Chapter 4: The Nurse

Lovesick: The Chaotic Lives Of Blue Shorts Guys [The Uncut Edition]



Chapter's theme song: If I Die ( Lovesick The Series Official Soundtrack )



[ Noh's Point Of View ]




I wake up to my daily alarm. ( You might think I'm referring to a clock normal people use to wake up, right? Well, not exactly.) Since I wasn't a heavy sleeper anything could wake me up. I could wake up just by the sunlight that brightened my bedroom from the window. Coincidentally, the sun rise was at seven every day ( an hour before the first class started ). That's why we thought there was no need for an alarm clock. Quite convenient, don't you think? ( Except for those times where the sun didn't come out at the right time and I ended up being late for school -_- )

I seated up and started to do my daily stretching routine. Just like every other morning, I started by stretching my arms in the air and slowly moving on to other parts of my body -my back, my ribs, my legs, my toes- until every single muscle had awaken from their eight hour sleep. Once I was satisfied, I thought about getting ready for school, however, I stopped when my eyes came across my arm. What the hell was this? There were red marks all over my arm! And they weren't just on one arm, they were on both! 

I scanned the rest of my body quickly in search of more red marks but thankfully they seemed to be only on my arms. ( Thanks the lord they aren't on my face! ) I bet it was from the car shampoo shower we got last night. Damn that Phun. He managed to pour some shampoo on me afterall. Stupid Phun. Now my light-skinned arms are all covered in red marks because of him. 

I can't help a smile from spreading across my face at the memory of yesterday. It had been so fun to wash my bike with Phun ( Despite my arms ending covered in marks ) Although being his fake boyfriend still creeps me out a little, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea? ( Don't misunderstand me! ) I mean, he was a very interesting person and this would bring us closer, so why not? Who knows. We might turn into good friends. ( And having the student council secretary as a friend might have many benefits he he )

Speaking of Phun, it reminds me that I left my watch at his place. ( I took it off before I washed my bike. I didn't want my poor Diesel to drown.)  I'm going to be dead if I lose that watch. My grandfather bought it for me on his last trip to australia. I can't imagine how expensive it must have been! I better give him a call and remind him to bring it to school.

I pull out my phone from under the pillow and give him a call immediately. ( If you are wondering where I got his phone number, I got it from Film ^.^ ) 

Ring. Ring. Ring.

No answer.

Hmm? He probably is at school already and didn't hear his phone ring? Should I try again or would that make me look desperate?

In the end, I decide to dial his phone number again and see if he answered me this time. Thankfully, he answered me not long before I pressed the dial button! ^.^

"Hey... what's up, noh?", I can hear Phun's voice on the other line, but there's something off about his voice. His voice is normally filled with friendliness but right now, he just sounds lifeless. Is he mad at me? Did I do something wrong? I can't help but to wonder. Maybe I'm just imagining things, so I decide to ignore it and just go straight to the point, "Hey, Phun! I left my watch at your place yesterday and I wanted to ask you if you could bring it to school today? You see, that watch was a present from my grandfather! I'm dead if I lose it!"

"Hmm. I wish I could but I don't think I'm going to school today.. I'm not feeling very well... Can I bring it to you tomorrow?", He tells me apologetically and I understand the reason why he sounds so tired. "Oh, sure, don't worry.. What's wrong with you though? Are you sick?", I ask him, now feeling concerned, and I just hear him let out a sigh. "Its nothing too serious so don't worry. I'm going to take a rest and I'll be better! I'll talk to you later, okay?", He tells me and waits for me to reply before hanging up, leaving me feeling worried. 

So he is not feeling well? 

Deciding that there's nothing I can do for him, I start to dress up for school. But no matter how much I try, I can't stop worrying about him. It's quite funny, isn't it? Phun didn't even cross my mind two days ago, but today, he is everything that I think about. Don't misunderstand me! It's not like I'm falling in love with him or anything. I just feel responsable for getting him sick. I was the one who gave him a car shampoo shower yesterday, afterall. Maybe I should go and pay him a visit. Damn it.

Once I'm ready for another school day, I start to make my way down stairs where I encounter my mother. She is reading the newspaper and chatting with our two housemaids. My mouth turns into a smile at the sight of her. ( I loved my mother very much ^.^ ) I approach her from behind and take a look at the news she is reading, "What are you reading, ma?"  ( If you are wondering, I always call her "ma" )

She turns around with a surprised expression that later turns into a loving smile as she greets me, "Good morning, honey~! I'm just reading an article about students nowadays." She signals me to one of the paragraphs of the article and gives me a questioning look, "It says that nearly 70 percent of students are skipping their classes! You aren't one of those students, right?"

I shake my head in denial as I throw her a white lie, "No, I don't and never have skipped a class." She gives me a suspiscious glance before turning back to the newspaper in her hands, "I hope you are telling me the truth, Noh. Skipping classes is bad for your education. Please don't do it, okay?" She tells me and I nod my head. I already knew that skipping classes was bad and although I've had skipped a few classes in the past, I didn't do it frequently and without a reason. I did care about getting a good education ( despite the fact that I wasn't very smart -_- )

"There's still half an hour before the first class starts. How about you have breakfast before going to school?", She offers me and I shake my head, declining it. "I don't think that's possible, ma. I'm planning to visit my friend, who is currently sick.", I explain myself, making them turn to me with worry. "Is Ohm sick?", The three of them ask in unision and I shake my head. 

"No, Ohm is fine. I'm talking about a friend you haven't met yet. Anyways, I think I should start making my way to his house if I want to arrive in time for school. Goodbye, ma.", I give my mother a kiss in the cheek and wave goodbye to the housemaids before proceeding to leave the house. I had somewhere to drop before going to school: Phun's house.


Phun's Point Of View ]


"Phun, are you sure you will be okay on your own? I can stay and look after you if you want me to.", I hear Pang's concerned voice and I shake my head as I reach out to caress the top of her head. "It's just a small allergy, I'm sure I'll be fine. You shouldn't worry too much and concentrate in class, okay?", I fake a smile to reassure her and she looks at me like she doesn't believe me. Honestly, even though I wanted to believe in my own words, I didn't believe in them either.

The truth was that I felt very sick. My whole body was itching due to a rash, I had a headache and by the looks of it, I was going to have a fever soon. But no matter how sick I felt, I didn't want her to worry herself to death and even less, skip a class because of me. She wasn't very bright at school unlike me and every lesson was essencial if she wanted to pass her year. She couldn't afford to miss any of them and I wasn't planning to let her do so.

After some time, she sighs in acceptance, "Okay, I promise I will pay attention in class but you should promise me that you will take your medication, okay?" I nod my head and we interwine our pinky fingers to seal the promise ( Did you called me childish? Well, maybe I was. Just a little bit.. ) "I guess I should leave now if I want to get to school in time. Call me if you feel too sick, okay? I'll come home immediately and take care of you then.", She tells me and kisses my cheek before proceeding to leave the room. 

Once I'm left alone, I let out an exhausted sigh and throw myself into the matress, burrying my head on a pillow. Today was going to be another bad day.. But this time it was for different reasons.. Reasons I didn't exactly hate..

Even though the consequences of yesterday were a little painful in my case, I didn't regret anything. I got to spend time with Noh and that's all that matters ^.^  He even gave me a call this morning! ( Even though he called about his watch, a call is a call, so that's a win, isn't it? ) I feel my smile becoming bigger at the thought of Noh. Noh.. My Noh... I wish he was here with me..


Noh's Point Of View ]


It's past eight in the morning when I finally find myself standing infront of the Phumipath mansion. ( Damn it. I was going to be late for school now. )  During my first visit to the place two years ago, I had promised myself never to return. I just didn't feel very comfortable in such an expensive house ( I felt like I would up and break something ) But it seems I was going to keep breaking my own promise. This was the third day in a row that I came over to Phun's place and by the looks of it, I was going to keep coming to this place in the future. Should I call myself a fan of this place now or what? Maybe I should leave a spare of clothes in here just in case -_-

So what should I do now? Should I ring the doorbell? What will I tell Phun when I see him? ( If I tell him I came over to pick my watch, he will think I don't trust him enough and he might feel offended. But if I tell him I came over because I was worried about him, he might get the wrong impression of me.) What do I tell him?! I keep thinking as I pace back and forth in front of the gate. What should I do? I just want to make sure he is doing okay! I'll just go to school after I make sure he is fine! But what if he is really really sick...? Who will take care of him then..? Ugh! Why am I even worrying this much?!

"Oh, P'Noh! Are you here to visit P'Phun?!", I hear Pang's soft voice and turn to look at the gate where she currently stands. ( Seriously, why do you have to appear?! ) She is wearing the convent uniform and her hair is tied into two braids. She is about to make her way to school, it seems. I smile at her and bow down lightly as a greeting before rushing over to the gate, "Yeah. What's wrong with Phun? Is he sick?"

"He isn't feeling very well..", She tells me with a concern written on her face -making me worry even more about Phun's condition. When she sees the worry on my face, she lets out a sigh before giving me a gentle smile, "Why don't you go and pay him a visit? He'll probably be very happy to see you."

I nod my head and let her open the small door to let me in. She leaves through the door, while I make my way through it.  "I have to go to school now, Noh. Please take care of P'Phun for me, okay?", She waves goodbye to me before walking away, leaving me inside feeling confused. Take care of Phun? Great. I was going to play nurse now. I guess I would have to skip a day of school and watch after Phun. I was going to be late for school anyway. ( I'm sorry, Mother. I think I'll break the promise we made this morning.)

Once she is gone from my sight, I give myself permission into the house. As soon as I walk inside the house, I meet with Auntie Noi who welcomes me with a smile. "Oh, Khun Noh! Are you here to visit Khun Phun?", She asks me and I nod my head, making her smile grow bigger. There's something odd about her smile though. Like if she was planning something evil or something. It kind of reminds me of the smile Pang wears when she sees me next to Phun.. Don't... tell me that you and Pang share the same ideals, Auntie -_-

"That's great! He will be very happy to have a friend to make him company while he is sick! You can go upstairs and check on him, Khun Noh. He's asleep in his bedroom." Screw it! They can think whatever they want. ( I'm used to it by now, anyways. ) I nod her way before I start to make my way upstairs in the house that I'm starting to grow familiar with. 

The tiles of the second floor are so shiny, as if they just had been polished. I admire their beauty as I walk on top of them. I wish my house floor looked like Phun's. ( Lucky bastard >.< ) After a few more footsteps, I finally am standing infront of Phun's door. Should I just barge in or should I knock on the door? Hmm. He is probably sleeping and if I knock, I might disturb him. I'll just walk in and when he wakes up, I'll tell him that I came by to look after him. Without giving it a second though,  I turn the door knob and enter.

Just like Aunt Noi had said, Phun is sleeping soundlessly on his bed. I approach him and seat on the edge of the bed slowly and take a quick glance at him as he sleeps. He is sleeping on his stomach and has his face burried into a pillow. ( I wonder if he is able to breathe like that? ) I notice that his entire back is red like steamed carbs. ( Yeah. I'm hungry. I didn't have breakfast, remember? ) Phun's skin is normally very light with a shade of yellow mixed in. But now his skin is light red, like when people get rashes from allergies. The red marks that cover all of his skin look just like those that covered my arm when I woke up this morning. But they don't only appear on Phun's arms but in his entire body. It looks incredibly scary and painful. 

A pang of guilt strikes me at the sight of Phun's red colored skin. This was all of my fault. I was responsable for this. If only I hadn't poured all of that shampoo into him, none of this would've happened. Coming here to check on him was a good decision , afterall. Because if I ended up finding out about this later on, I would probably hate myself. 

"Your skin is easily irritated but you insisted on being stupid and fooled around.", I reach down to caress the brown mop of his hair carefully as I complain to myself quietly.  I glance over and see allergy medicine packs that were opened and a bottle of water that was empty. I guess he already took them. Now all we have to do is wait for them to take effect. 

"You were the one who poured all of that shampoo on me.", My attention is taken away by this er who had been pretending to be asleep all of this time. "You weren't asleep?! Why did you pretend to be sleeping?!", I complain while I raise my hand to hit him. But I stop midway when I remember about his condition. ( I'll hit you after you recover, smartass! )

He flips around and seats up from his laying position. "I was sleeping but then I heard the door open. At first, I thought it was Aunt Noi coming to check on me but then I heard your voice..", He explains as he rubs his eyes before giving me a friendly smile, "It's nice of you to come visit." 


Phun's Point Of View ]


No matter how hard I rubbed on my eyes, I still couldn't believe Noh was here, infront of me. This felt like a dream I didn't want to wake up from. Was he so worried that he needed to come and check on me? If it was like that then that meant that I was important to him. That he already saw me as more than an acquaintance.. That he saw me as a friend..

"Hey, don't get so happy! I only came to get my watch!", Noh tells me offhandedly and my smile disappears. Oh.. So he came because of his watch and not because of me.. Of course, what did I expected..

"So did you take your medicine?", he asks me. I ignore his question and turn to open a drawing, getting his watch from inside. "Here is your watch. You should head to school now.", I say sternly before turning to lay on my bed, pulling the covers all the way to the top of my head.

I feel him leave my side and hear his footsteps grow distant. My heart stops as I wait for him to walk out of the room. But then, those footsteps make a stop and I hear his nonchalant voice, "Nah. I don't feel like it. I'm just going to hang out at your house instead."

I let out a chuckle of relief before I realize it.  Yay~ He was going to stay with me~ I didn't know why but this made me extremely happy ^-^ 

I pull down the covers from my face and seat up to find that he has returned to take my side on the bed. "So, how are you feeling? Is it hurting anywhere?", He asks me about my condition and I shake my head in reassurance. "That's a relief.. When you told me you weren't feeling well, I expected the worse.. Thankfully, your hair didn't fall off as I had feared.. he he..", he laughs and raises his hand to caress my head. As he plays with my hair, I take notice of his arm. It's covered in red marks! I grab his arm to take a better look at them and ask him, "What about you? It seems you were also affected.."

"It's okay. Just a little itchy.", He responds and pulls his arm from my grip. "Use some of this! It will help a lot!", I point my finger to my nightstand where aunt Noi left a tube of allergy cream for me to put on. I had been too lazy to put it on though. He reached towards the nightstand as I laid back down on my bed and closed my eyes. I felt very exhausted. I really needed to sleep but with noh in here the idea wasn't very appealing.


[ Noh's Point Of View ]


I take his suggestion willingly and grab the oitment container from the nightstan. I remove the bottle's cap and push two fingers inside, getting some cream and staring at it closely as it sticks to my fingers. By the design of the container, this must be expensive. ( Just like everything Phun had. ) This would probably work and get rid of the itching ^_^ As I spread the oitment throughout my arms, I turn to look at Phun who has his eyes closed, "Have you put this on yet?"

Without opening his eyes, he shakes his head, "Nope. I was too lazy." I shake my head, feeling slightly annoyed. Just a moment ago, he was ordering me to put some oitment on, but he hasn't even done it himself ( and his current condition is worse than mine. ) I feel like throwing the container at his face but I let out an exasperated sigh instead, "Then how are you supposed to get better, you idiot?! Come'on! Get your up and put some on!"

Phun stretches his body twice before he sits up on the bed. His handsome face -that is usually filled with energy- looks very drained. "Can you do it for me? I'm too lazy and tired.", He tells me as he lets out a yawn. I freaking knew this was going to happen! Isn't he an honorable student? Look at him! He can't even put oitment on himself!

I give him a judging look before sighing in defeat. Well, I was in charge of watching over him, afterall. Might as well do my job right. ( Hold on! Since when did I became his nurse?! Ugh! ) "Fine, fine, take your shirt off!", I order him as I push my fingers into the bottle, digging in once again. He gets rid of his shirt immediately, revealing me his torso which is full of red marks.

"Damn.. There's a lot of them..", I announce what he probably knows already as I make my way to seat behind his back. ( This is a very weird position.. Don't get uncomfortable, Noh..) "Yeah.. I'll probably have a fever in the afternoon..", he tells me tiredly and leans down, letting me have a better look at his back.  I take a second before I decide to dive in and lather cream all over his back. I can feel tiny bumps on my hand that I hadn't been able to notice before.

This was the first time I had the opportunity to touch someone´s else flesh in this way, so the feeling was completely new to me. Feeling a little more comfortable, I run my hands all over his back, feeling his skin under my palm. Despite all of the red marks and bumps, his skin still feels soft and warm under my touch. Taking a closer look at Phun, he really did have a manly complexion. He might look skinny but the sight infront of me made it known to me why he was stronger than me. He was pure muscle. 

Feeling slightly curious now, I give myself permission to run my finger down his spinal cord, feeling the bone underneath his skin. I feel him tense and hold his breath before turning back at me, "That tickles, you know?"

When he returns to face the wall, I smile evily to myself. ( So... he is ticklish, eh? This will be fun.. ) Once he faces the wall infront of him, i take the chance to poke his ribs.  He jumps surprised before breaking into a fit of laughter. I move my mischivieous fingers towards his belly and listen to his beautiful laughter ( seriously god, why doesn´t my laughter sound like his?) Aside from beautiful, his laughter seems to be doing things to me because mine joins in no time. 

I continue playing with his belly until he can´t take it anymore and flips us around to confront me. He gives me that same playful stare he gave me yesterday and throws himself at me, pushing me down on the bed and climbing on top of me. Being held captive by my supposed patient, I stare at him and wait for him to do what he had been intending. He stares deep into my eyes ( seriously, does the habit of staring into your soul runs in the family? ) and leans towards me ( what is he going to do to me ? ) until he is a few inches away from me. Not being able to process what is happening, i just stare at those chocolate brown orbs, getting lost in them once again. 

Unexpectantly, he attacks my bare belly ( when was my shirt pulled up?) and pulls me out of my trance. So this had been a plan, huh? He wanted to lure me with his eyes and then take me by surprise, i see. I try to contain my laughter because i dont want to let him win however, I cant keep myself from laughing for very long. I try to push him off and free myself but he is stronger than me and my own laughter is making it hard to move. My tummy is hurting, my eyes are watery and I feel that Im going to pee myself. I cant take this any longer! This had been a bad idea! Abort mission!

"Phun, you better stop now or I'll end up peeing on your bed!", I threaten him in as I feel tears roll down my cheeks. He looks at me with a huge grin and tickles me for a little longer before getting off of me, leaving me breathless on the bed. Holy cow. I'm drained in sweat now. ( are you supposed to sweat when you laugh? ) They should make laughing a sport.  I think I just lost some calories.

Once I find my breath again, I seat up and furrow my eyesbrows at him. "Well weren't you sick? Where did all that energy come from?", I ask him as I wipe the tears and sweat from my face. "You started it!", He said in a defensive tone of voice but the smile in his face was filled with tenderness. For some reason, just seeing his smile again gives me a warm feeling and without knowing it, I smile with him.

I´m glad to have you back, phun ^^


[ Phun's Point Of View ]


Once again I am surprised by the smiling person that´s infront of me. Does he have healing powers or something?  A moment ago I felt like but with just staring at his smile, I feel a lot better. I mean, i still feel sick but with him in here, i feel safe and happy. I´m glad he came into my life ^^ 

Änyways, I think you should do your front as well.¨, Noh breaks my course of thoughts and hands me the oitment container. Nah. I want to get more of your special treatment, Noh. ¨Nah. I´m too lazy. Can you please do the front too, nurse? please?¨, I pull the best puppy face i can muster as i grab onto his arm, begging him. 

¨Nah. You can do the front yourself!¨, He looks at me with annoyance and nags me a little, but by the tone of his voice I can tell that he isn´t being serious. ¨But I want you to do it for me. Please? pretty please?¨, I beg him a little more until he finally lets out a sigh in defeat. ¨ Okay.. I´ll do it..¨, He tells me as he positions himself infront of me as he digs into the container for more cream. 

Once his concentration is on me, i take the opportunity to look at him up close. I look at his facial structure. His well formed eyebrows, his light eyelashes, his thick red lips, his sharp chin and eveything that is Noh. He is a beautiful person -outside and inside- and I feel blessed to have him with me. He makes me feel happy and safe.. He is everything I need.. I want him to be by my side forever..

Wait.. forever...? Why am i suddenly desiring this..

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I feel as my heart raises when i realize what i had been desiring a second ago. 

Suddenly, he glances up and stares into my soul, as if he knew what i was thinking.. He furrows his eyebrows and pauses his hand over where my heart should be. I feel nervous all of a sudden and look elsewhere, focusing on a blank point of the wall behind Noh. Can he feel my violent heartbeats? Does he know what I´ve been thinking? Please.. dont read through me..


Just when im about to jerk out of this uncomfortable situation, he twist my , making me moan. ¨What the heck was that for?¨, I smack the top of his head in protest and he jokes, ¨ Well, your heart was beating so fast that I felt the need to pull you out of your little moment before you got or something..¨ 

¨I just felt a little uncomfortable, that´s all...¨, I tell him and scratch my head nervously. ¨Sure.. Put your shirt back on, I dont want you to get sick. i still need someone to take care of my club´s budget problem.¨, he tells and helps me put my shirt back on as i nod in silence. ¨Ï´m gonna sleep now. Feel free to entertain yourself with the game consoles. You can also go downstairs and get some lunch later, okay?¨, I tell him before laying down and wrapping myself inside the comforter. I knew i had a lot of questions to answer, but just thinking about it made me feel exhausted already, so i decided to push them back for later.

¨Ï´ll have a fever in the afternoon, mind taking care of me then?¨, i mumble from underneath the comforter and he hums in acceptance.

Im happy to have noh to take care of me.. He is someone i can trust.. But although i feel safe with him.. i began to feel scared of the power he might have on me.


( Noh´s Point Of View )


After making sure that Phun was resting comfortably, I decided that i should take his offer to have lunch. I didn´t eat breakfast this morning because I wanted to have time to visit Phun and get to school on time ( which I couldnt ) and I was starving already. I felt a little uncomfortable around phun´s house but my hunger was bigger than my sense of shame, sending me straight to the kitchen. Not seeing aunt noi anywhere, i opened the fridge and made myself a sandwich before returning to phun´s bedroom. 

I seated down down infront of phun´s desk and began eating in silence. A picture frame in a dark corner caught my attention. It was a picture of phun and his girlfriend, Aim. So phun was that kind of guy, eh? One of those that uses a couple picture as his phone´s screen wallpaper. He he. Well, wasn´t that obvious? I bet he is very cheesy and a helpless romantic.

Next to that frame, there´s a family picture. It must be from years ago because Phun and Pang look a lot younger. ( Aww. Arent they adorable? ) Actually, even though we´ve been attending the sames schools since kindergarden, we didnt talk until middle school so i didnt know how he looked as a child until now. I smile to myself as I stare at little phun. He has changed a lot since then. He got more handsome ^^

Hold on.. Little phun looks very familiar..  I mean, he must look similar to the guy that sleeps on the bed right now, but little phun looks extremely familiar as if i had seen him back then. That´s right! The little kid that helped me during a tug of war game on my second year of elementary! I remember it now! That day had been horrible! I had a cold and made my team lose because of it. They were so mad at me they didnt realize i had hurted my knee badly. The one who had offered my help was Phun, who belonged to the opposite team. Sounds like something you´ve heard before, doesnt it? Well, thats because Phun had used that memory as a story to deceive his sister the other day. If it had been real, then why did he lied to me when i asked him? I should ask him when he wakes up

Once I finish devouring my sandwich, I decide to read one of phun´s comics. I choose one of his comics and seat down on the carpet, next to the bed ( that way i can easily check on phun^^ ) I open the comic book and start reading the first page and before i know it, i am sumerged in the world of fiction. Page after page until i am moving to the second volume, then the third, fourth and lastly the final one. By the time im done, my eyelids are heavy and i begin to lose consciousness.


( Phun´s point of view ) 


I am awaken from my nap by a nightmare. I was in the middle of aa dark abyss. Then Aim´s pretty face appeared in front of me. She says that im the only one she had and begs me not to leave her. Soon after, noh joins the image. He repeats the same lines that Aim had said. Then they both stare at me as they repeat ¨ You can only choose one.¨ over and over again while pang´s voice tells me that Aim´s a bad person and my parents stare down at us. There were too many voices inside of my dream that i felt the urge to wake up. I guess all of my problems are having a huge effect on my subconscious too.. I just hope that these strange dreams leave soon..

I turn to look around my room in search for noh and find him seated on the floor, next to the bed. His head is resting on the bed and he is... sleeping with his mouth wide open and snoring like a trailer. I chuckle at the funny sighting. Seriously, his mouth was wide open and a huge drool was running down his cheek. He he he! This was an expression i hadnt been able to look at before! This moment had to be captured in a picture! Carefully, i grab my phone and lean down to take a picture from a good angle, praying for him to not wake up. Once i take a few pictures from different angles, I return to my bed and watch him sleep, until I find myself losing consciousness again.


( Noh´s Point of view) 


A sudden buzz coming from my short´s packet wakes me up from my short(?) nap. Who the heck is calling me? I glance at phun´s clock to realize that ive been sleeping for over an hour already. I bring my cellphone out to answer to my friend, ohm. ¨What the heck do you want?¨, I say with annoyance as I wipe the dried drool that was on the corner of my mouth. ¨Where the hell are you, dude.. I just got scolded by our teacher for not bringing yesterday´s homework.. Didnt you agree to let me copy off of you?¨, ohm´s alarming voice comes through and i cant help but to laugh at his predicament. I completely forgot there was homework..  ¨ im sorry, im sorry, i completely forgot about it..¨

¨Where are you anyways?¨, he asks me and i give him a short answer, hoping to brush him off of my back, ¨ Just running some errand.¨ Of course, that answer doesnt satisfy my nosy friend´s curiosity, ¨ What errand? Oh my god. Dont tell me you spent the whole night doing the deed with Yuri?¨ Seriously, he always has to think about the dirtiest things. I´d smack him in the head if i was there. 

¨ ..¨, This is the politest word to use with someone like him. But before I could hear ohm´s reply, there are faint noises coming from phun. ¨Cold.. cold... cold..¨, he moans in his sleep and coughs several times, getting ohm´s attention immediately, ¨Noh, who are you with?¨

Ive got no time to explain. Phun´s well being is more important right now. ¨Hey, I gotta go, ill call you back later, okay?¨, I cut him off before he can continue pestering me and hang up. I hop over to the a/c remote and turn it all the way up to thirty degrees celcius before taking off my shirt and throwing it over the sofa. Get your mind off the gutter! It was about to get damn hot and I just wanted to be prepared!

I walk over to check on the patient who is curling up on his bed. It looks as if he was freezing. He´s holding onto the comforter tightly and he shivers agonizingly. I might be failing health class but Im smart enough to know when someone has a fever. I put my hand on his forehead to feel him boiling. I start to panic since ive never had to take care of a sick person. What do i do now? Should I take him to see a doctor? If his temperature increases too  much, he might get typhoid fever and if that happens, he will be in danger. I start to panic even more at the thought of having him in danger. If something happens to him, I wont be able to live.

I am pacing back and forth-trying to come up with an idea- when i finally remember what my mother used to do when i was a child. I walk over to phun and get rid of the comforter. He curls up into a ball and whimps. I´m sorry phun, but the comforter will only raise your body temperature. Maybe i should give him a bath in warm water to cool his temperature a bit? Thats right! Ill do that! Before I can walk over to the restroom to prepare the tub, my entire body gets pulled over. 

¨Hey!¨, I struggle with burning arms around me, as I feel startled. This idiot pulled me over and its holding me captive. Very tightly too. I try to wrestle myself away from his hold but this jerk just wont let go. Isnt he supposed to be weak from being sick? How can he hold me so tightly? ¨ Goddamn it, phun! Let go!¨, im trying to break free because im not used to this and also because i need to get the tub ready but he is making it impossible. My face is being muffled by his chest, the noises i make are barely audible. He is completely unaware of what´s going on and i could swear he is hugging me tighter every time. 

¨Cold.. cold.. ¨, I can still hear him whimp non stop. After a few seconds, i finally stop struggling. ¨Fine. You win. I hope you are happy now.¨, i raise my head ( with much difficulty)  and look at phun´s pale face. I stare at his furrowed eyebrows and at his eyelids that are pressed tightly. He´s clearly suffering. His eyes are usually bright and his lips are always tinted light orange, but now, he´s pale like a ghost and hardly resembles his normal self. And this is all because of me.

When i remember this, i decide to just let my whole body sink into his broad chest and allow its owner to hold me tightly. He´s still about being cold. I hope i can replace the comforter and bring him some warmth, even if it´s just a little bit. I wrap my arms around his waist and press my head against his chest. I feel more comfortable than i ever thought i would and before i realize it, i take another trip to dreamland. 


( Phuns point of view )


I could be brown, I could be blue, I could be violet sky..


My phone´s ring tone drags me out of my dreams and wakes me up to find noh sleeping soundly on top of me, with my arms wrapped up around him. I give out a yelp of surprise before I can help it and he wakes up immediately and looks at me sleepily as he rubs his eyes. ¨Don´t even. It was you who got us into this.¨, he points an accusing finger at me and I look  at him puzzled. W-what did I did to him?

I could be hurtful, I could be purple, I could be anything you like..

¨Well, arent you going to answer your phone?¨, He reminds me of my phone that´s still ringing and get´s off of me, seating on the edge of the bed. I watch him crane his neck left and right. He then yawns and rubs his eyes some more. 

Why don´t you like me? Why don´t you like me? Why don´t you walk out the door?

Suddenly he turns to look at me with irritation,¨ Are you going to keep staring at me like an idiot or are you going to answer that damn phone?¨ I nod my head and grab my phone from the nighstan, to find my girlfriend´s picture on the screen. I don´t think about it twice before answering. I didnt want to make her wait any longer.

¨ Hello?¨, I answer her and hear her booming voice on the other line, ¨why weren´t you picking up your phone?¨ 

¨Sorry. I was asleep. What´s up?¨, I use my sweet tone on her to calm her down and it seems to work because she drops it quickly, ¨ Phun. When are you picking me up? You promised you would buy me a pair of shoes today, remember?¨ 

¨Hmm. Can we do that tomorrow? I dont feel well today..¨, I hope that she understands but I know Aim very well. To her, a promise is a promise. ¨How come? But you promised me you would take me today! I had been looking forward to it all day long! You cant do this to me!..¨, She protests for a while until i give in, ¨ Okay. ill be there in an hour.¨

Once we hang up, I glance at Noh who seems startled. ¨Dont tell me you are gonna go on a date..¨, He asks me with a worried expression and give him a wry smile. ¨ Not exactly a date. Im just going to take Aim to buy some shoes. After that, ill come back and rest, dont worry..¨, I lethargically answer him as I place my phone on the nightstan. 

¨It doesnt matter! You are in no condition to do that!¨, He tells me with frustration and I bring my hand to caress the top of his head.¨ Im going to be okay, dont worry. Plus, I did make a promise to her and a promise is a promise.¨, I try to reassure him but he only sulks and jerks away, and answers codly, ¨ Not if it means hurting yourself.¨

I am taken aback by his boldness and stare at him puzzled until his expression tenders and he apologizes, ¨ I´m sorry, phun. I´m in no position to boss you, i know, I just kind of got caught in the moment, that´s all.¨ I shake my head and try to reassure him that it´s alright, before laying down on the bed. Soon after, he lies down next to me. ¨ Actually, I wanted to apologize to you..¨, He breaks the silence after a while.

¨ About what?¨, I ask him, not knowing what he was being sorry about now. ¨ Im the reasson you couldnt go to school today.¨, He states and I look at him puzzled, ¨ How is this your fault?¨ 

¨ I was the one who started messing around with the shampoo yesterday, and now you´re sick.¨, He tells me. ¨We both did, so how is it only your fault?¨, I argue back.¨ If i hadn´t forget about my scooter, then you wouldnt have needed to help me wash it.¨, He tells me ¨ If i hadnt asked you to spend the night, then you wouldnt have forgotten your scooter.¨, I argue back again. ¨If i hadnt stopped by so late, then you wouldnt have needed to invite me to spend the night.¨, Seriously, wont he let it go? ¨ If i had been more clear at the student council office, then you wouldnt have needed to come to my house.¨, I aint letting him win though. 

¨But..¨, He begins but i hush him off, ¨ Enough, enough, either of us arent at fault, okay now?¨

¨ No. Its not your fault. Its my fault.¨,  He insist once again but I am not letting him have it, ¨ Its not my fault, then its not your fault either, okay? Now lets stop please.¨ 

¨Fine, okay..¨, He agrees but by his sad look I can tell he still blames himself. I show him a reassuring smile, ¨Stop stressing over it. Promise me?¨ I bring my pinky finger out and wait for him to seal the promise with his. He looks at me reluctantly first but ends giving in. We lock our pinkies together and smile at each other. This was our second promise and I felt joyful inside out. Normally, whenever I made a promise with someone I would feel insecure because I wasnt sure if I or the other person would get disappointed. But making a promise with Noh felt different. I felt trust. He brought me the feeling of trust and an inmense joy. 

How could he hold such a power over me? 

Noh, just what are you and what do I want you to be..?


A ¨bestfriend¨ is someone who will love you the day you forget to love yourself.






( Writer´s Note )


Okay. i updated the first half of this chapter early this morning, but then I began writing the second half and well, it took me less than I thought it would. Anyways, I will probably make an announcement to tell all of those that read the first half that the second is already joined with the first half! Also therem ight be a lot of mistakes because like ive said im not used to my mothers keyboard and its a pain in the to go back using it. Thats all! Please comment and subscribe!




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FhayAsh #1
🥺 reading in 2021 n no update 💔authooor😭
FhayAsh #2
🥺 reading in 2021 n no update 💔authooor😭
Chapter 13: Yup just as I predicted it's awesome. Good luck got the next chapter
Chapter 13: It's been a year so I figure you've decided to drop this. It's really a cool fan fic so if you have any time in the future it would be great if you could pick it back up. Hope you're doing better, fighting!!!
Chapter 13: Still no up date...
fakefaketone #6
I really WANNA READ na
Erixbonillo #7
Muy feliz porque volvieras y sigas escribiendo aunque sea poco a poco y continúes con esta novela ya que es la mejor versión que hay , así que espero por tus actualizaciones de este fanfic. ..y no te en tristes cas con tus seres queridos , consulta el correr de los días se suavizan las cosas ta lo verás.
fakefaketone #8
Chapter 13: Hello,awesome author, please update na
Erixbonillo #9
Chapter 13: Hola como estan ....cuando actualizan que es espectacular su versión de lovesick.
fakefaketone #10
Chapter 13: When will you post the nexts? Please go on