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Personal Message

Special note for people who will read my fanfictions

Idea for my fanfiction came to my head one spring day. I started to write it early summer. But then, the things i crated started to get real or changes. I've been confused. I started to think 'it's this inpossible?' I tried to create fiction, but life caught up me.  I hope people won't be amd at me for changing facts.
And contrary, they kept asking is this what i wrote, the truth? Oh, when it comes to dates and historic inforamtion, i wrote as much as should in fanfiction. Some characters live and i didn't even changed names, i just asked about permission to use it. The same thing is with places. Writer isn't an architect. I can change real life. But now i didn't have to...
Many of those things are just relfection of real life. My life. That happened...or could happen.