Days like this comes only once in a lifetime...

11/11/11 is as special as you are


You sat down at your same old desk, waiting for your teacher to arrive. Holidays had already begun but you were still stuck in your little rowdy classroom, preparing for the National exam taking place the year ahead. You groaned and took out a blank piece of paper and lay it on the table. You took a quick glance at the clock hanging on the wall in front of the class.


*Its only 12pm. Half an hour before school ends...*  You sighed. 


You took out your cute Rilakkuma pen that your sister bought for you and started to scribble on the paper. Time passed and someone sat beside you. You turned to see one of your best friends, MinYoung. She smiled to you and join you since she was super bored too. You smiled at MinYoung and started to doodle again. You felt your phone vibrate. Curiously you took out your phone and check whom the message was from. 


Hey, _______ you there?



An unexpected smile formed on your lips as you read who it was from. You checked around for any teachers before proceeding to click on 'reply'. You replied back, 'Yeah I'm here.' Hitting the send button you noticed MinYoung was already slyly smiling at you. You felt yourself blush. You did not need to hide it, she knows your little crush for Hoya, your senior in dance class. He had helped you with the dance routine for school performances. Well either that or the other way around. You had always been secretly admiring Hoya's dances. He was so passionate about it, he was your motivation even though most people in the dance crew thought you were only showing-off, but you stayed in dance just to be with him. Even the teacher-in-charge told you had the talent and you were sort of sent to Hoya for further perfecting your talent. That was all that happened the past 3 years.


I'm kind of bored, you wanna hang out today? My treat.



You eagerly said yes to the offer and then giggled. MinYoung stared at you. You smiled ever so widely. Right on time the school bell rang and since there were no teachers in the class your classmates rushed out of school. It was the last day. After that day, it was holidays all the way till next year. You slung your bag on your shoulder and walked out of the classroom only to bang onto someone. You scrunched your face and looked at the person. 

"Hoya sunbae!" You cried in shock. 

MinYoung came beside you and pushed back your jaw up, closing your mouth. Hoya chuckled.

"School has ended right?" He grinned, that particular grin that you loved so much. You nodded. Hoya turned to look at MinYoung, "I can have her for today right?"

MinYoung pushed you away from her. 

"You can have her. She's so boring." MinYoung playfully said. 

"Yah. I'm not boring." You whined. 

"Whatever, Go." MinYoung laughed. 


With the permission Hoya took your hand and pulled you out of the school property. Hoya was dressed casually but fashionably as always.  He dropped by the school since he himself wanted to pick you up. The two of you ran to the bus stop and Hoya paid for the fare. Hoya carefully led you to the back seats. 

"So, where are we going?" You asked.

"Hmm... How about Lunch, then Shopping then, a walk?" Hoya tapped his chin. 

"That sounds both tiring and exciting." You slump your shoulders, feeling exhausted already.

"Don't worry, with the great Hoya around there's nothing to be afraid of." He proudly stuck his nose in the air. 

You hit him lightly, “The Great Hoya huh?"

"Yeah. Why? You don't like it?" Hoya looked at you.

"No. I prefer ‘the normal guy Hoya’." You pouted.

"Why?" Hoya raised a brow.

"If you were ‘The Great Hoya’ then all the girls would be swooning over you and you would spend lesser time with me." You spoke while playing with your fingers, without having a second thought. 

"What was that?" Hoya smirked. 

Your eyes rounded at what you had just said and turned red. 


"I think you're imagination's running a bit too wild." Hoya pinched your nose.

"Sunbae!" You yelped. 




The bus trip was filled with fun and laughter. When the bus finally reached the destination, the two of you squeezed out and walked into a small dukkbokki shop. It was the best one in town. Hoya ordered and the two of you sat down at the table near the door. The place was filled with workers from everywhere since it was Lunch time. Hoya softly gazed at you as you started to look around. 

*Today's the day...*  Hoya thought. 

The two of you ate the food happily and went of to the second to-do list of the day; shopping. It was much crowded than usual as it was the holidays. You were sort of having a tough time trying to find your way through the thick crowd. Hoya noticed and held onto your hand. He swiftly pulled you in front of him and secured you away from the banging and pushing. You felt warm and safe in that position. The two of you were finally away from the crowd and went to the nearest shopping centre. You walked into the first shop and saw a cool cap. Your eyes glittered and your finger gently traced the circumference of it. Hoya saw how you were practically drooling at the cap and laughed.

"You want that?" Hoya came next to you.

You quickly snapped out of your daze and shook your head, "No."

You walked out of the store.


Time passes by quickly when your having fun and so it did. You were carrying a small plastic bag filled with candy while Hoya had two plastics bags. When you asked what he bought he only replied,"Guy's stuff." You skipped out of the shopping center and noticed that the moon was already shining brightly in the night sky. You gasp, "Night already?"

Hoya check the time, "Its already 10:15pm" You felt a little uneasy.

"Uh..Sunbae, I think i need to go back home or I'm dead." You mumbled.

"Alright, I'll take you home.."  Hoya smiled but his voice sounded disappointed. 

The two of you took the bus back to your house and you stepped down from the bus at the bus stop nearest to your house. Hoya walked beside you as the silence filled the air. It was only a few blocks away from your house. Hoya eagerly glanced at the time again. 11:02pm.

*Time move faster!*  Hoya grunted. 

He nervously looked at you and then turned back when you turned to him. You were only about 10 steps away from your house when Hoya grabbed your wrist.


"_____-ah." He whispered.

"Neh sunbae-nim?" You looked at him.

He stole another glance, 11:10pm 59 seconds. 

* 59, 1, 2,3 * He counted in his mind still looking at the clock.

"Sunbae...Waeyo?" You tilt your head slightly to have a better look of his face.

*10!* His eyes widened and then quickly pulling you to a kiss. You were caught off guard and your eyes were shocked. You looked at how Hoya was passionate about it; you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to sink into the kiss. It turned to be a sweet and passionate kiss. Hoya pulled away and gazed at you.


"I Love you....Be Mine." He whispered leaning his forehead against yours. 

You were dumb-founded. He had just confessed to you in a blink of an eye. 

"Uh...." was all you could produce, you couldn't find the right words. 

"Today is 11/11/11, It is a special day that comes only once in a lifetime and i've kissed you exactly on 11:11:11 tonight, which makes it all the more special. You're special to me _____-ah... Someone like you comes only once in a lifetime and i can't let that opportunity slip away. I love you, please accept my love." Hoya expressed his feelings. 

"I...I..Yes.." You finally made a decision. 

Hoya was surprised that you had just said yes. He immediately held you by your waist and held you up with his well built arms, spinning you around. Before you reached the floor he kissed you a second time and this time the two of you were smiling. 


"Sunbae, i'm dizzy." You laughed. 

"Call me Oppa." He let you down and hugged your waist looking into your eyes.

"HO-YA- OP-PA." You said every syllable. 

"Much better." He grinned. 

"I think I need to go in now or you won't see me forever." You pulled away.

"I'll text you." He smiled and watched as you walked to your house.

"Alright, Goodnight Hoya Oppa...and Thank You." 

"Good Night Baby." He waved. 


You walked in and went straight into your room. You ran to the front window and saw Hoya walking down the path. You smiled. Then you saw Hoya stretched his arms in the air and yelled 'I've got my girl on the bestest day ever!'. You shook your head at you silly crush, no wait, Your silly boyfriend. 


Happy 11/11/11 :D

Wish for something tonight at 11:11pm at 11seconds. 

Hope your wishes comes true

Heehee~ Bye and Thank You for reading. :D 

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wonwoojpeg #2
Sweeeeeet!♥ [:
kya!! so cute X3
KissKissKiss #4
OMO! O_o i also have Rilakkuma pen, Hahaha. My friend from Korea bought me it last summer :) And the 2nd weird thing is that my best friend's korean name is MinYoung, haha. Weird coincidence.<br />
Well thank you for this fanfick. I really liked it~ 잘 읽었어요 ^^
ThePowerChaserToYou #7
Omg!!! So sweet!!! I'm smiling like idiot!!!! >///<
jasdeepsingh229 #8
AAAAAAAAAW!! so sweet!!
I.. omg.. I.. I LOVED IT!!! @_@!!