accept her for who she was and not for what her family had done? I needed to make a plan. I couldn't let them win this time. But what could I do? I wasn't brave enough to confront my father. He was quite scary when he was angry. Even if I did, he wouldn't listen to me anyways.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door and I heard a small voice from the other side. "Phun, are you okay? I just came to let you know that I'm here in case you need... you know, someone.", My little sister's Pang voice spoke from the other side and an idea popped into my mind as she returned to her room. My father wouldn't listen to me, but there was someone who he would listen to, Pang. She had a very special place in my father's heart. There was no way he could say no to her. I'm sure that if she were to ask him to forget about my arranged marriage he would do it in order to make her happy.

She was the perfect ally. She was the only person that could help me in this situation. I had to get Pang to help me convince my father to let me make my own decisions. There was one small problem though: she hated my girlfriend, Aim. When Aim and I started dating, Pang had been the only one who I had trusted enough to tell about my relationship. I even got them to meet each other. However, after meeting Aim, Pang started disliking her. She even ordered me to break up with my new girlfriend. Pang says that Aim is a bad person. I don't know why she thinks that way when Aim is the most amazing girl I've met. But no matter how many times I tell this to Pang, she just won't listen. If I were to ask for her help in order to be with Aim, I'm sure she would decline me.

I knew one way that I could convince my little sister though: I had to play gay. Yes. I know. It sounds ridiculous. But believe it or not my fourteen year old sister had a gay love . She has been collecting mangas and movies for quite a while. We used to think that this was a phase but its been two years already and her love for such things hasn't died down. I even think it has become stronger. I'm confident that nothing would make the girl more happy than to see her brother with another boy. Feeling pathetic for even considering such a lame idea, I decided to forget about everything for tonight. Closing my eyes, I let myself drift into sleep. 


[ Next Morning ]


The obnoxious beeping of my alarm clock  ( when did I even turn that thing on? ) made me open my eyes to meet the light that pierced through the curtains and right into my eyes. I groan at the sudden source of sunlight and pull the comforter on top of my head to cover my face with a hand as I switch the alarm off with the remaining hand. It was time to get ready for school but unlike every day -where I felt enthusiastic to start my daily activities- all I wanted to do right now was to return to sleep.

Last night had been one or possibly, the worst night of my entire life! ( And there has been many of them.) After yesterday's family dinner -that had left me broken and bitter- I hadn't been able to get any sleep. Everytime I managed to fall unconscious, I would be haunted by bizarre dreams and nightmares. The ugliest one of them had been one where I was standing infront of a priest, awaiting for the arrival of my bride to be. You might be wondering why had that been a nightmare? Well, the thing is.. the one that walked down the aisle ended up being.. another groom! Can you believe it?! I was getting married to another man! It's ridiculous!

Feeling exhausted and slightly annoyed, I decide to skip school for today and go back to sleep. As the student council secretary and one of the most honorable students of friday college, I had managed to keep a perfect attendance throughout my entire year. If I missed one day, it wouldn't hurt anyone, right? Plus, my parents are out working, I'm sure they won't notice, right? Closing my eyes and relaxing my muscles, I clear my mind from any unwanted thoughts and try to go back to sleep. 

I am on the verge of falling asleep when a knock on the door pulls me back from my half asleep state. Argh! Can't they see I am trying to sleep in here?! I ruffle my hair in exasperation and stand up from my bed.  I stumble my way towards the white wooden door and open it to find my little sister waiting outside. She is already dressed in her uniform and ready for school. She is probably here so we can leave together. When she realizes I'm not dressed in my uniform, her eyes widen and her lips form a sly smile.

What do we have here? Is the model student, Phun Phumipath, late for school today?", she throws a joke as she walks pass me, entering my room all the way and throwing herself onto my bed. "What happened to you? The alarm didn't wake you up?", she asks me curiously as she stares at the ceiling from her laying position.

I should take this opportunity to introduce you all to my younger sister: Nong Pang. If there was a word that could describe Pang perfectly that was carefree. She was the whole opposite of me. While I went with the norm and followed every rule, she was fearless and daring, always following her heart's desire and going where her will took her. I admired her for that and felt envious of her courage. If only I could be that brave and stand up for my beliefs... would I be in this situation..?

Knowing Pang very well, I knew she wouldn't leave me alone once here. I guess I will have to forget about sleep. Goodbye, dear sleep~ I turn around and walk towards my bed, throwing myself next to her. "I couldn't sleep well yesterday. I was planning to skip school for today.", I tell her honestly and sigh to show my exhaustion as I let my back sink into the comfort of the matress ( maybe that way she will leave me alone ). "Hold on a minute! You were planning to skip school?!", My sister seats up and looks at me surprised. I seat up and nod my head to show that I am being serious. I felt drained -both- physically and emotionally. 

Suddenly, she grabs my hands inside of hers and looks at me with concern filled eyes. Her usual carefree voice is now filled with worry as she asks me the next question, "Phun.. are you really okay after yesterday's dinner?" Once again, my mind goes back to yesterday's dinner - the cause for such a horrible night. I remember my parents plan for my future and their attempt to take full control of my life. But besides that, I also remember my resolution to not let them win over me.

I knew that trying to convince my father to drop the idea of an arranged marriage was useless if I was the one attempting it. He had grown used to having me follow his orders. But if Pang tried to convince him, the probabilities that he would listen increased greatly. She was his weakness after all. For some reason he had a weak spot when it came to my younger sister. No matter how many times she had rebelled in the past, she still was my father's favorite. Reason why I needed her to help me, even if that meant deceiving her in the process. I needed to make Pang believe I was gay so she would agreed to help me. Your brother will deceive you now.. Please forgive me, pang..

"If I'm honest, I'm not doing okay... I can't believe they are doing this to me! Why are they doing this to me, Pang?! When will they understand me and stop treating me like their puppet?!", I break down and let all the questions that have been consuming me free. "They are just thinking about your future.. They just want what's best for you..", Pang tries to comfort me as she holds me in her tiny arms and I shake my head. I know that she is just trying to provide relief but those sentences hurt me even more. No, this won't do.

I leave her embrace and wipe my tears before telling her confidently, "But how can it be the best for me when I already have someone I love, someone that makes me happy. That person is the best for my future, I'm certain of this." She looks at me and shakes her head, "If you are talking about that girl you are dating, Lame or whatever her name is, I think you're just blinded by her appearance. Tell me truthfully, are you even in love with her as a person?"

The question enters my mind and makes me think in silence. Was I in love with Aim as a person? She was  what everyone else wanted. She had a beautiful face and a perfect figure. Although at times, she had a temper and acted spoilt, everyone has flaws and I understood that. Her personality wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but still, I couldn't ask for perfection. Then why was I suddenly questioning my love for her? Argh! Whatever! Whether I loved her truthfully or not, I couldn't let Pang know I was referring to Aim anyways. 

"I wasn't referring to her.. I broke up with her some time ago.. I'm talking about my new.. boyfriend.", I explain to her and as I had expected, tne moment the word "boyfriend" entered her ears, her eyes glittered and her lips turned into a smile. "Oh my god, you got yourself a boyfriend?!", She squeals and clings to my arm, hoping to hear a yes. I nod my head and her smile -that was already big- doubles its size.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! You have to introduce him to me! Introduce him to me!", She begs me as she tightens her hold on my arm and I try to get her off. A little tighter and she would rip my arm off. "I will introduce him to you if you help me with our parents.", I propose and she finally lets go. She looks at me suspisciously and meditates silently. Oh my god! Will she fall for it or will she know I am lying? Please fall for my tramp .( That sounded so mean..)

"..Hmmm.. Alright! I'll try my best!", She agreeds as she shakes my hand to close the deal before adding, "But I can't promise you anything, okay?" I nodd my head in acceptance. Atleast there was some hope, right? Even if it doesn't work out and things turn out to be the same, atleast we tried and there will be no regrets, right?

"I think I have to go to school now..", She stands up from my bed and proceeds to leave the room. Just as she is crossing the door, she stops in her path and turns to look at me, "I'll look forward to meet your boyfriend.. tonight." She says before leaving the room, letting me be alone finally. Shaking my head I lay down and close my eyes to try to go back to sleep. But as I try to go back to sleep, her last word appears in my mind, waking me up terrified. Hold the up! Did she just say... tonight?!




[Noh's Point Of View]


[ Hours Later ]


I stare at the classroom's clock with expectation as I wait for it to give an ending to our classroom's hours. You might think that once the clock rang I would be able to go home, right? Well, that wasn't the case. I wouldn't be able to go home yet. I still had to stay after school. Ohm, the music club vice-president and my bestfriend, had requested me to stay after school. He told me he had to discuss something about the music club budget for this year so we would meet after school to talk about it. Why was I this desperate for the clock to ring anyways? Because that way I could get over with and go home. Today had been very exhausting. We had a huge practice test that had left me with a headache. All I wanted right now was to go home and sleep till tomorrow morning. 


After what felt like an eternity -actually, was five minutes- the clock finally lets itself announce the ending of today's last class. Everyone jumps out of their seat and start spreading to both exit doors. When everyone is out and I can walk out of class in peace, I stand up and start making my way towards the music club's room -which isn't very far away from this classroom. 

It doesn't take me more than a minute when I'm already standing infront of the music club's room. It's been an entire week since I've been inside this room, I kind of missed it and everyone that I knew I would encounter inside of it. I didn't come to school last week, I wasn't in bangkok. My poor grandmother -an old woman that suffers of a serious case of alzheimer- had been in an accident and gotten hospitalized. She had fallen down the stairs of her house. This hadn't been the first time she had been in an accident similar to this. Because of her problematic illness she keeps forgetting essencial things and getting into accidents. Sometimes I wonder how long it will be before she forgets who I am.. She might have forgotten who I am already, who knows.. Anyways, to make it short, my entire family went to visit her in Petchburi. 

Looking forward to meet my bestfriend, Ohm after so long, I open the door to the room as I sing a greeting, "Hello~!" The moment I step in, Ohm's booming voice hits me, but it isn't with a welcoming greeting as I had hoped. "Noh! How the hell did our club budget end up this little?!", He yells at me with an angry expression as he throws a document in my direction, such document landing ontop of my face. Thank you for asking about my grandmother's condition, you bastard. Wondering why he is so pissed at me I look at the document and furrow my brows as I read all the details that Ohm lovingly shoved into my face.

Requested music club budget: 5,000 baht. 

Wait, why does it say 5,000 baht?! I recall this number better than anyone. I definately requested for 25,000 baht! We were going to use that money for our new drums since the ones we have are getting so old. So why does this only say 5,000 baht?! What the hell happened to the rest of the money?! I look at the document in denial. This couldn't be happening! There had to be an error! 

"You know, we already ordered the new drums! The bills for those drums will be here soon! What are we going to do with only 5,000 baht?! How are we going to get the rest of the money?! Are we gonna dress as homeless people and beg on the streets now or what?!", Ohm stills insists on yelling tirelessly. He is in panic mode at the moment. He is walking from a corner of the room to another, while the rest of the club members are watching him from their seats, looking stressed. I feel that I have to do something as the music club president, but what should I do? Suddenly, an idea pops into my mind. 

"I'll be right back!", I say and run out of the room -not before Ohm screams at me to comeback- towards the student council office. 

The sound of my black leather shoes echo as I run towards the student council office. I'm afraid they might be closed now that school hours are over. Everything in my head is all muddled right now.   I don't understand how this could've happened! Goddamit! When did I make this mistake?! I think I screwed up as the music club president! I was so sure that we would get the budget we requested for. It wasn't a big amount, the school could surely afford it. I was so sure that I even placed the order for the new drums. They were soon going to be delivered and we didn't have the money. What were we going to do?! How could they cut our budget just like this?! 

Thankfully, the student council office is still open! I open the door, hoping to find someone that has enough power to help me get through this! "Hello! I'm the school's music club president! I'm here to ask if you could check our budget numbers! There's some money missing and we think you might've made a mistake!", I yell as soon as I enter the room but there's no one.  my life. It's closed afterall, I think as I cry inside.  

I'm about to turn around and leave when a brown hairy head peeks from under the wooden table that's in the middle of the room. I look closely at it and recognize it as Phun, the student council secretary for 2 years in a row. He is in the same grade as me but we attend different classrooms and like I've mentioned before, we aren't very close. Thanks the heavens! He can help me, I hope..

Once he sees who I am he stands up from the corner of the floor he had been seating at and greets me with a smile. "Phun! Can you check my club's budget for me? Please? Please? Please? There's 20,000 missing! I'm about to go insane in here!", I decide to use our "not exactly close" friendship to my advantage and throw myself at him,  hoping for the best. At first he seems startled by my panicked expression, but then he walks over and kindly goes through some folders to check the paperwork for me. 

I stand there staring at Phun as he flips pages and reads its contents in silence. I desperately wish to hear something positive from Phun. That they made a mistake. That the money will arrive next week. Or just something along those lines. However, I have a feeling that my wish won't be fulfilled. The student council rarely makes any mistakes (especially when they have a math genius, Phun checking all their works) Plus, the amount of money that is missing is too huge. They wouldn't make a mistake like that one.

"We didnt make a mistake. It's written right here. Take a look at it, Noh!", Just as expected, Phun tells me what I wanted to hear least. Although I know that he isn't lying to me, I still take a look at what's inside the folder. Despite the fact that the font size is tiny, the number 5,000 baht is still visible. "How can this be?! I really did request 35,000 baht in the form!", I crie out. If I had hair I would probably be pulling my hair right now.

"I do remember you requested that amount but you didn't show up for the budget meeting we had, right? Who did you send to that meeting, Noh?", Phun words make me think back and then I remembered. The budget meeting had been last week while I was visitng my grandmother at petchuri. Therefore, they had made someone attend the meeting in my place and that person was... that damn Ngoi! 

Ngoi is a nerdy kid that joined the club earlier this year. His name is actually Ngaw, but I usually call him Ngoi instead (both names are equally horrible anyways) He is usually shy and awkward. He also loves to read books. He was normally bullied and picked up on by his classmates, but they stopped as soon as he joined the music club. I have the feeling that Ohm threatened the out of them. If you mess with one of our members you will get it from him. Only he can pick up on us, that's his norm.. They had said nothing about it though. 

I heard they picked random numbers and he got chosen to go in my place since nobody wanted to go. These meetings tend to take atleast 12 hours. Not to mention, they leave you physically and emotionally drained. But why the hell did Ngoi do this?!

"I was there when we were discussing the budgets for each club. Your club sent a 10th grader in your place. P'Aun from the thai culture club kept cutting down your club's budget because otherwise he would've needed to cut down from his own. That kid was probably too scared to go against P'Aun, so he just sat down silently. In the end, only 5,000 baht was left for your club. I was actually kind of confused and wondered wether you would mind this.", Phun narrated his story and I listened to him, feeling angry at the rest of the club members. Why did they sent Ngoi when he always got picked on by others? It was obvious he would get picked up on. 

"Of course I do mind! We already ordered the new drums, what are we going to do without the missing money?!", I started yelling at myself because that was all I could do while Phun stared at me silently. The folder gets tossed on the table as Phun looks at my eyes and tells me something, "I have another way.."

"Huh?! Seriously?! What is it?! I'll do anything!", I tell him as I throw myself at him, waiting for the new hope he was willing to give me. "You are willing to do anything?", he asks me and I nodd my head. "I can do anything!", I say confidently. My chance was here, how was I supposed to throw that away. I'll lie, I'll cheat, I'll beg and bribe if it meant recovering my pride as the music club president. I was even willing to smack the chancellor in the head! (Okay, not really. That would get me expelled.) But you get my point.

I was too focused in recovering my pride as the music club president that I totally missed the weird look he was giving me in that moment. At that moment, if only I had known that what was about to happen would change my life completely, I wouldn't have said those words.

"Noh, be my boyfriend."






























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FhayAsh #1
🥺 reading in 2021 n no update 💔authooor😭
FhayAsh #2
🥺 reading in 2021 n no update 💔authooor😭
Chapter 13: Yup just as I predicted it's awesome. Good luck got the next chapter
Chapter 13: It's been a year so I figure you've decided to drop this. It's really a cool fan fic so if you have any time in the future it would be great if you could pick it back up. Hope you're doing better, fighting!!!
Chapter 13: Still no up date...
fakefaketone #6
I really WANNA READ na
Erixbonillo #7
Muy feliz porque volvieras y sigas escribiendo aunque sea poco a poco y continúes con esta novela ya que es la mejor versión que hay , así que espero por tus actualizaciones de este fanfic. ..y no te en tristes cas con tus seres queridos , consulta el correr de los días se suavizan las cosas ta lo verás.
fakefaketone #8
Chapter 13: Hello,awesome author, please update na
Erixbonillo #9
Chapter 13: Hola como estan ....cuando actualizan que es espectacular su versión de lovesick.
fakefaketone #10
Chapter 13: When will you post the nexts? Please go on